1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power and Participation in PWDs Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (South Dakota!) Access Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs the largest identifiable bloc of non-voters
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or
2nd Mon 6 PM 504 Dems (332 E 29th St)
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
3rd Tues10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council (for parents of People with DD (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or
4th Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south) Clarice Brown 212-669-8300
Every Tues, Trsining for Housing Advocates (Legal Aid Society 111 Livingston St, 7th floor, B’klyn)
1st Wed 6:30 PM, disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) $5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description available upon request. Space is WC accessible. Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160
2nd Wed, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx) info 718-231-3400 x 202 or
3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) come together and support one another, to share our experience, strengthen, and hope. Light refreshments or
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) or 212 245 0004
3rd Fri 7-10 PM, Fri ASL Tour (Rubin Museum of Art,150 W 17 St, meet at the bottom of the Spiral Staircase) learn about the culture, history, religions and sacred art of the Himalayan region Louise Brooks 212 620 5000 x328
last Fri 3-5 PM, NYC Peer Network Group: Hearing Voices Group: (Community Access, 666 Broadway, 4FL Conf Rm, Bleecker-Bond Sts) Share your beliefs on what “the voices” are & learn how others experience their “auditory hallucinations.” Your experience may be unique, but you are not alone..212-780-1400 Ext 7728
Last Sat Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off:1 Prospect Park W.)
*NEW 05/29-07/03 Thu 6:30-8 PM, School of Visual Arts (SVA) Art Therapy Groups for Women Service Members (Active Duty & Vets) (132 W 21 St, 3rd Floor, 6-7 Ave) Art Therapy uses the creative process to help create meaning & insight from emotions or trauma. Particularly effective for PTSD Info & registration: Val Sereno, 212- 592-2419
6/9-27 Olmstead and Community Registration Deadline: 7/21 Teleconference Orientation 6/5 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
08/04-11 Emergency Preparedness / Registration Deadline: 5/26 Teleconference Orientation 7/31 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
*NEW 05/30 Fri 10 AM, NYS Assembly Standing Committee On Mental Health, MR & DD Public Hearing: Workforce Issues & The Disabled Population.(Assembly Hearing Room, 250 Broadway 19th floor) To determine if current laws, regulations and programs adequately protect & support PWDs in regard to employment. Bill Eggler 518-455-4371 Fax 518-455-4693
05/30 Fri 10 AM, NY Network for Action on Medicare and Soc Sec (Cooper Sq Housing, 200 E 5 St) guest speaker Dina Wizmur (Medicare Rights Center) on efforts in Congress to reform/fix Medicare Part D Mark your calendar: 09/26 & 11/21. Molly 212-273-5260
*UP DATED 05/31 Sat 10:30 AM -2:30 PM, UWS St Renaissance Campaign (West Side YMCA, 5 W 63 St) participatory workshop to create street designs that reflect the concerns of the people who use them daily *RSVP is required! 646-873-6020
06/01 My Time Inc Parent Supporting Parent Walkathon http:///
06/01 Sun 1:15-3:15 PM, ASL Interpreted Tour: Piecing It Together and Kitchen Conversations 1:15 PM-3:15 PM (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) See how the Levine family operated a garment factory in their apartment & the Rogarshevsky family confronts “tailors’ disease.” After the tour- a facilitated conversation to share your perspective on immigration & related issues. Ages 8+ Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
06/02 Mon, Attorney Gen Cuomo’s Chinatown Community Forum (Project Open Door Senior Citizens Center, 168 Grand St) focusing on priority issues: immigration fraud; consumer protection; workers rights; & civil rights. We look forward to discussing these and other topics, but most importantly we are looking forward to hearing directly from you. Simultaneous translations Light refreshments. Questions, 212- 416-8839
*NEW 06/02 Mon 10:30 AM Brooklyn Consumer Council- Trainsportation Council (B’klyn Dev Ctr, 888 Fountain Ave, Large Conference Room)
06/02 Mon 6-8:30 PM, 504 Dems (332 E 29th St, 212-781-8309
06/02 Mon 6 PM, DL21C's Political Author Series: David Sirota - The Uprising: An Unauthorized Tour of the Populist Revolt Scaring Wall Street and Washington (Red Sky, 47 E. 29th St, Park-Madison) Books available for purchase and signing
06/02 Mon 6:30-8 PM, Women for President: Media Bias in Eight Campaigns (Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Citigroup Center, 50th Floor 153 E 53 St.) races the campaigns of eight women who ran for president through 2004. Dr. Erika Falk, Johns Hopkins University the former research director - Washington office of the Annenberg Public Policy Center & author of Women for President. RSVP REQUIRED 212-868-4080
06/02-03 Mon-Tue, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Wash DC) to increase accessible transportation in your community
*NEW 06/03 Tue 10 AM, City Council Transportation Committee – Oversight clean air taxis – how realistic are the City’s MPG mandate (City Hall, Committee room) To testify: Gary Altman 212-788-7219
*NEW 06/03 Tues10 AM City Council Housing & Buildings Committee – Intro 221-A Grab bars (City Hall, Chamber) To require installation of grab bars and non-slip treads for seniors & PWDs who reside in multiple dwelling buildings. Questions: Peter Pastor 212-788-7722 To testify: Gary Altman 212-788-7219
06/04 Wed 9-11 AM, Pre-Booking Jail Diversion/Crisis Intervention Teams (Fordham Univ, 140 W 62 St, Columbus) Register / Lisa Ortega or 646-260-6575
06/04 Wed 4-7 PM, ‘08–12 OMRDD Comprehensive Plan (Sheraton LI Hotel on 110 Motor Pky, Hauppauge) OMRDD: intends to utilize the ideas, suggestions, and comments received through the public forums to develop a Draft Comprehensive Plan; urges self-advocates, parents of people with developmental disabilities, other family members, non-profit providers, professionals, advocates, and other interested parties to participate; Dr. Richard Evangelista 631-434-6111)
06/04 Wed 2-4 PM, DNNYC Community Forum, Comptroller Thompson (Selis Manor, 135 W 23 St, 6-7 Aves) The NYC Budget as it relates to individuals with disabilities RSVP: 212-284-4160 or & for ASL interpretation, real-time captioning, materials in alternative format
06/04 Wed 6:30 PM, Wed Member Appreciation disThis Film: QUID PRO QUO (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) /Free to paid DNNYC members/ $5 public / ASL interpretation & audio description upon request / WC accessible Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160 / Want to see QUID PRO QUO for free? Join/ renew your DNNYC membership:
06/05-06 Thu-Fri, Brain Injury Assoc of NYS, 26th Annual Conference (Albany)
06/05-08 Thu-Sun VISIONS: The Future is Now! (Rockland Co NY) Blind / low vision teens preparing for college, enrolled in college or recent grads $25 (lodging, transportation & meals) Assess your strengths, Build experience for a powerful resume, Interview with confidence, Budget for success, Understand the 21st century job market & Explore the latest in assistive tech Nancy 212.683.4950 registrations:
*NEW 06/06 Fri 8 11:45 AM, A Roundtable Capital Solutions for PWDs (NYSE, 2 Broad St) Pre-registration & photo id required to enter building.
*NEW 06/08 Sun 8:30 AM check in/9:30 start, Liver Walk 2008 Team: Walking for Super Mario (Battery Park > Castle Clinton in Battery Park, accessible from State St & Battery Place) REGISTER: 9c-b112-e961e6a59cdc (password is Mario)
06/10 Tue 2-2:45 PM: Webcast: Creative Employment Strategies - customizing jobs, supports & the outcomes that can be achieved. Practical strategies, accessing nontraditional resources, & addressing local service delivery issues
06/10 Tue 3:30-5:30 PM NYC OEM -Special Needs Advisory Group (165 Cadman Plaza East, B’kln) update on Notify NYC (a system of delivering emergency information to the public) / cooling centers for summer heat / ReadyNY & public education on emergency preparedness for seniors &PWDs
06/10-14 Tues-Sat, 20th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (Portland, Maine) meet the unique needs of college students WDs. Carrol Waite 860-486-3321, fax:860-486-5799
06/11 Wed 4-10 PM, Rent Guidelines Board - Final Vote Public Hearing, (NYC College of Tech, 285 Jay St, B’klyn Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
*NEW 06/12 Thu 3-4:30 PM, SILC-NET: Involving the Community in Decisions: Data Gathering for SILCs Judy Sharken Simon, MAP for Nonprofits & Brad Williams, NY SILC Registration Fee: $75 / Site not individuals Deadline: 06/09
06/12 Thu 1:15-2:15 PM, Verbal Imaging Open Tour Action/Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning, and American Art, 1940-1976. (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
06/13 Fri 7:30 PM, Ping Chong (Main Stage, LaGuardia Performing Arts Center, 31-10 Thomson Ave LIC) Ping Chong & Company is not afraid to talk about disabilities. PWDs & health care workers tell their stories ASL interpretation upon request wheelchair accessible.I sabelle Marsico 718 482-5151 fax:718-609-2061
06/13-17, Fri-Tues, League of Women Voters 48th Nat’l Convention: Reaching New Heights Together (Portland, OR) Daily workshops, briefings, caucuses, plenary sessions, exhibits, receptions, elections of national officers, etc. Scholarships
06/14 Sat 8:445-5 PM, A Visit to Val-Kill (bus departs from Park Ave. Armory (67th & Park) Lunch-Culinary Institute of America & a VIP tour of Val-Kill Tickets $150 per person RSVP Required: Georgie Gatch 212-213-6990
06/14 Sat 7-9 PM, Summer Has Begun Event To Benefit Helping Hands Initiative (Ricky's Candy, 280 Marsh Ave, SI) $10/ Children, $15/Adults, Pizza, Soda, Juice, Cake, Ice Cream, Coffee & Games 718-356-4737 or
*NEW 06/15 2 PM Sun, A Celebration of Eric Levine’s Life 1957-2008 (Selis Manor, 135 W 23 St 6-7 Ave) Light refreshment will be served.
06/16 Mon 10-6 PM, Rent Guidelines Board Final Vote Public Hearing (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
*NEW 06/16 Mon B’klyn BP’s Advisory Committee for PWDs & Service to the Aging: Senior/Disability Awareness Health Expo (New Utrecht Library, 1743 86 St, at Bay 17 St) Free Giveaways & Light Refreshments
06/18 Wed 7 PM. disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) Heavy Load! Band & the critically acclaimed documentary /$5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description upon request / WC accessible Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160 /
06/18-21 Wed-Sat, Society for Disability Studies, 2008 Conference (Baruch, 55 Lexington Ave, 24 St) info: /
06/19 Thu 10-3 PM JASA Volunteer Expo (UJA, 130 E 59 St, Park-Lex) 212-273-5291
06/19 Thursday 11-1 PM, Close Encounters with THOSE People: Different Perspectives on Diversity & Disability (BCID, 27 Smith St Suite 200, Livingston - Fulton Sts, B’klyn) Exciting activity based workshop designed to provide everyone with resources, strategies & valuable information to better relate to one and other & celebrate differences. Ms Jo Fenton, Training Coordinator NYS Commission on Quality of Care & Advocacy for PWDs. Hosted by Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled (BCID) & My Time.Inc Register: Lucina Clarke 718 251 0527/ or Sandrina Kingston: BCID 718-998-3000
06/19 Thu 5:30-9:30 PM Rent Guidelines Board Final Vote (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St, ) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
06/20-23, ADAPT Youth (18-30) Summit (Chicago) Veteran ADAPT members will facilitate & provide training in direct & grassroots action! Rahnee Patrick 312-663-1292 or
06/22 Sun Noon-1 Board, 1:30-4 Meeting, Disabled in Action (DIA) (135 W 23 St 6-7 Ave) or 718-261-3737
*NEW 06/23-27 Autism Network International- Autreat 2008 Living Life the Autly Way (Bradford, PA) Advance registration is required to attend Autreat. Registration must be received before 6/12
06/24 Tue 8:30-2:30 PM, B’klyn Dev Disabilities Council’s 19th Annual Family Support Fair: A Vision for New Possibilities (B’klyn College, Student Union, Campus Rd. & E 27 St) Resource Fair & Workshops: Managing Medicaid & Medicaid Managed Care, Sleep Problems & Children with Autism & Autism Spectrum Disorders, Obesity & Nutrition, Transition to Adult Services & Entitlements 718-642-8512, NY Families for Autistic Children-Joseph Baird 718 422-3227 Free to Consumers & Family / Breakfast Provided
*NEW 06/25 Wed 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM FREE housing workshop for PWDs (90 Church St, Ceremonial Room, 5 Floor / Accessible entry 90 Church St) Hosted by NYCHA & DNNYC to provide information on NYCHA's application process, priorities, practices & procedures, how to request a reasonable accommodation & grievance process. ASL & reasonable accommodations on request; NYCHA's Servi PWDs 212-306-4468 / TTY 212-306-4845 TTY
06/25-26 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Bloomington, IN) increase accessible transportation in your community
06/26 Thu 3:340 – 5:30 & 6-8:30 PM OMRDD Comprehensive Plan: ‘08 – 12 (75 Morton St) OMRDD: intends to utilize the ideas, suggestions, and comments received through the public forums to develop a Draft Comprehensive Plan; urges self-advocates, parents of people with developmental disabilities, other family members, non-profit providers, professionals, advocates, and other interested parties to participate; Yvonne Anglero 212-229-3081
07/06-09 Annual Convention of the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (The Gault House, Louisville, KY) 1-800-733-2258 [1 800 SEE-CCLV] or
07/06 Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Tour Getting By Tour(Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St)) Discover how immigrants weathered hard times at 97 Orchard Street between 1863-1935. Visit the German-Jewish Gumpertz apartment during the Panic of 1873, and the Italian- Catholic Baldizzi family during the Great Depression. Ages 8+. Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
07/08 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Autism Spectrum Disorder & Employment - effective communication, understanding social challenges & the hidden curriculum, behavior support, production competence & interdependence.
07/09-10 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Eugene, OR) A free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 05/22
07/13-17, Workforce Innovations 2008: Success Decoded (New Orleans) workforce development, business, economic development, education, community-based organizations & philanthropy
07/19 Noth Star fund raiser (Mintons, 206 W 118th St,)
08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA and Website Accessibility: recent legal developments and their potential implications.
09/8-10, NYAIL: Taking Action for Independence: Confrontation & Controversy Desmond, Albany)
09/09 Sun 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible,& Integrated Housing (Chicago IL) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. Hotel rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324
09/09 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services & how substance use qualifies as a disability.
09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Nevele Grande, Ellenville NY)
09/29 Mon 2 PM, E-Learning & Accessibility - strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning
*New 10/06 Mon 10:30 AM Brooklyn Consumer Council:Trainsportation Council ( B’klyn Dev Ctr, 888 Fountain Ave, Large Conference Room)
10/15 Wed, MOPD - Disability Mentoring Day: Career Development for the 21st Century / Job Shadowing, Career Exploration & Promoting an Inclusive Work Place)
11/07-09 Fri-Sun, ACBNY Convention (MacArthur Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma, LI) Lori Scharff 516-887-1336
Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - 888-342-3428.or - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA)a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers WDs . Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues. How Case Managers Can Help Behavioral Health Clients With Parenting & Child Custody Issues"- This tool kit is suitable for professional, educational and in-service training. It can also be used as a personal resource and training guide.
Since ADAPT's 25th Anniversary & Action in late April, 15 members of Congress (6 from NYC & 1 from upstate) & 1 Senator became co-sponsors of the Communit6y Choice Act Please go to Rochester’s Capwiz sites to send an e-mail/fax to your Senator and Representative. If they are already co-sponsors your e-mail/fax will say thank you. Iif they’re not co-sponsors, they will be urged to sign on. Please send these links to your friend & family , no matter where they live, asking them to contact their Senators & Representatives, as well.
• Community Choice Act (S.799 / HR1621) - Establishes a national program of community-based attendant services and supports for PWDs, regardless of age or disability. It allows Money to Follow the person (MFP), and allow eligible individuals, or their representatives, to choose where they would receive services and supports. Anyone entitled to nursing home or other institutional services will able to choose where and how these services are provided.
• Prosthetics parity (HR 5615) - requires health insurance plans cover prosthetic care on par with other basic medical services
• EPIC expansion (A5178/ S2644 minority S2258) includes PWDs in NYS’s Elderly Pharmaceutical insurance Coverage eligibility on same criteria as seniors
• DRIE parity (S1681) increase Disabled Rent Increase Exemption eligibility to that of Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE)
• Repeal Vacancy Decontrol (S 5149-B) halt the removal of empty apartments with a legal regulated rent or maximum rent of $2,000 from rent control & stabilization.
• Visitability (S7193) establishes minimum regulations for new single family homes, townhouses & ground unit of a building with three or less units for accessibility for the mobility impaired built using state or federal funds and subsidies. Requires: At least one no-step entrance from the street/driveway to the exterior door; All interior doors – 36’ or more clearances; Environmental controls on the ground level must be 15-48" from the ground; & An accessible bathroom on the ground level
• Polling Place Access (S6311) Requires each polling place to be accessible to physically disabled voters and provides guidelines which shall be in accordance with the accessibility requirements mandated pursuant to the ADA .
• Sovereign Immunity (S.6698) Waives NYS’s sovereign immunity to liability for violations of: ADA, Fair Labor Standards Act, Age Discrimination Act, & Family and Medical Leave Act; also waives the immunity of all instrumentalities and political subdivisions of the state.
• MTA-timely elevator/escalators maintenance (A10420/S 7348) Requires NYC or county … to make maintenance of escalators, elevators and other facilities in passenger stations a priority; requires daily inspections, …. emergency repair after two consecutive daily reports of inoperable facilities, and annual reports to the management advisory board.
• MTA PWD Council (S 7817-A) - Establishes a riders council for PWDs
• Non discrimination in housing (Intro 685), commit NYC to make sure both that it tried to overcome segregation through its policies/programs, & that it did not actually perpetuate segregation in its policies and programs For PWDs – require the Buildings Dept to identify & create a database of buildings inaccessible to wheelchair users, and notifying the owner and the Human Rights Commission: Organizations- sign on by e-mailing
• Accessible & Green Taxi (Intro 378) would gradually transform the present inaccessible fleet by requiring medallion be owners purchase accessible vehicles to replace the present vehicle
• Coop disclosure (Intro 119) require coops to provide a written statement to a family that has been rejected setting out the reasons for rejection.
Call 311, for information on who represents you (Federal, State or City)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power and Participation in PWDs Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (South Dakota!) Access Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs the largest identifiable bloc of non-voters
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or
2nd Mon 6 PM 504 Dems (332 E 29th St)
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
3rd Tues10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or
4th Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south) Clarice Brown 212-669-8300
Every Tues, Housing Advocates Training, (Legal Aid Society 111 Livingston St, 7th floor, B’klyn_
1st Wed 6:30 PM, disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) $5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description available upon request. Space is WC accessible. Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160
2nd Wed, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx) info 718-231-3400 x 202 or
3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) come together and support one another, to share our experience, strengthen, and hope. Light refreshments or
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) or 212 245 0004
3rd Fri 7-10 PM, Fri ASL Tour (Rubin Museum of Art,150 W 17 St, meet at the bottom of the Spiral Staircase) learn about the culture, history, religions and sacred art of the Himalayan region. Guide Juliet Gumbs & ASL interpreter, Andria Alefhi : or Louise Brooks 212 620 5000 x328
last Fri 3-5 PM, NYC Peer Network Group: Hearing Voices Group: (Community Access, 666 Broadway, 4FL Conf Rm, Bleecker-Bond Sts) Share your beliefs on what “the voices” are & learn how others experience their “auditory hallucinations.” Your experience may be unique, but you are not alone..212-780-1400 Ext 7728
last Sat Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off: 1 Prospect Park W.)
6/9-27 Olmstead and Community Registration Deadline: 7/21 Teleconference Orientation 6/5 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
08/04-11 Emergency Preparedness / Registration Deadline: 5/26 Teleconference Orientation 7/31 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
*NEW 05/22 Thu 1:40-3:30 PM, web cast, "Unidentified TBI: The Importance of Finding Those Who "Get Lost" and Those "Not Found"." focus on the link between a previous brain injury and problems later in life. This will provide an excellent opportunity to collect information to describe the importance of identifying TBI and to illustrate the long-term cost to society. Internet. Register: It will also be archived copy on the site after 6/01
05/27 Tue 10-3 PM ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Bohn's Restaurant, 5256 Clinton St, Batavia) improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in NYS accommodations Patti Sugg 716-885-4219 Ext. 221
05/27-29 International Conference on Self-Determination (Detroit MI) panel discussions & roundtables organized by topic with a diversity of moderators & cross-disability panels. 810-231-6364,
*NEW 05/28 Wed 10-11 AM "Access to Home" Info Program (Independence Community Foundation, 45 Main St, #409 in DUMBO) funding through NYS DHCR, allows UCP to make modifications to a home to remove architectural barriers or make a home environment more accessible for eligible individuals in B’lyn, Bx & SI. Applicant must have a disability, limited income & property owner must agree to the work. RSVP & info: Amy Bittinger, UCP 212-979-9700 ext 708
*NEW 09/28 Wed.11 AM, People’s Public Hearing for Health Care for All (Legislative Office Albany) Health Care for All NY speak-out Bus from NYC: 212-925-1829
*NEW 09/28 Wed 8 AM, Can’t Afford to Get Sick? ” Harvard Club, 35 W. 44 St, 5-6 Aves); “Marketplace of Ideas” forums sponsored by the Drum Major Institute; Panel: Sara Flocks (Young Workers United), Rep. Carolyn Maloney , Councilmember Gale Brewer & David Jones (CSS) RSVP & info: .CALL FOR ACCESSIBILITY
*NEW 05/30 Fri 10 AM, NYS Assembly Standing Committee On Mental Health, MR & DD Public Hearing: Workforce Issues And The Disabled Population.(Assembly Hearing Room, 250 Broadway 19th floor) To determine if current laws, regulations and programs adequately protect and support persons with disabilities in regard to employment. Bill Eggler 5180455-4371 Fax518-455-4693
*UPDATED 05/30 Fri 10 AM, NY Network for Action on Medicare and Soc Sec (Cooper Sq Housing, 200 E 5 St) guest speaker Dina Wizmur (Medicare Rights Center) on efforts in Congress to reform/fix Medicare Part D Mark your calendar: 09/26 & 11/21. Molly 212-273-5260
05/31 UWS Sts Renaissance Campaign (Location TBA) help bring Broadway & Amsterdam Ave up to date with a 21st Century design for a complete street. This is your chance to reclaim the streets of the UWS RSVP is required:
06/01 My Time Inc Parent Supporting Parent Walkathon http:///
*NEW 06/01 Sun 1:15-3:15 PM, ASL Interpreted Tour: Piecing It Together and Kitchen Conversations 1:15 PM-3:15 PM (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) See how the Levine family operated a garment factory in their apartment & the Rogarshevsky family confronted the “tailors’ disease.” After the tour, join a facilitated conversation to share your perspective on immigration-related issues. Ages 8 and up. Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
*NEW 06/02 Mon, Attorney Gen Cuomo’s Chinatown Community Forum (Project Open Door Senior Citizens Center, 168 Grand St) focusing on priority issues: immigration fraud; consumer protection; workers rights; & civil rights. We look forward to discussing these and other topics, but most importantly we are looking forward to hearing directly from you. Simultaneous translations Light refreshments. Questions, 212- 416-8839
CORRECTED 06/02 Mon 6-8:30 PM, 504 Dems (332 E 29th St, 212-781-8309
06/02 Mon 6 PM, DL21C's Political Author Series: David Sirota - The Uprising: An Unauthorized Tour of the Populist Revolt Scaring Wall Street and Washington (Red Sky, 47 E. 29th St, Park-Madison) Books available for purchase and signing
06/02 Mon 6:30-8 PM, Women for President: Media Bias in Eight Campaigns (Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Citigroup Center, 50th Floor 153 E 53 St.) races the campaigns of eight women who ran for president through 2004. Dr. Erika Falk, Johns Hopkins University the former research director - Washington office of the Annenberg Public Policy Center & author of Women for President. RSVP REQUIRED (212) 868-4080
06/02-03 Mon-Tue, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Wash DC) to increase accessible transportation in your community
06/04 Wed 9-11 AM, Pre-Booking Jail Diversion/Crisis Intervention Teams (Fordham Univ, 140 W 62 St, Columbus) Register / Lisa Ortega or 646-260-6575
*NEW 06/04 Wed 4-7 PM, ‘08–12 OMRDD Comprehensive Plan:(Sheraton LI Hotel on 110 Motor Pky, Hauppauge) OMRDD: intends to utilize the ideas, suggestions, and comments received through the public forums to develop a Draft Comprehensive Plan; urges self-advocates, parents of people with developmental disabilities, other family members, non-profit providers, professionals, advocates, and other interested parties to participate; Dr. Richard Evangelista 631-434-6111)
06/04 Wed 2-4 PM, DNNYC Community Forum, Comptroller Thompson (Selis Manor, 135 W 23 St, 6-7 Aves) The NYC Budget as it relates to individuals with disabilities RSVP: 212-284-4160 or & for ASL interpretation, real-time captioning, materials in alternative format
06/04 6:30 PM, Wed Member Appreciation disThis Film: QUID PRO QUO (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) /Free to paid DNNYC members/ $5 public / ASL interpretation & audio description upon request / WC accessible Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160 / Want to see QUID PRO QUO for free? Join/ renew your DNNYC membership:
06/05-06 Brain Injury Assoc of NYS, 26th Annual Conference (Albany)
06/05-08 Fri-Sun VISIONS: The Future is Now! (Rockland Co NY) Blind / low vision teens preparing for college, enrolled in college or recent grads $25 (lodging, transportation & meals) Assess your strengths, Build experience for a powerful resume, Interview with confidence, Budget for success, Understand the 21st century job market & Explore the latest in assistive tech Nancy 212.683.4950 registrations:
06/10 Tue 2-2:45 PM: Webcast: Creative Employment Strategies - customizing jobs, supports & the outcomes that can be achieved. Practical strategies, accessing nontraditional resources, & addressing local service delivery issues
06/10 Tue 3:30-5:30 PM NYC OEM -Special Needs Advisory Group (165 Cadman Plaza East, B’kln) update on Notify NYC (a system of delivering emergency information to the public) / cooling centers for summer heat / ReadyNY & public education on emergency preparedness for seniors &PWDs
06/10-14 Tues-Sat, 20th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (Portland, Maine) meet the unique needs of college students WDs. Carrol Waite 860-486-3321, fax:860-486-5799
06/11 Wed 4-10 PM, Rent Guidelines Board - Final Vote Public Hearing, (NYC College of Tech, 285 Jay St, B’klyn Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
06/12 Thu 1:15-2:15 PM, Verbal Imaging Open Tour Action/Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning, and American Art, 1940-1976. (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
06/13 Fri 7:30 PM, Ping Chong (Main Stage, LaGuardia Performing Arts Center, 31-10 Thomson Ave LIC) Ping Chong & Company is not afraid to talk about disabilities. PWDs & health care workers tell their stories ASL interpretation upon request wheelchair accessible.I sabelle Marsico 718 482-5151 fax:718-609-2061
06/13-17, Fri-Tues, League of Women Voters 48th Nat’l Convention: Reaching New Heights Together (Portland, OR) Daily workshops, briefings, caucuses, plenary sessions, exhibits, receptions, elections of national officers, etc. Scholarships
*NEW 06/14 Sat 7-9 PM, Summer Has Begun Event To Benefit Helping Hands Initiative (Ricky's Candy, 280 Marsh Ave, SI) $10/ Children, $15/Adults, Pizza, Soda, Juice, Cake, Ice Cream, Coffee & Games 718-356-4737 or
06/16 Mon 10-6 PM, Rent Guidelines Board Final Vote Public Hearing (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
06/18 Wed 7 PM. disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) Heavy Load! Band & the critically acclaimed documentary /$5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description upon request / WC accessible Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160 /
06/18-21 Wed-Sat Society for Disability Studies, 2008 Conference (Baruch, 55 Lexington Ave, 24 St) info: /
06/19 Thu 10-3 PM JASA Volunteer Expo (UJA, 130 E 59 St, Park-Lex) 212-273-5291
06/19 Thursday 11-1 PM, Close Encounters with THOSE People: Different Perspectives on Diversity & Disability (BCID, 27 Smith St Suite 200, Livingston - Fulton Sts, B’klyn) Exciting activity based workshop designed to provide everyone with resources, strategies & valuable information to better relate to one and other & celebrate differences. Ms Jo Fenton, Training Coordinator NYS Commission on Quality of Care & Advocacy for PWDs. Hosted by Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled (BCID) & My Time.Inc Register: Lucina Clarke 718 251 0527/ or Sandrina Kingston: BCID 718-998-3000
06/19 Thu 5:30-9:30 PM Rent Guidelines Board Final Vote (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St, ) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
06/20-23, ADAPT Youth (18-30) Summit (Chicago) Veteran ADAPT members will facilitate & provide training in direct & grassroots action! Rahnee Patrick 312-663-1292 or
*NEW 06/22 Sun Noon-1 Board, 1:30-4 Meeting, Disabled in Action (DIA) (135 W 23 St 6-7 Ave) or 718-261-3737
06/24 Tue 8:30-2:30 PM, B’klyn Dev Disabilities Council’s 19th Annual Family Support Fair: A Vision for New Possibilities (B’klyn College, Student Union, Campus Rd. & E 27 St) Resource Fair & Workshops: Managing Medicaid & Medicaid Managed Care, Sleep Problems & Children with Autism & Autism Spectrum Disorders, Obesity & Nutrition, Transition to Adult Services & Entitlements 718- 642-8512, NY Families for Autistic Children-Joseph Baird 718 422-3227 Free to Consumers & Family / Breakfast Provided
06/25-26 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Bloomington, IN) increase accessible transportation in your community
*NEW 06/26 Thu 3:340 – 5:30 & 6-8:30 PM OMRDD Comprehensive Plan: ‘08 – 12 (75 Morton St) OMRDD: intends to utilize the ideas, suggestions, and comments received through the public forums to develop a Draft Comprehensive Plan; urges self-advocates, parents of people with developmental disabilities, other family members, non-profit providers, professionals, advocates, and other interested parties to participate; Yvonne Anglero 212-229-3081
*new 07/06-09 Annual Convention of the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (The Gault House, Louisville, KY) 1-800-733-2258 [1 800 SEE-CCLV] or
*NEW 07/06 Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Tour Getting By Tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St)) Discover how immigrants weathered hard times at 97 Orchard Street between 1863-1935. Visit the German-Jewish Gumpertz apartment during the Panic of 1873, and the Italian- Catholic Baldizzi family during the Great Depression. Ages 8 and up. Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
07/08 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Autism Spectrum Disorder & Employment - effective communication, understanding social challenges & the hidden curriculum, behavior support, production competence & interdependence.
07/09-10 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Eugene, OR) A free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 05/22
07/13-17, Workforce Innovations 2008: Success Decoded (New Orleans) workforce development, business, economic development, education, community-based organizations & philanthropy
08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA and Website Accessibility: recent legal developments and their potential implications.
09/8-10, NYAIL: Taking Action for Independence: Confrontation & Controversy Desmond, Albany)
09/09 Sun 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible,& Integrated Housing (Chicago IL) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. Hotel rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324
09/09 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services & how substance use qualifies as a disability.
09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Nevele Grande, Ellenville NY)
09/29 Mon 2 PM, E-Learning & Accessibility - strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning
10/15 Wed, MOPD - Disability Mentoring Day: Career Development for the 21st Century / Job Shadowing, Career Exploration & Promoting an Inclusive Work Place)
11/07-09 Fri-Sun, ACBNY Convention (MacArthur Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma, LI) Lori Scharff 516-887-1336
Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - 888-342-3428.or - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA)a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers WDs . Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues. Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans (EBV) with Disabilities is recruiting vets & transitioning service members from NYS for their program at Syracuse University this summer. Applicants must have served on active duty during any period after 09/01, and have a 'service-connected disability. This program is absolutely free and a wonderful opportunity for qualified vets who want start their own business.
Seeking a PDD agency / organization in NY Christine Bruno Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts 212.730.4750
Tenement Touch Tours are available by reservation for group of 5+. They allow visitors who are blind or partially sighted to touch history as they learn about the former residents of 97 Orchard Street through verbal description and touching opportunities. A tactile model & Talking Tactile Tablet provide an orientation to the tenement’s façade and floor plan, while trained educators guide visitors through recreated historic apartments, Danielle Linzer 212-431-0233 ext. 240, fact sheet for families and friends of returning services members from a combat zone.
JOBS Job descriptions and registration for Hire Disability Solutions at NYC banking and finance companies (Administrative Assistant, Bilingual Customer Service, Telephone Agents, Collector , Credit Specialist , Customer Service Representatives, Clerical, Data Entry, Executive Administrative Assistant, Staff Accountant)
1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power and Participation in PWDs Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (South Dakota!) Access Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs the largest identifiable bloc of non-voters
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or
2nd Mon 6 PM 504 Dems (332 E 29th St)
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
3rd Tues10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or
4th Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south) Clarice Brown 212-669-8300
Every Tues, Housing Advocates Training, (Legal Aid Society 111 Livingston St, 7th floor, B’klyn_
1st Wed 6:30 PM, disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) $5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description available upon request. Space is WC accessible. Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160
2nd Wed, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx) info 718-231-3400 x 202 or
3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) come together and support one another, to share our experience, strengthen, and hope. Light refreshments or
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) or 212 245 0004
3rd Fri 7-10 PM, Fri ASL Tour (Rubin Museum of Art,150 W 17 St, meet at the bottom of the Spiral Staircase) learn about the culture, history, religions and sacred art of the Himalayan region. Guide Juliet Gumbs & ASL interpreter, Andria Alefhi : or Louise Brooks 212 620 5000 x328
last Fri 3-5 PM, NYC Peer Network Group: Hearing Voices Group: (Community Access, 666 Broadway, 4FL Conf Rm, Bleecker-Bond Sts) Share your beliefs on what “the voices” are & learn how others experience their “auditory hallucinations.” Your experience may be unique, but you are not alone..212-780-1400 Ext 7728
last Sat Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off: 1 Prospect Park W.)
6/9-27 Olmstead and Community Registration Deadline: 7/21 Teleconference Orientation 6/5 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
08/04-11 Emergency Preparedness / Registration Deadline: 5/26 Teleconference Orientation 7/31 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
*NEW 05/22 Thu 1:40-3:30 PM, web cast, "Unidentified TBI: The Importance of Finding Those Who "Get Lost" and Those "Not Found"." focus on the link between a previous brain injury and problems later in life. This will provide an excellent opportunity to collect information to describe the importance of identifying TBI and to illustrate the long-term cost to society. Internet. Register: It will also be archived copy on the site after 6/01
05/27 Tue 10-3 PM ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Bohn's Restaurant, 5256 Clinton St, Batavia) improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in NYS accommodations Patti Sugg 716-885-4219 Ext. 221
05/27-29 International Conference on Self-Determination (Detroit MI) panel discussions & roundtables organized by topic with a diversity of moderators & cross-disability panels. 810-231-6364,
*NEW 05/28 Wed 10-11 AM "Access to Home" Info Program (Independence Community Foundation, 45 Main St, #409 in DUMBO) funding through NYS DHCR, allows UCP to make modifications to a home to remove architectural barriers or make a home environment more accessible for eligible individuals in B’lyn, Bx & SI. Applicant must have a disability, limited income & property owner must agree to the work. RSVP & info: Amy Bittinger, UCP 212-979-9700 ext 708
*NEW 09/28 Wed.11 AM, People’s Public Hearing for Health Care for All (Legislative Office Albany) Health Care for All NY speak-out Bus from NYC: 212-925-1829
*NEW 09/28 Wed 8 AM, Can’t Afford to Get Sick? ” Harvard Club, 35 W. 44 St, 5-6 Aves); “Marketplace of Ideas” forums sponsored by the Drum Major Institute; Panel: Sara Flocks (Young Workers United), Rep. Carolyn Maloney , Councilmember Gale Brewer & David Jones (CSS) RSVP & info: .CALL FOR ACCESSIBILITY
*NEW 05/30 Fri 10 AM, NYS Assembly Standing Committee On Mental Health, MR & DD Public Hearing: Workforce Issues And The Disabled Population.(Assembly Hearing Room, 250 Broadway 19th floor) To determine if current laws, regulations and programs adequately protect and support persons with disabilities in regard to employment. Bill Eggler 5180455-4371 Fax518-455-4693
*UPDATED 05/30 Fri 10 AM, NY Network for Action on Medicare and Soc Sec (Cooper Sq Housing, 200 E 5 St) guest speaker Dina Wizmur (Medicare Rights Center) on efforts in Congress to reform/fix Medicare Part D Mark your calendar: 09/26 & 11/21. Molly 212-273-5260
05/31 UWS Sts Renaissance Campaign (Location TBA) help bring Broadway & Amsterdam Ave up to date with a 21st Century design for a complete street. This is your chance to reclaim the streets of the UWS RSVP is required:
06/01 My Time Inc Parent Supporting Parent Walkathon http:///
*NEW 06/01 Sun 1:15-3:15 PM, ASL Interpreted Tour: Piecing It Together and Kitchen Conversations 1:15 PM-3:15 PM (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) See how the Levine family operated a garment factory in their apartment & the Rogarshevsky family confronted the “tailors’ disease.” After the tour, join a facilitated conversation to share your perspective on immigration-related issues. Ages 8 and up. Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
*NEW 06/02 Mon, Attorney Gen Cuomo’s Chinatown Community Forum (Project Open Door Senior Citizens Center, 168 Grand St) focusing on priority issues: immigration fraud; consumer protection; workers rights; & civil rights. We look forward to discussing these and other topics, but most importantly we are looking forward to hearing directly from you. Simultaneous translations Light refreshments. Questions, 212- 416-8839
CORRECTED 06/02 Mon 6-8:30 PM, 504 Dems (332 E 29th St, 212-781-8309
06/02 Mon 6 PM, DL21C's Political Author Series: David Sirota - The Uprising: An Unauthorized Tour of the Populist Revolt Scaring Wall Street and Washington (Red Sky, 47 E. 29th St, Park-Madison) Books available for purchase and signing
06/02 Mon 6:30-8 PM, Women for President: Media Bias in Eight Campaigns (Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Citigroup Center, 50th Floor 153 E 53 St.) races the campaigns of eight women who ran for president through 2004. Dr. Erika Falk, Johns Hopkins University the former research director - Washington office of the Annenberg Public Policy Center & author of Women for President. RSVP REQUIRED (212) 868-4080
06/02-03 Mon-Tue, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Wash DC) to increase accessible transportation in your community
06/04 Wed 9-11 AM, Pre-Booking Jail Diversion/Crisis Intervention Teams (Fordham Univ, 140 W 62 St, Columbus) Register / Lisa Ortega or 646-260-6575
*NEW 06/04 Wed 4-7 PM, ‘08–12 OMRDD Comprehensive Plan:(Sheraton LI Hotel on 110 Motor Pky, Hauppauge) OMRDD: intends to utilize the ideas, suggestions, and comments received through the public forums to develop a Draft Comprehensive Plan; urges self-advocates, parents of people with developmental disabilities, other family members, non-profit providers, professionals, advocates, and other interested parties to participate; Dr. Richard Evangelista 631-434-6111)
06/04 Wed 2-4 PM, DNNYC Community Forum, Comptroller Thompson (Selis Manor, 135 W 23 St, 6-7 Aves) The NYC Budget as it relates to individuals with disabilities RSVP: 212-284-4160 or & for ASL interpretation, real-time captioning, materials in alternative format
06/04 6:30 PM, Wed Member Appreciation disThis Film: QUID PRO QUO (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) /Free to paid DNNYC members/ $5 public / ASL interpretation & audio description upon request / WC accessible Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160 / Want to see QUID PRO QUO for free? Join/ renew your DNNYC membership:
06/05-06 Brain Injury Assoc of NYS, 26th Annual Conference (Albany)
06/05-08 Fri-Sun VISIONS: The Future is Now! (Rockland Co NY) Blind / low vision teens preparing for college, enrolled in college or recent grads $25 (lodging, transportation & meals) Assess your strengths, Build experience for a powerful resume, Interview with confidence, Budget for success, Understand the 21st century job market & Explore the latest in assistive tech Nancy 212.683.4950 registrations:
06/10 Tue 2-2:45 PM: Webcast: Creative Employment Strategies - customizing jobs, supports & the outcomes that can be achieved. Practical strategies, accessing nontraditional resources, & addressing local service delivery issues
06/10 Tue 3:30-5:30 PM NYC OEM -Special Needs Advisory Group (165 Cadman Plaza East, B’kln) update on Notify NYC (a system of delivering emergency information to the public) / cooling centers for summer heat / ReadyNY & public education on emergency preparedness for seniors &PWDs
06/10-14 Tues-Sat, 20th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (Portland, Maine) meet the unique needs of college students WDs. Carrol Waite 860-486-3321, fax:860-486-5799
06/11 Wed 4-10 PM, Rent Guidelines Board - Final Vote Public Hearing, (NYC College of Tech, 285 Jay St, B’klyn Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
06/12 Thu 1:15-2:15 PM, Verbal Imaging Open Tour Action/Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning, and American Art, 1940-1976. (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
06/13 Fri 7:30 PM, Ping Chong (Main Stage, LaGuardia Performing Arts Center, 31-10 Thomson Ave LIC) Ping Chong & Company is not afraid to talk about disabilities. PWDs & health care workers tell their stories ASL interpretation upon request wheelchair accessible.I sabelle Marsico 718 482-5151 fax:718-609-2061
06/13-17, Fri-Tues, League of Women Voters 48th Nat’l Convention: Reaching New Heights Together (Portland, OR) Daily workshops, briefings, caucuses, plenary sessions, exhibits, receptions, elections of national officers, etc. Scholarships
*NEW 06/14 Sat 7-9 PM, Summer Has Begun Event To Benefit Helping Hands Initiative (Ricky's Candy, 280 Marsh Ave, SI) $10/ Children, $15/Adults, Pizza, Soda, Juice, Cake, Ice Cream, Coffee & Games 718-356-4737 or
06/16 Mon 10-6 PM, Rent Guidelines Board Final Vote Public Hearing (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
06/18 Wed 7 PM. disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) Heavy Load! Band & the critically acclaimed documentary /$5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description upon request / WC accessible Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160 /
06/18-21 Wed-Sat Society for Disability Studies, 2008 Conference (Baruch, 55 Lexington Ave, 24 St) info: /
06/19 Thu 10-3 PM JASA Volunteer Expo (UJA, 130 E 59 St, Park-Lex) 212-273-5291
06/19 Thursday 11-1 PM, Close Encounters with THOSE People: Different Perspectives on Diversity & Disability (BCID, 27 Smith St Suite 200, Livingston - Fulton Sts, B’klyn) Exciting activity based workshop designed to provide everyone with resources, strategies & valuable information to better relate to one and other & celebrate differences. Ms Jo Fenton, Training Coordinator NYS Commission on Quality of Care & Advocacy for PWDs. Hosted by Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled (BCID) & My Time.Inc Register: Lucina Clarke 718 251 0527/ or Sandrina Kingston: BCID 718-998-3000
06/19 Thu 5:30-9:30 PM Rent Guidelines Board Final Vote (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St, ) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
06/20-23, ADAPT Youth (18-30) Summit (Chicago) Veteran ADAPT members will facilitate & provide training in direct & grassroots action! Rahnee Patrick 312-663-1292 or
*NEW 06/22 Sun Noon-1 Board, 1:30-4 Meeting, Disabled in Action (DIA) (135 W 23 St 6-7 Ave) or 718-261-3737
06/24 Tue 8:30-2:30 PM, B’klyn Dev Disabilities Council’s 19th Annual Family Support Fair: A Vision for New Possibilities (B’klyn College, Student Union, Campus Rd. & E 27 St) Resource Fair & Workshops: Managing Medicaid & Medicaid Managed Care, Sleep Problems & Children with Autism & Autism Spectrum Disorders, Obesity & Nutrition, Transition to Adult Services & Entitlements 718- 642-8512, NY Families for Autistic Children-Joseph Baird 718 422-3227 Free to Consumers & Family / Breakfast Provided
06/25-26 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Bloomington, IN) increase accessible transportation in your community
*NEW 06/26 Thu 3:340 – 5:30 & 6-8:30 PM OMRDD Comprehensive Plan: ‘08 – 12 (75 Morton St) OMRDD: intends to utilize the ideas, suggestions, and comments received through the public forums to develop a Draft Comprehensive Plan; urges self-advocates, parents of people with developmental disabilities, other family members, non-profit providers, professionals, advocates, and other interested parties to participate; Yvonne Anglero 212-229-3081
*new 07/06-09 Annual Convention of the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (The Gault House, Louisville, KY) 1-800-733-2258 [1 800 SEE-CCLV] or
*NEW 07/06 Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Tour Getting By Tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St)) Discover how immigrants weathered hard times at 97 Orchard Street between 1863-1935. Visit the German-Jewish Gumpertz apartment during the Panic of 1873, and the Italian- Catholic Baldizzi family during the Great Depression. Ages 8 and up. Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
07/08 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Autism Spectrum Disorder & Employment - effective communication, understanding social challenges & the hidden curriculum, behavior support, production competence & interdependence.
07/09-10 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Eugene, OR) A free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 05/22
07/13-17, Workforce Innovations 2008: Success Decoded (New Orleans) workforce development, business, economic development, education, community-based organizations & philanthropy
08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA and Website Accessibility: recent legal developments and their potential implications.
09/8-10, NYAIL: Taking Action for Independence: Confrontation & Controversy Desmond, Albany)
09/09 Sun 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible,& Integrated Housing (Chicago IL) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. Hotel rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324
09/09 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services & how substance use qualifies as a disability.
09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Nevele Grande, Ellenville NY)
09/29 Mon 2 PM, E-Learning & Accessibility - strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning
10/15 Wed, MOPD - Disability Mentoring Day: Career Development for the 21st Century / Job Shadowing, Career Exploration & Promoting an Inclusive Work Place)
11/07-09 Fri-Sun, ACBNY Convention (MacArthur Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma, LI) Lori Scharff 516-887-1336
Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - 888-342-3428.or - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA)a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers WDs . Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues. Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans (EBV) with Disabilities is recruiting vets & transitioning service members from NYS for their program at Syracuse University this summer. Applicants must have served on active duty during any period after 09/01, and have a 'service-connected disability. This program is absolutely free and a wonderful opportunity for qualified vets who want start their own business.
Seeking a PDD agency / organization in NY Christine Bruno Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts 212.730.4750
Tenement Touch Tours are available by reservation for group of 5+. They allow visitors who are blind or partially sighted to touch history as they learn about the former residents of 97 Orchard Street through verbal description and touching opportunities. A tactile model & Talking Tactile Tablet provide an orientation to the tenement’s façade and floor plan, while trained educators guide visitors through recreated historic apartments, Danielle Linzer 212-431-0233 ext. 240, fact sheet for families and friends of returning services members from a combat zone.
JOBS Job descriptions and registration for Hire Disability Solutions at NYC banking and finance companies (Administrative Assistant, Bilingual Customer Service, Telephone Agents, Collector , Credit Specialist , Customer Service Representatives, Clerical, Data Entry, Executive Administrative Assistant, Staff Accountant)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Event 6/19
06/19 Thursday 11-1 PM, , Close Encounters with THOSE People: Different Perspectives on Diversity & Disability (BCID, 27 Smith St Suite 200, Livingston - Fulton Sts, B’klyn) Exciting activity based workshop designed to provide everyone with resources, strategies and valuable information to better relate to one and other & celebrate differences. Ms Jo Fenton, Training Coordinator NYS Commission on Quality of Care & Advocacy for Persons With Disabilities. Hosted by Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled (BCID) & My Time.Inc
Contact: Lucina Clarke My Time Inc 718 251 0527/
Sandrina Kingston: Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled 718-998-3000
Contact: Lucina Clarke My Time Inc 718 251 0527/
Sandrina Kingston: Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled 718-998-3000
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
of Metropolitan New York
Sunday, MAY 18th, 2008
1:30-4:30 PM at Selis Manor, 1st Floor Auditorium 135 West 23rd Street (bet. 6th and 7th Ave)
Guess speaker Melvin Drakeford, inventor/owner of patented products for Quick Change Clothing, Inc., adaptive clothing (special pants and shirts) for people living with disabilities
In the event of bad weather, visit or call 718-261-3737 to inquire about meeting cancellation.
Come and join a civil rights organization committed to ending discrimination against people with disabilities — all disabilities. Come to fight to eliminate the barriers that prevent us from enjoying full equality in American society.
We believe in the motto, "Nothing about us without us!"
The best way to remember Frieda Zames is to carry on her work!
DIA meeting dates for 2008:
June 22
July 20 (No meeting)
August 17 (No meeting)
September 7
October 5
November 2
December 7 (Party)
Do you want to know more about us, go to our website
For additional information, contact Carr Massi,
President of Disabled In Action of Metropolitan NY,
at 212-255-6619 or
Everyone is welcome.
Refreshments will be served.
For information, sign language interpreter
or assistive listening device call: 718-261-3737,
Sunday, MAY 18th, 2008
1:30-4:30 PM at Selis Manor, 1st Floor Auditorium 135 West 23rd Street (bet. 6th and 7th Ave)
Guess speaker Melvin Drakeford, inventor/owner of patented products for Quick Change Clothing, Inc., adaptive clothing (special pants and shirts) for people living with disabilities
In the event of bad weather, visit or call 718-261-3737 to inquire about meeting cancellation.
Come and join a civil rights organization committed to ending discrimination against people with disabilities — all disabilities. Come to fight to eliminate the barriers that prevent us from enjoying full equality in American society.
We believe in the motto, "Nothing about us without us!"
The best way to remember Frieda Zames is to carry on her work!
DIA meeting dates for 2008:
June 22
July 20 (No meeting)
August 17 (No meeting)
September 7
October 5
November 2
December 7 (Party)
Do you want to know more about us, go to our website
For additional information, contact Carr Massi,
President of Disabled In Action of Metropolitan NY,
at 212-255-6619 or
Everyone is welcome.
Refreshments will be served.
For information, sign language interpreter
or assistive listening device call: 718-261-3737,
Friday, May 09, 2008
*Eric Levin (DIA Singers) passed suddenly while hospitalized at Mt Sinai 05/11 Sun 7-9 PM, 05/12-13 Mon & Tues 4-8 PM, Shiva at his mother’s apartment (100 La Salle St, apt 19F bell #225, 123 St between B’way & Amsterdam) Donation to War Resistance League: NYC WRL Local Group c/o WRL339 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012 or
1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power and Participation in PWDs Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (South Dakota!) Access Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs the largest identifiable bloc of non-voters
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or
2nd Mon 6 PM 504 Dems (332 E 29th St)
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
3rd Tues10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or
4th Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south) Clarice Brown 212-669-8300
Every Tues, Housing Advocates Training, (Legal Aid Society 111 Livingston St, 7th floor, B’klyn_
1st Wed 6:30 PM, disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) $5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description available upon request. Space is WC accessible. Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160
2nd Wed, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx) info 718-231-3400 x 202 or
3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) come together and support one another, to share our experience, strengthen, and hope. Light refreshments or
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) or 212 245 0004
3rd Fri 7-10 PM, Fri ASL Tour (Rubin Museum of Art,150 W 17 St, meet at the bottom of the Spiral Staircase) learn about the culture, history, religions and sacred art of the Himalayan region. Guide Juliet Gumbs & ASL interpreter, Andria Alefhi : or Louise Brooks 212 620 5000 x328
last Fri 3-5 PM, NYC Peer Network Group: Hearing Voices Group: (Community Access, 666 Broadway, 4FL Conf Rm, Bleecker-Bond Sts) Share your beliefs on what “the voices” are & learn how others experience their “auditory hallucinations.” Your experience may be unique, but you are not alone..212-780-1400 Ext 7728
last Sat Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off: 1 Prospect Park W.)
6/9-27 Olmstead and Community Registration Deadline: 7/21 Teleconference Orientation 6/5 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
08/04-11 Emergency Preparedness / Registration Deadline: 5/26 Teleconference Orientation 7/31 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
05/09 Fri 8-5 PM, Fighter Mom™ (NY Palace Hotel, 455 Madison Ave) a day-long workshop for Fighter Moms (whose children face any kind of disease, challenge or disability, Register: or 804-515-0080 Caroline Gibson or Nicola Hart
*NEW 05/09 Fri 10 AM, City Council Transportation Committee: to amend ther NYC Charter on accepting MTA AAR & ½ fare cards as Proof for NYC Disability Parking Permits (Committee Room - City Hall) with additional official proof of address of NYC residency for the purpose of proving the identity & residency of applicants for NYC Disability Parking Permits
05/09 Fri 10-Noon, Aging and Vision Policy and Practice in NYC & NYS, A Panel Presentation (Selis Manor, 135 W 23 St, 6-7 Ave)
05/09 Fri 10-3 PM, ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Sagamore, 197 Half Hollow Rd, Dix Hills LI) improving the mental health and well-being of NYS’s children, youth & families
05/09 Fri 2 PM Sprout Film Festival: Including Samuel (Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fifth Ave & 80 St) Dan Habib will present the film and hold a Q&A after each screening.
05/10 Sat Noon-6 PM, 4th Annual Bike Fetish Day (City Reliquary Museum, Havemeyer St. & Metropolitan Ave. B’klyn) They think bikes, we think wheelchairs! 718-782-4842
05/10 Sat 9 AM NAMI WALKS NYC (South Street Seaport / Brooklyn Bridge) Join the DIA, 504 Dems & 504 North Star team Edith Prentiss 212-781-8309 / Chris Noel 212-865-4802
05/12 Mon, NYS Assembly Disability Awareness Day (Albany)
05/12-14 Mon-Wed, ADA Symposium (America's Center St Louis, MO) comprehensive training & updates from key federal agencies (DOJ, Access Board & EEOC) in ADA implementation
05/12-14 Mon-Wed, National ADA Symposium & Expo: Conference on the ADA & Disability Law (St. Louis, MO)
05/14 Wed 8-10 AM, Declining NY Revenues: What To Do? (Newman Conference Center, 151 E 25 St, 7th Floor / RSVP 646.660.6851 or
05/14 Wed, Developing the Framework for Healthy People 2020: Public Comment Meeting (US Customs House, 1 Bowling Green) A comprehensive, nationwide health promotion & disease prevention agenda Register: Questions:
05/15 Thu 7 p.m. – Clean Elections & Movements for Social Justice (All Saints Church, 4312 46 St, Sunnyside, Queens); Forum on campaign finance reform, civil rights, housing, & health care activist Citizen Action of NYC, West Queens Independent Democratic Club, ect RSVPs at 212-523-0180 x43 or CALL FOR ACCESSIBILITY
05/15 Thu 7-8:30 AM Celebrate cycling in SI with a free breakfast with BP James Molinaro. (St. George Ferry Terminal) Breakfast then catch the 8:15 or 8:30 AM Ferries.
05/15 Thu, 10th Annual Gov’s Expo on Assistive Technology: Technology Opens Doors (Empire State Plaza Convention Center Albany, NY) exhibits & workshops on assistive devices & services; tutorials in accessible web development.
05/15 Thu 7 PM, Housing Here & Now (St. Jerome’s, 230 Alexander Ave, 138 St, Bx) Joya: 917 734-8050/ CALL FOR ACCESSIBILITY
05/15 Thu 7 PM, Housing Here & Now (Bushwick) Irene 718 418-7690 x231 CALL FOR ACCESSIBILITY
05/15-16 Thu-Fri, Pedestrian Safety Informational Summit (Castleton, NY) accessible pedestrian signals, tactile warnings & growing traffic safety concerns regarding hybrid vehicles 516-599-6220 or
*NEW 05/17 Sat 7-9 PM Manhattan Young Democrats - Cocktail Party (Heartland Brewery Chophouse, 127 W 43 St) RSVP: president@manhattanyoungdems.org6463734244 $25/ Young Dem; $50 for everyone else./ Sponsorship:$100 - Sponsor Committee / $250 – Supporter / $500 – Friend / $1000 - Co-Host / $2500 – Host
05/18 Sun AIDS Walk NY (Central Park) Anthony Trocchia is participating & looking for sponsors
05/18 Sun Noon-Board, 1:30 PM Meeting DIA (Selis Manor, 135 W 23 St 6-7 Ave) Open Forum
05/18 Sun Noon-4 PM, Bx on the Move: Car Free Sunday in Crotona Park ((Clearmonth Parkway & Crotona Park North) Enjoy a host of activities in a car free park!
*NEW 05/18 Sun 4-7 pm & 5/19 Mon 5:30-8:30 pm; Council Member Gale A. Brewer’s District Office Spring Open House (563 Columbus Ave, 87 St) Refreshments.
05/19, Mon 2 PM, Accessible Computer Applications –Accessibility issues with common workplace computer applications and how to make them accessible
*NEW 05/19 Mon 1:15-2:15 PM, Verbal Imaging Open Tour: Warhol's Jews: Ten Portraits Reconsidered and Art, Image, and Warhol Connections. The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
5/20 Tue 5:15-6:15 PM, Celebrate cycling in Manhattan with a free snack courtesy of BP Scott Stringer (Hudson River Greenway at Pier 54, 14 St.)
05/20 Tue 2-2:45 PM, Web cast: Public Policy Strategy in Support of Organizational Change - strategies to impact public policy; an understanding of adequate funding for employment services & supports. http://www.crp-
05/20 Tue 5–7:45 PM, Your Child & the Community: Developing Skills Needed for a Lifetime of Inclusion: Child’s Place for Children w/ Special Needs (B’klyn Heights Library, 280 Cadman Plaza W) ASL interpretation provided with advance request 718.253.4948 / 718.253.5034 (TTY).
05/20 Tue 6 PM, Thank You for Serving (HBO Theater, 1100 Sixth Ave, 42 St) Keynote speakers, celebrities from Broadway, film & TV say ‘thank you for serving’. Be videotaped writing your thank you to be shown on military bases, USO Units & VA Centers. RSVP required by 5/09 to 212-693-1001 or
05/21 Wed 2 PM, ASL Tour & Reception: Tour L Action/Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning & American Art (Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St). Advance registration is required: 212.423.3225 or Space is limited.
05/21 Wed 5:30 & 8:00 PM, Including Samuel (Jewish Community Center) Dan Habib will present the film and hold a Q&A after each screening.
05/27 Tue 10-3 PM ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Bohn's Restaurant, 5256 Clinton St, Batavia) improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in NYS accommodations Patti Sugg 716-885-4219 Ext. 221
05/27-29 International Conference on Self-Determination (Detroit MI) panel discussions & roundtables organized by topic with a diversity of moderators & cross-disability panels. 810-231-6364,
05/30 Fri 10 AM, NY Network for Action on Medicare and Social Security (NYNAMSS) (JASA Cooper Sq Housing ) Mark your calendar: 09/26 & 11/21. Mark 212-925-1829 / Molly 212-273-5260 mkrakowski@JASA.ORG / Maria 212-204-6235 / Larry 212-873-6600 X304
05/31 UWS Sts Renaissance Campaign (Location TBA) help bring Broadway & Amsterdam Ave up to date with a 21st Century design for a complete street.. This is your chance to reclaim the streets of the UWS RSVP is required:
06/01 My Time Inc Parent Supporting Parent Walkathon http:///
06/02-03 Mon-Tue, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Wash DC) to increase accessible transportation in your community
06/04 Wed 9-11 AM, Pre-Booking Jail Diversion/Crisis Intervention Teams (Fordham Univ, 140 W 62 St, Columbus) Register / Lisa Ortega or 646-260-6575
06/05-06 Brain Injury Assoc of NYS, 26th Annual Conference (Albany)
06/05-08 Fri-Sun VISIONS June Institute: The Future is Now! (Rockland Co NY) For blind / visually impaired preparing for college, enrolled in college or recent grads Registration fee (lodging, meals & transportation) is $25. Assessing Your Strengths, Building Experience for a Powerful Resume, Interviewing with Confidence, Budgeting for Success, Understanding the 21st Century Job Market & Exploring the Latest in Assistive Tech Info: Pre-registrations: Nancy 212.683.4950
06/10 2-2:45 PM: Webcast: Creative Employment Strategies - customizing jobs & supports & the outcomes that can be achieved. Practical strategies, accessing nontraditional resources, & addressing local service delivery issues
06/10-14 Tues-Sat, 20th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (Portland, Maine) meet the unique needs of college students WDs. Carrol Waite 860-486-3321, fax:860-486-5799
06/11 Wed 4-10 PM, Rent Guidelines Board - Final Vote Public Hearing, (NYC College of Tech, 285 Jay St, B’klyn Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
*NEW 06/12 Thu 1:15-2:15 PM, Verbal Imaging Open Tour Action/Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning, and American Art, 1940-1976. (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
06/13-17, League Of Women Voters 48th National Convention: Reaching New Heights Together (Portland, OR) Daily workshops, briefings, caucuses, plenary sessions, exhibits, receptions, elections of national officers, etc. Delegate spots are available and there is budget to assist members financially.
06/18 07 disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) Heavy Load! Band & the critically acclaimed documentary /$5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description upon request / WC accessible Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160 /
06/16 Mon 10-6 PM, Rent Guidelines Board Final Vote Public Hearing (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
06/18-21 Wed-Sat Society for Disability Studies, 2008 Conference (Baruch, 55 Lexington Ave, 24 St) info: /
06/19 Thu 10-3 PM JASA Volunteer Expo (UJA, 130 E 59 St, Park-Lex) 212-273-5291
06/19 Thu 5:30-9:30 PM Rent Guidelines Board Final Vote (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St, ) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
*NEW 6/20-23, ADAPT Youth (18-30) Summit (Chicago) Veteran ADAPT members will facilitate & provide training in direct & grassroots action! Rahnee Patrick 312-663-1292 or
06/24 Tue 8:30-2:30 PM, B’klyn Dev Disabilities Council’s 19th Annual Family Support Fair: A Vision for New Possibilities (B’klyn College, Student Union, Campus Rd. & E 27 St) Resource Fair & Workshops: Managing Medicaid & Medicaid Managed Care, Sleep Problems & Children with Autism & Autism Spectrum Disorders, Obesity & Nutrition, Transition to Adult Services & Entitlements 718- 642-8512, NY Families for Autistic Children-Joseph Baird 718 422-3227 Free to Consumers & Family / Breakfast Provided
07/08 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Autism Spectrum Disorder & Employment - effective communication, understanding social challenges & the hidden curriculum, behavior support, production competence & interdependence.
07/09-10 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Eugene, OR) A free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 05/22
07/13-17, Workforce Innovations 2008: Success Decoded (New Orleans) workforce development, business, economic development, education, community-based organizations & philanthropy
08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA and Website Accessibility: recent legal developments and their potential implications.
09/8-10, NYAIL: Taking Action for Independence: Confrontation and Controversy Desmond, Albany)
09/09 Sun 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible,& Integrated Housing (Chicago IL) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. Hotel rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324
09/09 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services & how substance use qualifies as a disability.
09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Nevele Grande, Ellenville NY)
09/29 Mon 2 PM, E-Learning & Accessibility - strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning
10/15 SAVE THE DATE MOPD - Disability Mentoring Day: Career Development for the 21st Century / Job Shadowing, Career Exploration & Promoting an Inclusive Work Place)
11/07-09 Fri-Sun, ACBNY Convention (MacArthur Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma, LI) Lori Scharff 516-887-1336
Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - 888-342-3428 - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA)a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers WDs . Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues.
Christine Bruno (Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts) Asks: Does anyone have any info on or experience with self-defense for PWDs? Can be classes or workshops geared toward any disability - wheelchair users, blind/low-vision, Deaf, mobility, sensory or developmental disabilities. Any info you could provide would be greatly appreciated. 212.730.4750
1. The producer of "Hamill." - Deaf actors for the film and are auditioning in NYC next week, May 15. They are interested in receiving pictures & resumes for future auditions (in ther next 2 monthsws) for supporting characters, which will take place over the next two months. If interested in auditioning, please do as follows: Email, Include a recent headshot or picture within Email, Include Link to Website or Demo Reel if available & State which location you're interested in: Rochester, NYC, or Gallaudet The director is looking for a very naturalistic acting approach specific to the Film Medium. Please refer to mainstream films such as Rudy or Million Dollar Baby as examples. ACTING BACKGROUND IS A PLUS BUT NOT MANDATORY QUESTIONS? Email or call the Producer, K'Dee Miller, at (917) 501-6469.
2. The Coalition of Behavioral Health Agencies - Senior Associate for Policy and Advocacy
The trade association & public policy advocacy organization of the NYC’s behavioral health community, The Senior Associate reports directly to the ED and is responsible for helping to develop and implement many policy and advocacy activities. Specific responsibilities include: analyzing NYC & NYS behavioral health budgets, coordinating and staffing committees of the Board of Directors; preparing and present policy positions through testimony, briefs, and other advocacy materials; leading advocacy initiatives, including forums, legislative visits, and media events; and working with government and elected officials to adopt and implement policies that will enhance the community mental health The ideal candidate would possess a master's in public or policy or administration, social work, or other relevant equivalent areas. Previous advocacy & public policy experience is a major plus. The ideal candidate should have excellent research, analytic, and writing skills; public speaking and presentation skills; networking skills and ability to work in coalitions; as well as the ability to work in a high productivity and fast-paced environment. A candidate's qualifications would be greatly enhanced by knowledge of special needs housing and chemical dependence field. Facility with computers is a must. Salary & Benefits Commensurate with experience. Generous fringe benefit package. Broad exposure to the not-forprofit human services sector. Send resume & two writing samples
1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power and Participation in PWDs Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (South Dakota!) Access Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs the largest identifiable bloc of non-voters
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or
2nd Mon 6 PM 504 Dems (332 E 29th St)
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
3rd Tues10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or
4th Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south) Clarice Brown 212-669-8300
Every Tues, Housing Advocates Training, (Legal Aid Society 111 Livingston St, 7th floor, B’klyn_
1st Wed 6:30 PM, disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) $5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description available upon request. Space is WC accessible. Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160
2nd Wed, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx) info 718-231-3400 x 202 or
3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) come together and support one another, to share our experience, strengthen, and hope. Light refreshments or
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) or 212 245 0004
3rd Fri 7-10 PM, Fri ASL Tour (Rubin Museum of Art,150 W 17 St, meet at the bottom of the Spiral Staircase) learn about the culture, history, religions and sacred art of the Himalayan region. Guide Juliet Gumbs & ASL interpreter, Andria Alefhi : or Louise Brooks 212 620 5000 x328
last Fri 3-5 PM, NYC Peer Network Group: Hearing Voices Group: (Community Access, 666 Broadway, 4FL Conf Rm, Bleecker-Bond Sts) Share your beliefs on what “the voices” are & learn how others experience their “auditory hallucinations.” Your experience may be unique, but you are not alone..212-780-1400 Ext 7728
last Sat Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off: 1 Prospect Park W.)
6/9-27 Olmstead and Community Registration Deadline: 7/21 Teleconference Orientation 6/5 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
08/04-11 Emergency Preparedness / Registration Deadline: 5/26 Teleconference Orientation 7/31 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
05/09 Fri 8-5 PM, Fighter Mom™ (NY Palace Hotel, 455 Madison Ave) a day-long workshop for Fighter Moms (whose children face any kind of disease, challenge or disability, Register: or 804-515-0080 Caroline Gibson or Nicola Hart
*NEW 05/09 Fri 10 AM, City Council Transportation Committee: to amend ther NYC Charter on accepting MTA AAR & ½ fare cards as Proof for NYC Disability Parking Permits (Committee Room - City Hall) with additional official proof of address of NYC residency for the purpose of proving the identity & residency of applicants for NYC Disability Parking Permits
05/09 Fri 10-Noon, Aging and Vision Policy and Practice in NYC & NYS, A Panel Presentation (Selis Manor, 135 W 23 St, 6-7 Ave)
05/09 Fri 10-3 PM, ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Sagamore, 197 Half Hollow Rd, Dix Hills LI) improving the mental health and well-being of NYS’s children, youth & families
05/09 Fri 2 PM Sprout Film Festival: Including Samuel (Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fifth Ave & 80 St) Dan Habib will present the film and hold a Q&A after each screening.
05/10 Sat Noon-6 PM, 4th Annual Bike Fetish Day (City Reliquary Museum, Havemeyer St. & Metropolitan Ave. B’klyn) They think bikes, we think wheelchairs! 718-782-4842
05/10 Sat 9 AM NAMI WALKS NYC (South Street Seaport / Brooklyn Bridge) Join the DIA, 504 Dems & 504 North Star team Edith Prentiss 212-781-8309 / Chris Noel 212-865-4802
05/12 Mon, NYS Assembly Disability Awareness Day (Albany)
05/12-14 Mon-Wed, ADA Symposium (America's Center St Louis, MO) comprehensive training & updates from key federal agencies (DOJ, Access Board & EEOC) in ADA implementation
05/12-14 Mon-Wed, National ADA Symposium & Expo: Conference on the ADA & Disability Law (St. Louis, MO)
05/14 Wed 8-10 AM, Declining NY Revenues: What To Do? (Newman Conference Center, 151 E 25 St, 7th Floor / RSVP 646.660.6851 or
05/14 Wed, Developing the Framework for Healthy People 2020: Public Comment Meeting (US Customs House, 1 Bowling Green) A comprehensive, nationwide health promotion & disease prevention agenda Register: Questions:
05/15 Thu 7 p.m. – Clean Elections & Movements for Social Justice (All Saints Church, 4312 46 St, Sunnyside, Queens); Forum on campaign finance reform, civil rights, housing, & health care activist Citizen Action of NYC, West Queens Independent Democratic Club, ect RSVPs at 212-523-0180 x43 or CALL FOR ACCESSIBILITY
05/15 Thu 7-8:30 AM Celebrate cycling in SI with a free breakfast with BP James Molinaro. (St. George Ferry Terminal) Breakfast then catch the 8:15 or 8:30 AM Ferries.
05/15 Thu, 10th Annual Gov’s Expo on Assistive Technology: Technology Opens Doors (Empire State Plaza Convention Center Albany, NY) exhibits & workshops on assistive devices & services; tutorials in accessible web development.
05/15 Thu 7 PM, Housing Here & Now (St. Jerome’s, 230 Alexander Ave, 138 St, Bx) Joya: 917 734-8050/ CALL FOR ACCESSIBILITY
05/15 Thu 7 PM, Housing Here & Now (Bushwick) Irene 718 418-7690 x231 CALL FOR ACCESSIBILITY
05/15-16 Thu-Fri, Pedestrian Safety Informational Summit (Castleton, NY) accessible pedestrian signals, tactile warnings & growing traffic safety concerns regarding hybrid vehicles 516-599-6220 or
*NEW 05/17 Sat 7-9 PM Manhattan Young Democrats - Cocktail Party (Heartland Brewery Chophouse, 127 W 43 St) RSVP: president@manhattanyoungdems.org6463734244 $25/ Young Dem; $50 for everyone else./ Sponsorship:$100 - Sponsor Committee / $250 – Supporter / $500 – Friend / $1000 - Co-Host / $2500 – Host
05/18 Sun AIDS Walk NY (Central Park) Anthony Trocchia is participating & looking for sponsors
05/18 Sun Noon-Board, 1:30 PM Meeting DIA (Selis Manor, 135 W 23 St 6-7 Ave) Open Forum
05/18 Sun Noon-4 PM, Bx on the Move: Car Free Sunday in Crotona Park ((Clearmonth Parkway & Crotona Park North) Enjoy a host of activities in a car free park!
*NEW 05/18 Sun 4-7 pm & 5/19 Mon 5:30-8:30 pm; Council Member Gale A. Brewer’s District Office Spring Open House (563 Columbus Ave, 87 St) Refreshments.
05/19, Mon 2 PM, Accessible Computer Applications –Accessibility issues with common workplace computer applications and how to make them accessible
*NEW 05/19 Mon 1:15-2:15 PM, Verbal Imaging Open Tour: Warhol's Jews: Ten Portraits Reconsidered and Art, Image, and Warhol Connections. The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
5/20 Tue 5:15-6:15 PM, Celebrate cycling in Manhattan with a free snack courtesy of BP Scott Stringer (Hudson River Greenway at Pier 54, 14 St.)
05/20 Tue 2-2:45 PM, Web cast: Public Policy Strategy in Support of Organizational Change - strategies to impact public policy; an understanding of adequate funding for employment services & supports. http://www.crp-
05/20 Tue 5–7:45 PM, Your Child & the Community: Developing Skills Needed for a Lifetime of Inclusion: Child’s Place for Children w/ Special Needs (B’klyn Heights Library, 280 Cadman Plaza W) ASL interpretation provided with advance request 718.253.4948 / 718.253.5034 (TTY).
05/20 Tue 6 PM, Thank You for Serving (HBO Theater, 1100 Sixth Ave, 42 St) Keynote speakers, celebrities from Broadway, film & TV say ‘thank you for serving’. Be videotaped writing your thank you to be shown on military bases, USO Units & VA Centers. RSVP required by 5/09 to 212-693-1001 or
05/21 Wed 2 PM, ASL Tour & Reception: Tour L Action/Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning & American Art (Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St). Advance registration is required: 212.423.3225 or Space is limited.
05/21 Wed 5:30 & 8:00 PM, Including Samuel (Jewish Community Center) Dan Habib will present the film and hold a Q&A after each screening.
05/27 Tue 10-3 PM ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Bohn's Restaurant, 5256 Clinton St, Batavia) improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in NYS accommodations Patti Sugg 716-885-4219 Ext. 221
05/27-29 International Conference on Self-Determination (Detroit MI) panel discussions & roundtables organized by topic with a diversity of moderators & cross-disability panels. 810-231-6364,
05/30 Fri 10 AM, NY Network for Action on Medicare and Social Security (NYNAMSS) (JASA Cooper Sq Housing ) Mark your calendar: 09/26 & 11/21. Mark 212-925-1829 / Molly 212-273-5260 mkrakowski@JASA.ORG / Maria 212-204-6235 / Larry 212-873-6600 X304
05/31 UWS Sts Renaissance Campaign (Location TBA) help bring Broadway & Amsterdam Ave up to date with a 21st Century design for a complete street.. This is your chance to reclaim the streets of the UWS RSVP is required:
06/01 My Time Inc Parent Supporting Parent Walkathon http:///
06/02-03 Mon-Tue, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Wash DC) to increase accessible transportation in your community
06/04 Wed 9-11 AM, Pre-Booking Jail Diversion/Crisis Intervention Teams (Fordham Univ, 140 W 62 St, Columbus) Register / Lisa Ortega or 646-260-6575
06/05-06 Brain Injury Assoc of NYS, 26th Annual Conference (Albany)
06/05-08 Fri-Sun VISIONS June Institute: The Future is Now! (Rockland Co NY) For blind / visually impaired preparing for college, enrolled in college or recent grads Registration fee (lodging, meals & transportation) is $25. Assessing Your Strengths, Building Experience for a Powerful Resume, Interviewing with Confidence, Budgeting for Success, Understanding the 21st Century Job Market & Exploring the Latest in Assistive Tech Info: Pre-registrations: Nancy 212.683.4950
06/10 2-2:45 PM: Webcast: Creative Employment Strategies - customizing jobs & supports & the outcomes that can be achieved. Practical strategies, accessing nontraditional resources, & addressing local service delivery issues
06/10-14 Tues-Sat, 20th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (Portland, Maine) meet the unique needs of college students WDs. Carrol Waite 860-486-3321, fax:860-486-5799
06/11 Wed 4-10 PM, Rent Guidelines Board - Final Vote Public Hearing, (NYC College of Tech, 285 Jay St, B’klyn Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
*NEW 06/12 Thu 1:15-2:15 PM, Verbal Imaging Open Tour Action/Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning, and American Art, 1940-1976. (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
06/13-17, League Of Women Voters 48th National Convention: Reaching New Heights Together (Portland, OR) Daily workshops, briefings, caucuses, plenary sessions, exhibits, receptions, elections of national officers, etc. Delegate spots are available and there is budget to assist members financially.
06/18 07 disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) Heavy Load! Band & the critically acclaimed documentary /$5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description upon request / WC accessible Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160 /
06/16 Mon 10-6 PM, Rent Guidelines Board Final Vote Public Hearing (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
06/18-21 Wed-Sat Society for Disability Studies, 2008 Conference (Baruch, 55 Lexington Ave, 24 St) info: /
06/19 Thu 10-3 PM JASA Volunteer Expo (UJA, 130 E 59 St, Park-Lex) 212-273-5291
06/19 Thu 5:30-9:30 PM Rent Guidelines Board Final Vote (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St, ) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;
*NEW 6/20-23, ADAPT Youth (18-30) Summit (Chicago) Veteran ADAPT members will facilitate & provide training in direct & grassroots action! Rahnee Patrick 312-663-1292 or
06/24 Tue 8:30-2:30 PM, B’klyn Dev Disabilities Council’s 19th Annual Family Support Fair: A Vision for New Possibilities (B’klyn College, Student Union, Campus Rd. & E 27 St) Resource Fair & Workshops: Managing Medicaid & Medicaid Managed Care, Sleep Problems & Children with Autism & Autism Spectrum Disorders, Obesity & Nutrition, Transition to Adult Services & Entitlements 718- 642-8512, NY Families for Autistic Children-Joseph Baird 718 422-3227 Free to Consumers & Family / Breakfast Provided
07/08 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Autism Spectrum Disorder & Employment - effective communication, understanding social challenges & the hidden curriculum, behavior support, production competence & interdependence.
07/09-10 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Eugene, OR) A free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 05/22
07/13-17, Workforce Innovations 2008: Success Decoded (New Orleans) workforce development, business, economic development, education, community-based organizations & philanthropy
08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA and Website Accessibility: recent legal developments and their potential implications.
09/8-10, NYAIL: Taking Action for Independence: Confrontation and Controversy Desmond, Albany)
09/09 Sun 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible,& Integrated Housing (Chicago IL) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. Hotel rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324
09/09 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services & how substance use qualifies as a disability.
09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Nevele Grande, Ellenville NY)
09/29 Mon 2 PM, E-Learning & Accessibility - strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning
10/15 SAVE THE DATE MOPD - Disability Mentoring Day: Career Development for the 21st Century / Job Shadowing, Career Exploration & Promoting an Inclusive Work Place)
11/07-09 Fri-Sun, ACBNY Convention (MacArthur Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma, LI) Lori Scharff 516-887-1336
Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - 888-342-3428 - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA)a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers WDs . Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues.
Christine Bruno (Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts) Asks: Does anyone have any info on or experience with self-defense for PWDs? Can be classes or workshops geared toward any disability - wheelchair users, blind/low-vision, Deaf, mobility, sensory or developmental disabilities. Any info you could provide would be greatly appreciated. 212.730.4750
1. The producer of "Hamill." - Deaf actors for the film and are auditioning in NYC next week, May 15. They are interested in receiving pictures & resumes for future auditions (in ther next 2 monthsws) for supporting characters, which will take place over the next two months. If interested in auditioning, please do as follows: Email, Include a recent headshot or picture within Email, Include Link to Website or Demo Reel if available & State which location you're interested in: Rochester, NYC, or Gallaudet The director is looking for a very naturalistic acting approach specific to the Film Medium. Please refer to mainstream films such as Rudy or Million Dollar Baby as examples. ACTING BACKGROUND IS A PLUS BUT NOT MANDATORY QUESTIONS? Email or call the Producer, K'Dee Miller, at (917) 501-6469.
2. The Coalition of Behavioral Health Agencies - Senior Associate for Policy and Advocacy
The trade association & public policy advocacy organization of the NYC’s behavioral health community, The Senior Associate reports directly to the ED and is responsible for helping to develop and implement many policy and advocacy activities. Specific responsibilities include: analyzing NYC & NYS behavioral health budgets, coordinating and staffing committees of the Board of Directors; preparing and present policy positions through testimony, briefs, and other advocacy materials; leading advocacy initiatives, including forums, legislative visits, and media events; and working with government and elected officials to adopt and implement policies that will enhance the community mental health The ideal candidate would possess a master's in public or policy or administration, social work, or other relevant equivalent areas. Previous advocacy & public policy experience is a major plus. The ideal candidate should have excellent research, analytic, and writing skills; public speaking and presentation skills; networking skills and ability to work in coalitions; as well as the ability to work in a high productivity and fast-paced environment. A candidate's qualifications would be greatly enhanced by knowledge of special needs housing and chemical dependence field. Facility with computers is a must. Salary & Benefits Commensurate with experience. Generous fringe benefit package. Broad exposure to the not-forprofit human services sector. Send resume & two writing samples
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