1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard S) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power and Participation in PWDs Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (South Dakota!) Access Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs the largest identifiable bloc of non-voters
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or
2nd Mon 6 PM 504 Dems (332 E 29th St)
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
3rd Tues10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or
4th Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south) Clarice Brown 212-669-8300
Every Tues (through Sept) 5:30 PM, Wheelchair Softball (Bulova Field, 25th Ave, 75-76 St Jackson Heights, Oueens) Played on a hard surface, Some player use their own sports chairs but they are available to borrow. Bats & balls provided / Victor Calise 212-360-3310
Every Tues, Housing Advocates Training, (Legal Aid Society 111 Livingston St, 7th floor, B’klyn
1st Wed 6:30 PM, disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) $5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description available upon request. Space is WC accessible. Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160
2nd Wed, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx) 718-231-3400 x 202 or
3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) come together and support one another, to share our experience, strengthen, and hope. Light refreshments or
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
Every Wed Starting 7/2 6-8 PM Music Program for Children & Adults WDs (Woodrow Methodist Church, 1075 Woodrow Rd, SI Lessons include: Piano, Recorder, Choir, Rhythm & Other Musical Activities $50 a month (other payment options available). Credit Cards Accepted. Contact Julianna at 718-356-4737 or
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
Every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
Every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) or 212 245 0004
3rd Fri 7-10 PM, Fri ASL Tour (Rubin Museum of Art,150 W 17 St, meet at the bottom of the Spiral Staircase) learn about the culture, history, religions and sacred art of the Himalayan region. y-tours.xml or Louise Brooks 212 620 5000 x328
Last Fri 3-5 PM, NYC Peer Network Group: Hearing Voices Group: (Community Access, 666 Broadway, 4FL Conf Rm, Bleecker-Bond Sts) Share your beliefs on what “the voices” are & learn how others experience their “auditory hallucinations.” Your experience may be unique, but you are not alone..212-780-1400 Ext 7728
Last Sat Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off:1 Prospect Park W.)
********************MULTI SESSION EVENTS********************************
06/19 through 12/08 Non-Fri 8-1 PM, ICD - Art Exhibit: The Joy of Art in Many Ways (ICD, 340 E 24 St Floor 2, 1-2 Aves) 212-585-6070.
08/04-11 Emergency Preparedness / Teleconference Orientation 7/31 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
9/12-11/20 Mon & Thu 10 AM-3 PM, Piper Peer Advocacy Training (Pilgrim State Hospital, W Brentwood ) meets the OMH Requirements for Peer Advocacy Training (PC 1500) You are responsible for your lunch & transportation (there is a bus from the Brentwood LIRR). You must be registered & interviewed before 8/29l Deb Damone 631-747-4197
11/01-23 Funny As A Crutch (Abingdon Theatre's Dorothy Strelsin Theater 312 W 36 St, 8-9 Aves) a collection of 9 short comedies exploring perceptions & projections about disability
********************************* SINGLE EVENTS ***************************
*NEW 07/31 Thu 10 AM, Stimulus Rebate / School Tax Credit Workshop (VISIONS at Selis Manor, 135 W. 23rd St., 6-7 Aves) To fill out tax forms, please bring photo ID, social security card, and all tax documents including:1099s, W-2s, and social security benefits statements. To register, call 646-486-4444 x12 or e-mail
07/31 Thu 4-7 PM Gov Paterson’s Economic Security Cabinet Town Hall (York College/CUNY) To reduce New York’s high cost of living; establish education and workforce development opportunities for a highly competitive economy; strengthen the social safety net for low-income New Yorkers; & bring jobs into our communities. Written submissions and/or 3 minutes of in-person testimony.
*NEW 07/31 Thu 6-9 PM, 504 Dems Bronx Candidate Screening (Efraim Gonzalez, 1780 Grand Concourse, 174-175 Sts) Kenny Agosto 917-378-5577 & Jamin Sewell 646-919-4953
07/31 Thu 11 AM, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights: Restoring the "Emancipation Proclamation" for PWDs The ADA Amendments Act speakers include: Sen Harkin, D. IA Sponsor of the ADA Amendments Act, Andrew J. Imparato President & CEO, AAPD Moderated by: Nancy Zirkin Exec VP, of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights RSVP Now!
08/03 Sun VISIONS VCB Lions Family Day (111 Summit Park Rd, Spring Valley NY)
all Natalia S. Young: 212-625-1616 x 120.
*NEW 08/04 Mon 6-9 PM, 504 Dems Queens Candidate Screening (Jewish Ctr of Jackson Hts, 37-06 77 St, 37th Ave next to Big Met) Maureen Green 718-779-2126
*NEW 08/05 Tu 6-9 PM, 504 Dems Upper Manhattan Candidate Screening (North General Hospital - 1879 Madison Ave, 120-121 St) Chris Noel 646-789-7962
08/06 Wed 10:30-12:30, AARP New York - Health and Financial Security (Brooklyn Borough Hall) RSVP Christine Deska 212-407-3782
08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA & Website Accessibility: recent legal developments and their potential implications.
*08/11 Mon 3-4:30 PM, SILC-NET National Teleconference & Webcast Expanding the Availability of Accessible Housing ( ) $75 per site / Are you interested in learning what your Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) can do to increase the stock and availability of accessible, affordable, integrated housing? Info: Eleanor Canter 202-207-0334 (voice) 202-207-0340 (TTY) 202-207-0341 (fax) or
08/11 Mon Paving the Road Home: The Nat’l Behavioral Health Conference & Policy Academy on Returning Vets & Their Families (Bethesda, MD) to help Federal, State, and local partners improve and enhance mental health and substance abuse services for returning vets and their families.
08/11 Mon 6-8 PM Mind's Eye: (Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave, 89 St) verbal Imaging & touch monthly program for partially sighted, blind, & deaf visitors. Tour, discussion & private reception Vasily Kandinsky: Beginnings./ Programs for deaf visitors are presented in ASL FREE! RSVP 212 360 4355 or Please indicate ASL or Verbal Imaging program
08/12-13 Tue-Wed, 9-5 PM 2008 FEMA Urban Hazards Forum V: Conference on Emergency Preparedness for Special Needs Populations (Graduate Center – CUNY, 365 Fifth Ave, 34 St) Register: Large Print, Braille, ASL Interpretation, Assistive Listening Devices, CART (Open Captioning) will be made available upon request. Make requests during the registration process please. Sean Waters (212) 680-3688
08/16 Craigslist Foundation Nonprofit Boot Camp
*NEW 08/16-17 Sat 9 AM –Sun 10 AM, First Annual Veterans Conference (SOB 163 W 125 St, AC Powell Blvd) 212-491-4516
08/23 Sat, Noon-5, North Star Chess in the City (Minton’s Playhouse, 206 W 118th St) Chris Noel 646-789-7962
08/26-27 L NET: Financial Management for CIL (Albuquerque) for ED’s, managers, fiscal staff & board members.\
09/04 Thu 7 PM, DL21C kicks off the fall election season with Ted Sorensen Special Counsel and Adviser, President John F. Kennedy RSVP:
09/8-10 Mon-Wed, NYAIL Taking Action for Independence Confrontation & Controversy (Albany)
09/09 Tue 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible,& Integrated Housing (Chicago IL) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. Hotel rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324
09/09 Tue 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services & how substance use qualifies as a disability.
9/14 Sun 5th Nat’l Wedding March for Marriage Equality NY (NYC)
09/16 Tue 10 AM Brooklyn Consumer Council (25 Flatbush Ave) 718-642-8512
09/17-19, Operationalizing Effective SILC Alexandria, VA) fundamentals of SILC duties, roles, & responsibilities; SPIL development and monitoring of implementation; community needs assessment; strengthening partnerships with DSUs and other agencies; and membership appointment and orientation; as well as provide examples of how to implement these for SILC staff & members, including representatives of DSU
09/23 Tue 2-3:30 PM Man BP Disabilities Task Force (1 Centre St, 9 Floor South) Accommodations: Clarice Brown 212-669-8335 / Fax:212-669-3840 /
09/24 Wed 8:30-4 PM, Medicare workshop for benefits administrators. (NY Reg Office-CMS, 26 Federal Plaza) Dayle Berke, J.D. 212-616-2313 (voice) / 212-264-2665 (FAX)
09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Ellenville NY)
09/27 Sat 9-3 PM Session I (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
09/29 Mon 2 PM, E-Learning & Accessibility - strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning
10/06 Mon 10:30 AM Brooklyn Consumer Council-Transportation Council (B’klyn Dev Ctr, 888 Fountain Ave, Large Conference Room)
10/15 Wed, MOPD - Disability Mentoring Day: Career Development for the 21st Century / Job Shadowing, Career Exploration & Promoting an Inclusive Work Place)
10/21-24 Mini-Conference on Transition & Housing (Milwaukee, WI) offers CIL/SILC tracks to provide resources and strategies to support local advocates assisting consumers to plan their transition and find housing as well as systems advocates protecting and expanding the funding and programs that provide community supports and accessible, affordable, integrated housing
10/24 Fri 4-9 PM Session II: (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
10/25 Sat 9-3 P.M. Session II:(Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
11/07-09 Fri-Sun, ACBNY Convention (MacArthur Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma, LI) Lori Scharff 516-887-1336
11/21 Fri 4-9 PM Session III (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
11/22 Sat 9-3 P.M. Session III (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
3/16-17 Mon-Tue, 36th Annual Conference on Dyslexia and related Learning Disabilities (New York City)
Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - 888-342-3428 - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA) a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers WDs Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues. If you’re a US citizen over 18 yrs old, able & willing to work 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. or to the close of the polls. Salary is $200 for working an Election Day, $25 for attending class and passing exam. However, if you do not work Election Day, you will not receive the $25 for attending class, $35 bonus to those who attend class, pass the exam, and work two Election Days.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Seeks for photographers and illustrators! - seeks photographers and illustrators
Online stock photo library seeks photographers
and illustrators
A new stock photo agency‚, is aggressively seeking photos and illustrations of‚ by‚ and for the disability community.
The site’s goal is to offer a unique place for royalty–free and rights–managed photography and illustrations.
Art from prominent photographers in the disability community
has already been lined up. For instance‚ buyers on the site will be able to obtain the works of Christopher Voelker, Chris Hamilton, Eric Stampfli and and many others. However, Creative Director Jennifer Ruf wants to get the word out that there’s no limit to DisabilityPhoto’s quest for talent.
“We’re creating something that’s never been done before…a place where a huge amount of disability artwork will be available at a buyer’s fingertips.
We’re calling on all artists‚ from amateurs to professionals‚ to contact us.
It’s a great opportunity.” will be a well–organized site so that finding the right works for any project will be a snap. “This site is intended to offer high end photography and illustrations in an easy–to–use format‚” says Ruf, “The site has a great layout to make it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for.
“With the goal of stocking the site with thousands of photos and art, promises to be the premier source for anyone seeking disability–related images.
To submit artwork or learn more about the site, please go to
Online stock photo library seeks photographers
and illustrators
A new stock photo agency‚, is aggressively seeking photos and illustrations of‚ by‚ and for the disability community.
The site’s goal is to offer a unique place for royalty–free and rights–managed photography and illustrations.
Art from prominent photographers in the disability community
has already been lined up. For instance‚ buyers on the site will be able to obtain the works of Christopher Voelker, Chris Hamilton, Eric Stampfli and and many others. However, Creative Director Jennifer Ruf wants to get the word out that there’s no limit to DisabilityPhoto’s quest for talent.
“We’re creating something that’s never been done before…a place where a huge amount of disability artwork will be available at a buyer’s fingertips.
We’re calling on all artists‚ from amateurs to professionals‚ to contact us.
It’s a great opportunity.” will be a well–organized site so that finding the right works for any project will be a snap. “This site is intended to offer high end photography and illustrations in an easy–to–use format‚” says Ruf, “The site has a great layout to make it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for.
“With the goal of stocking the site with thousands of photos and art, promises to be the premier source for anyone seeking disability–related images.
To submit artwork or learn more about the site, please go to
Thursday, July 24, 2008
1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard S) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power and Participation in PWDs Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (South Dakota!) Access Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs the largest identifiable bloc of non-voters
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or
2nd Mon 6 PM 504 Dems (332 E 29th St)
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
3rd Tues10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or
4th Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south) Clarice Brown 212-669-8300
Every Tues (through Sept) 5:30 PM, Wheelchair Softball (Bulova Field, 25th Ave, 75-76 St Jackson Heights, Oueens) Played on a hard surface, Some player use their own sports chairs but they are available to borrow. Bats & balls provided / Victor Calise 212-360-3310
Every Tues, Housing Advocates Training, (Legal Aid Society 111 Livingston St, 7th floor, B’klyn
1st Wed 6:30 PM, disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) $5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description available upon request. Space is WC accessible. Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160
2nd Wed, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx) 718-231-3400 x 202 or
3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) come together and support one another, to share our experience, strengthen, and hope. Light refreshments or
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
Every Wed Starting 7/2 6-8 PM Music Program for Children & Adults WDs (Woodrow Methodist Church, 1075 Woodrow Rd, SI Lessons include: Piano, Recorder, Choir, Rhythm & Other Musical Activities $50 a month (other payment options available). Credit Cards Accepted. Contact Julianna at 718-356-4737 or
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
Every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
Every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) or 212 245 0004
3rd Fri 7-10 PM, Fri ASL Tour (Rubin Museum of Art,150 W 17 St, meet at the bottom of the Spiral Staircase) learn about the culture, history, religions and sacred art of the Himalayan region. y-tours.xml or Louise Brooks 212 620 5000 x328
Last Fri 3-5 PM, NYC Peer Network Group: Hearing Voices Group: (Community Access, 666 Broadway, 4FL Conf Rm, Bleecker-Bond Sts) Share your beliefs on what “the voices” are & learn how others experience their “auditory hallucinations.” Your experience may be unique, but you are not alone..212-780-1400 Ext 7728
Last Sat Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off:1 Prospect Park W.)
*********************************************MULTI SESSION EVENTS********************************
06/19 through 12/08 Non-Fri 8-1 PM, ICD - Art Exhibit: The Joy of Art in Many Ways (ICD, 340 E 24 St Floor 2, 1-2 Aves) 212-585-6070.
08/04-11 Emergency Preparedness / Registration Deadline: 5/26 Teleconference Orientation 7/31 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
9/12-11/20 Mon & Thu 10 AM-3 PM, Piper Peer Advocacy Training (Pilgrim State Hospital, W Brentwood ) meets the OMH Requirements for Peer Advocacy Training (PC 1500) You are responsible for your lunch & transportation (there is a bus from the Brentwood LIRR). You must be registered & interviewed before 8/29l Deb Damone 631-747-4197
11/01-23 Funny As A Crutch (Abingdon Theatre's Dorothy Strelsin Theater 312 W 36 St, 8-9 Aves) a collection of 9 short comedies exploring perceptions & projections about disability
********************************* SINGLE EVENTS ***************************
*NEW 07/24 Thu 1:30-2:30 PM B’klyn BP Welcomes Wounded Warrior Project’s Empire State Challenge Soldier Ride To Brooklyn (Begins –B’klyn Bridge, Ends - Villabate Pasticceria & Bakery 18 Ave & 70 St Bensonhurst) A program of Wounded Warrior Project that provides key rehabilitation opportunities for wounded warriors & raises public awareness and money for those that have been severely injured during the current war on terror. All participants are provided the adaptive equipment they need to cycle with a missing limb or limbs.
07/24 Thu 2-4 PM, JPAC Brooklyn Meeting (44 Court St, 5th floor) Dina Wizmur Medicare Rights Center - Advocacy for a drug coverage option under original Medicare RSVP Cam at 718.943.7744
*NEW 07/24 Thu 6:30 PM NYS Citizens Committee on HAVA Implementation - Citywide Election Preparation Meetings (DC 37, 125 Barclay St., Washington St-Westside Highway) a discussion of challenges faced by voter registration, education and get-out-the-vote efforts in NYC and share best practices and approaches that are working Establish lines of communication in preparation for the challenges of the up-coming primary and general election. Susan Lerner or Chris Keeley, Common Cause/NY,, 212-691-6421
07/24 Thu 6:30 PM, Sen Tom Duane - Forum On Financial Planning And Literacy: Be Smart, Be Safe, And Save! (Beth Israel Medical Center, 10 Union Square East 14-15 Sts) co-sponsors US Reps Maloney & Nadler; NYS Sen L. Krueger; AMs Bing, Gottfried, Kavanagh & Rosenthal; Man BP Stringer; City Council Speaker Quinn; Council members. Brewer, Garodnick, Gerson & Mendez.
07/25 Fri 6 PM, Center For Disability Rights Celebrates 10 Yrs Of Independence (Henrietta, NY) Hors ’ouevres, silent auction, dinner and dancing Black Tie Optional Please RSVP by 7/11 to Marco Altieri 585.546.7510 $50/person or $75/couple
*NEW 07/25 FRI 5-10 PM 8:30 candle light vigil, Demonstration & Vigil for Esmin Green (Kings County Hospital Center), Call Mayor Bloomberg to express your outrage about death and insist that the NYC stand in full compliance with International Law and Human Rights.
07/25-19 Second Annual Building Your Future Employment and Technology Institute (Adults) Betsy Fabricant: 212-625-1616 x 124.
07/26 Sat 12:30-4 PM, Candidates Nat’l Forum on Disability Issues (Ohio) live webcast: To register, visit Questions about registration should be directed to Anne Sommers.
*NEW 07/26 Sat 2 pm audio described performance of Richard Nelson’s Some Americans Abroad (e Second Stage Theater, 307 W. 43 St).Tickets for this performance - free. Call the box office directly at (212) 246-4422 and use the code AUDO to order tickets to be picked up later.
*NEW 7/26 Sat Noon-3 PM, Disability & Sensitivity Awareness Forum (HOJ, 106 W. 145 St, Lenox - 7 Ave) Nat’l Action Network’s Disability Committee /NYS Self-Advocacy Association: Get A First Hand Viewpoint From People with Developmental Disabilities. If You Are Sick & Tired Of Being Sick & Tired Of Having Disability Problems / Light Refreshments / Wheelchair Accessible / ASL Interpreter upon Requested / Pam Bates 212-222-6439/212-690-3070
*NEW 07/26 Sat 10-10 PM, Relay For Life Of Throggs Neck/ Pelham Bay (Pelham Bay Park Track Middletown Rd. & Stadium Ave.) Admission $10 Cancer Survivors are admitted for free
07/28 Mon 4-7 PM Gov Paterson’s Economic Security Cabinet Town Hall ((Brooklyn Borough Hall & SOB, 163 W 125 St) To reduce New York’s high cost of living; establish education and workforce development opportunities for a highly competitive economy; strengthen the social safety net for low-income New Yorkers; & bring jobs into our communities. Witten submissions and/or 3 minutes of in-person testimony.
*NEW 07/29, Tue 2 PM (Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP, 1301 Avenue of the Americas , 23rd Flr, 52-53 Sts) a discussion of challenges faced by voter registration, education and get-out-the-vote efforts in NYC and share best practices and approaches that are working Establish lines of communication in preparation for the challenges of the up-coming primary and general election. Susan Lerner or Chris Keeley, Common Cause/NY,, 212-691-6421
07/30 Wed 4-7 PM, Gov Paterson’s Economic Security Cabinet Town Hall (Farmingdale State College) To reduce New York’s high cost of living; establish education and workforce development opportunities for a highly competitive economy; strengthen the social safety net for low-income New Yorkers; & bring jobs into our communities. Witten submissions and/or 3 minutes of in-person testimony.
07/31 Thu 4-7 PM Gov Paterson’s Economic Security Cabinet Town Hall (York College/CUNY) To reduce New York’s high cost of living; establish education and workforce development opportunities for a highly competitive economy; strengthen the social safety net for low-income New Yorkers; & bring jobs into our communities. Written submissions and/or 3 minutes of in-person testimony.
*NEW 07/31 Thu 11 AM, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights: Restoring the "Emancipation Proclamation" for PWDs The ADA Amendments Act speakers include: Sen Harkin, D. IA Sponsor of the ADA Amendments Act, Andrew J. Imparato President & CEO, AAPD Moderated by: Nancy Zirkin Exec VP, of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights RSVP Now!
08/03 Sun VISIONS VCB Lions Family Day (111 Summit Park Rd, Spring Valley NY) Natalia S. Young: 212-625-1616 x 120.
*NEW 08/05 Tu 6-9 PM, 504 Dems Upper Manhattan Candidate Screening (North General Hospital - 1879 Madison Ave, 120-121 St) Chris Noel 646-789-7962
08/06 Wed 10:30-12:30, AARP New York - Health and Financial Security (Brooklyn Borough Hall) RSVP Christine Deska 212-407-3782
08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA & Website Accessibility: recent legal developments and their potential implications.
08/11 Mon Paving the Road Home: The Nat’l Behavioral Health Conference & Policy Academy on Returning Vets & Their Families (Bethesda, MD) to help Federal, State, and local partners improve and enhance mental health and substance abuse services for returning vets and their families.
08/11 Mon 6-8 PM Mind's Eye: (Solomon Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave at 89 St) monthly program for partially sighted, blind, & deaf visitors. Tour, discussion and private reception of the current exhibition Vasily Kandinsky: Beginnings. Programs for partially sighted and blind visitors are presented through verbal Imaging and touch. Programs for deaf visitors are presented in ASL FREE! Space is limited! RSVP 212 360 4355 or Please indicate which tour you wish to attend (ASL or Verbal Imaging)
08/11 Mon 6-8 PM, Mind's Eye: Access at the Guggenheim: Vasily Kandinsky: Beginning (Solomon Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave at 89 St) Verbal Imaging and touch/ASL. Programs, Free, Space is limited! RSVP 212 360 4355 or
*NEW 08/12-13 Tue-Wed, 9-5 PM 2008 FEMA Urban Hazards Forum V: Conference on Emergency Preparedness for Special Needs Populations (Graduate Center – CUNY, 365 Fifth Ave, 34 St) Register: Large Print, Braille, ASL Interpretation, Assistive Listening Devices, CART (Open Captioning) will be made available upon request. Make requests during the registration process please.Sean Waters (212) 680-3688
*NEW 08/16 Craigslist Foundation Nonprofit Boot Camp
08/23 Sat, Noon-5, North Star Chess in the City fund raiser (Minton’s Playhouse, 206 W 118th St) 212-865-4802
*NEW 08/26-27 L NET : Financial Management for CIL (Albuquerque) This introductory course is intended for ED’s, managers, fiscal staff & board members.\
*NEW 09/04 Thu 7 PM, DL21C kicks off the fall election season with Ted Sorensen Special Counsel and Adviser, President John F. Kennedy RSVP:
09/8-10 Mon-Wed, NYAIL Taking Action for Independence Confrontation & Controversy (Albany)
09/09 Tue 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible,& Integrated Housing (Chicago IL) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. Hotel rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324
09/09 Tue 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services & how substance use qualifies as a disability.
9/14 Sun 5th Nat’l Wedding March for Marriage Equality NY (NYC)
09/16 Tue 10 AM Brooklyn Consumer Council (25 Flatbush Ave) 718-642-8512
*NEW 09/17-19, Operationalizing Effective SILC Alexandria, VA) intended for SILC staff & members, including representatives of Designated State Units. fundamentals of SILC duties, roles, & responsibilities; SPIL development and monitoring of implementation; community needs assessment; strengthening partnerships with DSUs and other agencies; and membership appointment and orientation; as well as provide examples of how to implement these
09/23 Tue 2-3:30 PM Man BP Disabilities Task Force (1 Centre St, 9 Floor South) Accommodations: Clarice Brown 212-669-8335 / Fax:212-669-3840 /
*NEW 09/24 Wed 8:30-4 PM, Medicare workshop for benefits administrators. (NY Reg Office-CMS, 26 Federal Plaza) Dayle Berke, J.D. 212-616-2313 (voice) / 212-264-2665 (FAX)
09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Nevele Grande, Ellenville NY)
09/27 Sat 9-3 PM Session I (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
09/29 Mon 2 PM, E-Learning & Accessibility - strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning
10/06 Mon 10:30 AM Brooklyn Consumer Council-Transportation Council (B’klyn Dev Ctr, 888 Fountain Ave, Large Conference Room)
10/15 Wed, MOPD - Disability Mentoring Day: Career Development for the 21st Century / Job Shadowing, Career Exploration & Promoting an Inclusive Work Place)
*NEW 10/21-24 Mini-Conference on Transition & Housing (Milwaukee, WI) offers CIL/SILC tracks to provide resources and strategies to support local advocates assisting consumers to plan their transition and find housing as well as systems advocates protecting and expanding the funding and programs that provide community supports and accessible, affordable, integrated housing
10/24 Fri 4-9 PM Session II: (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
10/25 Sat 9-3 P.M. Session II: (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
11/07-09 Fri-Sun, ACBNY Convention (MacArthur Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma, LI) Lori Scharff 516-887-1336
11/21 Fri 4-9 PM Session III (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
11/22 Sat 9-3 P.M. Session III (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
3/16-17 Mon-Tue, 36th Annual Conference on Dyslexia and related Learning Disabilities (New York City)
Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - 888-342-3428 - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA) a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers WDs Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues. HRA has not created a formal process for monitoring and evaluating the data submitted by contractors running the Wellness, Comprehensive Assessment, Rehabilitation, and Employment program - which offers services and support to PWDs - according to an audit by the city comptroller's office. The city has budgeted $200 million over three years for the program, which is called WeCARE for short, and two-thirds of that is awarded to contractors once they complete certain milestones. The agency agreed to create an evaluation and monitoring process in response to the audit. cell phone accessibility for people who are blind and visually impaired by carrier and feature
Adapted Devices - Lost in Floods / Equipment Donations (wheel chairs, scooters, shower chairs, toilet risers, etc) The Equipment Loan program has been depleted by assisting flood victims and has people on waiting lists. Please forward this info to all & any people or organizations that my have used/stored equipment to donate. Easter Seals (515) 309-2395 / 21st Century Communications and Accessibility Act of 2008 to ensure that PWDs have access to emerging Internet Protocol-based communication and video programming technologies in the 21st Century. For further information, contact Mark Richert, 202-822-0833 The Association of State & Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) issued "At-risk populations and influenza pandemic: Planning Guidance for State, Territorial, Tribal and Local Health Departments." This 126-page document has links to a variety of resources offering guidance including how to partner with "at-risk" populations and providers, identifying at-risk populations in the community, and involving people with varying abilities in preparedness planning and data. Among other topics, it also covers continuity of operations plans during a pandemic, home care during a pandemic, evaluation of preparedness, and mapping populations in a community. See the document at: 40 min video by the Dept Rehab Medicine (Mt Sinai School of Medicine) to: 1) Increase awareness of TBIy 2) Improve identification of TBI in patients seen in medical, mental health and other settings 3) Educate clinicians and clinicians-in-training about TBI and its life- long challenges across the continuum of TBI severity - is aggressively seeking photos and illustrations of‚ by‚ and for the disability community. The site’s goal is to offer a unique place for royalty–free and rights–managed photography and illustrations. The Casablanca121-125 W 110 Manhattan
1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard S) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or
1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power and Participation in PWDs Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (South Dakota!) Access Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs the largest identifiable bloc of non-voters
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or
2nd Mon 6 PM 504 Dems (332 E 29th St)
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
3rd Tues10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or
4th Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south) Clarice Brown 212-669-8300
Every Tues (through Sept) 5:30 PM, Wheelchair Softball (Bulova Field, 25th Ave, 75-76 St Jackson Heights, Oueens) Played on a hard surface, Some player use their own sports chairs but they are available to borrow. Bats & balls provided / Victor Calise 212-360-3310
Every Tues, Housing Advocates Training, (Legal Aid Society 111 Livingston St, 7th floor, B’klyn
1st Wed 6:30 PM, disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) $5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description available upon request. Space is WC accessible. Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160
2nd Wed, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx) 718-231-3400 x 202 or
3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) come together and support one another, to share our experience, strengthen, and hope. Light refreshments or
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
Every Wed Starting 7/2 6-8 PM Music Program for Children & Adults WDs (Woodrow Methodist Church, 1075 Woodrow Rd, SI Lessons include: Piano, Recorder, Choir, Rhythm & Other Musical Activities $50 a month (other payment options available). Credit Cards Accepted. Contact Julianna at 718-356-4737 or
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
Every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
Every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) or 212 245 0004
3rd Fri 7-10 PM, Fri ASL Tour (Rubin Museum of Art,150 W 17 St, meet at the bottom of the Spiral Staircase) learn about the culture, history, religions and sacred art of the Himalayan region. y-tours.xml or Louise Brooks 212 620 5000 x328
Last Fri 3-5 PM, NYC Peer Network Group: Hearing Voices Group: (Community Access, 666 Broadway, 4FL Conf Rm, Bleecker-Bond Sts) Share your beliefs on what “the voices” are & learn how others experience their “auditory hallucinations.” Your experience may be unique, but you are not alone..212-780-1400 Ext 7728
Last Sat Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off:1 Prospect Park W.)
*********************************************MULTI SESSION EVENTS********************************
06/19 through 12/08 Non-Fri 8-1 PM, ICD - Art Exhibit: The Joy of Art in Many Ways (ICD, 340 E 24 St Floor 2, 1-2 Aves) 212-585-6070.
08/04-11 Emergency Preparedness / Registration Deadline: 5/26 Teleconference Orientation 7/31 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
9/12-11/20 Mon & Thu 10 AM-3 PM, Piper Peer Advocacy Training (Pilgrim State Hospital, W Brentwood ) meets the OMH Requirements for Peer Advocacy Training (PC 1500) You are responsible for your lunch & transportation (there is a bus from the Brentwood LIRR). You must be registered & interviewed before 8/29l Deb Damone 631-747-4197
11/01-23 Funny As A Crutch (Abingdon Theatre's Dorothy Strelsin Theater 312 W 36 St, 8-9 Aves) a collection of 9 short comedies exploring perceptions & projections about disability
********************************* SINGLE EVENTS ***************************
*NEW 07/24 Thu 1:30-2:30 PM B’klyn BP Welcomes Wounded Warrior Project’s Empire State Challenge Soldier Ride To Brooklyn (Begins –B’klyn Bridge, Ends - Villabate Pasticceria & Bakery 18 Ave & 70 St Bensonhurst) A program of Wounded Warrior Project that provides key rehabilitation opportunities for wounded warriors & raises public awareness and money for those that have been severely injured during the current war on terror. All participants are provided the adaptive equipment they need to cycle with a missing limb or limbs.
07/24 Thu 2-4 PM, JPAC Brooklyn Meeting (44 Court St, 5th floor) Dina Wizmur Medicare Rights Center - Advocacy for a drug coverage option under original Medicare RSVP Cam at 718.943.7744
*NEW 07/24 Thu 6:30 PM NYS Citizens Committee on HAVA Implementation - Citywide Election Preparation Meetings (DC 37, 125 Barclay St., Washington St-Westside Highway) a discussion of challenges faced by voter registration, education and get-out-the-vote efforts in NYC and share best practices and approaches that are working Establish lines of communication in preparation for the challenges of the up-coming primary and general election. Susan Lerner or Chris Keeley, Common Cause/NY,, 212-691-6421
07/24 Thu 6:30 PM, Sen Tom Duane - Forum On Financial Planning And Literacy: Be Smart, Be Safe, And Save! (Beth Israel Medical Center, 10 Union Square East 14-15 Sts) co-sponsors US Reps Maloney & Nadler; NYS Sen L. Krueger; AMs Bing, Gottfried, Kavanagh & Rosenthal; Man BP Stringer; City Council Speaker Quinn; Council members. Brewer, Garodnick, Gerson & Mendez.
07/25 Fri 6 PM, Center For Disability Rights Celebrates 10 Yrs Of Independence (Henrietta, NY) Hors ’ouevres, silent auction, dinner and dancing Black Tie Optional Please RSVP by 7/11 to Marco Altieri 585.546.7510 $50/person or $75/couple
*NEW 07/25 FRI 5-10 PM 8:30 candle light vigil, Demonstration & Vigil for Esmin Green (Kings County Hospital Center), Call Mayor Bloomberg to express your outrage about death and insist that the NYC stand in full compliance with International Law and Human Rights.
07/25-19 Second Annual Building Your Future Employment and Technology Institute (Adults) Betsy Fabricant: 212-625-1616 x 124.
07/26 Sat 12:30-4 PM, Candidates Nat’l Forum on Disability Issues (Ohio) live webcast: To register, visit Questions about registration should be directed to Anne Sommers.
*NEW 07/26 Sat 2 pm audio described performance of Richard Nelson’s Some Americans Abroad (e Second Stage Theater, 307 W. 43 St).Tickets for this performance - free. Call the box office directly at (212) 246-4422 and use the code AUDO to order tickets to be picked up later.
*NEW 7/26 Sat Noon-3 PM, Disability & Sensitivity Awareness Forum (HOJ, 106 W. 145 St, Lenox - 7 Ave) Nat’l Action Network’s Disability Committee /NYS Self-Advocacy Association: Get A First Hand Viewpoint From People with Developmental Disabilities. If You Are Sick & Tired Of Being Sick & Tired Of Having Disability Problems / Light Refreshments / Wheelchair Accessible / ASL Interpreter upon Requested / Pam Bates 212-222-6439/212-690-3070
*NEW 07/26 Sat 10-10 PM, Relay For Life Of Throggs Neck/ Pelham Bay (Pelham Bay Park Track Middletown Rd. & Stadium Ave.) Admission $10 Cancer Survivors are admitted for free
07/28 Mon 4-7 PM Gov Paterson’s Economic Security Cabinet Town Hall ((Brooklyn Borough Hall & SOB, 163 W 125 St) To reduce New York’s high cost of living; establish education and workforce development opportunities for a highly competitive economy; strengthen the social safety net for low-income New Yorkers; & bring jobs into our communities. Witten submissions and/or 3 minutes of in-person testimony.
*NEW 07/29, Tue 2 PM (Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP, 1301 Avenue of the Americas , 23rd Flr, 52-53 Sts) a discussion of challenges faced by voter registration, education and get-out-the-vote efforts in NYC and share best practices and approaches that are working Establish lines of communication in preparation for the challenges of the up-coming primary and general election. Susan Lerner or Chris Keeley, Common Cause/NY,, 212-691-6421
07/30 Wed 4-7 PM, Gov Paterson’s Economic Security Cabinet Town Hall (Farmingdale State College) To reduce New York’s high cost of living; establish education and workforce development opportunities for a highly competitive economy; strengthen the social safety net for low-income New Yorkers; & bring jobs into our communities. Witten submissions and/or 3 minutes of in-person testimony.
07/31 Thu 4-7 PM Gov Paterson’s Economic Security Cabinet Town Hall (York College/CUNY) To reduce New York’s high cost of living; establish education and workforce development opportunities for a highly competitive economy; strengthen the social safety net for low-income New Yorkers; & bring jobs into our communities. Written submissions and/or 3 minutes of in-person testimony.
*NEW 07/31 Thu 11 AM, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights: Restoring the "Emancipation Proclamation" for PWDs The ADA Amendments Act speakers include: Sen Harkin, D. IA Sponsor of the ADA Amendments Act, Andrew J. Imparato President & CEO, AAPD Moderated by: Nancy Zirkin Exec VP, of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights RSVP Now!
08/03 Sun VISIONS VCB Lions Family Day (111 Summit Park Rd, Spring Valley NY) Natalia S. Young: 212-625-1616 x 120.
*NEW 08/05 Tu 6-9 PM, 504 Dems Upper Manhattan Candidate Screening (North General Hospital - 1879 Madison Ave, 120-121 St) Chris Noel 646-789-7962
08/06 Wed 10:30-12:30, AARP New York - Health and Financial Security (Brooklyn Borough Hall) RSVP Christine Deska 212-407-3782
08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA & Website Accessibility: recent legal developments and their potential implications.
08/11 Mon Paving the Road Home: The Nat’l Behavioral Health Conference & Policy Academy on Returning Vets & Their Families (Bethesda, MD) to help Federal, State, and local partners improve and enhance mental health and substance abuse services for returning vets and their families.
08/11 Mon 6-8 PM Mind's Eye: (Solomon Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave at 89 St) monthly program for partially sighted, blind, & deaf visitors. Tour, discussion and private reception of the current exhibition Vasily Kandinsky: Beginnings. Programs for partially sighted and blind visitors are presented through verbal Imaging and touch. Programs for deaf visitors are presented in ASL FREE! Space is limited! RSVP 212 360 4355 or Please indicate which tour you wish to attend (ASL or Verbal Imaging)
08/11 Mon 6-8 PM, Mind's Eye: Access at the Guggenheim: Vasily Kandinsky: Beginning (Solomon Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave at 89 St) Verbal Imaging and touch/ASL. Programs, Free, Space is limited! RSVP 212 360 4355 or
*NEW 08/12-13 Tue-Wed, 9-5 PM 2008 FEMA Urban Hazards Forum V: Conference on Emergency Preparedness for Special Needs Populations (Graduate Center – CUNY, 365 Fifth Ave, 34 St) Register: Large Print, Braille, ASL Interpretation, Assistive Listening Devices, CART (Open Captioning) will be made available upon request. Make requests during the registration process please.Sean Waters (212) 680-3688
*NEW 08/16 Craigslist Foundation Nonprofit Boot Camp
08/23 Sat, Noon-5, North Star Chess in the City fund raiser (Minton’s Playhouse, 206 W 118th St) 212-865-4802
*NEW 08/26-27 L NET : Financial Management for CIL (Albuquerque) This introductory course is intended for ED’s, managers, fiscal staff & board members.\
*NEW 09/04 Thu 7 PM, DL21C kicks off the fall election season with Ted Sorensen Special Counsel and Adviser, President John F. Kennedy RSVP:
09/8-10 Mon-Wed, NYAIL Taking Action for Independence Confrontation & Controversy (Albany)
09/09 Tue 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible,& Integrated Housing (Chicago IL) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. Hotel rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324
09/09 Tue 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services & how substance use qualifies as a disability.
9/14 Sun 5th Nat’l Wedding March for Marriage Equality NY (NYC)
09/16 Tue 10 AM Brooklyn Consumer Council (25 Flatbush Ave) 718-642-8512
*NEW 09/17-19, Operationalizing Effective SILC Alexandria, VA) intended for SILC staff & members, including representatives of Designated State Units. fundamentals of SILC duties, roles, & responsibilities; SPIL development and monitoring of implementation; community needs assessment; strengthening partnerships with DSUs and other agencies; and membership appointment and orientation; as well as provide examples of how to implement these
09/23 Tue 2-3:30 PM Man BP Disabilities Task Force (1 Centre St, 9 Floor South) Accommodations: Clarice Brown 212-669-8335 / Fax:212-669-3840 /
*NEW 09/24 Wed 8:30-4 PM, Medicare workshop for benefits administrators. (NY Reg Office-CMS, 26 Federal Plaza) Dayle Berke, J.D. 212-616-2313 (voice) / 212-264-2665 (FAX)
09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Nevele Grande, Ellenville NY)
09/27 Sat 9-3 PM Session I (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
09/29 Mon 2 PM, E-Learning & Accessibility - strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning
10/06 Mon 10:30 AM Brooklyn Consumer Council-Transportation Council (B’klyn Dev Ctr, 888 Fountain Ave, Large Conference Room)
10/15 Wed, MOPD - Disability Mentoring Day: Career Development for the 21st Century / Job Shadowing, Career Exploration & Promoting an Inclusive Work Place)
*NEW 10/21-24 Mini-Conference on Transition & Housing (Milwaukee, WI) offers CIL/SILC tracks to provide resources and strategies to support local advocates assisting consumers to plan their transition and find housing as well as systems advocates protecting and expanding the funding and programs that provide community supports and accessible, affordable, integrated housing
10/24 Fri 4-9 PM Session II: (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
10/25 Sat 9-3 P.M. Session II: (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
11/07-09 Fri-Sun, ACBNY Convention (MacArthur Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma, LI) Lori Scharff 516-887-1336
11/21 Fri 4-9 PM Session III (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
11/22 Sat 9-3 P.M. Session III (Crowne Plaza JFK, 151-20 Baisley Blvd) Early Intervention Partners Training Project for parents of NYC infants/toddlers WDs currently receiving services Parents from NYC will be selected to attend. A limited amount of funding is available to assist parents in need of support for child care and travel expenses. Prior approval by the Family Initiative Coordinator is required for those needing assistance.
3/16-17 Mon-Tue, 36th Annual Conference on Dyslexia and related Learning Disabilities (New York City)
Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - 888-342-3428 - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA) a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers WDs Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues. HRA has not created a formal process for monitoring and evaluating the data submitted by contractors running the Wellness, Comprehensive Assessment, Rehabilitation, and Employment program - which offers services and support to PWDs - according to an audit by the city comptroller's office. The city has budgeted $200 million over three years for the program, which is called WeCARE for short, and two-thirds of that is awarded to contractors once they complete certain milestones. The agency agreed to create an evaluation and monitoring process in response to the audit. cell phone accessibility for people who are blind and visually impaired by carrier and feature
Adapted Devices - Lost in Floods / Equipment Donations (wheel chairs, scooters, shower chairs, toilet risers, etc) The Equipment Loan program has been depleted by assisting flood victims and has people on waiting lists. Please forward this info to all & any people or organizations that my have used/stored equipment to donate. Easter Seals (515) 309-2395 / 21st Century Communications and Accessibility Act of 2008 to ensure that PWDs have access to emerging Internet Protocol-based communication and video programming technologies in the 21st Century. For further information, contact Mark Richert, 202-822-0833 The Association of State & Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) issued "At-risk populations and influenza pandemic: Planning Guidance for State, Territorial, Tribal and Local Health Departments." This 126-page document has links to a variety of resources offering guidance including how to partner with "at-risk" populations and providers, identifying at-risk populations in the community, and involving people with varying abilities in preparedness planning and data. Among other topics, it also covers continuity of operations plans during a pandemic, home care during a pandemic, evaluation of preparedness, and mapping populations in a community. See the document at: 40 min video by the Dept Rehab Medicine (Mt Sinai School of Medicine) to: 1) Increase awareness of TBIy 2) Improve identification of TBI in patients seen in medical, mental health and other settings 3) Educate clinicians and clinicians-in-training about TBI and its life- long challenges across the continuum of TBI severity - is aggressively seeking photos and illustrations of‚ by‚ and for the disability community. The site’s goal is to offer a unique place for royalty–free and rights–managed photography and illustrations. The Casablanca121-125 W 110 Manhattan
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