1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard S) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or signlanguage@tenement.org www.tenement.org
1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power & Participation in PWDs Conference: 605-990-0700 (SD) Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in increasing PWDs voter turnout
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or addrc@mail.com
2nd Mon 6 PM 504 Dems (332 E 29th St) president@the504dems.org
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required access@thejm.org or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
Every Mon 10-noon, Listen In Silence Deaf/Hard of Hearing Parenting Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave Lower Level, 125-124 Sts) 212-222-7122, TTY/VP 212-222-7198
3rd Tues10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or brooklyncomsumercouncil@yahoo.com
4th Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south) Clarice Brown 212-669-8300
Every Tues, Housing Advocates Training, (Legal Aid Society 111 Livingston St, 7th floor, B’klyn www.cwtfhc.org/training.html
3rd Tue 1-3 PM, Queens Borough President’s Advisory Council for PWDs (Queens Borough Hall 120-55 Queens Blvd # 213, Kew Gardens Seema Rambaran, 718-286-2680 Fax: 718-286-2698 SRAMBARAN@queensbp.org
2nd Wed, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx) 718-231-3400 x 202 or jdiblasi@astorservices.org
3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) Support one another, share our experience, strengthen, & hope. Light refreshments cexec@hilc.org or defdiva47@yahoo.com
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000
Every Wed 10-noon, Association Development Education Deaf/Hard of Hearing Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave Lower Level, 125-124 Sts) 212-222-7122, TTY/VP 212-222-7198
Every Wed 6-8 PM Music Program for Children & Adults WDs (Woodrow Methodist Church, 1075 Woodrow Rd, SI Lessons include: Piano, Recorder, Choir, Rhythm & Other Musical Activities $50 a month (other payment options available). Credit Cards Accepted. Contact Julianna at 718-356-4737 or julianna@helpinghandsinitiative.org
*NEW 2nd Thu 9-11 AM (most months), Man. Mental Health Council c/o Federation (NYS Office of MH-Regional Office, 330 Fifth Ave, floor 9, 33-34 St) Martha Seymour, Co-Cons chair 212-924-2797
2nd Thu Brooklyn System Change Network Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn) Light refreshments Call for information 718-998-3000
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required access@thejm.org or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)
Every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000
Every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) www.wheelchairdancesportusa.org wdsportusa@hotmail.com or 212 245 0004
3rd Fri 7-10 PM, Fri ASL Tour (Rubin Museum of Art,150 W 17 St) learn about the culture, history, religions & sacred art of the Himalayan region. Louise Brooks 212 620 5000 x328 lbrooks@rmanyc.org http://www.rmanyc.org/information/accessibility-tours.xml?context=information/accessibilit y-tours.xml
Last Fri 3-5 PM, NYC Peer Network Group: Hearing Voices Group: (Comm Access, 666 Broadway, Fl 4 Conf Rm, Bleecker-Bond Sts) Share your beliefs on what “the voices” are & learn how others experience their “auditory hallucinations.” Your experience may be unique, but you are not alone. 212-780-1400 Ext 7728 nycpeernetworkgroup@gmail.com
Last Sat Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off:1 Prospect Park W.)
Every Sat 2-4 PM, Free Creative Writing Program/Writing Workshop for Gulf, Afghanistan & Iraq Vets (NYU) - a free, small non-partisan program for vet in/around NYC. It offers the opportunity to express your self on paper, to bear witness to experiences, & to explore the basics of the craft of writing in a welcoming Comm. Zachary Sussman, 212-992-9809 or zachary.sussman@nyu.edu.
Every Sat 5:30-7 PM, NAMI-NYC weekend social & support group. (NAMI-NYC Metro, 505 Eighth Ave #1103, 35 St) Food & refreshments 212-684-3264
Through 12/08 Mon-Fri 8-1 PM, ICD - Art Exhibit: The Joy of Art in Many Ways (ICD, 340 E 24 St Floor 2, 1-2 Aves) 212-585-6070.
*NEW 12/22-02/13 State Plan for Voc Rehab & Supported Employment FY 10 Public Meeting (Virtual Town Meeting http://discus.nysed.gov/cgi-bin/discus-vesid/discus.cgi) http://www.vesid.nysed.gov/adult_vocational_rehabilitation_services/state_plan/public_meetings.htm
12/01 Mon 6 PM, HHC FY 09 Annual Meeting (Queens Hosp, 82-68 164 St, Jamaica) Advanced Registration Deadline 11/26 ASL & interpreter available but must be requested before Reg deadline. Registration: Patricia Lockhart 212-788-3360
*NEW 12/01 Mon 6 PM, A Discussion w/ 2 Dynamic Women Leaders: Speaker Nancy Pelosi & Cong. Carolyn Maloney (Hunter, The Kaye Playhouse, E 68 St & Lexington Ave) Moderator: Lynn Sherr Speaker Pelosi is the author of Know Your Power: A Message to America’s Daughters & Cong. Maloney is the author of Rumors of Our Progress Have Been Greatly Exaggerated Admission: $30 included a copy of both books For tickets call 212.772.4448
12/02 10-1 PM, Early Childhood Serv: Birth to 5 (Heiskell Library 40 W. 20 St) Gary Shulman:212-677-4650 gshulman@resourcesnyc.org
*NEW 12/02 Tue 6 PM Rally Volunteer Training & 7 PM, Housing Here and Now Membership Meeting (North Star Fund, 520 8th Ave, Fl. 22, 36-37 Sts) Volunteer & help make the 12/9 rally to protect rent stabilization a success! Meet members of housing justice groups from around NYC! Hear about the program for the rally and share your ideas to make sure it is as strong as possible! HHN Needs YOU! Danielle@housinghereandnow.org or 646-202-3962
12/02 Tue 6:30 PM, Taxi Forum (LIU, 1 University Plaza, Spike Lee Screening Room B’klyn): BCID, 718-998-3000 WC accessible ASL & CART at all locations
*NEW 12/02 Tue 6-8 PM CIAD: Resident-Directed Documentary And Public Education Films - About Adult Homes (LGBT Community Center, 208 W 13 St, 7-8 Ave) The only organization run by and for adult home & nursing home residents www.ciadny.org
12/03 Wed 8-4:30 PM, Free Recreation Inclusivity Assessor Training (Stern Family Center for Extended Care & Rehabilitation, Manhasset) Lunch is not provided CEU avail $8 (check payable to NYSRPS) Request accommodation at registration: Laurie Penney McGee penneymcgeeL@cortland.edu 607-753-4833.
12/03 Wed 10-noon, HIICAP Medicare Orientation for new beneficiaries (2 Lafayette St, 15th floor) Light refreshments will be served. Eric Hausman (212-442-0075) or ehausman@aging.nyc.gov \
12/03 Wed 2-3 PM, Sensitivity Training: Increase awareness of disability issues; Introducing an exercise for providing sensitivity training & additional resources. http://projectaction.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=ESPA_people_move
12/03 Wed Pathways to Employment for PWDs (NYU Silver School of Social Work, Kimmel Center Rm 914, 60 Washington Sq South) Registration info and fees: Priany Hadiatmodjo priany@nyu.edu or 212.998.5963
12/03 Wed 2-4:30 PM, ASL Tea Time Tour: Chagall & the Artists of the Russian Jewish Theater, 1919-1949 (Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St). & A light reception Registration required:: 212.423.3225 TTY 212.660.1515 or access@thejm.org
*NEW 12/03 Wed 5:30 PM, Now is the Time for Community Crisis Intervention Teams Community meeting (B’klyn Public Library, 496 Franklin Ave) Meet w/ Lt Lyons NYPD 79 Pct to discuss your outrage on yet another NYer w/ mental illness who was tasered & died.Info Lisa Ortega 646-260-6575 lortega@rippd.org
12/03 Wed 6:30 PM, Taxi Forum (Lehman College, Music Building, East Dining Room Bx) Campus Contact: Doreen Patrick, Student Disability Services, 718-960-8441) WC accessible ASL & CART at all locations
*new 12/03-05 Wed-Fri, Grant Development Workshop Master the techniques of writing superior and winning proposals (City College, 138 St. & Convent Ave) Participants Will Learn How To: Comprehend the diversity of the grant funding community; Research and identify potential funding sources; Create the right fit with the funding agency; Address the guidelines of proposals; Identify and effectively write the key elements of a proposal; Integrate each component of the grant into the final product; Develop focused and realistic budgets & Package professional grants submissions Workshop fee: $595.00, including tuition, materials, certificate of completion, and continental breakfast Register http://www.granttrainingcenter.com/ or 866-704-7268
12/04 Thu 10-Noon, Metropolitan Parent Center of Sinergia: Resources for Individuals w/ DD (134 W 29 St, 4th Floor, 6-7 Aves) The psychological evaluation’s necessary components; What documents are necessary in order to obtain services from the OMRDD? The Family Reimbursement Application Process; & How to navigate the OMRDD system / Spanish translation is available upon request. Refreshments Register: Godfrey Rivera, 212 643-2840, ext 342 or grivera@sinergiany.org
12/04 Thu 10-1 PM Getting Appropriate Educational Serv (JCC of SI, 1466 Manor Rd, SI) Gary Shulman, 212-677-4650 gshulman@resourcesnyc.org
12/04 Thu 6:30 - 8:00 PM, Night Bimonthly Workshops for Parents Advocacy Skills for Parents (NY Branch – Internat’l Dyslexia Assoc., 71 W 23 St.#1527, 6 Ave) William Meyer Esq., Advocates for Children Members Free/ Non Members $5.00 RSVP: Diana Naples at 212 691 1930 ext. 12 or info@nybida.org
12/04 Thu 6:30 PM, Taxi Forum (BMCC, 199 Chambers St, Greenwich & West St, Richard Harris Terrace) Campus Contact: Anita Samuels, 212-220-8007 Will be videotaped for broadcast on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network. WC accessible ASL & CART at all locations
12/04 Thu, 7 PM – New (Or Old) Expectations For Women: In The Workplace (NOW NYC, 150 W. 28 St #304) 4 session series, you’re ask to commit to attending 3 of the 4.(11/06, 12/04, 01/08 & 02/05) http://www.nownyc.org/women/uploads/event%20flyers/Updated%20NOW-NYCDisGroup-10-29-08.pdf
12/05 Fri 11-noon, Gallery Talk w/ FM Listening Devices: Giorgi Morandi 1890-1964 (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, 79th St, meet at exhibit entrance, Robert Lehman wing, court level) no reservation required / no groups )
12/06 Sat.11-3 PM p.m. Building the Movement for a Single-Payer National Health Care (CUNY’s Murphy Center, 25 W. 43rd St., 18th fl) a teach-in & strategy session sponsored by Healthcare Now & Private Health Insurance Must Go 212-475-8350.
*NEW 12/06 Sat 1-2:45 PM, Film w/ Eng. Subtitles: Divorce Italian Style (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, Bonnie J. Sacerdote Lecture Hall, Uris Ctr for Education, 79th St) no tickets required Infrared assistive listening devices available.
12/07 Sun DIA’s Holiday Party (DIA Selis Manor,135 W 23 St, 6-7 Ave) Contribution of $10 per person or an entrée to share. Marty 917-204-8770
*NEW 12/07 Sun 1:15-2:15 PM, ASL Interpreted Tour The Moores: An Irish Family in America (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) Experience the immigrant saga through the music of Irish America, & tour the restored home of Irish-Catholic immigrants coping with the death of a child in 1869. Compare the Moore's struggle w/ the Russian-Jewish Katz family who left their “mark” on our building in the ‘30s. Suitable for children 12 yrs+. Tickets: $17/adults & $13/students, srs & PWDs. An induction loop has been installed in the media room. Reservation required for ASL Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or signlanguage@tenement.org.
*12/09 Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man Boro Pres - Disability Task Force Agenda (1 Centre Street, floor 19) RSVP ‘& accommodation 212-669-4453 CBrown@manhattanbp.org
12/09 Tue 2 PM Accessibility Issues for Your Company’s Online Application Process http://www.jan.wvu.edu/webcast/Register/index.htm
*LOCATION CHANGED 12/09 6:30 PM Rally to Overturn Vacancy Decontrol Society for Ethical Culture, 2 W 64 St, Central Park WEST) NYC looses 10,000+ rent regulated apartments/year to the vacancy decontrol loophole. This is our year to end it! traducción espanol / wheelchair accessible / childcare provided danielle@housinghereandnow.org, (646) 202-3962
12/10 wed 10-Noon, Comm Resources (280 Cadman Plaza W Bklyn) Gary Shulman:212-677-4650 gshulman@resourcesnyc.org
12/10 Wed 3 PM, Access to Medical Facilities http://www.ilru.org/html/training/webcasts/calendar.html
*NEW 12/10 Wed 1:30-5:30,PM, Museum Access Consortium Perspectives on Autism (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, Uris Ctr for Educ, 81 St) general information; parents’ perspectives; case studies of museum programs serving people w/ autism; & screening of “Sidecars” a short documentary that explores an unusual friendship between Justin (a teenager w/ autism who wants to be a 'famous illustrator' when he grows up) & Lyndsley (who has Polymyositis a rare rheumatologic condition). Sidecars is an intimate portrait of two friends seeking identity beyond their diagnosis, while learning from each other how to transform their struggle into beautiful works of art that strengthen & inspire. RSVP to Christena Gunther at (212) 879-5500 ext.3561.
*NEW 12/10 Wed, Metro NY Health Care for All Campaign: 15th Anniv Annual Gala Benefit - (DC 1707, 1 Hudson Sq, #1404, 75 Varick St, Canal St) Honoring Leaders for Health Care Justice : Hon. Adam Bradley; District Council 1707, AFSCME; The American Cancer Society & Sara Horowitz Suggested donation $50 (or what you can afford) Mark 212-925-1829 metrohealth@igc.org
*2/10 Wed Save the Date TARGET Ctr, Webcast: alternative formats of print materials.
12/11 8-12:30 PM Homeland Security: Partnerships in Emergency Preparedness: A Faith-Based & Community Initiatives Preparedness Training Workshop (East Side Marriott, 525 Lexington, 49 St) focusing on equipping DHS/FEMA partners in emergency preparedness with the resources, knowledge, training, & skills necessary to respond to, & recover from all threats, hazards, & adverse incidents. http://www.dhs.gov/xprepresp/programs/gc_1195231910818.shtm
12/11 Thu 5 PM, NYC Voter Assistance Commission, Bi-Monthly Open Meeting & Annual Public Hearing (MBCC, 199 Chambers St, W3ST Side Highway) To testify: Bibi Yusuf 212-788-8384.
12/12 Fri 6 PM, An Evening of Art & ASL: Philippe de Montebello Years: Curators Celebrate 3 Generations of Acquisitions (The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave, Meet at Tour Sign at south end of the Great Hall) a gallery talk w/ voice interpretation. Refreshments To request any accommodation or interpretation needs other than ASL contact access@metmuseum.org before 12/01
12/16 10-Noon, Comm Resources (Heiskell Library 40 W. 20 St) Gary Shulman :212-677-4650 gshulman@resourcesnyc.org
12/16 Mon 6 PM, HHC FY 09 Annual Meeting (Bellevue 462 First Ave) Registration/ ASL & interpreter available but must be requested before12/12 Registration: Patricia Lockhart 212-788-3360
12/16 -17, Building Bridges Across Disciplines: Developing Safe & Accessible Services for Survivors of Domestic & Sexual Violence who have Disabilities or who are Deaf (Nashville, TN) www.accessingsafety.org sharrell@vera.org 917.478.4590.
12/17 10-1 PM, Transition from School to Adult Life (Central Library Grand Army Plaza Flatbush Ave & Eastern Pkwy) Gary Shulman.:212-677-4650 gshulman@resourcesnyc.org
12/17 Wed 11-4 PM Health Care for All NY: Annual meeting (SUNY/Albany School of Public Health) www.hcfany.org
12/19 8-12:30 PM, NYS Att Gen: A Charities Symposium Right From the Start: Governance, Fundraising & Internal Controls Issues for Not-for-Profit Org (FIT, Seventh Ave & 27 St ) Current Perspectives from the AG’s Charities Bureau & the IRS Navigating the New IRS Form 990; & Challenges for Non-Profits in a Changing Economy / Fee: $15 questions & accommodations: 212-416-8402 charities.bureau@oag.state.ny.us Register by 12/12: http://www.oag.state.ny.us/bureaus/charities/pdfs/Charities%20registration-December%202008.pdf
12/18 Thu 6:30 - 8 PM, I Have My Evaluation, Now What Do I Do? (NY Branch – Internat’l Dyslexia Assoc., 71 W 23 St.#1527, 6 Ave) Dr. Edward Petrosky, Private Practice Members Free/ Non Members $5.00 RSVP Diana Naples at 212 691 1930 ext. 12 or info@nybida.org
12/19 10-1PM, Turning 5: Transition to School Age (280 Cadman Plaza W Bklyn) Gary Shulman, 212-677-4650 gshulman@resourcesnyc.org
12/27 Sat 2-5 PM, 504 NorthStar’s 6th Annual Kwanza Holiday Celebration (Minton’s Playhouse 206 W 118 St) $10 in advance / $12 at the door Chris Noel 646-789-7962
01/03-06 Sat-Tue SILC Congress (Las Vegas, NV) http://www.ohiosilc.org/neu/silc_congress-2009.php
*NEW 01/04 Sun 1:15-2:15 PM, ASL Interpreted Tour: Piecing It Together: Immigrants in the Garment Industry (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) Celebrate the 1897 birth of Max Levine in his parent’s apartment/garment. Pay a shiva (bereavement) call to the Rogarshevskys, mourning their father, Abraham, who worked as a presser in a garment factory until dying of TB. Hear other immigrants recall their lives in the garment industry (‘30s-present). Suitable for children 8 yrs+ Tickets: $17/adults & $13/students, srs & PWDs. Reservation required for ASL Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or signlanguage@tenement.org.
Please note: ASL interpretation will be provided only if there are visitors who need the service.
01/04-8 Sun-Thu, 13th World Congress for Travelers w/ Disabilities & The Mature (Walt Disney World, Florida) For more information call 212 447-7284 jani@sath.org
01/07 Wed 2-3 PM, Trip Planning: Identify the range of skills needed for trip planning; Use trip planning tools to meet the needs of the people you serve. http://projectaction.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=ESPA_people_move
*NEW 01/07 Wed 2-4 PM, State Plan for Voc Rehab & Supported Employment FY 10 Public Meeting (Meeting Room 2, Empire State Plaza - Concourse Albany) http://www.vesid.nysed.gov/adult_vocational_rehabilitation_services/state_plan/public_meetings.htm
01/08 Thu 7 PM, New (Or Old) Expectations For Women: In The Family ((NOW NYC, 150 W. 28 St #304) 4 session series, you’re ask to commit to attending 3 of the 4. .(11/06, 12/04, 01/08 & 02/05) http://www.nownyc.org/women/uploads/event%20flyers/Updated%20NOW-NYCDisGroup-10-29-08.pdf
*NEW 01/09 Fri 10-Noon, State Plan for on Voc Rehab & Supported Employment FY 10 Public Meeting (Massapequa Career Ctr, 977 Hicksville Rd, Massapequa) http://www.vesid.nysed.gov/adult_vocational_rehabilitation_services/state_plan/public_meetings.htm
*NEW 01/12-14 NCD's Winter Meeting (Chaparral Suites Resort, Scottsdale, AZ) PWDs are encouraged to attend & participate in the daily public comment segments or call in on a toll-free call-in line, and input is encouraged and greatly appreciated. Provide written comments by e-mail, fax, or mail. The agenda will be posted on 12/28 http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/quarterly/quarterly.htm
01/13 Tue 2 PM, Conduct & Performance Issues in the Workplace http://www.jan.wvu.edu/webcast/Register/index.htm
01/14 Wed 3 PM, Responsibility of City ADA Planners http://www.ilru.org/html/training/webcasts/calendar.html
*NEW 01/15 Thu 2-4 PM State Plan for on Voc Rehab & Supported Employment FY 10 Public Meeting (Andrew Heiskell Braille & Talking Book Library, 40 W. 20 St) http://www.vesid.nysed.gov/adult_vocational_rehabilitation_services/state_plan/public_meetings.htm
*NEW 01/18 Sun, 7-Midnight, Save the Date: Disability Community Inaugural Ball. (Nat’l Press Club
529 14 St. NW, 13th Floor Wash, DC)
01/21-23, Introduction to Travel Training Course (Tampa, Fla). The course is designed to increase the skills of travel training professionals. Application deadline 12/26. 800-659-6428 or 202-347-3066
01/22 Thu, Mentoring Supervision 16 week certificate course (Fordham-Lincoln Ctr & BBBS, 245 Fifth Ave) learn to create a successful mentoring program or enhance your current one Scholarships Julia Schwartz 212-686-2042 x108 or jschwartz@bigsnyc.org
*01/27 Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man Boro Pres’s Disability Task Force Clarice Brown (1 Centre Street, floor 19) RSVP ‘& accommodation 212-669-4453 CBrown@manhattanbp.org
01/29-30, ATIA Annual Leadership Forum on Accessibility (Orlando, FL) http://www.atia.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3368
01/31 Sat 11-3 PM, 24th Annual Special Camp Fair (Church of St. Paul the Apostle, Enter Columbus & W. 60 St.) 70 NYC day & sleep-away camps will help parents & professionals plan productive summer experiences travel programs, remedial education programs, volunteer / job opportunities & early childhood programs. Spanish & ASL interpreters Attendees will receive a copy of the Camps ‘09 Directory. Gary Shulman, 212-677-4650 www.resourcesnyc.org
02/04 Wed 2-3 PM, Environmental Barrier Analysis & Options for Remedy Part I (Webinar) Identify the purpose of a community-wide environmental analysis; Learn how & why transportation authorities complete one; Think about the role you can play in publicizing, implementing or reviewing as analysis. http://projectaction.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=ESPA_people_move
02/05 Thu 7 PM, New (Or Old) Expectations For Women: Among Friends ((NOW NYC, 150 W. 28 St #304) 4 session series, you’re ask to commit to attending 3 of the 4.(11/06, 12/04, 01/08 & 02/05) http://www.nownyc.org/women/uploads/event%20flyers/Updated%20NOW-NYCDisGroup-10-29-08.pdfwww.nownyc.org
02/10 Tue 2 PM, Current Events in Accommodation http://www.jan.wvu.edu/webcast/Register/index.htm
02/11 Wed 2-3 PM, Environmental Barrier Analysis and Options for Remedy Part II (Audio Conf) After completing a “Part 1’s homework assignment participants can pose questions for discussion. http://projectaction.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=ESPA_people_move
03/04 Wed 2-3 PM, Paratransit Eligibility 101: Learn about the categories & types of ADA complementary paratransit eligibility; Learn about several important regulatory requirements; Learn about different types of eligibility processes; Gain ideas for teaching others about the process. http://projectaction.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=ESPA_people_move
03/07 Thirteen/WNET & WLIW21*s Celebration of Teaching & Learning (Hilton, NYC) Save the Date and join the conversation on Autism http://thirteencelebration.org/
03/10 Tue 2 PM, Accommodation options - LD & ADD http://www.jan.wvu.edu/webcast/Register/index.htm
03/16-17 Mon-Tue, 36th Annual Conference on Dyslexia & related LD (New York City) www.nybida.org outreach@nybida.org
03/27 Fri 8:30- 3 PM, Save the Date - First PIPER Conference: Pain: the Jewel of the Soul (Touro Law, 225 Eastview Dr, Central Islip, LI) Keynote Speakers: Peter Ashenden, Depression Bipolar Support Alliance & Dee Unterbach, Hunter College deb_damone@yahoo.com 631 747-4197 Or Dorothy Sweet 631 972-7566
04/01 Wed 2-3 PM, Strategies for Increasing Fixed-Route Ridership: the implications of fixed-route & paratransit costs; Identify strategies used by transportation authorities to increase fixed-route ridership; Think about how to contribute ideas to supporting the transition from paratransit to fixed-route; Glimpse into the potential future of unified transportation systems. http://projectaction.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=ESPA_people_move
04/01 Wed 3 PM, Air Carrier Access Act Update and Impending Changes http://www.ilru.org/html/training/webcasts/calendar.html
04/14 Tue 2 PM, Accommodation Issues: Diabetes http://www.jan.wvu.edu/webcast/Register/index.htm
05/06 Wed 2-3 PM, Accessible Mobility Experience Part I (Webinar) Become familiar with different transportation options; Use a transportation options tool specific to your community; Learn how to involve the people you serve in this process; Share this tool with colleagues. http://projectaction.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=ESPA_people_move
05/13 Wed 203 PM, Accessible Mobility Experience Part II (Webimar) After completing a homework assignment from Part I, participants will have the opportunity to pose questions for discussion. If you are interested in the two-part sessions on Environmental Barrier Analysis and Options for Remedy and The Accessible Mobility Experience, you must attend both sessions. http://projectaction.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=ESPA_people_move
05/12 Tue 2 PM, Accommodation Issues - Hidden Disabilities http://www.jan.wvu.edu/webcast/Register/index.htm
06/05-08 Fri-Mon, NCIL ‘09 Annual Conference on Independent Living (Grand Hyatt, Wash DC) Justin Chappell 202-207-0334 / justin@ncil.org.
06/09 Tue 2 PM, MS in the Workplace http://www.jan.wvu.edu/webcast/Register/index.htm
06/15-16. ABA National Conference on Employment of Lawyers.( Wash DC) includes session reasonable accommodations http://www.abanet.org/disability/conferences/09conference.shtml
07/14 Tue 2 PM, ADA Tricky Issues http://www.jan.wvu.edu/webcast/Register/index.htm
08/11 Tue 2 PM, Telework & Work from Home http://www.jan.wvu.edu/webcast/Register/index.htm
Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - 888-342-3428
jadler54-subscribe@yahoogroups.com - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA) a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers WDs Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability Comm together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues.
www.MicahKellner.net (survey tab) Wheelchair (WC) Users & Taxis/TLC Central Dispatch Program - As an advocate for a 100% accessible taxi fleet AM Micah Kellner is attempting to gauge the quality & success of the TLC’s accessible services for PWDs, particularly Central Dispatch pilot program for WC accessible taxis that will last for the next two years. Through Central Dispatch, WC-users can call 311 and an accessible taxi will be sent to meet them anywhere in the five boroughs. Pick ups can also be scheduled in advance. Please complete the survey every time you ride in an accessible taxi whether you called 311 or hail it on the street. The data collected from this survey will be made public.
Robert Feinstein is blind member of the listserv who needs assistance to replace his computer battery that keeps the CMOS set. His computer has a dual boot (Windows & MS DOS). So, he needs someone who knows DOS, just in case. He is of course happy to pay. If you \can help or know someone who can, please contact him. He lives near the Kings Highway B/Q subway station. in Brooklyn near the Kings Highway station on the B or Q train. His computer is losing time & date requently, so it needs to be done ASAP, before the battery gives out completely.
Dion has a multi-year mail accumulation that she urgently needs help sorting & shredding before she can have housekeeping services. She has a weekly reader but needs additional assistance 212-206-8172
JKlare@HireDs.com.Help Guide Our Disabled Youth To Career Success- Become a E-mail Mentor
The e-mail based mentoring program was designed with both the Mentor & Mentee in mind. It allows our mentees to benefit from your wealth of knowledge while allowing you to communicate with your Mentee entirely via the internet, allowing you not only flexibility but the ability to maximize the time you spend with your Mentee.A commitment of as little as 15 minutes/week allows you to converse with your Mentee via email. As you field career related questions from your Mentee, you will not only help to foster increased communication skills but will also help to guide your Mentee down the path to career success by increasing their self confidence and job readiness. To join our initiative or for more information please email Jeff Klare w/ your name, company name, title, email address & phone #
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