through 01/31, “The Lives They Left Behind”.(Science, Industry & Business Library, 188 Madison Ave, 34 St) A photography exhibit of luggage brought to Willard Psych Hospital by patients.
01/10 Thu 2 PM Paratransit Eligibility 101
*new 01/10 Thu 5:30 PM Sign Language Interpreted Programs:- docent-led ASL tour of Camille Pissarro: Impressions of City and Country.(Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) A Wine reception will follow. Free with museum admission, Advance registration required 212.423.3225, TTY 212.660.1515, or
*new 01/10 Thu 5-7 PM, Bx Chapter of the NAMI (Bx Psychiatric Center, Parker Building Dept of Psychiatry, 1500 Water Pl - First Floor, Br) Saving Lives: Antipsychotics and the Risks of Diabetes, Nora Weinerth - Chair Wellness Committee, NAMI-NYS RSVP: Paulina Magnetti or June Rodriques 718-862-3347 Refreshments will be served Parking available
*new 01/11 Fri 4-7 PM , the opening of Assembly Member Micah Kellner’s new community office. (315 E 65 St, Lower Level, 1st & 2nd Ave)
*new 01/12 Sat 10 AM-2 PM, Intro to Designing Streets for Neighborhood Life (Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus Room 708) Spend a Saturday walking with Michael King of Nelson\Nygaard and learn how streets can be transformed with great urban design.
*new 01/13 Sun 11 AM Press Event: City Council Oversight: Department of Investigation. Committee: The Road Map for Better Transportation Options for People with Disabilities (City Hall) RSVP Kelly Foster by Noon Fri 212-341-0342 or
1/13 Sun 11 AM-2 PM, Yad HaChazakah -The Jewish Disability Empowerment Center (JDEC) public launch (Yeshiva Toras Emes Kamenitz, 1904 Ave N - E 19 St, B’klyn) Keynote: Chava Willig Levy. Join Assembly Member Dov Hikind, Comm, Matthew Sapolin (MOPD) & other community dignitaries to hear about JDEC’s programs & plans for the future. Serving Jews from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, JDEC is run fully in accordance with Orthodox precepts and therefore is responsive to the unique cultural characteristics of those living Torah-observant lives. Wheelchair accessible & sign language interpreters.Business attire & yarmulkes please. RSVP: or 212-284-6936
01/13 Sun Noon Board; 1:30-4:30 Meeting DIA (Selis Manor, 135 W. 23 St, 6-7 Aves) Tel/Fax 718-261-3737
01/15 Tue, Man CB application deadline 212-669-8300
01/16 Wed 10 AM House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee - Hearing - Community Choice Act & other long term care issues (2123 Rayburn HOB, Wash DC) ADAPT is looking for a BIG turnout, If you have a orange shirt, wear it because it showed up very well not only in the hearing room, but on the internet as well! This hearing will keep the momentum going for passage of CCA and reform of the long term services & supports system. It will be web cast!~
*new 01/16, Wed 4:15 PM Verbal Imaging Open Tour: From The New Yorker to Shrek: The Art of William Steig (Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) Free with museum admission, Advance registration required 212.423.3225, TTY 212.660.1515, or
*new 01/16 Wed 6 PM, Book signing Nothing Is Impossible (Hue-Man Bookstore- 2319 Frederick Douglas Blvd. Harlem) It an empowerment tool for the disabled, their families and caregivers by Calvin Peterson of DIA Atlanta. For info:
01/18, 8:15 AM The Center for NYC Law Breakfast (47 Worth St, Church - West Broadway) Christine C. Quinn on "Responsible Governing: Making City Government More Accountable to the People it Serves." RSVP:
*new 01/18 Fri 10 AM. New York Network for Action on Medicare and Social Security (JASA Greene Residence, 200 E. 5 St, 3rd Ave) .Richard Gottfired, chair of the Assembly Committee "New York Health Plus" & prospects for the 2008 legislative session
01/18 Fri 10 – Noon, Medicare Orientation (Nat’l Govt. Services - 800 Second Ave, 3rd Floor, 42-43 Sts) for new beneficiaries, caregivers, & professionals comprehensive overview of Medicare, Medigap, M/care Advantage, Part D & Savings Programs. RSVP: 212-476-2289 Fax: 212-476-7617
01/21- 02/25 Virtual Town Meeting - State Plan for Voc Rehabilitation & Supported Employment services - Fed FY 09 post your comments on an interactive web page
01/22 Tues 9:30-11:30 AM NYers for Affordable Health Care (MS Society, 733 Third Ave, 45-46 St) RSVP: Linda Ostreicher 646-442-4153
*new 01/22 Tue Queens BP’s Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities –second annual Legal & Cultural Resources Day (Kew Gardens Community Center, 80-02 Kew Gardens Rd – Queens) Get Information on . . Legal Services; Cultural Programs & Linguistically & Culturally Sensitive Resources 718-286-2680
01/22, 2-3:30 PM Man BP Disability Task Force 1 Centre St, 19 fl South) speaker Ms. La Brea from NYCHA Accommodation: Clarice Brown 212-6698-1000 or (02/26, 03/25, 04/22, 05/20, 06/24, 09/23, 09/28, 10/28 11/25 & 12/23
01/23 Voter registration deadline for 02/05 NYS Presidential Primary
01/23 3 PM DBTAC Southwest ADA Center - Access to Healthcare, Beth Sufian
01/23 Securing Funding for a New Travel Training Program click on distant learning
01/24 2 PM Free ASL Tea Time Tour From New Yorker to Shrek:The Art of William Steig .(Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) A light reception will follow. Free with museum admission, Advance registration required 212.423.3225, TTY 212.660.1515, or
01/25-28 Fri – Mon SILC Congress 2008: collaboration|innovation working together like never before (New Orleans, LA)
01/28 Mon New York Association on Independent Living (NYAIL) - Legislative Day, an opportunity to visit with Legislators & speak with them about issues concerning PWD
01/29 Tue 9 –Noon, NYC Employment & Training Coalition's Annual NYC Jobs Outlook & Trends Forum (Con Edison 4 Irving Pl, Union Square) the latest jobs information from labor market experts, business & economic development leaders. Register by 1/18 for discount. Lisa Moore at: 212.253.6811
*new 01/29 Tue 8 AM bus leaves! NAMI-NYS’ National Alliance on Mental Illness-New York State Annual Legislative Conference (LOB Albany) Bus will leave Bronx Psychiatric Center PROMPTLY at 8:00AM Please call 718-862-3347 for information and seating reservation Lunch will be served
*new 01/30 Wed 3-4:30 PM State Plan for Voc Rehabilitation & Supported Employment services - Fed FY 09 (CGS, 52 Broadway ) ID required WC accessible / .Interpreters upon request. Accommodations deadline 1/20: 800-222-5627 (voice /TTY) referencing "State Plan Meeting.
*01/31 Thu 6:30-8:30 PM, Celebration & Open House : SAGE's 30th Anniversary! (305 Seventh Ave, 6th Floor, 27-28 Sts) RSVP Call 212-741-0347 or email
02/01 Fri Deadline for applications to Bx Community Board Info: 718-590-3914 or www.
02/05 ESPA Distant Learning Selected Topics in Paratransit Eligibility: Conditional Eligibility info: click on distant learning
*new 02/07 3-7 PM, the NYC Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT) is Cable Hearing (Manhattan Community College, 199 Chambers S) The cable franchises are up in 09/08 - ; what should DoITT include in any franchise agreement (public access cable television, consumer support etc). The Man BP is advocating for a Cable TV Civic Channel. Verizon is currently negotiating with DoITT to obtain video to add to its phone and Internet package. franchise hearings will be scheduled in each boro.
02/10 Sun Noon Board; 1:30-4:30 PM DIA (Selis Manor, 135 W. 23 St, 6-7 Aves) Tel/Fax 718-261-3737 (03/09; 04/13; 05/18; 06/22, 07/20 & 0817 (if needed), 09/07, 10/05, 11/02, 12/07-Party
*new 2/11, 10 – Noon ADA Compliance Committee Meeting (MTA, 2 Broadway, 20th Floor, NY Beaver –Stone) 646-252-3053 to RSVP required & to request – ASL interpretator, assistive listening device or any other type of assistance, Photo IOD required to enter building. AGENDA: Key Station Plan Update, Department Of Buses - Paratransit Division & Questions/Comments
02/12 Tue 2:30-4 PM State Plan for Voc Rehabilitation & Supported Employment Services for Fed FY 09 (SRC, Hilton Garden Inn, 62 New Scotland Ave Albany), WC accessible,. Interpreters upon request. Accommodations deadline 2/02: 800-222-5627 (voice / TTY) referencing "State Plan Meeting. id required
02/13 Wed 10:30-noon, State Plan for Voc Rehabilitation & Supported Employment Services FY 09 (VESID, 109 South Union St, Rochester), WC accessible, Interpreters upon request. Accommodations deadline 2/02: 800-222-5627 (voice or TTY) referencing "State Plan Meeting. id required
02/13 Wed 1-3 PM, Medicare Orientation (Nat’l Gov’t Services - 800 Second Avenue 3rd Floor, 42-43 Sts) for new beneficiaries, caregivers, & professionals comprehensive overview of the Medicare Medigap insurance, Medicare Advantage, Part D & Savings Programs. Light refreshments RSVP: 212-476-2289 Fax: 212-476-7617
*new 02/14 & 15 9 am—4:30 pm, Social Security Benefits Training- Myths, Tips, Tricks & How to Make It Work (Lincoln, 234 E 149 St Bx)) Do you know how to help someone get benefits in 60 days or less? Do you know how to go back to work and keep your benefits? Do you know how to ask for a waiver if you owe Social Security overpayments? If you answered NO to any of these questions, then you will benefit from this intensive two day training! All Participants who register for this comprehensive training have to share the information to help someone else obtain Social Security Benefits or SSI Registration: Digna Quinones 212-330-1650ext 386 / Fax: 212-330-6359 / RTSVP by 2/06
*new 02/25 Mon 7:30 PM, A Bridge Between Silence and Sound (East Meadow Public Library, Front Street & East Meadow Ave, East Meadow) Focuses on hearing loss and the Cochlear Implant, a cutting-edge, but controversial technology that gives the deaf and hard-of-hearing the ability to hear sounds. Mario Cuomo narrates. The Library is located on N48 and N49 bus routes which go between Hempstead & Hicksville It is about 15 minutes from either station however the last bus is about 8:45 pm (the film is 57 minutes) For info on train schedule go to mta/info
03/10-15 23rd Annual International Technology & PWD Conference (Los Angeles, CA) For those interested in learning how technology can advance the independence of PWDs
04/02 Wed 9:30-4 PM Employment & Visual Impairment: Policy & Practice (Baruch College, CUNY) Sponsored by: Baruch College's Computer Center for Visually Impaired People (CCVIP) School of Public Affairs (SPA) and Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD)
04/21-24 Mon-Thurs, 2008 Mobility Planning Services Institute (Renaissance Wash Hotel, DC) teams of leaders from the disability world & transportation share information & strategies to improve access to transportation
04/26-30, ADAPT Community: 25 Years of Activism and Counting. Grassroots Actions.(Washington DC) Info , 512-442-0252 or 303-733-9324
04/27-28 Families Together in NYS Annual Conference Youth Development: (Marriott Hotel, Albany)
05/01, ADAPT 25th Anniv. BBQ, Exhibition & Show.(Washington DC) Food, music, exhibits, history, multi-media, faces & voices from ADAPT past , 512-442-0252 or 303-733-9324
05/12-14 Mon-Wed, National ADA Symposium & Expo: Conference on the ADA & Disability Law (St. Louis, MO)
05/15 10th Anniv. Technology Opens Doors Gov’s Expo on Assistive Technology (Empire State Plaza Convention Center Albany, NY) exhibits & workshops on assistive devices and services. + tutorials in all aspects of accessible web development.
recurrent 3rd Wed of the month 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 2044 Ocean Ave, Suite B-3, Ave O & P) 718-998-3000
recurrent every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) Rubin or 212 245 0004
recurrent last Sat of the month Free Legal Clinic:: 2-2:30 for appointments -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President St, entry on President. go down ramp at the green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137.AAR: drop off at 1 Prospect Park W.)
Duane Reade Accessibility Problems? Gavin Kearney 888-342-3428.or
Empire State Voting Watch Dogs - NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA We are a coalition of consumers, advocates and professional organizations which seeks to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for New Yorkers with disabilities of any kind. Our coalition name is NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA). NYDGEVA's goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become eduated and mobilized to work on voting accessibility issues. It was further agreed that the best way to communicate would be by forming a Yahoo Group. If you are interested in insuring the voting rights of New Yorkers with disabilities, please join our group. Subscribe & join by emailing: NYLPI’s Opportunity & Access Survey to find out what barriers to services & to physical settings are most important to PWDs especially who don't regularly contact them. NYLPI is a public interest law office that serves NYC residents with disabilities regarding disability-based discrimination & access issues.
PWDs must be represented on Community Boards! CBs are local government bodies in the New York City boroughs. Members are appointed by the Borough President. Each Community Boards consists of 50 non-paid members, half are appointed by the Borough President and half by the City Council member(s).Members Each Borough has its own application process. To be eligible to be appointed to a CB you must be a resident, work in the CB or have a particular tie to the CB. To find you CB
Manhattan deadline 01/15 info & applications: 212-669-8300 download application in Eng or Span:
Bronx: deadline 02/01 718-590-3914 download application
Brooklyn, no deadline yet determined 718-802-3777 download application
Queens deadline not yet determined, 718-286-2900 for applications
Staten Island no deadline not yet determined, info 718-816-2000. application: Bridges to Health is a comprehensive community care program, created by Office of Children & Family Services, DOH with input from the OMH & MRDD It will provide expanded and enhanced services to at least 3,300 foster children with disabilities from 2008-2011.These children typically have serious emotional problems or developmental disabilities or are medically fragile. The program also will serve their families, including birth parents, foster parents, pre-adoptive parents, and siblings. or call 866-RFBD-585 Marion Huber Learning Through Listening Awards are national awards exclusively for high school seniors with LD. RFB&D annually awards three winners $6,000 each; and three Winners $2,000 each. Applicants must: have a specific learning disability (please note that visual impairment alone does not indicate eligibility for this award); have been registered as an RFB&D member for at least one year, up to and including the period of 03/07/07 – 03/03/08 (individually or through a school); be a member of the 2008 graduating class of a high school or home school in the US or its territories; have and overall grade point average of B or above (or equivalent), based on grade levels 10-12; and plan to continue formal education beyond high school at either a two- or four-year college or vocational school Deadline: 3/3/08
Housing - Newly Constructed Apartments For 38 Affordable Rental Apartments in Clinton Hill (15 Quincy S), B’lyn - Pratt Area Community. - "'FREEDOM MACHINES' should be required viewing for anyone who works with disabled individuals. The award-winning PBS film shows how assistive technology is enabling people from ages 8-93 to actively participate in their communities, to work and live independently. Back to School Special currently in effect - enter code 2TCZY3 for a 35% discount! Rachel Gordon 212-222-8580 Action Alert – Support New York’s efforts to create more accessible housing in its Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), NYS DHCR has included language that would help create more accessible, affordable, integrated housing. Specifically, DHCR is establishing Visitability standards for housing built with assistance through the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program and rewarding builders for creating more accessible units than is currently required by law. These are great proposals that DHCR has put forth in response to years of our advocacy! Unbelievably, advocates for supportive housing and affordable housing have spoken out AGAINST these improvements in access! We need DHCR to hear from OUR advocates that ACCESS and INTEGRATION are good things! We need to support DHCR as they begin to make the changes we have been demanding! Use CapWiz to send a letter to DHCR showing your support for Visitable home and Accessible apartments! Leaders in Assistive Technology - Leaders profiles men and women working in the disability arena whose efforts are improving the lives of PWDs worldwide. Discover our newest leader.Microsoft Users to "Save as DAISY" Microsoft Corp. and the Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) Consortium have a joint standards-based development project that will make it possible for computer users who are blind or print-disabled to make better use of assistive technology in their daily lives. Toys for the Holidays for Children WDs Parents and other family members want to ensure that the child with a disability is included in the holiday spirit of giving and receiving. Before the change in the law eligible veterans and service members could receive special adaptive housing grants of $10,000 or $50,000 from VA only once. Now they may use the benefit up to three times. VA has mailed more than 16,000 letters to eligible veterans, reaching out to those who used only a portion of their grant or who decided not to use the grant even after initially qualifying. NCIL Logistic Coordinator- NCIL is seeking applications for an individual to coordinate its Annual Conference and assist with planning logistics for board meetings and special events The U.S. Dept of Educ's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) recently issued a policy letter addressing students with disabilities access to advanced programs. OCR reaffirmed that section 504 and Title II of ADA require that qualified students with disabilities be given the same opportunities to compete for and benefit from accelerated programs and classes as are given to students without disabilities. Graduate opportunity for students interested in disability & employment -– Douglas Kruse is a PWD (paraplegia requiring wheelchair use), he is very interested in recruiting and funding students interested in disability. The Dept has several government-funded studies designed to understand and increase employment opportunities for PWDs 1. Working with researchers at other universities on a study of corporate culture and disability funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, doing case studies of large U.S. companies to understand how company policies and attitudes create both barriers and opportunities for PWDs 2. a 5-year center to study employer demand for PWDs, with projects relating disability to employment projections, contingent work, and layoffs/downsizing. They plan to include Ph.D. students in these and other projects and help them become expert scholars in disability and employment. Deadline for 9/08 is 02/01 For info, contact Douglas Kruse Industrial Relations and Human Resources Program 732-445-5991 / Fax: 732-445-2830 On 02/1/09, television stations in the US will stop broadcasting in analog and switch to 100% digital broadcasting. At that time, you can watch TV using one of the following options: • Keep your existing analog TV and purchase a converter box. • Keep your existing analog TV and use cable, satellite, or another pay service (if you already have pay TV services, your TV viewing will be uninterrupted). • Use a TV with a digital tuner. If you plan to continue using analog televisions without any pay TV services, you can apply for up to two coupons per household to use towards the purchase of converter boxes. The coupons, which are being provided by the federal government, are worth $40 each. Janice Schacter of the Hearing Access Program was recently on Inside City Hall with Domic Carter as well as featured in People Magazine. How to Appeal a Decision on Your SS Disability Claim Online. This is a review of SSA's medical decision about your eligibility for disability benefits. There are two parts: (1) an Appeal Request Internet form and, (2) an Appeal Disability Report that gives us more information about your condition. You can complete both forms online.
EM Prentiss