Disability Rights Advocates, a non-profit law firm, is investigating the accessibility of the taxis in New York City. If you use a wheel chair, scooter or other mobility aid and have tried to take a NY Taxi, we want to talk to you! They are analyzing many issues including: * How easy or hard it is for you to get in and out of a taxi with a ramp? Without a ramp? ; How do you get around New York City aside from Taxis?; Would you take more Taxis if they were more user-friendly for you?; Has not being able to get a Taxi ever resulted in you not getting to work, an appointment, or an event? Or has it resulted in you arriving late?; & How do Taxi drivers treat you?
Local Call: 212-644-8644 Mike Puleo, mpuleo@dralegal.org & Julia Pinover, jpinover@dralegal.org
Toll Free Call: 877-603-4577 Kara Werner, kwerner@dralegal.org & Rebecca Williford, rwilliford@dralegal.org
TTY: 510-665-8716
Recurrent Events (During December many events might be rescheduled or canceled, call first!)
Every Sun noon-1 PM, acting class for actors With physical disabilities (Church St School-Music & Art, 74 Warren St, W B’way) Ron Destro 917-627-2334 www.ShakespeareClass.org
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD (Children & Adults with ADD) (65 W 89 St WC acc) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or addrc@mail.com
1st Mon noon-2 PM, Rights for Imprisoned People w/ Psychiatric Disb (Urban Justice Ctr, 123 William St,16 Floor) lortega@rippd.org 646-260-6575
1st Mon 6:30-8:30 PM, AM Micah Kellner’s Tenants Legal Clinic (Eviction Intervention Serv, 1233 Second Ave, 64- 65 Sts) by Appointment 212-860-4906
1st & 3rd Mon, Bipolar Disorder Support Group (NAMI, 505 Eighth Ave, #1103, 35 St WC acc) 212-684-3264
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St WC acc) Registration required access@thejm.org or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212-660-1515)
4th Mon 10-noon, B’klyn Parents’ Center (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
4th Mon 6-7:30 PM, Kazoku no Tsudoi -Japanese Family Member Support Group (NAMI-NYC Metro, 505 Eighth Ave., # 1103, 35 St.) in Japanese RSVP: Eiko Kijima or Masako Kageyma (JASSI) 212-442-1539 kazoku@jassi.org
1st Tue 12:30-2 PM, TBI Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
1st Tues 8-30-10 PM, ACB Women’s Concern - Support group for woman w/ vision loss & breast cancer loris1@optonline.net
2nd Tue, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
2nd Tues 6:45 PM Monthly Adult Support Group (NY Branch Internat'l Dyslexia Assoc, 71 W 23 St #1527, 6 Ave) Diana Naples 212-691 1930 x,12, info@nybida.org
Every Tue & Th 10 – 1 PM, Metropolitan Parents’ Center: Education Advocacy for Parents Intensive Workshop Series (Sinergia, 2082 Lexington, 4 Floor, bell 333, 126 St) Register: Godfrey Rivera 212-643-2840, X 307 grivera@sinergiany.org
3rd Tues 10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or brooklyncomsumercouncil@yahoo.com
3rd Tues 1-2 PM, Justice For All Action Network Organizing Workgroup 712-432-0080 code: 193134#,CART http://www.2020captioning.com/livefeed.php?event=AAPD info jlehman7@gmail.com
3rd Tue 1-3 PM, Queens BP’s Advisory Council for PWDs (Queens Boro Hall 120-55 Queens Blvd Kew Gardens WC acc) Charles Hope chope@queenscp.org 718-286-2680 Fax: 718-286-2698
4th Tues 1-2:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor S WC acc) Accommodations: 212-669-8300
Last Tue 6-8 PM, Free Legal Clinic (BCID, 27 Smith St. Fulton - Livingston Sts WC acc) Walk-ins or by appt; ASL by appointment only Call 718 802 3890
Every Tue 6:30 PM, Dialogues with Dan (RocklandWorldRadio.com) Daniel Windheim 845.826.2639 info@modernmetro.com
1st Wed 1:30-3 PM free Open House: Computer Center for Visually Impaired People (Baruch College, 151 E 25 St #655, Lex-3rd Aves, WC acc) Reservations required 646-312-1420.
1st Wed 6-8 PM, SRO Law Project Housing Clinic (Goddard Riverside Comm Ctr, 593 Columbus Ave, 88 St WC acc) 12/1 Preferential Rents, 2/2 Non-Primary Residence, 2/2 DHCR Overview, including MCIs and 1/40th, 4/6 City-Wide Housing Related Campaigns, 5/4 Crises: Foreclosures and Predatory Equity, 6/1 Succession Rights
2nd Wed 6-8 PM, Body/Mind- A support group by & for people who are both physically and mentally disabled or challenged (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave. #21 lower level, 125-124 Sts WC acc) (intercom # 021) Ed Randolph 212-222-7122 or erandolph@hilc.org
2nd & 4th Wed, The Largest Minority Radio Show WBAI 99.5 FM) archived at www.wbai.org
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998- 3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx WC acc) 718-231-3400 x 202 or jdiblasi@astorservices.org
3rd Th 6-8 PM, Musical Support Group (NAMI, 505 Eighth Avenue, $1103, 35 St WC acc) Play a musical instrument: Noelina 212-684-3365. Info: 212-684-3264.
2nd & 4th Wed 1 PM, Discovery Series Informative & engaging educational programming on topics related to computer & software accessibility target-center@usda.gov
1st Thu 6-7 PM, NAMI Support Group (NAMI E Flatbush, 395 Lenox Rd #1B, New York Ave, B’klyn) RSVP 718-512-5269
2nd Thu 9-11 AM, Man. Mental Health Council (Fountain House 425 W 47 St, 9-10 Ave, WC acc) Martha Seymour, Co-Consumer chair 212-924-2797
2nd Thu 10-noon, B’klyn System Change Network (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (Jewish Mus 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St WC acc) RSVP access@thejm.org 212-423-3225/ TTY 212-660-1515
Every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
Every Thu 6:30-8 PM, Women Vets Art Program (SVA, 32 W 21 St, 3rd Floor, 6-7 Ave) Val Sereno 212-592-2419 or vsereno@sva.edu
1st Sat, Helping Hands trip info, volunteer or RSVP 718-728-0868
1st & 3rd Sat 12:30-2:30 PM, NAMI Parents/Family Support Group of Children/Adolescents with a Behavioral/Psychiatric Disorder (NAMI-NYC Metro - 505 Eighth Ave #1103, 35 St WC acc)
2nd Sat 5:30 – 7:30 PM, Games People Play (505 Eighth Ave, #1103, 35 St, WC acc) from Scrabble to checkers, Bingo to card games.
3rd Sat Helping Hands Social Event (Flushing House, 38-20 Bowne St) Volunteer or RSVP Alice Crespo sunshinecrespo1@aol.com 917-696-8115, 718-886-3440
4th Sat 5:30 – 7:30 PM, Expressive Arts Workshop (NAMI-NYC Metro, 505 Eighth Ave #1103, 35 St WC acc) RSVP 212-684-3264.
Every Sat 3:30-5 PM NAMI Connection (505 Eighth Ave, #1103, 35 St WC acc) 212-684-3264
Every Sat 10-noon, Writing Workshop (B’klyn Vet Center) creative ways to mitigate PTSD symptoms Tim Brennan 718-624-2765
Every Sat 2-4 PM, Free Creative Writing Program/Writing Workshop for Gulf, Afghanistan & Iraq Vets (NYU WC acc) Zachary Sussman, 212-992-9809 or zachary.sussman@nyu.edu
Every Sat 5:30-7 PM, NAMI social & support group (NAMI-NYC Metro, 505 Eighth Ave #1103, 35 St WC acc) 212-684-3264
Until 12/08, Outsider Art Exhibition at HAI: Melvin Way / Ray Hamilton Ballpoint Drawings (548 Broadway, 3rd Floor, Prince & Spring St, WC entry on Crosby) Opening Reception: 10/13, 6-9 PM, Gallery Hours: Mon-Sat noon -6 PM
Until 12/13 Online Customized Employment Training & strategies for supporting the needs of youth/adults who are unemployed and/or receiving Social Security disability benefits www.worksupport.com
Until 6/17, NYC Parks Afterschool Program for children (6-13) who are deaf/HOH (Al Oerter Rec Ctr, Flushing) a structured and safe environment with necessary equipment Cindy Caruso 212-360-3309 http://www.nycgovparks.org/sub_about/accessibility/
12/08-10, 2010 Annual Perspectives on Employment of PWDs Conf (Bethesda MD) http://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=883015
*Special $15 for PWDs! 12/09 & 11 8 PM & 12/12 3 PM, Heidi Latsky Dance, Premiere: IF: A Work in Two Parts (JCC, 334 Amsterdam Ave, 76 St WC acc) Questions: Stephanie Busia, sbusia09@gmail.com 212-268-0976 Tickets: $15 JCC members/students/PWDs $20/others & $15 Group (15+) 646-505-5708 or http://www.jccmanhattan.org/programs.aspx?catid=2932
12/11, 12/22 & 02/19 11-12:30 PM, Seeing through Drawing (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) for adults who are blind or partially sighted Reservations are required. 212-650-2010 or access@metmuseum.org
NEW 12/15-01/18, Art Work on Sale, 18x24: Works on Paper By Artists from the HAI Art Studio (548 Broadway, 3rd Floor (between Prince and Spring St.) 212-575-7696.
01/09-12, 14th Annual SILC Congress (Atlanta, GA) www.silccongress.org
01/17-02/14, IDeA Center for Continuing Educ: The Nature of Barriers & The New Demographics; Special Topic: Visitability If you plan to take both courses, please register for each. AIA members will receive 15 Learning Hours (1.5 CEUs)/course. http://udeworld.com/training/continuing-education/course-description.html Questions: Jordana Maisel jlmaisel@buffalo.edu or 716-829-5902 Registration: http://udeworld.com/training/continuing-education/registration.html
01/17-3/7, Into Adulthood: Transition to Work for Individuals with Autism. http://www.worksupport.com/training/webcourses/autism_course.cfm
01/20-24 SATH 14th Annual World Congress for Travelers WDs & the Mature (Ft Lauderdale) www.sath.org
01/24-2/21, Job Development for PWDs http://www.worksupport.com/training/webcourses/job_development_course.cfm
01/31–3/14, Ethical Issues & Decision Making for Rehab Professionals http://www.worksupport.com/training/webcourses/ethics_course.cfm
01/31–4/25, Supported Employment Certificate Series (ACRE-certified) http://www.worksupport.com/training/webcourses/se_course.cfm
3/14-15, 38th Annual Conf on Dyslexia & Related LDs, Beyond the Tests: Assessing Needs & Differentiating Instruction, Response to Intervention Tracking Our Students' Progress (NYU Kimmel Center, Washington Square So) Registration:Online In 12/10
05/20-22, Abilities Expo (Edison NJ)
05/23-26, Nat'l Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (Nat'l VOAD) (Kansas City, Mo) http://na2-api.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id=01540000000luAE&oid=00D400000007Fcl
06/5-8, Festival of International Conferences on Caregiving, Disability, Aging and Technology (Toronto, Canada) http://www.ficcdat.ca/main.cfm?cid=1559
*NEW 06/13-15, 3rd Federal Interagency Conference on TBI (Wash, DC) http://www.disability.gov/health/news_%26_events
*NEW POL 07/17-30, SAVE THE DATE: YDA 2011 National Convention (Louisville, KY)
*NEW 12/06 1 PM, City Council Committees on Governmental Operations & Oversight & Investigations' NYC Board of Elections’ performance in the 2010 General Election (14th Floor, 250 Broadway) http://council.nyc.gov/html/releases/eday_voter_survey_11_9_10.shtml
12/06 2 PM, Houdini ASL Interpretated Tea TimeTour (Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave) followed by a reception and light refreshments free of charge, however advanced reservations are required: 212.423.3225, TTY 212.660.1515, or access@thejm.org
12/07 8-2 PM, Empire State Healthcare Reform Summit 2010: What the New Law Means for Patients (Marriott Hotel, 189 Wolf Rd, Albany)Registration deadline 11/30 800-766-6177
12/07 5:55pm to 7:25 PM, CHADD Medication: An Update" w/ Glenn Hirsch MD (St. Thomas More Church, 65 E 89 St, basement, Madison-Park) addrc@mail.com www.chadd.net/107
12/07 deadline The ABA Nat'l Online Youth Summit (NOYS) provides HS students with an opportunity to build communication skills & develop knowledge about timely public policy issues. Composed of civil online discussion, classroom time, & research-based work over a 10-week period, NOYS is an interactive approach to understanding current legal issues. www.maestro.abanet.org
12/07 2-3:30 PM, Flying with Wheelchairs: Knowing Your Rights & Responsibilities at 32,000 Feet AAPR members free /non-members $35 (or join $10 & it will be free) http://www.flyfriendlyskies.com/events.html
*NEW 12/09 9:30-11:30 AM, Man Mental Health Council (93 Worth Street @ Broadway) Alan Ferster, Director of Community Affairs - Adult Protective Services (APS).Council business and current priority issues will be discussed.
12/09 2-3:30 PM, Picture This! The World of Khubilai Khan: Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc). Make works of art accessible through detailed descriptions, touch, & other activities to awaken the senses. Reservations are required. 212-650-2010 or access@metmuseum.org http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/blind
*NEW 12/09 3-4 PM, Special SSDI Rules Related To Work & Individuals Who Are Statutorily Blind
*NEW 12/09 10 AM, City Council Transportation Committee hearing Oversight: NYC Bicycling Opportunities and Challenges, (250 Broadway, 14th Floor.WC acc) Nivardo Lopez, 212-788-9087, nlopez@council.nyc.gov Lyle Frank 212-788-9188, lfrank@council.nyc.gov
12/09 4-6 PM, CU Disability Seminar: NYC Origins of the Disb Rights Movement (CU, Lerner Hall, 114 St & Broadway WC acc & ASL) Warren Shaw, RSVP by 12/01: Accommodation (212-854-2388) &/or dinner ($24 payable by cash or check. - dsseminar@gmail.com
12/09 6-8 PM, 2010 Annual Gala: Honoring Leaders for Health Care Justice (MLK, Jr. Labor Cter, 310 W. 43rd St) Rep A Weiner, Citizen Action-NY $50, however, all are welcome to attend regardless of donation amount. http://www.metrohealthcare.org/html/special_events.html
*NEW 12/10 6:15 PM, An Evening of Art & ASL (voice interpretation) Gallery Talk “A Continent of Faces: European Portraiture from 1400-1800” (Met, 1000 Fifth Ave WC acc) 212-650-2010 | fax: 212-570-3783 access@metmuseum.org and Reception: & Reception
12/10 8:30-4:30 PM, Introduction to Voc Assessment (Albertson, NY) http://www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace Registration: Donna Stabler 716-829-2079 or dstabler@buffalo.edu
12/10 6 PM, A gallery talk in ASL (with voice interpretation No ASL students!): A Continent of Faces: European Portraiture from 1400-1800 (Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 82 St WC acc & ASL Meet at the Tours Sign at the south end of the Great Hall) Accommodation: access@metmuseum.org by 12/01. www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities
*NEW 2/11, 6:15 PM, ASL Tour (no voice) Mother Nature as Muse: Visions of Natural Forces (Met, 1000 Fifth Ave WC acc) 212-650-2010 | fax: 212-570-3783 access@metmuseum.org
12/12 1:30-4 PM, DIA Holiday Party (Selis Manor, 135 W 23 St, 6-7 Aves) $12 (PCAs free) OR bring an entrée to share w/ 5 others (requires Marty’s approval 212-684-6287) If you ordered DIA merchandise please bring csh, check or money order payment
*NEW 12/13 10:30-3:30 PM, Initiative for Women WDs Holiday Boutique (NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases, 301 E 17 St, 1st Floor Lobby) crafts made by the IWD Women, Original Painting & artwork; Reversible Bags & Purses; Jewelry; Seasonal Silk Floral Arrangements; Hand-knitted Winter Wear etc 212-596-6429 or www. IWDWellness.org
12/13 10-noon, Educación Especial Hecha Simple (Mercy Center - 377 E 145 St, Bronx) RCSN 212 677 4650 info@resourcesnyc.org
12/12 4:45 PM, ASL Tours no spoken English translation: Piecing it Together (Tenement Mus, 108 Orchard St, Tour goes up 38 steps & down 31) http://tenement.org/tours.php
*RESCHEDULED 12/13 10 AM, City Council Committees on Disability Services & Transportation, Oversight Hearing: Accessible Taxis & Other For-Hire-Vehicles (250 Broadway, 14 Floor) If you plan to testify, bring 20 copies double-sided of your written testimony to the hearing. Photo ID required to enter building & allow 20 mins to enter the building.
12/14 2 PM, JAN Webcast: Customized Employment http://prod.askjan.org/webcast/registration.cfm
*NEW 12/15 5:30-8:30, Opening Reception & Sale, 18x24: Works on Paper By Artists from the HAI Art Studio (548 Broadway, 3rd Floor (between Prince and Spring St.) 212-575-7696.
*NEW 12/15 5:30-8:30, Opening Reception & Sale, 18x24: Works on Paper By Artists from the HAI Art Studio (548 Broadway, 3rd Floor (between Prince and Spring St.) 212-575-7696.
12/15 6:30 PM, Behind the Scenes: The Baldizzis and Catholicism with Robert Orsi (Tenement Mus, 108 Orchard St) No tickets required. A leading scholar and Museum adviser discusses how did this Sicilian immigrant family understand and experienced religion.
*NEW 12/16 3-4 PM, Special SSI Rules Related To Work And Individuals Who Are Statutorily Blind http://nabwis.org/registration_form.cfm
*NEW 12/17 10—noon, Strengthen Soc Sec NYC (Teamster Local 237, 216 W 14 St) www.strenghtensocialsecurity.org
12/20 6:30-8:30 PM) Man ADD: General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St, 6-7 Aves WC acc) 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com
*NEW 12/22, 11-noon, Gallery Talks with ASL (no voice): Artistic Furniture of Charles Rohlfs (Met, 1000 Fifth Ave WC acc) 212-650-2010 | fax: 212-570-3783 access@metmuseum.org Meets at exhibition entrance
01/05 10-noon, Effective Advocacy Skills for Parents (Jewish Child Care Assoc, 555 Bergen Ave, Bronx) RCSN 212 677 4650 info@resourcesnyc.org
01/06 2:30 – 4 PM, DOJ's Updated ADA Regs Accessible Residential Facilities www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
01/06 6:15-9 PM, Man ADD, Clutter & Organizing: Three Views (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St, West End Ave) 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com
*NEW 01/07, 6:15 PM, ASL Tour (no voice) Man, Myth, and Sensual Pleasures: Jan Gossart’s Renaissance (Met, 1000 Fifth Ave WC acc) 212-650-2010 | fax: 212-570-3783 access@metmuseum.org
01/11 10 AM, Metropolitan Mobility Network (NYMTC, 199 Water St, 22 floor.) Photo ID & RSVP required www.NYMTC.org
01/11 2 PM, JAN Webcast: A Look at Return to Work http://prod.askjan.org/webcast/registration.cfm
*NEW 01/13, 11-noon, Gallery Talks with ASL (no voice): Stieglitz, Steichen, Strand (Met, 1000 Fifth Ave WC acc) 212-650-2010 | fax: 212-570-3783 access@metmuseum.org Meets at exhibition entrance
01/17 6:30-8:30 PM) Man ADD: General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St, 6-7 Aves WC acc) 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com
*NEW 01/25, 11:00 a.m. Gallery Talks ALD: Medicine at the Museum—the Ancient Near East and Byzantium (Met, 1000 Fifth Ave WC acc) 212-650-2010 | fax: 212-570-3783 | email: access@metmuseum.org
*NEW 02/01 11 AM Gallery Talks ALD: Thinking Outside the Box: European Cabinets, Caskets, and Cases from the Permanent Collection (1500-1700) (Met, 1000 Fifth Ave WC acc) 212-650-2010 | fax: 212-570-3783 access@metmuseum.org Meets at exhibition entrance
02/03 2:30 – 4 PM, DOJ's Updated ADA Regs Accessible Transient Lodging www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
02/03 6:15-9 PM, Man ADD Neuro Training For ADD: What's New (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St) 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com
02/08 2 PM, JAN Webcast: Current Events in Accommodation http://prod.askjan.org/webcast/registration.cfm
*NEW 02/21 6:30-8:30 PM, Man ADD General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St, 6-7 Aves) 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com
*NEW 02/16 10 AM, Gallery Talks ALD: Cezanne’s Card Players Met, (1000 Fifth Ave WC acc) 212-650-2010 | fax: 212-570-3783 access@metmuseum.org meets at exhibition entrance
02/17 23:30 PM, Scent Workshop (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) a descriptive gallery tour incorporating scent, participants will create their fragrance. Reservations required. 212-650-2010 or access@metmuseum.org http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/blind
*NEW 02/22, 11 AM, Gallery Talks ALD: Emperor’s Private Paradise: Treasures from the Forbidden City Met, 1000 Fifth Ave WC acc) 212-650-2010 | fax: 212-570-3783 access@metmuseum.org exhibition entrance
03/02 101 PM, The Earlier the Better (Jewish Child Care Assoc, 555 Bergen Ave, Bronx) RCSN 212 677 4650info@resourcesnyc.org
03/03 2:30 – 4 PM, DOJ's Updated ADA Regs Accessible Swimming Pools & Spas www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
03/03 6:15-9 PM, Man ADD ABCs OF ADD (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St) 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com
03/08 2 PM, Employing and Accommodating an Aging Workforce http://prod.askjan.org/webcast/registration.cfm
03/15 effective date, 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design sets minimum requirements – both scoping and technical – for new construction and alterations of the facilities of more than 80,000 state and local governments and over seven million businesses. http://www.disability.gov/civil_rights/accessibility_guidelines_%26_standards
03/21 6:30-8:30 PM, Man ADD General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St, 6-7 Aves) 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com
04/06 10-noon, HELP! Family Support Services (Jewish Child Care Assoc, 555 Bergen Ave, Bronx) RCSN 212-677-4650 info@resourcesnyc.org
04/07 6:15-9 PM, Man ADD ADD & Marriage: A Surprising Impact? (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St) 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com
04/12 2 PM, Accommodations Ideas for Individuals with Fibromyalgia http://prod.askjan.org/webcast/registration.cfm
04/20, Transportation Choices for Individuals with Autism & Related Dev. Disorders (Rutgers) http://cail.rutgers.edu/transportation_choices_for_individuals_with_autism_and_related_developmental_disorders
05/05 6:15-9 PM, Man ADD Can Magnetic Brain Stimulation Help Adults With ADD? (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St) 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com
05/10 2 PM, SNAP! Your Website Into Shape http://prod.askjan.org/webcast/registration.cfm
06/02 6:15-9 PM, Man ADD 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com
06/14 2 PM, Understanding and Accommodating Allergies in the Workplace http://prod.askjan.org/webcast/registration.cfm
07/12 2 PM, ADA Update http://prod.askjan.org/webcast/registration.cfm
08/09 2 PM, JAN Webcast: Best Practices http://prod.askjan.org/webcast/registration.cfm New ADA Standards
Job Opening BILS Crime Victims Counselor Salary: $14,857- 20 hours per week. Free medical insurance : Responsibilities: the day-to-day delivery of CV Services for victims of crime WDs by providing counseling, crisis intervention, and advocacy to individual victims & their families; for planning & conducting outreach activities; for organizing & facilitating workshops on issues affecting PWDs who are CVs; educating & advocating for victims at other agencies & criminal justice personnel; maintains & prepares case notes, records as needed; represents BILS at community meetings, hearing, etc; & may be assign other duties as needed. Qualifications: B.A. and/or 2 years counseling experience in DV-CVs, and a basic understanding of issues important to PWDs. Bilingual is strongly preferred. Must be organized & able to meet deadlines, has the ability to work well with diverse populations, & the ability to become a member of a team. Candidate should possess good oral & written skills & maintain case files. Please send, fax, or email a cover letter & resume to: Shari Jackson, CVB Program Manager 4419 3rd Ave #2C Bronx, NY 10457 Fax: 718-515-2844 shari@bils.org
http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?SavESG09 NYS has decided to cancel the Games for the Physically Challenged because of budgetary reasons. The Games budget is comparatively small. Please sign the petition to help save these Games for children with physical disabilities.
http://capwiz.com/rochestercdr/issues/alert/?alertid=15025901&queueid=[capwiz:queue_id] Urge NYS Legislators to Co-sponsor A.9409/S.1499 to establish minimum regulations for design and construction of single family homes, townhouses & ground units of a buildings with three or less units. It only affects new homes built using state or federal funds or subsidies.
www.regionaltravelsurvey.org/ Regional Travel Survey by NYMTC and NJTPA participation in the survey will help provide key travel statistics for the region, and help plan future transportation investments
https://app.expressemailmarketing.com/takesurvey.aspx?id=20801 DDPC Self Advocacy Survey Deadline 12/15/10
http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e31o7ehbgeolbg6o/a01bkgftu2m9u/questions Fed regs require 100% of new TV shows have captioning available, unless there is an allowable exemption. People who use captioning: those with hearing loss, for whom English is a Second Language, illiterate adults, children learning to read & remedial readers, etc. Consumers are discovering that in many cases there is not the expected or desired level of captioning.
http://www.udeworld.com/surveys/transitbusstudy.html Investigating getting on and off public buses, circulating inside buses, understanding communication & information systems of public buses, as well as issues concerning rider safety. The information collected from this study should help identify the aspects of using public buses that merit further detailed experimental research
http://www.wirelessrerc.org/news/take-the-2010-hac-survey 2010 Hearing Aid Compatibility Survey, to enter a drawing for a $250 Amazon gift certificate. Participation is not required Just provide your contact information for a chance to win.
http://www.wirelessrerc.org/for-consumers/survey-of-user-needs.html A survey to help us understand how PWDs use wireless products http://www.bazelon.org/What-You-Can-Do/Policy-Reporter/5-10Reporter.aspx like cell phones and text messengers.
http://www.mrgworldwide.com/surveys/scisignup/ recruiting for 10-15 min phone survey on bladder management medical devices among persons with SCI who use intermittent catheters compensate: $25 check Register online or 800-239-9186 X 151
http://aaspire.org/projects.html recruiting participants for an on-line study for autistic adults aimed to better understand health care inequities, including barriers to receiving quality health care affecting the autistic & disability communities.
http://www.surveygizmo.com/s/200473/workplace-features-that-aid-function Do you have a disability or loss of function & are employed or volunteer.
www.workrerc.gatech.edu/News/10JuneNews.php#survey Investigating what types of workplace accommodations employees use in different work environments
Until 12/10 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology is seeking public comments on issues related to personal health records. Please submit comments by visiting one or more of the following questions. Please note that your name and comment will be placed on the public record of this roundtable http://healthit.hhs.gov/blog/phr-roundtable/?page_id=18.
Until 12/15 http://www.ddpc.state.ny.us/ NYS DDPC is seeking comment on shaping the self-advocacy component of their next five-year
Until 12/31, State Plan for Vocl Rehab & Supported Employment Serv FY 12. How can VESID improve voc rehab & supported employment services? FY 11 State Plan: http://www.vesid.nysed.gov/adult_vocational_rehabilitation_services/state_plan/about.htm Submit your recommendations in writing: Individual written comments: VESID, VR Policy & Partnerships Unit-Room 1603 (OCP), NYS Education Department, Albany, NY 12234. Electronic: VRpolicy@mail.nysed.gov
Until 01/15: http://www.ada.gov/anprm2010.htm seeking public comment on the topics on Accessibility of Web Information and Services Provided by Entities Covered by the ADA; Movie Captioning & Video Description; Accessibility of Next Generation 911; & Equipment and Furniture
Until 01/24, Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to update regs implementing Titles II & III of the ADA including a proposal to revise Title II requirements for direct, equal access to 911 emergency services. What devices & modes of communication (text, video, etc.) do PWDs use to make calls, including emergency calls? How can we ensure new Internet Protocol based 911 centers can receive direct calls from these devices? http://www.regulations.gov/search/Regs/home.html#submitComment?R=0900006480b20b5d
Until 02/01, Administration on Developmental Disabilities: Envisioning the Future (http://www.envision2010.net/index.php) to hear from self-advocates, family members, allies and professionals about their vision for the future of individuals with developmental disabilities on transitioning to post-secondary education and employment, independent living, community supports, aging & care giving challenges Comments: http://www.envision2010.net/online.php