Disability Rights Advocates, a non-profit law firm, is investigating the accessibility of the NYC taxis. If you use a wheel chair, scooter or other mobility aid & have tried to take a NYC Taxi, they want to talk to you! They are analyzing many issues including: How easy or hard it is for you to get in or out of a taxi w/ & w/out a ramp? How do you get around NYC aside from Taxis? Would you take more Taxis if they were more user-friendly for you? Has not being able to get a Taxi ever resulted in you not getting to work, an appointment, or an event? Or has it resulted in you arriving late? & How do Taxi drivers treat you? 212-644-8644 Mike Puleo, mpuleo@dralegal.org & Julia Pinover, jpinover@dralegal.org Toll Free 877-603-4577 Kara Werner, kwerner@dralegal.org & Rebecca Williford, rwilliford@dralegal.org TTY: 510-665-8716
Recurrent Events (Due to inclement weather events might be rescheduled or canceled, call first!)
Every Sun noon-1 PM, acting class for actors w/ physical disabilities (Church St School-Music & Art, 74 Warren St, W B’way) Ron Destro 917-627-2334 www.ShakespeareClass.org destro@osctheatre.org
1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD (Children & Adults w/ ADD) (65 W 89 St WC acc) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or addrc@mail.com
1st Mon noon-2 PM, Rights for Imprisoned People w/ Psychiatric Disb (Urban Justice Ctr, 123 William St,16 Floor) lortega@rippd.org 646-260-6575
1st Mon 6:30-8:30 PM, AM Micah Kellner’s Tenants Legal Clinic (Eviction Intervention Serv, 1233 Second Ave, 64- 65 Sts) by Appointment 212-860-4906
2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St WC acc) Registration required access@thejm.org or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212-660-1515)
4th Mon 10-noon, B’klyn Parents’ Center (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
Every Mon 2–6 PM, Free Tax Preparation from Bethex Federal Credit Union (BILS, 4419 3rd Ave,# 2B, WC acc) Bring: Soc Sec Cards & birth dates for everyone on return; Bank account & routing numbers for fastest return through direct deposit; Photo ID; Childcare Provider Info if claiming childcare credit; Spouse if filing with a spouse, he/she must be present; W-2 and/or 1099 Forms for all jobs in ‘10 & relevant information such as receipts, statements, For an ASL Interpreter, Tracee Santos tracee@bils.org or Videophone at 888-741-5206
Every Mon & Th 11-1:30 PM, From Thought to Canvas: Painting Recitation (ICS, 25 Elm Place, B’klyn) Experience the basics of the painting process while developing drawing and rendering skills for NYC residents with physical disabilities or chronic illness. Registration required Leticia 718-907-1622
Every Mon-Th 5, 6 or 7 PM, Exercise, Stretching & Relaxation Classes for People w/ High BP (LIU, Mark Morris Dance Center, 3 Lafayette Ave, across from BAM on Lafayette St) .federally financed study If you attend twice a week for 3 months you will receive $120 Participants must NOT have had a heart attack, stroke, or have kidney disease or if you already exercise more than 3x/week info 516-532-6889 movingtowardhealthstudy@gmail.com www.movingtowardhealth.info
1st Tue 12:30-2 PM, TBI Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
1st Tues 8-30-10 PM, ACB Women’s Concern - Support group for woman w/ vision loss & breast cancer loris1@optonline.net
2nd Tue, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
2nd Tues 6:45 PM, Adult Support Group (NY Branch Internat'l Dyslexia Assoc, 71 W 23 St #1527, 6 Ave) Diana Naples 212-691 1930 x,12, info@nybida.org
3rd Tue 2-4 PM, Queens BP’s Advisory Council For Individuals With Disabilities (Boro Hall 120-55 Queens Blvd #213 Kew Gardens) Charlie Hope 718-380-3000 x201 chope@queenscp.org
Every Tue 2-4:30 PM, The R-tist & Ideas U Know: Conceptual and Abstract Art (ICS, 25 Elm Place, B’klyn) Experience the basics of the painting process while developing drawing and rendering skills for NYC residents with physical disabilities or chronic illness. Registration required Leticia 718-907-1622
Every Tue & Wed 11-1:30 PM, Drawing & Painting from Life Recitation (ICS, 25 Elm Place, B’klyn) for NYC residents with physical disabilities or chronic illness Registration required Leticia 718-907-1622
Every Tue & Th 10–1 PM, Metropolitan Parents’ Center: Education Advocacy for Parents Intensive Workshop (Sinergia, 2082 Lexington, 4 Floor, bell 333, 126 St) Register: Godfrey Rivera 212-643-2840, X 307 grivera@sinergiany.org
3rd Tues 10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or brooklyncomsumercouncil@yahoo.com
3rd Tues 1-2 PM, Justice for All Action Network Organizing Workgroup 712-432-0080 code: 193134#, CART http://www.2020captioning.com/livefeed.php?event=AAPD info jlehman7@gmail.com
3rd Tue 1-3 PM, Queens BP’s Advisory Council for PWDs (Queens Boro Hall 120-55 Queens Blvd Kew Gardens WC acc) Charles Hope chope@queenscp.org 718-286-2680 Fax: 718-286-2698
4th Tues 1-2:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19th floor S WC acc) Accommodations: 212-669-8300 Kinda Ford
Last Tue 6-8 PM, Free Legal Clinic (BCID, 27 Smith St. Fulton - Livingston Sts WC acc) Walk-ins or by appt; ASL by appointment only Call 718 802 3890
Every Tue 6:30 PM, Dialogues w/ Dan (RocklandWorldRadio.com) Daniel Windheim 845.826.2639 info@modernmetro.com
*Every Tue 6-8:30 PM, ICS Creative Writing Circle (257 Park Avenue South 21-22 Sts) for NYC residents with physical disabilities or chronic illness. Registration required Leticia 718-907-1622
1st Wed 1:30-3 PM free Open House: Computer Center for Visually Impaired People (Baruch College, 151 E 25 St #655, Lex-3rd Aves, WC acc) Reservations required 646-312-1420.
1st Wed 6-8 PM, SRO Law Project Housing Clinic (Goddard Riverside Comm Ctr, 593 Columbus Ave, 88 St WC acc) 4/6 City-Wide Housing Related Campaigns, 5/4 Crises: Foreclosures and Predatory Equity, 6/1 Succession Rights
2nd Wed 6-8 PM, Body/Mind- A support group by & for people who are both physically and mentally disabled or challenged (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave. #21 lower level, 125-124 Sts WC acc) (intercom # 021) Ed Randolph 212-222-7122 or erandolph@hilc.org
2nd & 4th Wed, The Largest Minority Radio Show WBAI 99.5 FM) archived at www.wbai.org
3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998- 3000
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx WC acc) 718-231-3400 x 202 or jdiblasi@astorservices.org
2nd & 4th Wed 1 PM, Discovery Series Informative & engaging educational programming on topics related to computer & software accessibility target-center@usda.gov
Every Wed 9-1 PM, Free Tax Preparation from Bethex Federal Credit Union (BILS, 4419 3rd Ave #2B WC acc) Bring: Soc Sec Cards & birth dates for everyone on return; Bank account & routing numbers for fastest return through direct deposit; Photo ID; Childcare Provider Info if claiming childcare credit; Spouse if filing with a spouse, he/she must be present; W-2 and/or 1099 Forms for all jobs in ‘10 & relevant information such as receipts, statements, For an ASL Interpreter, Tracee Santos tracee@bils.org or Videophone at 888-741-5206
Every Wed noon, Disabilities @ Work radio http://www.disabilitiesatwork.org/daw-newsletter.html#DAW_Radio
Every Wed & Th 2-4:30 PM, One Man's Junk Is Another Man's Treasure: Collage with found items (ICS, 25 Elm Place, B’klyn for NYC residents with physical disabilities or chronic illness. Registration required Leticia 718-907-1622
2nd Thu 9:30-11:30 AM, Man Mental Health Council (Prince George Hotel, Penthouse 14 E 28 St, 5-Madison Ave)
2nd Thu 10-noon, B’klyn System Change Network (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (Jewish Mus 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St WC acc) RSVP access@thejm.org 212-423-3225/ TTY 212-660-1515
Every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
3rd Th 6-8 PM, Musical Support Group (NAMI, 505 Eighth Avenue, #1103, 35 St WC acc) Info: 212-684-3264.
Every Thu 6:30-8 PM, Women Vets Art Program (SVA, 32 W 21 St, 3rd Floor, 6-7 Ave) Val Sereno 212-592-2419 or vsereno@sva.edu
Fri 11am-1:30 PM, The R-tist & Ideas U Know: Conceptual and Abstract Art (ICS, 25 Elm Place, B’klyn) for NYC residents with physical disabilities or chronic illness. Registration required Leticia 718-907-1622
Every Fri 2 PM, Conversations with Curators/Conservators with FM ALD (MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave at 81 St WC acc, Vélez Blanco Patio) No groups. access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010 http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities
Every Fri 2- 4:30 PM, Crafts with Liz (ICS, 25 Elm Place, B’klyn) for NYC residents with physical disabilities or chronic illness. Registration required Leticia 718-907-1622
1st Sat, Helping Hands trip info, volunteer or RSVP 718-728-0868
3rd Sat Helping Hands Social Event (Flushing House, 38-20 Bowne St) Volunteer or RSVP Alice Crespo sunshinecrespo1@aol.com 917-696-8115, 718-886-3440
Every Sat 10-noon, Writing Workshop (B’klyn Vet Center) creative ways to mitigate PTSD symptoms Tim Brennan 718-624-2765
Every Sat 2-4 PM, Free Creative Writing Program/Writing Workshop for Gulf, Afghanistan & Iraq Vets (NYU WC acc) Zachary Sussman, 212-992-9809 or zachary.sussman@nyu.edu
until 03/21 Call for Entries: Eighth International Acquisitions Exhibition for Artists with Disabilities (9/16 -10/14) open to all artists, regardless of experience or formal training, who have, or have had a physical disability. http://www.researchraven.com/call-for-papers-publication/2011/3/21/call-for-entries-eighth-international-acquisitions-exhibition-for-artists-with-disabilities.aspx
Until 04/21, “What Are You Looking At? A Film Series About People Living With Disabilities (Sands Library Building at 65 Witherspoon St. in Princeton Boro NJ) 3/23 “Praying For Lior” & 4/21 “Autism: The Musical” http://www.princetonol.com/libraries/polAnnouncements.cfm?doc_id=4247
Until 04/25, Supported Employment Certificate Series (ACRE-certified) http://www.worksupport.com/training/webcourses/se_course.cfm
Until 06/17, Parks Afterschool Program for children (6-13) who are deaf/HOH (Al Oerter Rec Ctr, Flushing) Cindy Caruso 212-360-3309 http://www.nycgovparks.org/sub_about/accessibility/
*NEW Until 08/15, Brain: The Inside Story (American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W, 79 St) interactive exhibits + a giant, walk-through model of a neural network 212-769-5100 www.amnh.org/exhibitions/brain
Until 10/30 The Once & Future Penn Station (NY Transit Museum Gallery Annex, Grand Central) Explore the past glory and imagined future. he original station, a monumental Beaux-Arts masterpiece opened in 1910. It was demolished above ground in 1964 to make way for MSG. But underground it has continued to function uninterrupted for 100 years. Current proposals for the future Moynihan Station and development of the surrounding neighborhood are also addressed. It seems the worst part of the station, the tracks, will be unchanged into the future!
03/17 & 24 4-6 PM, Writer’s Workshop (CIDNY, 841 Broadway # 301, 13-14 St) RSVP or request an accommodation: Eva Eason 646-442-4156 or eeason@cidny.org
03/ 21 & 28 12-1:30 PM, Housing Clinic (CIDNY, 841 Broadway # 301, 13-14 St) Staff will be available for housing related assistance you may need RSVP or request an accommodation: Eva Eason 646-442-4156 or eeason@cidny.org
*NEW 03/21-04/18, Customized Employment : Customized employment is a process for individualizing the employment relationship between a job seeker and an employer in ways that meet the needs of both individuals http://www.worksupport.com/training/webcourses/ce_course.cfm
03/22-29 4-6 PM, Get Financially Fit with the Financial Planners Assoc (CIDNY, 841 Broadway # 301, 13-14 St) RSVP or request an accommodation: Eva Eason 646-442-4156 or eeason@cidny.org 03/22 Credit Repair and Debt Management & 3/29 Saving and Investing
03/22-24 3-4:30 pm, New Opportunities in Community Based Services: 3/22 New Community Opportunities from the Affordable Care Act; & 3/24 Exploring the CIL Role to Support Participant Direction in Community-Based Services https://secure.xo.com/ncil.org/store/index.php
03/28-4/22, An Overview of Motivational Interviewing http://www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace/distanceLearning/programDetails/AnOverviewofMotInterview-2011-03-28-info.html
03/28-04/24, Core Courses II: Universal Design Principles & Practices; Special Topic: Home Modifications (AIA members will receive 15 CEUs per course.) registration deadline 3/23. http://udeworld.com/training/continuing-education/course-description.html
03/28-9/26 10-11:30 AM, NY Makes Work Pay Cutting Edge Series: 03/28 Impairment Related Work Expenses for Individuals With Disabilities Who Work; 04/ 25 Subsidies for Individuals With Disabilities Who Work; 05/23 Individuals on SSDI & Self Employment; 06/27 Individuals on SSI & Self-Employment; 07/25 Case Study: Individuals Receiving SSDI & Self-Employment; 08/22 Introduction to Overpayments & 09/26 The Waiver of Overpayments Form http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/nymakesworkpay/TrainingRegistration.cfm?GroupID=2
*NEW 03/29-04/19 6-9:30 PM, FREE Computer Workshop for Veterans (LaGuardia Comm College) www.lagcc.cuny.edu/veterans
04/01-04/22, The Ethics of Disability Studies: CU Dept of English & Comparative Literature, the Grad School of Arts & Sciences, and the Center for American Studies (754 Schermerhorn Extension) Accommodation, as soon as possible, and no later than one week in advance be sure to include for which date(s): mlv2124@columbia.edu 04/01 4-6 PM, Lennard Davis, The End of Normal & 04/22 4-6 PM Helen Deutsch, “Truth and Beauty: Women, Disability, and Literary Form”
04/04-15, Strategies for Supervision Success http://www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace/distanceLearning/programDetails/StrategiesSuperSuccess-2011-04-04-Info.html
*NEW 04/05-06/21 1-2:30 PM, Citizen-Centered Leadership Development Series https://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/edionline/ediONLINE_register.cfm
04/10-13, 2011 CSAVR Spring Conference (Bethesda, MD) http://www.rehabnetwork.org/
04/11-09/12 10-11:30 AM, NY Makes Work Pay: the Medicaid Buy-In for Working PWDs (MBI WPD): 04/11 Overview of the MBI WPD; 05/09 Why Medicaid Is Important and Why the MBI-WPD Is Important; 06/13 The Ins and Outs of the Medically Needy Program & its Relation to the MBI-WPD Program; 07/11 1619b: The Best Kept Secret; 08/08 PASS& Medicaid; 09/12 The Medicaid Buy-In Application Process http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/nymakesworkpay/TrainingRegistration.cfm?GroupID=3
04/12-13, Ethical Issues in Rehab (Albany) http://www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace/trainingCalendar/trainingDetails/EthicalIssues-2011-04-12.html
04/12-13, Job Coach I (Harrison, NJ) http://www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace/trainingCalendar/trainingDetails/JobCoachI-2011-04-12.html
04/14-15, 2011 Jacobus tenBroek Disability Law Symposium: Bridging the Gap between the Disability Rights Movement & Other Civil Rights Movements (Jernigan Institute, Baltimore, MD) http://www.nfb.org/nfb/Law_Symposium.asp
04/16, 05/21 & 06/18 11 -12:30 PM, Seeing through Drawing class for adults who are blind or partially sighted (MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave, 81 St WC acc) access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010 www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities
04/18-29, Leadership Development. http://www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace/distanceLearning/programDetails/StrategiesSuperSuccess-2011-03-01-Info.html
04/18-09/19 10-11:30 AM, NY Makes Work Pay: Plan for Achieving Self Support (PASS) Training: 04/18 Overview of PASS; 05/16 How PASS Works; 06/20 Good Candidates for a PASS, How to Exclude & Use Income/Resources; 07/18 The Criteria for PASS approval; 08/15 So My PASS Has Been Approved, Now What; 09/19 How Will the PASS Affect Other Benefits & How Will Work Affect the PASS http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/nymakesworkpay/TrainingRegistration.cfm?GroupID=4
*NEW 04/25-05/23, New Job Development (4/25/11 - 5/23/11) - Job development is the "process of locating and creating work opportunities for PWDs http://www.worksupport.com/training/webcourses/job_development_course.cfm
04/28-29, Job Coach I (Mullica Hill, NJ) http://www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace/trainingCalendar/index.html
US Paralympic Leadership Conference April 29-May 2
04/29-05/02, 2011 USOC Paralympic Leadership Conference (Colorado Springs, CO) http://www.cvent.com/events/4th-annual-paralympic-leadership-conference/event-summary-139899a8b57441d996d63b9b836112a8.aspx
05/01-02, 2011 Families Together in NYS Annual Conference: The Best of Our Knowledge: Sharing Expertise to Strengthen the Family Voice (Albany) 518-432-0333 ext. 16
05/03-04, Vision Rehabilitation & Employment Institute 2011 (Albany) For professionals Joe Nye, joseph.nye@ocfs.state.ny.us or Diane Fernandez, def@buffalo.edu
05/08-11, National ADA Symposium (Las Vegas) http://www.adasymposium.org /
05/09-27, Building an Effective Peer Support Program Reg Deadline:04/20, http://www.ilru.org/html/forms/online_registration.htm
05/11-12, Implementing & Enforcing Olmstead (Atlanta) https://secure.xo.com/ncil.org/store/catalog.php?p_category=1
03/18 11 AM, Gallery Talks with FM ALD: The Andean Tunic, 400 B.C.E.–1800 C.E.(MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave at 81 St WC acc, The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing, 1st floor) access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010 http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities
03/18 11-12:15 PM, What Can Motor Cortex Physiology Tell Us About ADHD? (Skirball 4th Floor Seminar Rm, NYU Sch Medicine, 550 First Ave) Gabrielle Agin-Liebes 212-263-4796 Gabrielle.Agin-Liebes@nyumc.org
03/18, 6:15 PM, Tours in ASL (No voice interpretation) Rugs and Ritual in Tibetan Buddhism (MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave at 81 St WC acc, Tour Sign-Great Hall) access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010 http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities
03/19 10 AM, Science Sense tour for blind/partially sighted Dinosaurs (AMNH, 79 St at Central Park W Koch Dinosaur Wing). Free w/ Museum admission registration required 212-313-7565 or accessibility@amnh.org
03/19 11-1 PM,CM Van Bramer’s Annual Open House & Women's History Month Celebration (District Office 47-01 Queens Blvd #205, Sunnyside) Light Brunch RSVP: CMJVB.RSVPS@gmail.com or 718.383.9566 ext. 1
*NEW 03/19 1-4 PM, Lunch (New Grand Buffet, 34-45 48th St, Queens, off Northern Blvd) $15, includes the volunteer, Chinese and American food Alice Crespo 917-696-8115
*NEW 03/20 11-1 PM, Sen Espaillet Upper West Side Satellite Office - Open House (CM G Brewer, 563 Columbus Ave) Staff will be there every Mon 347-994-8351
*NEW 03/21 10AM, City Council Finance Committee's Preliminary Budget Hearing (Emigrant Savings Bank, 49-51 Chambers St) 10 Office of Management and Budget; 12:45 Contract Budget (Joint with Committee on Contracts); 1:15 Dept of Finance; 2:45 Dept of Design & Construction; 3:15 Comptroller; 3:45 Independent Budget Office; & 4 Public
03/21 6:30-8:30 PM, Man ADD General Support + Group Discussion (McBurney YMCA, 125 W 14 St, 6-7 Aves) 845-278-3022 maaddsg @aol.com
03/21 8 PM, ASL Interpreted Janet Jackson (Madison Square Garden Arena) Tickets: $125 disabledservices@thegarden.com include: Event Name, Date & Time, Number of Tickets, Ticket Price, Name of PWD, Day & Evening phone #s, Credit Card # & Exp Date, and Ticket Delivery Method (US Mail or Hold at Box Office). You will be contacted regarding the status of your order within 2 business days.
03/22 9:15-4 PM, BIANYS: Concussion in Sports: What Everybody Needs to Know (St. John’s Univ, Saval Aud,101 Murray St.) please register by 3/11 www.bianys.org
*NEW 03/22 10-noon, NYFAHC Monthly Roundtable: Community Health Advocates (MS Society, 733 Third Ave, 3rd Floor, 45-46 Sts) Community Health Advocates 866- 393-5148 Pin # 5953 Request an accommodation:: Heidi Seigfried
03/22 10-1:30 PM, Benefits Clinic (CIDNY, 841 Broadway # 301, 13-14 St) Staff will be available for housing related assistance you may need RSVP or request an accommodation: Eva Eason 646-442-4156 or eeason@cidny.org
03/22 1-2:30 PM, Man BP Disb Taskforce (1 Centre St, 19S) TGopic: planning the 2011 Transportation Town HallAccommodations: Kinda Ford kford@manhattanbp.org 212-669-4519
*NEW 03/22 2-2:30 PM, MRC: Health Reform and Medicare Register: https://www.kintera.org/AutoGen/Register/Register.asp?ievent=475169&en=7fKMJTNnEdLKIKPnG7KMLSPnGeKUI5NILlIRL1MxHfJPLWOwFcKSLaK
03/22 4-5:45 PM, Maira Kalman + Visual Storytelling (Jewish Museum,1109 5th Ave at 92nd St),professional development for Spec Ed teachers Registration is required: 212.423.3225 or email to access@thejm.org
03/22 6-8:30 PM, Federal, State & Local Law & Building Code & Human Rights Laws Affecting the Rights of PWDs in Housing (City Bar Assoc, 42 W 44 St, 5-6 Aves, Simpson Rm WC acc & ASL) Panel discussion on building codes for design, new construction & renovation Moderator: Dennis R. Boyd & panelists from United Spinal, NYS Div HR, NYC Comm HR, NYC Dept of Buildings Registration required: www.nycbar.org, ID required to enter building. Info: dennboyd1@gmail.com
*UPDATED 03/23 4-6 PM, University Seminar on Disability Studies: Attitudes to Disability: Bridging Law & Society (CU, Lerner Hall,114 St & Bway, 5th floor, WC acc & ASL) there will be no dinner but they’ll be an opportunity for an extended discussion at 6 PM To request accommodation by 3/16 212-854-2388 & RSVP BY 3/18 dsseminar@gmail.com
03/23 7 PM, Raymond Luczak ASL Poetry Reading with Voice Interpretation of ROAD WORK AHEAD & MUTE (Bluestockings, 172 Allen Street, Stanton – Eldridge Sts WC acc) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptnlhsujuOw
03/24 2–3:30 PM, Picture This! Workshop: The Emperor’s Private Paradise: Treasures from the Forbidden City (MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave, 81 St WC acc) art accessible through detailed descriptions, touch,& other activities to awaken the senses access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010
03/24 6-8 PM, Pelham Bay’s Annual Spring Fundraiser to Buy a Beach WC for Orchard Beach (Pelham-Split Rock Golf Clubhouse, 870 Shore Rd, Bx) Cocktails, hors d'oeuvre, raffle prizes and special photographs for sale. $40 718-430-4685 friendsofpbp@yahoo.com
*NEW 03/25 7 AM-7:30 PM, Music, Science & Medicine: Frontiers in Biomedical Research & Clinical Applications (NY Academy of Sciences
7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich St, 40th floor) 212-298-8681 212-298-8600 www.nyas.org/musicscience
*NEW 0325 Strengthen Social Security-NYC: Protecting And Improving Social Security In The New 111th Congress (Teamsters Local 237, 216 W. 14 St, 6-7 Aves.) Bring a simple written statement (1 or 2 paragraphs only) of what Social Security means or has meant to you and your family 212-925-1829 or metrohealth@igc.org
03/25 4-6:30 PM, Movie Night: Night and Day (2010) (CIDNY, 841 Broadway # 301, 13-14 St) Staff will be available for housing related assistance you may need RSVP or request an accommodation: Eva Eason 646-442-4156 or eeason@cidny.org
03/26 10:30-3 PM, NYS Senator Bill Perkins’ Immigration Forum (Wadleigh HS, 215 W 114 St) Co-sponsors: ) CMs Inez Dickens, Robert Jackson, Ydanis Rodriguez & Melissa Mark-Viverito; Sens Adriano Espaillat & Jose Serrano; Assemblyman Guillermo Linares & Robert Rodriguez , Congressman Charles B. Rangel; & Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer RSVP: 212-222-7315. Child Care will be provided.
03/26 11-3 PM, NY Childcare Resource and Referral Consortium: Brooklyn Family Resource Day (Kings Plaza Shopping Center, 5100 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn)
03/26 11:15 AM, Parent Center Workshop: Grandparents Group Stress & Denial (Catholic Charities, 200 Gold St, Brooklyn)
03/26 2 PM, Fun Day To Create, Paint & Play (BILS, 4419 3rd Ave #2C, Bx) You can do anything you put your mind to: Make bracelets and jewelry with beads; Paint your own Picasso!; Or do what works for you!! Open to all age groups!!!!! RSVP: Natalia Mendez 718-515-2800 X117
03/26 2 PM, Raymond Luczak ASL Poetry Reading with Voice Interpretation (GLBT Community Center, 208 W 13 St 8-7 Aves WC acc) http://www.rainbowbookfair.org/
03/27 1 PM, CM Ydanis Rodriguez’s State of the District (7) Address (Salome Urena School, 4600 Broadway, 196 St WC acc) RSV) & request accommodations: Yokarina Duarte at yduarte@council.nyc.gov or 917-521-2600
03/28 10-noon, Parent Workshop Transition: Turning 5 (BCID, 27 Smith St, 2nd Floor, Fulton-Livingston Sts, wc acc) RSVP: Ruth DiRoma 718-998-3000 rdiroma@bcid.org
*NEW 3/28 10 AM, NYC Preliminary budget hearings (250 Broadway)
*NEW 03/29 9:45-noon, Housing Workshop: Know Your Rights; Recourse New Yorkers! & Order To Show Cause: The Steps & The Process (BCID, 27 Smith St. 2nd Floor, Fulton-Livingston St, B’klyn) John Herrion, Director of Disability Rights, NYS Division of Human Rights & Norma Aviles,
Housing Court Answers RSVP by 3/27 718-998-3000 or gamari@bcid.org
03/31 10-2 PM, Conference on Response to Intervention (RTI) Sponsored by Brooklyn Parent Center and the Brooklyn Early Childhood Direction Center (LIU-Brooklyn, Library Learning Center Rm 122, 1 University Plaza)
03/31 6:30-8:30 PM, Man DA Vance Central Harlem Town Hall (Harlem Hospital, 506 Lenox Ave, 135 St) WC acc & ASL upon request call 212:335-9082 by 3/25
04/04 2 PM, Tea Time Tour: Maira Kalman (Jewish Museum, 1109 5th Ave at 92nd St ) for people who are blind or partially sighted. Includes verbal imaging tour of the exhibition followed by light refreshments 212.423.3225 or email to access@thejm.org
*NEW 04/04 5:55-7:25 PM, CHADD-NYC No Longer Science Fiction: The Development of Preventive Interventions for ADHD (St. Thomas More Church, 65 E 89 St (basement), Madison-Park) addrc@mail.com www.chadd.net/107
04/05 1-3 PM, Academy of Medicine’s West Side Forum: Aging in Place (Amer Bible Society, 1865 Broadway, 61-62 Sts WC acc) RSVP: Shula Warren 212-788-6975 gale.brewer@council.nyc.gov
*NEW 04/05 7 PM, Mood Disorders Support Group: Foods That Can Trigger Mood Swings, Nutrients That Can Bring Relief (Beth Israel, New Podell Auditorium- Bernstein Pavilion, Nathan Perlman Place, 15-16 St, -2 Aves) www.mdsg.org 212-533-6374
04/06 10-noon, HELP! Family Support Services (Jewish Child Care Assoc, 555 Bergen Ave, Bronx) RCSN 212-677-4650 info@resourcesnyc.org
04/07 2-4 PM, Enforcing the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) https://secure71.inmotionhosting.com/~access20/Schedule/ registration is required
04/07 6:15-9 PM, Man ADD ADD & Marriage: A Surprising Impact? (West End Collegiate Church, 245 W 77 St) 845-278-3022 maaddsg@aol.com
04/09 2:15 PM, Tours in ASL (No voice interpretation) Revisiting North America’s Roots (MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave at 81 St WC acc, Tour Sign-Great Hall) access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010 http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities
04/10 Board Noon -1 PM; Meeting 1:30-4 PM, Disabled In Action (Selis Manor, 135 W 23 St, 6-7 Aves WC acc) Fair Housing Issues – James Bahamonde Esq TEL/FAX 718-261-3737 - www.disabledinaction.org
04/11 3 PM, Touch Tour in celebration of Passover (Jewish Museum, 1109 5th Ave at 92nd St ) Includes a touch tour explore the art and history of the Passover holiday. 212.423.3225 or email to access@thejm.org
04/12 2 PM, Accommodations Ideas for Individuals w/ Fibromyalgia http://prod.askjan.org/webcast/registration.cfm
04/13 2:30 PM, Science Sense for blind/partially sighted tour: Minerals & Gems (AMNH, 79 St at Central Park W) Free w/ Museum admission registration required 212-313-7565 or accessibility@amnh.org
*NEW 04/14, Many Solutions for ADHD and Co-occurring Conditions (Hyatt Regency Long Island, 1717 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge)
suffolk-county@chadd.net www.chadd.net/160 chadd.informz.net/chadd/archives/archive_1087622.html
04/14 2 –3:30 PM, Picture This! Workshop: Art of the Table (MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave, 81 St WC acc) make works of art accessible through detailed descriptions, touch, and other activities to awaken the senses access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010
04/15 11 AM, Gallery Talks with FM ALD: Poetry in Clay: Korean Buncheong Ceramics from Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art (MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave at 81 St WC acc, Arts of Korea Gallery, 2nd floor) access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010
*NEW 5/14, From Within Conference: A Free Event For Women Living With SCI and Other Disabilities (ICS, 25 Elm Place, Brooklyn) http://www.unitedspinal.org/registration/fromwithin.html
04/15 7-8:30 PM, 15th Annual Lighthouse at the Met Concert—Musical Postcards from the Met: Travels through the Permanent Collection (MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave, 81 St WC acc) No reservations required. Free with Museum admission. access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010
04/18 Orientation to Supported Employment (Buffalo) http://www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace/trainingCalendar/index.html
*NW 04/18 8:30-10 AM, MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS: Hire Qualified Workers with Impaired Vision (Isabella Geriatric Center, 515 Audubon Ave, 190 St) Sponsored by VISIONS & CBVH Continental Breakfast Register: http://www.fewgoodworkers.eventbrite.com information / accommodations: Rad Mazon 646.486.4444 x.26 or rmazon@visionsvcb.org.
04/19 2-4 PM, Queens BP’s Advisory Council For Individuals With Disabilities (Boro Hall 120-55 Queens Blvd #213 Kew Gardens) Budget impact on Queen’s services, Review of preparations for Employment & Health Fairs, Charlie Hope 718-380-3000 x201 chope@queenscp.org
04/19 11 AM, Gallery Talks with ASL The Emperor’s Private Paradise: Treasures from the Forbidden City (MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave at 81 St WC acc, Galleries for Chinese Painting & Calligraphy, 2nd floor, north wing) access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010
04/20 / Mental Health Aspects of Voc Rehab: Schizophrenia (Camden, NJ) http://www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace/trainingCalendar/index.html
04/20, Transportation Choices for Individuals w/Autism & Related Developmental Disorders http://cail.rutgers.edu/transportation_choices_for_individuals_w/_autism_and_related_developmental_disorders
*NEW 04/20 -4:30 PM, Youth Taking Charge of Their Own Transition: The Role of CILs http://www.ilru.org/html/forms/webinar-cart.html
04/21, Mental Health Aspects of Voc Rehab: Schizophrenia (Camden, NJ) http://www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace/trainingCalendar/index.html
04/21, Advanced Vocational Evaluation Methods (Albertson) http://www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace/trainingCalendar/index.html
04/23, Understanding Mood Disorders (Syracuse) www.crs.buffalo.edu/region2tace
04/23, 2:15 PM, Tours in ASL (No voice interpretation) 19th- and 20th-Century European Portraits (MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave at 81 St WC acc, Tour Sign-Great Hall) access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010 http://www.metmuseum.org/events/visitorsdisabilities
04/25 10-noon, Parent Center Advisory Committee (BCID, 27 Smith St, 2nd Floor, Fulton-Livingston Sts, wc acc) RSVP: Ruth DiRoma 718-998-3000
04/26 1-2:30 PM, Man BP Disb Taskforce (1 Centre St, 19S) Accommodations: Kinda Ford kford@manhattanbp.org
04/27 6-8 PM, Experience in Implementing the UN Convention on PWDs (City Bar Assoc, 42 W 44 St, 5-6 Aves, Simpson Rm WC acc)
Moderator: Jim Felakos Esq ACLU & Professor Michael Stein Harvard Law School Project on Disability Registration required: www.nycbar.org, ID required to enter building For ASL: dennboyd1@gmail.com ASAP or by 4/21
04/28, 10 AM, Gallery Talks with FM ALD: Metamorphoses Transformed: Ovid in Western Art ((MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave at 81 St WC acc, Tour Sign-Great Hall) access@metmuseum.org 212.650.2010 access@metmuseum.org
The Oxford Shakespeare Company SMASH Program offers free contemporary acting classes to people with physical disabilities at their wheelchair-accessible Tribeca Theatre in Manhattan. Classes run at various times of the year, usually on Sundays from 1-2pm. Students will work on voice and movement exercises, as well as on monologues and scenes. There will also be opportunities for public performance. Classes form as the school receives interest from enough students. Kennedy Center award-winner Ron Song Destro, OSC director and former dean of the school at the National Theatre Workshop of the Handicapped, teaches the class. The school is also hoping to offer free playwriting classes to people with disabilities, especially wounded vets. For information, visit the SMASH page at www.OSCtheatre.org, call Mr. Destro at 917-627-2334 or email Destro@ OSCtheatre.org
http://www.ada.gov/regs2010/smallbusiness/smallbusprimer2010.htm Help Small Business Owners Understand How New ADA Regulations Apply to Them - a new illustrated guide to help small business owners understand the new and updated requirements of the revised Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations that took effect on March 15, 2011. ADA Update: A Primer for Small Businesses, includes information about who is covered by the ADA, communicating with customers with vision, hearing, and speech disabilities, as well as information about the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
www.DisabilityRightsCourse.org Disability Rights Course A free, self-paced webcourse available 24/7 that provides an overview of disability rights laws. The course takes approximately 2 hours and includes real life scenarios, quizzes and a final exam. New England ADA Center elearning@NewEnglandADA.org 617-695-0085 voice/tty 800-949-4232 voice/tty
http://www.vcuautismcenter.org/index.cfm Autism Center for Excellence (VCU-ACE) provides information on training activities occurring throughout Va as well as a host of online training events for anyone who lives with, works with, or supports an individual with an autism spectrum disorder. Resources including fact sheets and summaries of journal articles on topics related to ASD are available by browsing categories of interest.
http://dll.ada-podcast.com/ The Disability Law Lowdown Podcasts Are Back Online with a new host Lex Frieden
http://files.e2ma.net/21361/assets/docs/final_komen_report.pdf Breast Cancer Screening Project Releases Preliminary Findings
http://www.lwvnyc.org/ordercc.html They Represent You 2011-2012: Directory of Elected Officials is available
http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/03/11/white-house-celebrates-emergency-preparedness-people-disabilities FEMA & and NDRN have signed a memorandum of agreement to make sure that the needs of people with disabilities are taken into account in planning for, and responding to, disasters. This agreement will help FEMA prepare for the emergency planning and response needs of the entire community, including people with disabilities, young children, seniors and others.
krista_simeone@my.uri.edu Krista Simeone is a senior at the University of Rhode Island. She has a mild case of spastic cerebral palsy. She is currently working on a semester-long research project exploring employment efforts put in place for people with disabilities in different countries ( the US, UK,& China). If anyone in this group has any personal employment/ workforce/work place experiences that relate to having a disability in the work world, whether they are positive or negative, I would love to discuss them with you. WE are the best resource for this kind of thing
http://comptroller.nyc.gov/bureaus/adm/summer-associates/pdf/2011-Summer-Associate-Flyer.p Summer Associates Program, The Office of the Comptroller is accepting applications. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a BA/BS, MA, or J.D. degree program. Equally important, the strongest candidates will be those who display a deep interest and dedication to public service and a strong nand responsible work ethic. Associates will receive $10-13 (Undergraduate) & $130-17 (Graduate) an hour for a maximum work week of 28 hours from 6/6 – 8/12 for applications is 04/01
http://services.christianrecord.org/scholarships/index.php Partial (time limited) scholarships for legally blind young people who are planning to attend college as a full-time student on the undergraduate level to secure training that will enable independence and self-support.
http://www.nfb.org/nfb/scholarship_program.asp National Federation of the Blind 2011 Scholarship Program Deadline: 03/31
http://capwiz.com/nhccnys/issues/alert/?alertid=27661506&type=ML Protect Right to Justice for Victims of Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes!
http://capwiz.com/rochestercdr/issues/alert/?alertid=27014501&queueid=6438604476 Stop Budget Cuts to Transportation & Housing!
A4384 & S2352 are Companion bills relating to the instruction on the history of PWDs. They promote greater awareness and understanding of PWDs by amending current Education Law 801 (Chapter 265 of the Laws of 2000) to make available to all students (K-12) suitable curriculum materials to aid in the instruction, understanding and acceptance. Please ask you legislators to support these bills.
http://capwiz.com/ujafedny/home/ Support 4201 Schools (for students with sensory disabilities). Oppose Cost Shift to Local School Districts. Urge Legislators to Tell Their Leaders to Reject Changes to 4201 Schools! & sign a petition http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/save-ny-4201-school-funding/
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CrimeVictimswithDisabilities Conference Survey - Responding to Crime Victims with Disabilities
http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01163032?term=vanda&rank=2 An experimental drug treatment for adults who are blind and suffer from a sleep disorder known as Non-24 Hour Sleep Wake Disorder. They will arrange and cover the cost for all transportation for participants and guardians. There is compensation 240-599-4520 or christina.fatemi@vandapharma.com (the NYC site is not yet recruiting)
www.nyc.gov/taxi The Mayor has proposed a new category of livery cars that can make on-street pickups outside of Manhattan, supposedly to .improve taxi availability while bringing yellow-taxi-like amenities (e.g., metered fares, credit/debit card payment, easier-to-spot cabs) to the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. The City wants to hear from residents about your experiences with taxis and car services, It is English and Spanish Ask what about WC ccc service!
http://vote.nyc.ny.us/voter_feedback.html The NYC Board of Elections is asking voters to participate in a short online survey to share their experience voting on 11/02/10 Make sure the experiences of voters with disabilities is included in the survey results!
http://capwiz.com/cidny/issues/alert/?alertid=21666501&queueid=[capwiz:queue_id] Contact your City Council Member to ask them to Support Bill 433 which would require that any new taxi design approved by the TLC be wheelchair accessible. Currently there are 37 sponsors which is enough if it is passed in the City Council, the mayor cannot veto it.
http://disabilitycommunityparticipation.org/ a survey compilation Surveys of Community Participation; Personal Attendant Services Study; Community Engagement Initiatives; Employment Project & Enabling Mobility Center
www.regionaltravelsurvey.org/ Regional (NY & NJ) Travel Survey to help provide key travel statistics for the region, and help plan future transportation investments
http://www.udeworld.com/surveys/transitbusstudy.html usability study of public buses until 4/1/11
http://www.wirelessrerc.org/for-consumers/survey-of-user-needs.html to help understand how PWDs use wireless products like cell phones and text messages or 800-582-6360
http://aaspire.org/projects.html to studies for autistic adults: health care inequities & Internet Use, Community, & Wellbeing
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