Helping Americans with disabilities vote, like everyone else.
This series of emails contains information on the current state of Help America Vote Act (HAVA) compliance in downstate New York, the progress of accessible voting options for people with disabilities and other items of interest concerning voting in New York. You may forward this email to any interested party. If you would like to be added to this email list or would like to include your news, please contact Rima McCoy at
Disability Advocates seek Governor’s support for poll site access bill vetoed last year
After last year’s veto of the poll site access bill, disability advocates are letting the Governor’s office know that the issue has not gone away. During April, May and June, advocates met with Jeff Pearlman, Assistant Counsel to the Governor, to press for a commitment to signing the bill into law. The advocacy groups include: the Multiple Sclerosis Society, the New York Association on Independent Living, Southern Tier Independence Center, Catskill Center for Independence, Westchester Independent Living Center and the Center for Independence of the Disabled. Kathleen O’Keefe, Election Counsel at New York State Assembly, was a staunch ally at the June meeting, countering objections from the NYC Mayor’s office, which remains a source of opposition to the bill. The bill has passed the Assembly (A10946) and is awaiting action from the Senate (S7860).
Will NYC voters know what to do when they go to the polls this fall?
Few voters in NYC know that demonstrations of the new voting system are being held throughout the city. The NYC Board of Elections (NYCBOE) has yet to inform the general public about a new NYCBOE web-based resource for getting information about the new voting system and opportunities to try it out, including scheduling demonstrations at organizations. At a demonstration hosted by CIDNY on May 19th, people with a broad range of disabilities practiced using the accessible Ballot Marking Device. Nine good government groups and disability organizations joined together to send the NYCBOE a letter on June 3rd offering assistance so that this vital information can reach as many voters as possible.
Nassau County Board of Elections Responds to Accessibility Report
When the Long Island Center for Independence (LICIL) released its 2008 Poll Site Accessibility Report, it extended an invitation to the Nassau County BOE to work together to improve voter access. Last April, Nassau County accepted that invitation when it presented LICIL with a response report listing actions taken to correct barriers identified in LICIL’s survey of 36 polling sites. In addition, Nassau County asked LICIL to collaborate on a public education video and brochure, and to assist with arranging voting machine demonstrations at disability focused events. For more information, contact LICIL at 516-796-0144 or
CIDNY provides Disability Awareness Trainings to poll worker applicants
After five sessions in April and May, CIDNY prepared 142 poll worker applicants to assist voters with disabilities legally and respectfully. The trainings were made possible through a college student poll worker recruitment grant awarded to LaGuardia Community College by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. One outcome of the trainings was an enthusiastic response to the role of the Ballot Marking Device in helping voters with disabilities vote privately and independently.
Brennan Center issues voter disenfranchisement warning: This Legislative Gazette article describes how up to 50,000 New York voters could be disenfranchised in the fall elections because the State Board of Elections has chosen not to program scanners to kick back paper ballots with overvotes.
If you have comments or would like to add news to this update, please contact Rima McCoy at or call 646-442-4146.
Rima McCoy
Voting Rights Coordinator
Center for Independence of the Disabled, NY (CIDNY)
841 Broadway, #301
New York, NY 10003
Visit our website and join the conversation at CIDNY on the Issues
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