We are a Market Research company based in New York City currently looking for either legally blind or people with complete visual impairment to participate in a Paid Opinion Study concerning computer software.
Specifically, we are looking for people between the ages of 21 and, who are college graduates, and that use either JAWS, Window Eyes, or Orica. The study is taking place on Thursday, October 7th, during the evening, in midtown Manhattan.
The study pays *$150*
The study is purely opinion based, confidential, and at no time will any attempt to sell anything be made.
If you, or someone you know, may be interested in participating please have them contact Sheila at 212-922-9777, or _sheila@probemarket.com_
Thank you for your time, and hope to hear from you!
Sheila Farland
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Event Links
2010 MTA Fare & Toll Changes http://www.mta.info/mta/2011_farehearing_locations.html
All hearings begin at 6 PM; Pre registration t 5 PM and closes at 9 PM. All registered speakers will be heard. All locations are WC accessible & ASL interpreter’s services will be available. http://www.mta.info/hearings/access.html
9/20 Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel 135-20 39th Ave, Flushing)
9/21 Brooklyn Museum, Cantor Aud 200 Eastern Parkway B’klyn)
Voter Surveys
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3Q77F7G CIDNY's can be completed by calling Rima McCoy at 646-442-4146.
www.aapd.com/DVP The Disability Vote Project works in a non-partisan manner to eliminate the barriers to voting and, in close collaboration with coalition partners in states around the country, to increase political participation for individuals with disabilities. DVP aims to get people with disabilities registered to vote; strives to educate them on how to get to their polling places and what their rights are at the polling places; and works to make polling places accessible to voters with all disabilities.
Demo@boe.nyc.ny.us NYC Board of is conducting demonstrations of the new poll site voting system, Staff will be assisting voters & will answer questions about the voting process. Venues MUST be WC acc. To request a Demo contact Valerie Vazquez-Rivera 212-487-5404 or email Demo@boe.nyc.ny.us with the following information: Organization Name, Requestor Name, Telephone Number & Email Address, Requested Date and Time (at least 2 weeks prior to the date), Event Type, Location & number of participant expected
Nivardo Lopez, Legislative Policy Analyst for Council Member Jimmy Vacca (NLopez@council.nyc.gov) is interested in hearing about AAR users who have been refused trips under the new policies.
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD (Children & Adults with ADD) (65 W 89 St WC acc) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or addrc@mail.com
1st Mon noon-2 PM, Rights for Imprisoned People w/ Psychiatric Disb (Urban Justice Ctr, 123 William St,16 Floor) lortega@rippd.org 646-260-6575
1st Mon 6:30-8:30 PM, AM Micah Kellner’s Tenants Legal Clinic (Eviction Intervention Services, 1233 Second Ave, 64- 65 Sts) Appointment only. 212-860-4906
1st & 3rd Mon (Beginning 9/20) Bipolar Disorder Support Group with Rich Satkin (NAMI, 505 Eighth Ave, #1103, 35 St WC acc) 212-684-3264.
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St WC acc) pre-registration required access@thejm.org or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
4th Mon 10-noon, B’klyn Parents’ Center (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000 Get the information you need to know to get the services your child is entitled to
1st Tue 12:30-2 PM, TBI Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
1st Tues 8-30-10 PM, ACB Women’s Concern - Support Group for woman w/ vision loss & breast cancer oris1@optonline.net not a free call No call in July
2nd Tue, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
2nd Tues 6:45 PM Monthly Adult Support Group (NY Branch International Dyslexia Assoc, Inc 71W 23 St #1527, 6 Ave) Diana Naples 212-691 1930 x,12, info@nybida.org
2nd & 4th Thu 11-Noon, The Largest Minority Radio Program (WBAI 99.5 FM) archived at www.wbai.org
*NEW Every Tue & Th 10 – 1 PM, Metropolitan Parents’ Center: Education Advocacy for Parents Fall 2010 Intensive Workshop Series (Sinergia, 2082 Lexington Ave, 4 Floor bell 333, 126 St) Register: Godfrey Rivera 212-643-2840, X 307 grivera@sinergiany.org
3rd Tues 10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or brooklyncomsumercouncil@yahoo.com
3rd Tue 1-3 PM, Queens BP’s Advisory Council for PWDs (Queens Boro Hall 120-55 Queens Blvd Kew Gardens WC acc) Charles Hope chope@queenscp.org 718-286-2680 Fax: 718-286-2698 Next meting 9/21 no meetings in July & August
4th Tues 1-2:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south WC acc) Accommodations: 212-669-8300
Last Tue of the month 6-8 PM, Free Legal Clinic (BCID, 27 Smith St. Fulton - Livingston Sts WC acc) Brooklyn Pride Center, Urban Justice Ctr & BCID Walk-ins or by appt; ASL by appointments Call 718 802 3890
Every Tue 11-1 PM, Body Movement Class (ICS 25 Elm Pl, 5th floor Brooklyn Fulton – Livingston WC acc) for people who would like to perform wheelchair dancing/dancing on stage or just for fun! Info 212-643 8305
Every Tue 6:30 PM Dialogues with Dan (RocklandWorldRadio.com) Daniel Windheim, author & TBI survivor, discusses disabilities, disability issues & a wide variety of disability topics 845.826.2639 info@modernmetro.com
Every Tue & Fri 7-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26 St, 6-7Ave WC acc) www.wheelchairdancesportusa.org wdsportusa@hotmail.com 212-245-0004
1st Wed 1:30-3 PM free Open House: Computer Center for Visually Impaired People (Baruch College, 151 E 25 St # 655, Lex -3rd Aves, WC acc) Reservations required 646-312-1420.
1st Wed 6-8 PM, SRO Law Project Housing Clinic (Goddard Riverside Comm Ctr, 593 Columbus Ave, 88 St WC acc) 10/6 Harassment, 11/3 HPs Repairs, Bedbugs and Cockroaches, 12/1 Preferential Rents, 2/2 Non-Primary Residence, 2/2 DHCR Overview, including MCIs and 1/40th, 4/6 City-Wide Housing Related Campaigns, 5/4 Crises: Foreclosures and Predatory Equity, 6/1 Succession Rights
2nd Wed 6-8 PM, Body/Mind- A support group by & for people who are both physically and mentally disabled or challenged (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave. #21 lower level, 125-124 Sts WC acc) (intercom # 021) Ed Randolph 212-222-7122 or erandolph@hilc.org
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998- 3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx WC acc) 718-231-3400 x 202 or jdiblasi@astorservices.org
3rd Th 6-8 PM, Musical Support Group (NAMI, 505 Eighth Avenue, $1103, 35 St WC acc). Share songs that inspire& give hope in facing the challenges of living with mental illness. Play a musical instrument: Noelina 212-684-3365. Info: 212-684-3264.
2nd & 4th Wed 1 PM, Discovery Series Informative & engaging educational programming on topics related to computer & software accessibility target-center@usda.gov
Every Wed Noon, Disabilities At Work VoiceAmerica Radio highlights businesses that go beyond compliance in hiring practices or that support PWDs in other ways, and details the benefits companies receive.
2nd Thu 9-11 AM (most months), Man. Mental Health Council (Fountain House 425 W 47 St, 9-10 Ave, WC acc) Martha Seymour, Co-Cons chair 212-924-2797
2nd Thu 10-noon, B’klyn System Change Network (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (Jewish Mus 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St WC acc) RSVP access@thejm.org 212-423-3225/ TTY 212-660-1515
Every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
Every Thu 6:30-8 PM, Women Vets Art Program (SVA, 32 W 21 St, 3rd Floor, 6-7 Ave) Val Sereno 212-592-2419 or vsereno@sva.edu
1st Sat, Helping Hands trip info, volunteer or RSVP 718-728-0868 xenta01@earthlink.net
1st & 3rd Sat 12:30-2:30 PM, NAMI Parents/Family Support Group of Children/Adolescents with a Behavioral / Psychiatric Disorder (NAMI-NYC Metro - 505 Eighth Ave #1103, 35 St WC acc)
2nd Sat 5:30 – 7:30 PM, Games People Play (505 Eighth Ave, #1103, 35 St, WC acc) from Scrabble to checkers, Bingo to card games.
3rd Sat Helping Hands Social Events (First Alliance Church, 127 W 26 St, 6-7 Ave, floor 2, # 3003, 6-7 Ave, WC acc) info, volunteer or RSVP Alice Crespo 718-728-0868 xenta01@earthlink.net
4th Sat 5:30 – 7:30 PM, Expressive Arts Workshop (NAMI-NYC Metro - 505 Eighth Ave #1103, 35 St WC acc) RSVP 212-684-3264.
Every Sat 3:30-5 PM NAMI Connection (505 Eighth Ave, #1103, 35 St WC acc) 212-684-3264
Every Sat 10-noon, Writing Workshop (B’klyn Vet Center) creative ways to mitigate PTSD symptoms Tim Brennan 718-624-2765
Every Sat 2-4 PM, Free Creative Writing Program/Writing Workshop for Gulf, Afghanistan & Iraq Vets (NYU WC acc) Zachary Sussman, 212-992-9809 or zachary.sussman@nyu.edu will resume in Sept.
Every Sat 5:30-7 PM, NAMI-NYC weekend social & support group (NAMI-NYC Metro, 505 Eighth Ave #1103, 35 St WC acc) Food & refreshments 212-684-3264
Until 11/15, Supported Employment Certificate Series http://www.worksupport.com/training/webcourses/se_course.cfm
Until 11/15, Supported Competitive Employment for Inds w/ Mental Illness http://www.worksupport.com/training/webcourses/mi_course.cfm
09/19-20, 2010 USBLN Annual Conference & Expo: Aligning Disability with the Bottom Line: Talent, Market Share, & Supplier Diversity (Chicago) http://www.usblnannualconference.org/
09/20 -10/01, Community Needs Assessment for SILCs http://www.ilru.org/html/training/online/index.html#Needs
*NEW 09/21-22, The 3rd Annual Summit on VR Program Evaluation “Pathways to Performance: Making a Difference through Program Evaluation” (Vancouver, WA) simulcasts: http://ncrtm.org/mod/resource/view.php?id=1999
09/21-23 Financial Management for Centers for Independent Living (Tempe, AZ) https://secure.xo.com/ncil.org/store/index.php
09/22-24, Financial Management for CIL (Tempe) https://secure.xo.com/ncil.org/store/product_detail.php?pid=121
09/22-24 FEMA’s Office of Disability Integration & Coordination Conf (Wash DC) jointly trains members of the emergency management and disability communities in inclusive emergency preparedness. Participants will receive training so that they can return to their communities and act as leaders in collaborative emergency preparedness and disaster response and recovery planning efforts.
09/22-24 NYAPRS 28th Annual Conference Whole Self, Whole Health, Whole Lives (Kerhonkson, NY) http://www.nyaprs.org/conference/ For a scholarships 518-436-0008 mary@nyaprs.org Buses roundtrip call 212-780-1400 x7726 (leaving 14 St & Union Sq) $35 money order to Community Access
*NEW 09/27-28, NYS Rehabilitation Summit & Employment Institute: Rehabilitation Research and Training Institute (Albany) http://www.rrti.org/summit/register.php
10/05-06, 2010 Southwest Conf on Disability (Albuquerque) the future of the ADA, how technology is improving the lives of PWDs; & children WDs & the 2010 Disability and The Arts Program http://www.disability.gov/technology/news_%26_events
10/19-20 Intro to Cardboard Carpentry http://www.adaptivedesign.org/educational_programs/courses/ or 212-904-1200
10/22-24, Vision Midwest Conference (Madison, WI) www.VisionMidwest.org Register: http://www.12state.org/register
*NEW 10/28-31, American Council of the Blind of NY Annual State Convention. (Crowne Plaza Hotel, 66 Hale Ave, White Plains) Preregistration deadline 10/01 http://www.wcbny.org/
11/17-19, Alliance for Full Participation Summit 2011: Real Jobs – It’s Everyone’s Business (Wash, DC)
*new 09/16 9-11 AM, Manhattan Mental Health Council: What’s Happened To St. Vincent’s Hospital Outpatient Mental Health Programs? (Fountain House, 441 West 47th St, New York, NY 10036 (between 9th & 10th Avenues)
09/16 Noon-1 PM, Young Adult Conference Series: Post-Secondary Options: Alternatives to the Traditional HS & College Route Toll free 866-502-8312, code 990738. If you wish to be anonymous just say: "parent," "provider" or "other."
*NEW 09/16 Noon-2 PM, Community Roundtable Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute (Mt Sinai, 1468 Madison Ave, 100 St, WC acc) Mary Sano, MD, Alzheimer's Disease Research lunch will be served. RSVP 212-731-7888
09/16 2-5 PM, VESID – Public Hearing Adult Vocational Rehabilitation Services (116 W 32 St, 5th Floor Conference Room 5-6 Ave WC acc) video linked to the Albany hearing http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/specialed/policy/publichearing910.htm
09/16 6:15-9 PM, ADD & Bipolar Disorder (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St) 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com www.maaddsg.org
*NEW 09/16 6:30-8 PM, Advocacy: Getting Appropriate Services (IDA - NY, 71 W. 23rd St., Suite 1527, 6 Ave WC acc) Members Free / Nonmembers $5 RSVP to Diana: 212.691.1930 ext 12, or info@nybida.org
09/17 DEADLINE Vote for Economic Empowerment - Defining the New American Dream Contest. http://www.disability.gov/community_life/news_%26_events
9/17 10-11:30 AM, Individuals Who Are Statutorily Blind & Work - Case Study http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/nymakesworkpay/regTraining.cfm?&trainType=CuttingEdg
*NEW 09/17, 3:30-8 PM, Free Friday at MOMA (11 W 53 St, WC acc) Meet at MOMA. Registration & accommodations: Eva Eason at 646-442-4156 or eason@cidny.org
09/17 6:15 PM Tours in ASL (no voice): The Many Faces of Buddha (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) rwww.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
09/18 1-4 PM, Next Step, Moceans PWDs Social and Economic Justice Picnic (Long Branch Boardwalk, Great Lawn, Long Branch, NJ) games, prizes, giveaways & food www.gonextstep.org
09/19 10:30-noon (5-15 yrs) & 2-3:30 (18+), Painting Explorations: Shifting the Gaze: Painting and Feminism (Jewish Mus 1109 5th Ave, 92 St, WC acc) for individuals with DD or LD, family members & friends. Register: 212.423.3256 or schoolaccess@thejm.org.
*NEW 09/19 noon-1 Board, 1:30-4, DIA – Open Forum (Selis, 135 W 23 St, 6-7 Aves)
09/19 1 PM, Reach New Heights at The Met! Verbal Imaging tour On the Roof: Big Bambú (The Met Mus of Art, 1000 Fifth Ave 79 St WC acc) for people who are blind/partially sighted. Tour the elevated network of bamboo pathways (guidelines & restrictions: http://www.metmuseum.org/special/big_bamb%C3%BA/guidelines.asp, or stay on the roof deck and explore the installation at ground level. Reservations are required. 212.650.2010 or access@metmuseum.org
09/20 9-5:30 PM, 65th Anniv NYS Human Rights Law (John Jay College. 899 Tenth Ave, WC acc & ASL) 10:30 - Employment Issues -Arrest & Conviction Records; 1 PM- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Issues; & 2:45 PM Disability Rights RSVP 65thAnniversaryEvent@dhr.state.ny.us Specify panels you wish to attend. Lourdes Centeno 718-741-8274
*NEW 09/20 6:30-8:30 PM, ADD General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St 6-7 Aves WC acc)
9/20 7:30 PM, Reading: Jesse: A Mother’s Story of Grief, Grace, and Everyday Bliss (Barnes & Noble, Lincoln Triangle, B’way & 67 St WC acc)
09/21 9-1 PM, The Future of Senior Housing: Transforming the Vision (UJA, 130 E 59 St, Lexington-Park, WC acc) Registration Deadline: 9/14 Cost $10 Srs & PWDs 25 professionals Registration: 212-273-5262 or jpac@jasa.org .
*NEW 09/21 10-Noon, NYFAHC Roundtable: How can the Federal Coordinated Care Office More Effectively Integrate Benefits for people with Medicare & Medicaid? (MS Society, 733 Third Ave, 3rd Floor, 45-46 Sts) To participate on phone: 866-393-5148, Pin # 5953.
09/21 2-3:30 PM, Corrections & the ADA: Balancing the rights of PWDs while incarcerated http://www.ada-audio.org/Schedule/
*NEW 09/21 3-4:30 PM, Training Teleconference for Peer Support & Peer Providers: Redefining Mental Health Recovery
*NEW 09/21 2-4 PM, Queens BP Advisory Council for PWDs (Queens Borough Hall Rm 213, WC acc) Advocacy Services Presentation CIDNY; SSA Online Services, Benefits and Services & Nominations For BP’s Advocacy &Volunteerism Awards Maxine 718-286-2680 / Charlie Hope 718-380-3000 x201
9/21 5:30 PM, The League of Women Voters in Action - National, State & Local Find Out Where the League Stands on the Issues of Concern to You (4 W 43 St, WC acc) 212-725-3541 or office@lwvnyc.org.
*NEW 9/22 3-4 pm, Online Search Strategies for Housing (CIDNY, 841 Broadway, Suite 301) or call in to participate Dial 215-383-1006 Access Code: 577-806-603 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 577-806-603 Registration & accommodations: Eva Eason at 646-442-4156 or eason@cidny.org
09/23 2-3:30 PM, Picture This!—Adult Prog: Color in Impressionism (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) make art accessible through detailed descriptions, touch, & activities to awaken the senses. Reservation is required. 212-650-2010 or access@metmuseum.org. http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/blind
*NEW 09/24 11-1 PM, Benefits Clinic (CIDNY, 841 Broadway, Suite 301, 13-14 Sts, WC acc) Are you getting all the benefits you need? Take a few minutes to find out at CIDNY. Staff will be available for questions or assistance. Registration & accommodations: Eva Eason at 646-442-4156 or eason@cidny.org
*NEW 09/24 4- 6:30 PM, Movie Night: Marley and Me CIDNY, 841 Broadway, Suite 301, 13-14 sTS) Popcorn and soda will be provided. Registration & accommodations: Eva Eason at 646-442-4156 or eason@cidny.org
09/24 7:30-4 PM, 2010 NYS Transportation Summit (McGraw-Hill Convention Center, 221 Avenue of the Americas) jenny_chen@mcgraw-hill.com, 212-904-2332
09/24, 2:00 p.m. Gallery Talks w/ FM Assistive Listening Devices: Curator’s Choice: Caravaggio and his follower Valentin de Boulogne (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/hard_of_hearing
09/25 BIANYS Symposium, Heading in the Right Direction: Strategies for Sports Concussion Management, (NYC) http://www.bianys.org/AnnouncementRetrieve.aspx?ID=53617
09/28 1-2:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force Meetings (1 Centre St, 19 Floor S WC acc) RSVP & Accommodations: Cuong 212-669-7664 or cnguyen@manhattanbp.org.
*NEW 09/28 1-4 PM, Women’s Wellness: Nutrition, Makeup, Love and sex, Breast health (ICS, 25 Elm Place, 5th Floor, B’klyn WC acc) Refreshments!! Raffles! Free Gifts! Registration required: Marissa Kaplan 212-420-6661 or mkaplan@icsny.org
*NEW 09/29 8:15-5 PM, The Lindsay Years ’66-73 (Baruch College, 151 E 25 St, 7th Floor, Lexington & 3rd Aves WC acc) RSVP: Aisha Khan aisha.khan@baruch.cuny.edu or 646-660-6720
09/30 10-1 PM, Hands on Tools for Managing Difficult Behaviors - Manhattan (English) 212-677-4650 info@resourcesnyc.org
09/30 6-8 PM, NAMI-NYC Metro Public Education Event (NYU-Langone Med Ctr, Skirball Institute, 550 First Ave, 32- 34 Sts WC acc) RSVP 212-684-3264.
*NEW 09/30 6:30-8:30 PM, Positive Effects of Music on Children with Dyslexia or LD ((IDA - NY, 71 W. 23rd St., Suite 1527, 6 Ave WC acc) Members Free / Nonmembers $5 RSVP to Diana: 212.691.1930 ext 12, or info@nybida.org
10/01 Deadline for nomination for AAPD Leadership Award Applications http://jfactivist.typepad.com/jfactivist/2010/08/apply-now-aapd-is-now-accepting-hearne-leadership-award-applications.html
10/01, 6:15 PM Tours in ASL (no voice): Medieval Weaponry (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
10/02 11 AM, Mass for PWDs, families & friends (Our Lady of Angels Parish Church, 2860 Sedgwick Ave., Bx) 71548-3005
10/05, 11 AM, Gallery Talks w/ FM Assistive Listening Devices: The World of Khubilai Khan: Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/hard_of_hearing
*NEW 10/05 6-8:30 PM, Dyslexia: What is it? How do we identify it? What can be done? (NYP-Cornell Medical Center, 1305 York Ave, 5th Floor Conf Rm, 70th St, WC acc) http://library.constantcontact.com/doc204/1101627620502/doc/qwfFh29hQMQcjKjw.pdf
10/07 SAVE THE DATE, Adaptive Design Assoc Gala (ADA Storefront, 313 W 36 St)
10/07 2:30 – 4 PM, Webinar & Audio Conf DOJ's Updated ADA Regulations accessible routes including doors & entrances www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
*NEW 10/07 6:15-9 PM, Man ADD: Let's Talk About Doctors (& Other Practitioners) (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St, near West End Ave)
10/09 2–3:30 PM, Picture This! Family Program—Weaving a Picture, Telling a Story (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) for children 5+ who are blind or partially sighted friends & family registration is required. 212-650-2010, TTY 212 570-3828,
10/14 2-3:30 PM Picture This! Adult Prog: Scent Workshop (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) make art accessible through detailed descriptions, touch, & activities to awaken the senses. Create a fragrance. Reservations are required. 212-650-2010 or access@metmuseum.org http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/blind
10/14 2-3:30 PM, Ticket 201: Employment Network Application Walk-Through Becoming an Employment Network in the NEW Ticket to-Work Programhttp://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NYAPRS-CESSI-Application-walk-thru-webinar-10-14-10
10/15 10-11:30 AM, Impairment Related Work Expenses & Subsidies for PWDs Who Work http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/nymakesworkpay/regTraining.cfm?&trainType=CuttingEdg
10/15 11 AM, Gallery Talk w/ ASL The World of Khubilai Khan: Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
*NEW 10/17 4:30 PM, ASL Tours no spoken English translation. Getting By (Tenement Mus 108 Orchard St, goes up 24 steps up & down 23 http://tenement.org/tours.php
*NEW 10/18 6:30-8:30 PM, Man ADD General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St, 6-7 Aves WC acc)
10/19, 2nd Annual White Cane Awareness Day (Independent Living Inc., Newburgh, WC acc)
10/19, Exploring Earned Income Possibilities (NY Acad of Medicine, 1216 Fifth Ave WC acc) http://cfnps.org/NYLS13.aspx
10/19 6:45-8:30 PM, Evening Topic Session for Adults: ADD - Dyslexia & Me (IDA - NY, 71 W. 23 St #1527 6th Ave)
*NEW 10/20, MOPD Disability Mentoring Day http://www.nyc.gov/html/mopd/html/dmd/dmd.shtm
10/22 5-6:30 PM, Picture This! The Psychology of Color (Ages 15–18) (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) Registration is required 212-650-2010, TTY 212-570-3828 or access@metmuseum.org, http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/blind
10/22, 6:15 PM Tours in ASL (no voice): Unlocking the Secrets of Roman Sarcophagi (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
10/27 10-1 PM, Turning 5 - Queens (English) 212-677-4650 info@resourcesnyc.org
*NEW 10/27 6:30 PM, Open Captioned talks: Chinatown Noir with Henry Chang and Ed Lin (Tenement Mus, 108 Orchard St): The downtown mystery writer returns to discuss his latest, Red Jade, with novelist Lin, whose newest work is also set in Chinatown. No tickets required.
10/28 noon-2 PM, Charter School Options for Students with Disabilities - Manhattan (English) 212-677-4650 info@resourcesnyc.org
*NEW 10/29 11-12:30 PM, State Plan for Voc Rehab & Supported Employment for FY 12 (Crowne Plaza Hotel, 66 Hill Ave White Plains – WC acc) Assistive technology services, Services to consumers with mental health issues or preparing to enter college accommodations deadline 10/08: Mike Rose 518-473-2346 TDD: 518-474-7501 Voice Relay: 1-800-421-1220 or Mike.Rose@ocfs.state.ny.us
10/29, 11 AM, Gallery Talks w/ FM Assistive Listening Devices: The Knight in Shining Armor (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/hard_of_hearing
11/02 Election Day info on new voting system: http://www.votethenewwayny.com/en/default.aspx
11/04 2:30 – 4 PM, Webinar Audio Conf DOJ's Updated ADA Regulations airport terminals www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
*NEW 11/04 6:15-8:30 PM, Man ADD Getting Value From Your Evaluation (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St, West End Av)
11/05, 6:15 PM Tours in ASL (no voice): Rebirth of Portraiture in the Time of the Renaissance (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
*NEW 11/07 4 PM, Touch tour Confino Family Living History Program: (Tenement Mus, 108 Orchard St up 9 steps to & 7 steps down) http://www.tenement.org/tours.php
11/10, 11 AM, Gallery Talks w/ FM Assistive Listening Devices: The Roman Mosaic from Lod, Israel (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/hard_of_hearing
*NEW 11/15 6:30-8:30 PM, Man ADD: General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St, 6- 7 Aves WC acc)
11/16 4-5:45 PM, Art, Magic, and Houdini (Jewish Mus, 1109 5th Ave, 92 St, WC acc) for special ed teachers an examination of original objects, photographs, posters, and contemporary art in the exhibit with interactive activities http://www.thejewishmuseum.org/AccessEducatorWorkshops
11/19, 11 AM, Gallery Talks w/ FM Assistive Listening Devices: Arts of Native North America (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/hard_of_hearing
11/12, 7 PM, Gallery Talk w/ ASL: Man, Myth, & Sensual Pleasures: Jan Gossart’s Renaissance (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
11/17 10-11:30 AM, 2010 Medicaid Buy In for Working PWDs http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/nymakesworkpay/regTraining.cfm?&trainType=CuttingEdg
11/19, 6:15 PM, Tours in ASL (no voice): African Influences on Modern Art (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
12/02 2:30–4 PM, Webinar Audio Conf DOJ's Updated ADA Regulations Accessible Play Areas www.access-oard.gov/webinars.htm
12/04 2-3:30 PM, Picture This! Family Program—Drinking and Dining: A Taste of the Met (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) For children 5+ who are blind or partially sighted friends & family. Registration is required 212-650-2010, TTY 212-570-3828 or access@metmuseum.org, http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/blind
*NEW 12/02 6:15-9 PM, Man ADD: An Eastern Perspective (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St, near West End Ave)
*NEW 12/12 4:45 PM, ASL Tours no spoken English translation. Piecing it Together (Tenement Mus, 108 Orchard St, goes up 38 steps up & 31down) http://tenement.org/tours.php
*NEW 12/15, 6:30 PM, Behind the Scenes: The Baldizzis and Catholicism with Robert Orsi: (Tenement Mus, 108 Orchard St) No tickets required. A leading scholar and Museum adviser discusses how did this Sicilian immigrant family understood and experienced religion.
*NEW 12/20 6:30-8:30 PM) Man ADD: General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St, 6-7 Aves WC acc)
01/06 2:30 – 4 PM, DOJ's Updated ADA Regs Accessible Residential Facilities www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
02/03 2:30 – 4 PM, DOJ's Updated ADA Regs Accessible Transient Lodging www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
03/03 2:30 – 4 PM, DOJ's Updated ADA Regs Accessible Swimming Pools & Spas www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
http://www.dol.gov/odep/pubs/ndeam2010poster.htm A World In Which People With Disabilities Have Unlimited Employment Opportunities National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2010 NDEAM Poster
http://www.dol.gov/odep/index.htm ODEP Releases New Publications on Tax Credits, Mastering Workplace Soft Skills new publications to increase awareness of ideas, services and products that improve employment opportunities for all workers, including workers with disabilities. Each brief provides a subject overview and includes a link to a more comprehensive review of the subject for those who want to learn more.
http://capwiz.com/cidny/issues/alert/?alertid=16668556&queueid=5746831951 Issue: Urge Governor Paterson to sign the Poll Site Access bill which would require all polling sites to comply with the accessibility guidelines of the ADA. It is awaiting Gov. Paterson’s signature. He now has until September 17th to sign it into law or veto it. The Governor's office needs to hear from us NOW!
http://capwiz.com/cidny/issues/alert/?alertid=16038516&queueid=[capwiz:queue_id] Urge your Representative to co-sponsor Rosa's Law which would eliminate the terms "Mental Retardation" and "Mentally Retarded" from all federal laws and replace them with the terms "Intellectual Disability" and "individual with an intellectual disability
http://capwiz.com/rochestercdr/issues/alert/?alertid=15025901&queueid=[capwiz:queue_id] Urge NYS Legislators to Co-sponsor A.9409/S.1499 to establish minimum regulations for design and construction of single family homes, townhouses & ground units of a buildings with three or less units. It only affects new homes built using state or federal funds or subsidies.
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/insightfornewhousing/ Sign a petition for televised community calendars to be accessible to viewers who are visually impaired/blind
https://secure3.convio.net/voices/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1957 Protect Home Based Early Intervention Services!
https://app.expressemailmarketing.com/takesurvey.aspx?id=20207 Seeking information from individuals with DD, families & others to help DDPC to develop new & innovative ways of making life better for NYers with DD) & their families. Deadline 10/30
http://www.mrgworldwide.com/surveys/scisignup/ recruiting for 10-15 min phone survey on bladder management medical devices among persons with SCI who use intermittent catheters compensate: $25 check Register online or call 800-239-9186, extension 151
https://surveys.pollg.com/wix/p20719236.aspx NCIL, in partnership with Easter Seals, to survey how about how family members are affected by disability Millions of American families today have someone in their family with a disability; by taking part in this research you are helping raise awareness of the types of issues you and your family encounter.
http://aaspire.org/projects.html recruiting participants for an on-line study for autistic adults aimed to better understand health care inequities, including barriers to receiving quality health care affecting the autistic & disability communities.
http://www.surveygizmo.com/s/221239/medical-device-questionnaire evaluating factors important when purchasing & using medical devices 18 yrs+, IPod raffle Rochelle Mendonca 414-229-6803 r2d2-mendonca@uwm.edu
http://www.surveygizmo.com/s/200473/workplace-features-that-aid-function Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access is Studying Job Accommodation. You are eligible to take the survey if you have a disability or loss of function & are employed or volunteer. The survey is anonymous, is typically administered on-line, and takes an average of 30 minutes to complete. You can also complete the survey by telephone
NYU Child Study Center is recruiting volunteers for a research study. They are conducting a functional MRI study to understand the brain networks used for reading. The goal is to develop approaches that can one day serve as diagnostic measures for conditions such as reading disorder/dyslexia. Participants will receive compensation & a free non-diagnostic summary report including information about their current level of cognitive and literacy skills based on our research measures, but it does not include a full psychiatric diagnostic assessment nor provide treatment recommendations. Devika 212-263-4714 or jutagd01@nyumc.org
www.fastfamilysupport.org Parents/primary caregivers of young (12-22) PWDs are invited to take part in a national research study by completing the National Family Support Survey, conducted by the FAST Project. Answers are confidential and will help the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, parent centers, and researchers understand the information and supports families need to prepare for moving into adulthood. This information may help to inform program development for youth with disabilities in the future. The survey is available in Spanish also.
www.workrerc.gatech.edu/News/10JuneNews.php#survey Employees with a Disability - Have you Completed Our Survey on workplace accommodations? Our researchers are investigating what types of accommodations employees use in different types of work environments and how well they work.
Until 10/7 DHCR NYS Draft ‘11-15 Consolidated Plan Draft ‘11 Annual Action Plan & Update To the Analysis of Impediments: www.nysdhcr.gov. Request a copy: DHCRConPln@nysdhcr.gov or -866-ASK-DHCR (275-3427). Comments: NYS DHCR, Attention: Brian McCarthy, 38-40 State St, Albany NY 12207 or DHCRConPln@nysdhcr.gov.
Until 9/21 US DoL Office of Federal Contract Compliance Progs is seeking input from the public on ways to strengthen its regs requiring federal contractors to take affirmative action to employ & advance in employment qualified PWDs. Topics on which comment is requested include: What employment practices have been effective in recruiting, hiring, advancing and retaining qualified PWDs; What data are available that could be used to establish hiring goals & conduct utilization analyses of PWDs. & How linkage agreements between federal contractors & organizations that focus on the employment of qualified PWDs can be strengthened to increase effectiveness. http://www.dol.gov/ofccp/regs/compliance/sec503/sec503_frequently_asked_questions.htm
Until 10/04 http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/specialed/policy/publichearing910.htm NYS Educ Dept, Office of Special Education has scheduled three public hearings & accept written comments on proposed amendments to Part 200 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education relating to special education programs and services for students with disabilities
Until 01/15: http://www.ada.gov/anprm2010.htm seeking public comment on the topics on Accessibility of Web Information and Services Provided by Entities Covered by the ADA; Movie Captioning and Video Description; Accessibility of Next Generation 9-1-1; & Equipment and Furniture
All hearings begin at 6 PM; Pre registration t 5 PM and closes at 9 PM. All registered speakers will be heard. All locations are WC accessible & ASL interpreter’s services will be available. http://www.mta.info/hearings/access.html
9/20 Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel 135-20 39th Ave, Flushing)
9/21 Brooklyn Museum, Cantor Aud 200 Eastern Parkway B’klyn)
Voter Surveys
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3Q77F7G CIDNY's can be completed by calling Rima McCoy at 646-442-4146.
www.aapd.com/DVP The Disability Vote Project works in a non-partisan manner to eliminate the barriers to voting and, in close collaboration with coalition partners in states around the country, to increase political participation for individuals with disabilities. DVP aims to get people with disabilities registered to vote; strives to educate them on how to get to their polling places and what their rights are at the polling places; and works to make polling places accessible to voters with all disabilities.
Demo@boe.nyc.ny.us NYC Board of is conducting demonstrations of the new poll site voting system, Staff will be assisting voters & will answer questions about the voting process. Venues MUST be WC acc. To request a Demo contact Valerie Vazquez-Rivera 212-487-5404 or email Demo@boe.nyc.ny.us with the following information: Organization Name, Requestor Name, Telephone Number & Email Address, Requested Date and Time (at least 2 weeks prior to the date), Event Type, Location & number of participant expected
Nivardo Lopez, Legislative Policy Analyst for Council Member Jimmy Vacca (NLopez@council.nyc.gov) is interested in hearing about AAR users who have been refused trips under the new policies.
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD (Children & Adults with ADD) (65 W 89 St WC acc) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or addrc@mail.com
1st Mon noon-2 PM, Rights for Imprisoned People w/ Psychiatric Disb (Urban Justice Ctr, 123 William St,16 Floor) lortega@rippd.org 646-260-6575
1st Mon 6:30-8:30 PM, AM Micah Kellner’s Tenants Legal Clinic (Eviction Intervention Services, 1233 Second Ave, 64- 65 Sts) Appointment only. 212-860-4906
1st & 3rd Mon (Beginning 9/20) Bipolar Disorder Support Group with Rich Satkin (NAMI, 505 Eighth Ave, #1103, 35 St WC acc) 212-684-3264.
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St WC acc) pre-registration required access@thejm.org or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
4th Mon 10-noon, B’klyn Parents’ Center (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000 Get the information you need to know to get the services your child is entitled to
1st Tue 12:30-2 PM, TBI Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
1st Tues 8-30-10 PM, ACB Women’s Concern - Support Group for woman w/ vision loss & breast cancer oris1@optonline.net not a free call No call in July
2nd Tue, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
2nd Tues 6:45 PM Monthly Adult Support Group (NY Branch International Dyslexia Assoc, Inc 71W 23 St #1527, 6 Ave) Diana Naples 212-691 1930 x,12, info@nybida.org
2nd & 4th Thu 11-Noon, The Largest Minority Radio Program (WBAI 99.5 FM) archived at www.wbai.org
*NEW Every Tue & Th 10 – 1 PM, Metropolitan Parents’ Center: Education Advocacy for Parents Fall 2010 Intensive Workshop Series (Sinergia, 2082 Lexington Ave, 4 Floor bell 333, 126 St) Register: Godfrey Rivera 212-643-2840, X 307 grivera@sinergiany.org
3rd Tues 10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or brooklyncomsumercouncil@yahoo.com
3rd Tue 1-3 PM, Queens BP’s Advisory Council for PWDs (Queens Boro Hall 120-55 Queens Blvd Kew Gardens WC acc) Charles Hope chope@queenscp.org 718-286-2680 Fax: 718-286-2698 Next meting 9/21 no meetings in July & August
4th Tues 1-2:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south WC acc) Accommodations: 212-669-8300
Last Tue of the month 6-8 PM, Free Legal Clinic (BCID, 27 Smith St. Fulton - Livingston Sts WC acc) Brooklyn Pride Center, Urban Justice Ctr & BCID Walk-ins or by appt; ASL by appointments Call 718 802 3890
Every Tue 11-1 PM, Body Movement Class (ICS 25 Elm Pl, 5th floor Brooklyn Fulton – Livingston WC acc) for people who would like to perform wheelchair dancing/dancing on stage or just for fun! Info 212-643 8305
Every Tue 6:30 PM Dialogues with Dan (RocklandWorldRadio.com) Daniel Windheim, author & TBI survivor, discusses disabilities, disability issues & a wide variety of disability topics 845.826.2639 info@modernmetro.com
Every Tue & Fri 7-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26 St, 6-7Ave WC acc) www.wheelchairdancesportusa.org wdsportusa@hotmail.com 212-245-0004
1st Wed 1:30-3 PM free Open House: Computer Center for Visually Impaired People (Baruch College, 151 E 25 St # 655, Lex -3rd Aves, WC acc) Reservations required 646-312-1420.
1st Wed 6-8 PM, SRO Law Project Housing Clinic (Goddard Riverside Comm Ctr, 593 Columbus Ave, 88 St WC acc) 10/6 Harassment, 11/3 HPs Repairs, Bedbugs and Cockroaches, 12/1 Preferential Rents, 2/2 Non-Primary Residence, 2/2 DHCR Overview, including MCIs and 1/40th, 4/6 City-Wide Housing Related Campaigns, 5/4 Crises: Foreclosures and Predatory Equity, 6/1 Succession Rights
2nd Wed 6-8 PM, Body/Mind- A support group by & for people who are both physically and mentally disabled or challenged (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave. #21 lower level, 125-124 Sts WC acc) (intercom # 021) Ed Randolph 212-222-7122 or erandolph@hilc.org
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998- 3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx WC acc) 718-231-3400 x 202 or jdiblasi@astorservices.org
3rd Th 6-8 PM, Musical Support Group (NAMI, 505 Eighth Avenue, $1103, 35 St WC acc). Share songs that inspire& give hope in facing the challenges of living with mental illness. Play a musical instrument: Noelina 212-684-3365. Info: 212-684-3264.
2nd & 4th Wed 1 PM, Discovery Series Informative & engaging educational programming on topics related to computer & software accessibility target-center@usda.gov
Every Wed Noon, Disabilities At Work VoiceAmerica Radio highlights businesses that go beyond compliance in hiring practices or that support PWDs in other ways, and details the benefits companies receive.
2nd Thu 9-11 AM (most months), Man. Mental Health Council (Fountain House 425 W 47 St, 9-10 Ave, WC acc) Martha Seymour, Co-Cons chair 212-924-2797
2nd Thu 10-noon, B’klyn System Change Network (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (Jewish Mus 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St WC acc) RSVP access@thejm.org 212-423-3225/ TTY 212-660-1515
Every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
Every Thu 6:30-8 PM, Women Vets Art Program (SVA, 32 W 21 St, 3rd Floor, 6-7 Ave) Val Sereno 212-592-2419 or vsereno@sva.edu
1st Sat, Helping Hands trip info, volunteer or RSVP 718-728-0868 xenta01@earthlink.net
1st & 3rd Sat 12:30-2:30 PM, NAMI Parents/Family Support Group of Children/Adolescents with a Behavioral / Psychiatric Disorder (NAMI-NYC Metro - 505 Eighth Ave #1103, 35 St WC acc)
2nd Sat 5:30 – 7:30 PM, Games People Play (505 Eighth Ave, #1103, 35 St, WC acc) from Scrabble to checkers, Bingo to card games.
3rd Sat Helping Hands Social Events (First Alliance Church, 127 W 26 St, 6-7 Ave, floor 2, # 3003, 6-7 Ave, WC acc) info, volunteer or RSVP Alice Crespo 718-728-0868 xenta01@earthlink.net
4th Sat 5:30 – 7:30 PM, Expressive Arts Workshop (NAMI-NYC Metro - 505 Eighth Ave #1103, 35 St WC acc) RSVP 212-684-3264.
Every Sat 3:30-5 PM NAMI Connection (505 Eighth Ave, #1103, 35 St WC acc) 212-684-3264
Every Sat 10-noon, Writing Workshop (B’klyn Vet Center) creative ways to mitigate PTSD symptoms Tim Brennan 718-624-2765
Every Sat 2-4 PM, Free Creative Writing Program/Writing Workshop for Gulf, Afghanistan & Iraq Vets (NYU WC acc) Zachary Sussman, 212-992-9809 or zachary.sussman@nyu.edu will resume in Sept.
Every Sat 5:30-7 PM, NAMI-NYC weekend social & support group (NAMI-NYC Metro, 505 Eighth Ave #1103, 35 St WC acc) Food & refreshments 212-684-3264
Until 11/15, Supported Employment Certificate Series http://www.worksupport.com/training/webcourses/se_course.cfm
Until 11/15, Supported Competitive Employment for Inds w/ Mental Illness http://www.worksupport.com/training/webcourses/mi_course.cfm
09/19-20, 2010 USBLN Annual Conference & Expo: Aligning Disability with the Bottom Line: Talent, Market Share, & Supplier Diversity (Chicago) http://www.usblnannualconference.org/
09/20 -10/01, Community Needs Assessment for SILCs http://www.ilru.org/html/training/online/index.html#Needs
*NEW 09/21-22, The 3rd Annual Summit on VR Program Evaluation “Pathways to Performance: Making a Difference through Program Evaluation” (Vancouver, WA) simulcasts: http://ncrtm.org/mod/resource/view.php?id=1999
09/21-23 Financial Management for Centers for Independent Living (Tempe, AZ) https://secure.xo.com/ncil.org/store/index.php
09/22-24, Financial Management for CIL (Tempe) https://secure.xo.com/ncil.org/store/product_detail.php?pid=121
09/22-24 FEMA’s Office of Disability Integration & Coordination Conf (Wash DC) jointly trains members of the emergency management and disability communities in inclusive emergency preparedness. Participants will receive training so that they can return to their communities and act as leaders in collaborative emergency preparedness and disaster response and recovery planning efforts.
09/22-24 NYAPRS 28th Annual Conference Whole Self, Whole Health, Whole Lives (Kerhonkson, NY) http://www.nyaprs.org/conference/ For a scholarships 518-436-0008 mary@nyaprs.org Buses roundtrip call 212-780-1400 x7726 (leaving 14 St & Union Sq) $35 money order to Community Access
*NEW 09/27-28, NYS Rehabilitation Summit & Employment Institute: Rehabilitation Research and Training Institute (Albany) http://www.rrti.org/summit/register.php
10/05-06, 2010 Southwest Conf on Disability (Albuquerque) the future of the ADA, how technology is improving the lives of PWDs; & children WDs & the 2010 Disability and The Arts Program http://www.disability.gov/technology/news_%26_events
10/19-20 Intro to Cardboard Carpentry http://www.adaptivedesign.org/educational_programs/courses/ or 212-904-1200
10/22-24, Vision Midwest Conference (Madison, WI) www.VisionMidwest.org Register: http://www.12state.org/register
*NEW 10/28-31, American Council of the Blind of NY Annual State Convention. (Crowne Plaza Hotel, 66 Hale Ave, White Plains) Preregistration deadline 10/01 http://www.wcbny.org/
11/17-19, Alliance for Full Participation Summit 2011: Real Jobs – It’s Everyone’s Business (Wash, DC)
*new 09/16 9-11 AM, Manhattan Mental Health Council: What’s Happened To St. Vincent’s Hospital Outpatient Mental Health Programs? (Fountain House, 441 West 47th St, New York, NY 10036 (between 9th & 10th Avenues)
09/16 Noon-1 PM, Young Adult Conference Series: Post-Secondary Options: Alternatives to the Traditional HS & College Route Toll free 866-502-8312, code 990738. If you wish to be anonymous just say: "parent," "provider" or "other."
*NEW 09/16 Noon-2 PM, Community Roundtable Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute (Mt Sinai, 1468 Madison Ave, 100 St, WC acc) Mary Sano, MD, Alzheimer's Disease Research lunch will be served. RSVP 212-731-7888
09/16 2-5 PM, VESID – Public Hearing Adult Vocational Rehabilitation Services (116 W 32 St, 5th Floor Conference Room 5-6 Ave WC acc) video linked to the Albany hearing http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/specialed/policy/publichearing910.htm
09/16 6:15-9 PM, ADD & Bipolar Disorder (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St) 845-278-3022 MAADDSG@aol.com www.maaddsg.org
*NEW 09/16 6:30-8 PM, Advocacy: Getting Appropriate Services (IDA - NY, 71 W. 23rd St., Suite 1527, 6 Ave WC acc) Members Free / Nonmembers $5 RSVP to Diana: 212.691.1930 ext 12, or info@nybida.org
09/17 DEADLINE Vote for Economic Empowerment - Defining the New American Dream Contest. http://www.disability.gov/community_life/news_%26_events
9/17 10-11:30 AM, Individuals Who Are Statutorily Blind & Work - Case Study http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/nymakesworkpay/regTraining.cfm?&trainType=CuttingEdg
*NEW 09/17, 3:30-8 PM, Free Friday at MOMA (11 W 53 St, WC acc) Meet at MOMA. Registration & accommodations: Eva Eason at 646-442-4156 or eason@cidny.org
09/17 6:15 PM Tours in ASL (no voice): The Many Faces of Buddha (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) rwww.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
09/18 1-4 PM, Next Step, Moceans PWDs Social and Economic Justice Picnic (Long Branch Boardwalk, Great Lawn, Long Branch, NJ) games, prizes, giveaways & food www.gonextstep.org
09/19 10:30-noon (5-15 yrs) & 2-3:30 (18+), Painting Explorations: Shifting the Gaze: Painting and Feminism (Jewish Mus 1109 5th Ave, 92 St, WC acc) for individuals with DD or LD, family members & friends. Register: 212.423.3256 or schoolaccess@thejm.org.
*NEW 09/19 noon-1 Board, 1:30-4, DIA – Open Forum (Selis, 135 W 23 St, 6-7 Aves)
09/19 1 PM, Reach New Heights at The Met! Verbal Imaging tour On the Roof: Big Bambú (The Met Mus of Art, 1000 Fifth Ave 79 St WC acc) for people who are blind/partially sighted. Tour the elevated network of bamboo pathways (guidelines & restrictions: http://www.metmuseum.org/special/big_bamb%C3%BA/guidelines.asp, or stay on the roof deck and explore the installation at ground level. Reservations are required. 212.650.2010 or access@metmuseum.org
09/20 9-5:30 PM, 65th Anniv NYS Human Rights Law (John Jay College. 899 Tenth Ave, WC acc & ASL) 10:30 - Employment Issues -Arrest & Conviction Records; 1 PM- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Issues; & 2:45 PM Disability Rights RSVP 65thAnniversaryEvent@dhr.state.ny.us Specify panels you wish to attend. Lourdes Centeno 718-741-8274
*NEW 09/20 6:30-8:30 PM, ADD General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St 6-7 Aves WC acc)
9/20 7:30 PM, Reading: Jesse: A Mother’s Story of Grief, Grace, and Everyday Bliss (Barnes & Noble, Lincoln Triangle, B’way & 67 St WC acc)
09/21 9-1 PM, The Future of Senior Housing: Transforming the Vision (UJA, 130 E 59 St, Lexington-Park, WC acc) Registration Deadline: 9/14 Cost $10 Srs & PWDs 25 professionals Registration: 212-273-5262 or jpac@jasa.org .
*NEW 09/21 10-Noon, NYFAHC Roundtable: How can the Federal Coordinated Care Office More Effectively Integrate Benefits for people with Medicare & Medicaid? (MS Society, 733 Third Ave, 3rd Floor, 45-46 Sts) To participate on phone: 866-393-5148, Pin # 5953.
09/21 2-3:30 PM, Corrections & the ADA: Balancing the rights of PWDs while incarcerated http://www.ada-audio.org/Schedule/
*NEW 09/21 3-4:30 PM, Training Teleconference for Peer Support & Peer Providers: Redefining Mental Health Recovery
*NEW 09/21 2-4 PM, Queens BP Advisory Council for PWDs (Queens Borough Hall Rm 213, WC acc) Advocacy Services Presentation CIDNY; SSA Online Services, Benefits and Services & Nominations For BP’s Advocacy &Volunteerism Awards Maxine 718-286-2680 / Charlie Hope 718-380-3000 x201
9/21 5:30 PM, The League of Women Voters in Action - National, State & Local Find Out Where the League Stands on the Issues of Concern to You (4 W 43 St, WC acc) 212-725-3541 or office@lwvnyc.org.
*NEW 9/22 3-4 pm, Online Search Strategies for Housing (CIDNY, 841 Broadway, Suite 301) or call in to participate Dial 215-383-1006 Access Code: 577-806-603 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 577-806-603 Registration & accommodations: Eva Eason at 646-442-4156 or eason@cidny.org
09/23 2-3:30 PM, Picture This!—Adult Prog: Color in Impressionism (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) make art accessible through detailed descriptions, touch, & activities to awaken the senses. Reservation is required. 212-650-2010 or access@metmuseum.org. http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/blind
*NEW 09/24 11-1 PM, Benefits Clinic (CIDNY, 841 Broadway, Suite 301, 13-14 Sts, WC acc) Are you getting all the benefits you need? Take a few minutes to find out at CIDNY. Staff will be available for questions or assistance. Registration & accommodations: Eva Eason at 646-442-4156 or eason@cidny.org
*NEW 09/24 4- 6:30 PM, Movie Night: Marley and Me CIDNY, 841 Broadway, Suite 301, 13-14 sTS) Popcorn and soda will be provided. Registration & accommodations: Eva Eason at 646-442-4156 or eason@cidny.org
09/24 7:30-4 PM, 2010 NYS Transportation Summit (McGraw-Hill Convention Center, 221 Avenue of the Americas) jenny_chen@mcgraw-hill.com, 212-904-2332
09/24, 2:00 p.m. Gallery Talks w/ FM Assistive Listening Devices: Curator’s Choice: Caravaggio and his follower Valentin de Boulogne (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/hard_of_hearing
09/25 BIANYS Symposium, Heading in the Right Direction: Strategies for Sports Concussion Management, (NYC) http://www.bianys.org/AnnouncementRetrieve.aspx?ID=53617
09/28 1-2:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force Meetings (1 Centre St, 19 Floor S WC acc) RSVP & Accommodations: Cuong 212-669-7664 or cnguyen@manhattanbp.org.
*NEW 09/28 1-4 PM, Women’s Wellness: Nutrition, Makeup, Love and sex, Breast health (ICS, 25 Elm Place, 5th Floor, B’klyn WC acc) Refreshments!! Raffles! Free Gifts! Registration required: Marissa Kaplan 212-420-6661 or mkaplan@icsny.org
*NEW 09/29 8:15-5 PM, The Lindsay Years ’66-73 (Baruch College, 151 E 25 St, 7th Floor, Lexington & 3rd Aves WC acc) RSVP: Aisha Khan aisha.khan@baruch.cuny.edu or 646-660-6720
09/30 10-1 PM, Hands on Tools for Managing Difficult Behaviors - Manhattan (English) 212-677-4650 info@resourcesnyc.org
09/30 6-8 PM, NAMI-NYC Metro Public Education Event (NYU-Langone Med Ctr, Skirball Institute, 550 First Ave, 32- 34 Sts WC acc) RSVP 212-684-3264.
*NEW 09/30 6:30-8:30 PM, Positive Effects of Music on Children with Dyslexia or LD ((IDA - NY, 71 W. 23rd St., Suite 1527, 6 Ave WC acc) Members Free / Nonmembers $5 RSVP to Diana: 212.691.1930 ext 12, or info@nybida.org
10/01 Deadline for nomination for AAPD Leadership Award Applications http://jfactivist.typepad.com/jfactivist/2010/08/apply-now-aapd-is-now-accepting-hearne-leadership-award-applications.html
10/01, 6:15 PM Tours in ASL (no voice): Medieval Weaponry (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
10/02 11 AM, Mass for PWDs, families & friends (Our Lady of Angels Parish Church, 2860 Sedgwick Ave., Bx) 71548-3005
10/05, 11 AM, Gallery Talks w/ FM Assistive Listening Devices: The World of Khubilai Khan: Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/hard_of_hearing
*NEW 10/05 6-8:30 PM, Dyslexia: What is it? How do we identify it? What can be done? (NYP-Cornell Medical Center, 1305 York Ave, 5th Floor Conf Rm, 70th St, WC acc) http://library.constantcontact.com/doc204/1101627620502/doc/qwfFh29hQMQcjKjw.pdf
10/07 SAVE THE DATE, Adaptive Design Assoc Gala (ADA Storefront, 313 W 36 St)
10/07 2:30 – 4 PM, Webinar & Audio Conf DOJ's Updated ADA Regulations accessible routes including doors & entrances www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
*NEW 10/07 6:15-9 PM, Man ADD: Let's Talk About Doctors (& Other Practitioners) (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St, near West End Ave)
10/09 2–3:30 PM, Picture This! Family Program—Weaving a Picture, Telling a Story (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) for children 5+ who are blind or partially sighted friends & family registration is required. 212-650-2010, TTY 212 570-3828,
10/14 2-3:30 PM Picture This! Adult Prog: Scent Workshop (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) make art accessible through detailed descriptions, touch, & activities to awaken the senses. Create a fragrance. Reservations are required. 212-650-2010 or access@metmuseum.org http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/blind
10/14 2-3:30 PM, Ticket 201: Employment Network Application Walk-Through Becoming an Employment Network in the NEW Ticket to-Work Programhttp://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NYAPRS-CESSI-Application-walk-thru-webinar-10-14-10
10/15 10-11:30 AM, Impairment Related Work Expenses & Subsidies for PWDs Who Work http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/nymakesworkpay/regTraining.cfm?&trainType=CuttingEdg
10/15 11 AM, Gallery Talk w/ ASL The World of Khubilai Khan: Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
*NEW 10/17 4:30 PM, ASL Tours no spoken English translation. Getting By (Tenement Mus 108 Orchard St, goes up 24 steps up & down 23 http://tenement.org/tours.php
*NEW 10/18 6:30-8:30 PM, Man ADD General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St, 6-7 Aves WC acc)
10/19, 2nd Annual White Cane Awareness Day (Independent Living Inc., Newburgh, WC acc)
10/19, Exploring Earned Income Possibilities (NY Acad of Medicine, 1216 Fifth Ave WC acc) http://cfnps.org/NYLS13.aspx
10/19 6:45-8:30 PM, Evening Topic Session for Adults: ADD - Dyslexia & Me (IDA - NY, 71 W. 23 St #1527 6th Ave)
*NEW 10/20, MOPD Disability Mentoring Day http://www.nyc.gov/html/mopd/html/dmd/dmd.shtm
10/22 5-6:30 PM, Picture This! The Psychology of Color (Ages 15–18) (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) Registration is required 212-650-2010, TTY 212-570-3828 or access@metmuseum.org, http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/blind
10/22, 6:15 PM Tours in ASL (no voice): Unlocking the Secrets of Roman Sarcophagi (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
10/27 10-1 PM, Turning 5 - Queens (English) 212-677-4650 info@resourcesnyc.org
*NEW 10/27 6:30 PM, Open Captioned talks: Chinatown Noir with Henry Chang and Ed Lin (Tenement Mus, 108 Orchard St): The downtown mystery writer returns to discuss his latest, Red Jade, with novelist Lin, whose newest work is also set in Chinatown. No tickets required.
10/28 noon-2 PM, Charter School Options for Students with Disabilities - Manhattan (English) 212-677-4650 info@resourcesnyc.org
*NEW 10/29 11-12:30 PM, State Plan for Voc Rehab & Supported Employment for FY 12 (Crowne Plaza Hotel, 66 Hill Ave White Plains – WC acc) Assistive technology services, Services to consumers with mental health issues or preparing to enter college accommodations deadline 10/08: Mike Rose 518-473-2346 TDD: 518-474-7501 Voice Relay: 1-800-421-1220 or Mike.Rose@ocfs.state.ny.us
10/29, 11 AM, Gallery Talks w/ FM Assistive Listening Devices: The Knight in Shining Armor (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/hard_of_hearing
11/02 Election Day info on new voting system: http://www.votethenewwayny.com/en/default.aspx
11/04 2:30 – 4 PM, Webinar Audio Conf DOJ's Updated ADA Regulations airport terminals www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
*NEW 11/04 6:15-8:30 PM, Man ADD Getting Value From Your Evaluation (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St, West End Av)
11/05, 6:15 PM Tours in ASL (no voice): Rebirth of Portraiture in the Time of the Renaissance (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
*NEW 11/07 4 PM, Touch tour Confino Family Living History Program: (Tenement Mus, 108 Orchard St up 9 steps to & 7 steps down) http://www.tenement.org/tours.php
11/10, 11 AM, Gallery Talks w/ FM Assistive Listening Devices: The Roman Mosaic from Lod, Israel (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/hard_of_hearing
*NEW 11/15 6:30-8:30 PM, Man ADD: General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St, 6- 7 Aves WC acc)
11/16 4-5:45 PM, Art, Magic, and Houdini (Jewish Mus, 1109 5th Ave, 92 St, WC acc) for special ed teachers an examination of original objects, photographs, posters, and contemporary art in the exhibit with interactive activities http://www.thejewishmuseum.org/AccessEducatorWorkshops
11/19, 11 AM, Gallery Talks w/ FM Assistive Listening Devices: Arts of Native North America (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/hard_of_hearing
11/12, 7 PM, Gallery Talk w/ ASL: Man, Myth, & Sensual Pleasures: Jan Gossart’s Renaissance (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
11/17 10-11:30 AM, 2010 Medicaid Buy In for Working PWDs http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/nymakesworkpay/regTraining.cfm?&trainType=CuttingEdg
11/19, 6:15 PM, Tours in ASL (no voice): African Influences on Modern Art (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79 St WC acc) www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities access@metmuseum.org
12/02 2:30–4 PM, Webinar Audio Conf DOJ's Updated ADA Regulations Accessible Play Areas www.access-oard.gov/webinars.htm
12/04 2-3:30 PM, Picture This! Family Program—Drinking and Dining: A Taste of the Met (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave Uris Ctr for Educ, 79 St WC acc) For children 5+ who are blind or partially sighted friends & family. Registration is required 212-650-2010, TTY 212-570-3828 or access@metmuseum.org, http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities/blind
*NEW 12/02 6:15-9 PM, Man ADD: An Eastern Perspective (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St, near West End Ave)
*NEW 12/12 4:45 PM, ASL Tours no spoken English translation. Piecing it Together (Tenement Mus, 108 Orchard St, goes up 38 steps up & 31down) http://tenement.org/tours.php
*NEW 12/15, 6:30 PM, Behind the Scenes: The Baldizzis and Catholicism with Robert Orsi: (Tenement Mus, 108 Orchard St) No tickets required. A leading scholar and Museum adviser discusses how did this Sicilian immigrant family understood and experienced religion.
*NEW 12/20 6:30-8:30 PM) Man ADD: General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St, 6-7 Aves WC acc)
01/06 2:30 – 4 PM, DOJ's Updated ADA Regs Accessible Residential Facilities www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
02/03 2:30 – 4 PM, DOJ's Updated ADA Regs Accessible Transient Lodging www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
03/03 2:30 – 4 PM, DOJ's Updated ADA Regs Accessible Swimming Pools & Spas www.access-board.gov/webinars.htm
http://www.dol.gov/odep/pubs/ndeam2010poster.htm A World In Which People With Disabilities Have Unlimited Employment Opportunities National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2010 NDEAM Poster
http://www.dol.gov/odep/index.htm ODEP Releases New Publications on Tax Credits, Mastering Workplace Soft Skills new publications to increase awareness of ideas, services and products that improve employment opportunities for all workers, including workers with disabilities. Each brief provides a subject overview and includes a link to a more comprehensive review of the subject for those who want to learn more.
http://capwiz.com/cidny/issues/alert/?alertid=16668556&queueid=5746831951 Issue: Urge Governor Paterson to sign the Poll Site Access bill which would require all polling sites to comply with the accessibility guidelines of the ADA. It is awaiting Gov. Paterson’s signature. He now has until September 17th to sign it into law or veto it. The Governor's office needs to hear from us NOW!
http://capwiz.com/cidny/issues/alert/?alertid=16038516&queueid=[capwiz:queue_id] Urge your Representative to co-sponsor Rosa's Law which would eliminate the terms "Mental Retardation" and "Mentally Retarded" from all federal laws and replace them with the terms "Intellectual Disability" and "individual with an intellectual disability
http://capwiz.com/rochestercdr/issues/alert/?alertid=15025901&queueid=[capwiz:queue_id] Urge NYS Legislators to Co-sponsor A.9409/S.1499 to establish minimum regulations for design and construction of single family homes, townhouses & ground units of a buildings with three or less units. It only affects new homes built using state or federal funds or subsidies.
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/insightfornewhousing/ Sign a petition for televised community calendars to be accessible to viewers who are visually impaired/blind
https://secure3.convio.net/voices/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1957 Protect Home Based Early Intervention Services!
https://app.expressemailmarketing.com/takesurvey.aspx?id=20207 Seeking information from individuals with DD, families & others to help DDPC to develop new & innovative ways of making life better for NYers with DD) & their families. Deadline 10/30
http://www.mrgworldwide.com/surveys/scisignup/ recruiting for 10-15 min phone survey on bladder management medical devices among persons with SCI who use intermittent catheters compensate: $25 check Register online or call 800-239-9186, extension 151
https://surveys.pollg.com/wix/p20719236.aspx NCIL, in partnership with Easter Seals, to survey how about how family members are affected by disability Millions of American families today have someone in their family with a disability; by taking part in this research you are helping raise awareness of the types of issues you and your family encounter.
http://aaspire.org/projects.html recruiting participants for an on-line study for autistic adults aimed to better understand health care inequities, including barriers to receiving quality health care affecting the autistic & disability communities.
http://www.surveygizmo.com/s/221239/medical-device-questionnaire evaluating factors important when purchasing & using medical devices 18 yrs+, IPod raffle Rochelle Mendonca 414-229-6803 r2d2-mendonca@uwm.edu
http://www.surveygizmo.com/s/200473/workplace-features-that-aid-function Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access is Studying Job Accommodation. You are eligible to take the survey if you have a disability or loss of function & are employed or volunteer. The survey is anonymous, is typically administered on-line, and takes an average of 30 minutes to complete. You can also complete the survey by telephone
NYU Child Study Center is recruiting volunteers for a research study. They are conducting a functional MRI study to understand the brain networks used for reading. The goal is to develop approaches that can one day serve as diagnostic measures for conditions such as reading disorder/dyslexia. Participants will receive compensation & a free non-diagnostic summary report including information about their current level of cognitive and literacy skills based on our research measures, but it does not include a full psychiatric diagnostic assessment nor provide treatment recommendations. Devika 212-263-4714 or jutagd01@nyumc.org
www.fastfamilysupport.org Parents/primary caregivers of young (12-22) PWDs are invited to take part in a national research study by completing the National Family Support Survey, conducted by the FAST Project. Answers are confidential and will help the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, parent centers, and researchers understand the information and supports families need to prepare for moving into adulthood. This information may help to inform program development for youth with disabilities in the future. The survey is available in Spanish also.
www.workrerc.gatech.edu/News/10JuneNews.php#survey Employees with a Disability - Have you Completed Our Survey on workplace accommodations? Our researchers are investigating what types of accommodations employees use in different types of work environments and how well they work.
Until 10/7 DHCR NYS Draft ‘11-15 Consolidated Plan Draft ‘11 Annual Action Plan & Update To the Analysis of Impediments: www.nysdhcr.gov. Request a copy: DHCRConPln@nysdhcr.gov or -866-ASK-DHCR (275-3427). Comments: NYS DHCR, Attention: Brian McCarthy, 38-40 State St, Albany NY 12207 or DHCRConPln@nysdhcr.gov.
Until 9/21 US DoL Office of Federal Contract Compliance Progs is seeking input from the public on ways to strengthen its regs requiring federal contractors to take affirmative action to employ & advance in employment qualified PWDs. Topics on which comment is requested include: What employment practices have been effective in recruiting, hiring, advancing and retaining qualified PWDs; What data are available that could be used to establish hiring goals & conduct utilization analyses of PWDs. & How linkage agreements between federal contractors & organizations that focus on the employment of qualified PWDs can be strengthened to increase effectiveness. http://www.dol.gov/ofccp/regs/compliance/sec503/sec503_frequently_asked_questions.htm
Until 10/04 http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/specialed/policy/publichearing910.htm NYS Educ Dept, Office of Special Education has scheduled three public hearings & accept written comments on proposed amendments to Part 200 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education relating to special education programs and services for students with disabilities
Until 01/15: http://www.ada.gov/anprm2010.htm seeking public comment on the topics on Accessibility of Web Information and Services Provided by Entities Covered by the ADA; Movie Captioning and Video Description; Accessibility of Next Generation 9-1-1; & Equipment and Furniture
Saturday, September 18, 2010
De Blasio Seeks Answers on Voting Snarls
Image by ·júbilo·haku· via Flickr
De Blasio Seeks Answers on Voting Snarls
Intensifying the pressure on the city’s Board of Elections, Bill de Blasio, the public advocate, is demanding a detailed accounting of the problems that plagued the primary voting on Tuesday, as well as information about how poll workers were recruited and the training materials used to prepare them.
In a letter sent to board officials on Thursday, Mr. de Blasio identified several areas of concern, including specific data about the new electronic voting machines, the level of interagency coordination, the recruitment of poll workers, and voter privacy. He said he expected answers in two weeks so that remedies could be developed before the general election on Nov. 2.
Many public officials have criticized the Board of Elections for its handling of the primary, which was marred by problems largely stemming from the electronic voting machines, which were used in New York City for the first time.
A City Council committee plans to hold a hearing on the problems on Oct. 4. But Mr. de Blasio is perhaps the most high-profile official, so far, to take concrete steps to hold the board accountable for a series of mix-ups that in some cases kept polls closed for hours and prevented voters from casting ballots.
Mr. de Blasio emphasized that he was not singling out the board, noting that many city agencies were involved. One problem, for instance, involved custodians who showed up late to unlock a polling site in a school, which delayed the opening.
Still, the request also represented the latest attempt to get a better look under the hood of the city board, which has long battled a decades-old reputation as a bastion of political patronage.
“This is not about blame; it’s about accountability, and there has to be more transparency,” Mr. de Blasio said. “What’s amazing to me is the range of the problems, and the fact that we have a very tight time frame to solve them.”
Asked about the letter, Valerie Vazquez, a board spokeswoman, said it was reviewing it.
Mr. de Blasio also sent a copy of his request to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. The mayor is a longtime critic of the board and has repeatedly asked it — to no avail — to submit data for inclusion in the annual Mayor’s Management Report, a tool for evaluating the performance of city agencies. The mayor has no control over the board.
Stu Loeser, a spokesman for Mr. Bloomberg, praised Mr. de Blasio’s request, noting that the mayor’s office had been pressing many of those issues for years.
In his letter, Mr. de Blasio said that his staff counted problems at more than 150 polling sites — or more than one-tenth of all the sites in the city — based on calls to his office and news accounts.
Problems included polls that opened up to three hours late (in Kew Gardens, Queens), scanners that spit out ballots and displayed error messages if the edges of the ballots were not torn off cleanly (on the Upper West Side) and a shortage of manila folders to hold the ballots to guarantee privacy (in many locations).
Mr. de Blasio asked the board to tally the number of scanners that malfunctioned, and explain why.
He asked for the number of technicians who were assigned to handle machine problems.
He sought to determine how city agencies coordinated with one another “to ensure timely access to poll sites to facilitate site setup and opening.” And he asked for details about how the board recruited poll workers and how it tried “to expand the pool of applicants beyond those provided by major political parties.”
He sought specifics on poll worker training, including the number of workers who had not completed training, and on any training manuals or testing materials “used to assess poll worker readiness after training.”
Thursday, September 16, 2010
U.S. Department of State: 2011 Summer Student Internship Program
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US Department of State |
Click here (http://careers.state.gov/students/programs.html) for more information and to start the online application process. Please note that the deadline to submit completed applications is November 01, 2010.
You must be a U.S. Citizen and a student (a full- or part-time continuing college or university junior, or graduate student - including graduating seniors intending to go on to graduate school) to be eligible. Please read the program description and vacancy announcement for more information.
We appreciate your interest in a career with the U.S. Department of State.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
New Yorkers will be using a new voting system this fall on:
New Yorkers will be using a new voting system this fall on:
General Election: Tuesday, November 2, 2010
To find out more, click here. Learn how it works and where you can practice using it before going to your poll site on election day.
Step 1: Get your paper ballot
Step 2: Mark your paper ballot
Step 3: Scan your paper ballot
Get Hands-on Practice before Election Day:
1. Learning Centers: Visit your local Board Office to have a hands-on experience with the new voting system. Trained staff will be available to guide you through voting on a paper ballot, using the scanner and using the ballot marking device. Click here for Learning Center locations and hours.
2. Find a Voting Demonstration in Your Neighborhood:You are invited to attend any of the demonstrations listed in the Calendar of Events. New events are continually added, so check this page frequently for a demonstration near you.
General Election: Tuesday, November 2, 2010
To find out more, click here. Learn how it works and where you can practice using it before going to your poll site on election day.
Step 1: Get your paper ballot
Step 2: Mark your paper ballot
Step 3: Scan your paper ballot
Get Hands-on Practice before Election Day:
1. Learning Centers: Visit your local Board Office to have a hands-on experience with the new voting system. Trained staff will be available to guide you through voting on a paper ballot, using the scanner and using the ballot marking device. Click here for Learning Center locations and hours.
2. Find a Voting Demonstration in Your Neighborhood:You are invited to attend any of the demonstrations listed in the Calendar of Events. New events are continually added, so check this page frequently for a demonstration near you.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Blind/Visually Impaired Voters: ImageCast Ballot Marking Device
The Primary and General elections are right around the corner. If you are a voter with a disability, who is registered, to vote, you will have a new way to vote. Thanks to the Help America Vote Act, every county in New York State was required to purchase a new voting system that allows people with various disabilities to vote independently and privately, this is the Ballot Marking Device (BMD).
In New York there are two types of BMDs; the AutoMark and the ImageCast BMD by Dominion Voting Systems. If you live in Albany, Schenectady, New York City, Erie or Nassau Counties you will use the AutoMark. Please see the New York State Board of Elections’ website to learn more about that system.
If you live in the 52 other counties you will have the opportunity to use the ImageCast BMD.
This guide contains supplemental instructions and information for blind and visually impaired voters using the ImageCast BMD.
The ImageCast BMD has three ways to navigate the ballot in order to accommodate voters with various disabilities.
• The Audio Tactical Interface, (ATI) is a keypad that was designed for voters who are blind or sighted voters who have good hand dexterity and want to navigate the ballot in the most efficient way. It allows you to both see the ballot on a screen and hear the ballot through headphones. You will have a choice on which works best for you.
• The paddle buttons are designed for voters with very little hand dexterity. It allows you to both see the ballot on a screen and hear the ballot through headphones. You will have a choice on which works best for you.
• The sip and puff were designed for voters who have no use of their hands or feet. It allows you to both see the ballot on a screen and hear the ballot through headphones. You will have a choice on which works best for you.
For voters who are visually impaired or blind who will vote on the Image Cast BMD using the ATI:
Before You Go to Your Polling Site, Be Aware:
1. If this is your first time voting on the new technology, your voting session may take longer than you expect. Make arrangements with your ride for up to an hour at the polling place. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance from the poll worker.
2. You will use a keypad called the Audio Tactical Interface (ATI) to mark a paper ballot and you will be guided by the audio feature of the BMD.
Before the Voting Session Begins:
1. Let the poll-worker know that you would like to use the Ballot Marking Device and you want to use the ATI.
2. If you have a visual impairment, it is recommended that you keep the screen on as well as the audio track. This will give you the benefit of using both sight and hearing as you navigate the ballot. Make sure that the font is the correct size for you. It can be enlarged as you listen to the instructions on the audio track or the poll worker can use the zoom buttons on the BMD.
3. If you have no sight, it is recommended that you ask for the screen to be turned off. This preserves the privacy of your vote and the audio track of the voting session will be more logical for you. However, if you have a problem with your voting session, you will need to give the poll worker your headphones so they can assist you.
4. Ask the poll worker to give you the headphones before the voting session begins so you don’t miss any of the instructions on the audio track.
5. Ask the poll worker for the ATI and familiarize yourself with it before the session begins.
6. Ask your poll worker if this election has propositions to vote on. Any propositions will be on the second page of the ballot. When you reach the end of the ballot, press the right pointing triangle also known as the next contest button, to move to the propositions.
7. In the audio track you will notice pauses. Please be patient with the pauses.
Navigating the Ballot and Selecting Candidates:
1. When pushing the buttons on the ATI-press hard for one second. Practice this before your voting session begins.
2. When pushing the buttons to make your selection, there will be a delay before the system responds to you. Please do not keep pushing the buttons. The machine will tell you when your vote has been registered.
3. If you don’t press a button to make a selection within 20 seconds, the instructions will begin again.
4. On the ATI, the triangles that point left and right move backward and forward through the list of contests. The instructions will tell you when to push these triangles.
5. Once you get into the contest such as Governor or LT. Governor, there are arrows on the ATI that point up and down. These move through the list of candidate names. There are no instructions to tell you to press these buttons. If you get confused press the green button and ask for help.
6. At the end of the session, your ballot will be printed out. You will then have the choice of inserting the ballot in the scanner yourself or asking the poll worker, who will use a privacy sleeve, to insert it in the scanner for you.
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