To submit an event
7-9 PM Condolences, 07/ 4 10 AM Funeral, Passing of Olga Hill (Sinai Chapels,
162-05 Horace Harding Expressway, (LI Expressway Service Rd, Fresh Meadows)
888-219-6897 or 718-285-9685
Air Conditioners Available for Low-Income
NYers with Serious Medical Conditions ** Households that have a working air
conditioner or have received one from the State in the last 10 years are not
Eligibility for the program is determined by:
low-income guidelines. (For a four-person household, the maximum gross annual
income to qualify is approximately $49,500.) Eligibility:
or call 800-342-3009
2) At least one household member diagnosed with a
medical condition aggravated by exposure to extreme heat situations.
3) A
doctor’s written documentation (dated within the last six months) that
air-conditioning assistance is critical to prevent a heat emergency.
Assoc for Energy Affordability 718-292-6733; Bx Shepherds Restoration Corp
718-299-0500; Northwest Bx Community & Clergy Coalition
B/klyn: Bed-Stuy Restoration 718-638-5705; Crown Hgts JCC
718-771-9000; Opportunity Devel Assoc 718-855-8233
Sunset Park Redevelopment
Committee 718-492-8580; Comm Envir Ctr 718-784-1444
Man: Harlem Comm Devel
Corp 212-961-4100; Housing Conservation Coordinators 212-541-5996, NMIC
Queens: Community Environmental Center 718-784-1444; HANAC
718-626-7575; Margert Comm Corp 718-471-3724
SI: Northfield Community LDC of
Staten Island 718-442-7351
Until 08/17, Access
Board proposes to amend the ADA & ABA Accessibility Guidelines to
specifically address emergency trailers provided by FEMA or other entities on a
temporary site in response to an emergency need for temporary housing. the
proposed amendments seek to ensure that newly constructed and altered emergency
ATBCB-2012-0004 in the subject line. All comments, including any personal
information provided, will be posted without change to and are
available for public viewing. FURTHER INFO Marsha Mazz, Office of Technical and
Information Services, Access Board, 202-272–0020 (voice); (202) 272–0076 (TTY).
08/31 A new proposal presenting the OPTN Policies Plain Language Rewrite is
being offered for public comment. It does not make any substantive changes to
the content of the current policies, but only changes the current language to
make it easier to understand with more consistent terminology, better
organization, and new usability features, including a table of contents. The
mechanism being used for review and feedback on the rewrite is a dedicated page
on the OPTN public website (
The webpage provides members and the public a chance to review and comment on
proposed changes to policies.
07/09 11 AM, NYC TLC Notice of
Public Hearing & Opportunity to Comment on Proposed Rules (33 Beaver Street,
19th Floor) The TLC proposes to make changes to the rules which govern the fares
& lease caps of medallion taxis.
9:30-11:30 AM. Access Board Hearing on proposed amendments ADA & ABA
accessibility guidelines for FEMA trailers (Access Board Conf Rm, 1331 F St NW,
# 800, Wash, DC) Register to testify(in person or by phone) Kathy Johnson
202-272-00041 (V), 202-272-0065 (TTY), or info
& updates
E-mail comments:
ATBCB-2012-0004 in the subject line All comments will be posted without change
to and are
available for public viewing.
Dates for Voter registration
& elections in 2012
08/17 Registration deadline for 09/13 State
legislative primary
10/12 registration deadline for 11/06 general
Disability Rights Advocates (DRA) is researching construction site sidewalk
access barriers. If you encounter a construction site that blocks your access to
the sidewalk, and there is no accessible alternative, we want to know about it!
Please send photos of obstructions to with its
address in your email’s subject line or send a detailed description & its
location. Responses will be kept confidential unless the individual authorizes
their release. Examples of barriers include: Ramps that are too steep, poorly
constructed, or have a lip that prevents a wheelchair user to safely use the
ramp; Construction sites mark dangerous areas & paths of travel in a way
that people who have low vision or are blind will not understand the warning.
& Unmarked objects protruding into the sidewalk may pose threats to people
with vision disabilities. Or call Zack Duffly at 510-665-8644.
Disability Rights Advocates (DRA) is investigating complaints from Walmart
customers who have mobility disabilities and/or short stature concerning
inaccessible point-of-sale devices (card swipes). Customers can't see the amount
being charged, enter their PIN, or sign the screen. DRA has heard similar
complaints about other retailers, such as Rite Aid. Christine Chuang / 510-655-8644 /
TTY 510-665-8716.
3. NYLPI is investigating AAR’s failure to provide
interpreters & translated materials to people with limited English
proficiency, including Deaf/hard of hearing individuals. These people face
barriers in accessing AA (212) 644-8644 (Voice) (212) 644-8636 (Fax) (877)
603-4579 (TTY)R, such as when applying for AAR and requesting trips. Please
contact Aditi Shah or Jenny Veloz (212-244-4664 or
or (Jenny speaks Spanish.
Interpreter available for other language.) Flyers are available in multiple
4. A law firm has filed a national class action on behalf of
the disabled against Amtrak, based on Amtrak's failure to comply with the
mandate of Congress to bring their 482 passenger rail stations into compliance
with the ADA by 7/26/10. They are seeking members of the disabled community who
have experienced difficulty utilizing Amtrak's services, potential witnesses
with information relevant to our lawsuit. David S. Oliver, Esq. Business Trial
Group, Morgan & Morgan, P.A. 407.849.2972
& other Accessibility
Access Project, the info collected will be added to
CIDNY’s online database of accessible bars, restaurants, and coffee shops in NYC
to help NYers WDs who want to socialize in an accessible venue. We hope it will
make restaurateurs aware of people with disabilities as patrons—encouraging them
to become more accessible. Bianca Neumann 646-747-1788 or Survey:
Weight Watchers (ICS) weekly (with an accessible scale) guidance
& support in choosing healthy foods as part of your weight loss program;
Learn new recipes & exercise tips, and hear testimonies from others who have
been successful. Free for ICS members; small fee for others. To become a member
or learn more about attending as a non-member, please contact Latricia at
4th Sun 1:30– 2:30 PM, Tour with ASL interpretation (The
MOMA, 11 W 53 St, The Ronald S. & Jo Carole Lauder Building entrance) No
reservations, free with admission. ASL students may attend. 212-408-6347 or
5:55 PM, CHADD (Children & Adults w/ ADD) (65 W 89 St WC acc) Harold
Meyer, 212-724-9699 or
6-8 PM, SORT support
group/ workshop for clutterers/hoarders (EIS, 1233 Second Ave, 64-65 Sts)
registration required 212-308-2210 or
6:30-8:30 PM, AM Kellner’s
Tenants Legal Clinic (EIS, 1233 Second Ave, 64- 65 Sts) by Appointment
1st & 3rd Mon, NAMI Writing Workshop: focuses on
fiction writing ideas, techniques, & conversation. Members are encouraged to
share work for constructive feedback & discussion that build writing skills
& trusting relationships within the group. 212-684-3264 regular attendance
is expected.
2nd Mon
ASL interpreted tours (Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth
Ave, 92 St WC acc) Registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY
6-8 PM, NAMI Connection (Kings Co Hospital Center, 451 Clarkson
Ave, R Building, #3022)
3rd Mon 6:30 PM, Musical Support Grp (NAMI, 505
Eighth Avenue, #1103, 35 St WC acc) Info: 212-684-3264.
4th Mon 6-7:30
PM, NAMI Japanese Family Support Group (NAMI-NYC Metro, Eighth Ave, 35 St, #
1103) Support, sharing of coping strategies and practical information for
Japanese-speaking family members of individuals with mental illness. You must
speak to the facilitator before attending
10-1:30 PM, CIDNY Housing Clinics (841 Broadway #301 13-14 Sts) RSVP
& accommodations: Eva Eason 646-442-4156 or
10-3 PM, From Thought
to Canvas: Painting Recitation (ICS, 25 Elm Place, B’klyn) Experience the basics
of the painting process while developing drawing and rendering skills for people
living in Man, B’klyn or Bx with a physical disability/chronic illness.
Registration required Latricia 718-907-1622
11-1 PM, Knitting & Crochet
Group (ICS, 25 Elm Place, 5th Floor, B’klyn) Knitting, crocheting, hook rugs,
needlepoint & cross stitch for people living in Man, B’klyn or Bx with a
physical disability/chronic illness Latricia: 718-907-1622.
1 PM, Hearing
Voices (BILS, 4419 Third Ave #2B, 181-182 Ss) Marlene 718-562-6712 or
PM, Basic Jewelry (ICS, 25 Elm Place, 5th Floor, B’klyn) jewelry making - basic
& advanced techniques for people living in Man, B’klyn or Bx with a physical
disability /chronic illness Latricia 718-907-1622
3-6 PM, Building Standards
& Serv: Know What You Have the Right to Expect (EIS 1233 2nd Ave 64-65 Sts)
By appointment 212-308-2210
1st Tues
noon-2 PM, RIPP - Rights for
Imprisoned People w/ Psychiatric Disb (Urban Justice Ctr, 123 William St,16
Floor) 646-260-6575
PM, BCID TBI Support Group (27 Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc)
2nd Tue
1-3 PM, B’klyn System Change Network (BCID, 27
Smith St Fl 2, B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
6-8:30 PM, North Star (Harlem
State Office Building 8th floor Rm 801)
6:45 PM, Adult Support Group (NY
Branch IDA , 71 W 23 St #1527, 6 Ave) Diana Naples 212-691 1930 x,12,
3rd Tue
10 AM, Brooklyn Family Support Service Advisory Council (25
Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or fax
1-2 PM, Organizers Forum 712-432-0080 code: 193134#, CART
2-4 PM, Queens
BP’s Advisory Council For Individuals w/ Disabilities (Boro Hall 120-55 Queens
Blvd #213 Kew Gardens) Charlie Hope 718-380-3000 x201
10-1:30 PM, CIDNY Benefits Clinics (841 Broadway #301 13-14 Sts) RSVP
& accommodations: Eva Eason 646-442-4156 or
11-4:30 PM, The R-tist
& Ideas U Know: Conceptual & Abstract Art (ICS, 25 Elm Place, B’klyn)
Experience the basics of the painting process while developing drawing &
rendering skills for people w/ a phyical disability/chronic illness in Man, Bx
or B’klyn Registration required Latricia 718-907-1622
5-8:30 PM, Creative
Writing Circle (ICS, 257 Park Ave. S, 2nd Floor) for people w/ a physical
disability or chronic illness in Man, B’klyn or Bx Latricia 718-907-1622
PM, Dialogues w/ Dan ( Daniel Windheim 845.826.2639
Every Tue
& Th 10–1 PM, Metropolitan Parents’ Center: Education Advocacy for Parents
Intensive Workshop (Sinergia, 2082 Lexington, 4 Floor, bell 333, 126 St)
Register: Godfrey Rivera 212-643-2840, X 307
1:30-3 PM, Open House: Computer Center for Visually Impaired People
(Baruch College, 151 E 25 St #655, Lex-3rd Aves, WC acc) Reservations required
6-8 PM, 2011-2012 Monthly Housing Clinics (Goddard Riverside,
593 Columbus Ave, 88 St) Info: 646-459-3017 or 212-873-0282. Presentation /
Q&A. An attorney meets with those are seeking legal advice ON HIATUS UNTIL
2nd Wed
6 PM, Memory Arts Café: free art events for people
living with Alzheimer’s, caregivers & public (NY Memory Ctr, 199 14 St,4
Ave, Bklyn) 718-499-7701 or
6-8 PM, Body/Mind a support group
by & for people who are both physically and mentally disabled/challenged
(HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave. #21 lower level, 125-124 Sts WC acc) (intercom #
021) Ed Randolph 212-222-7122 or
2nd & 4th
1 PM, Discovery Series Informative & engaging educational programming
on topics related to computer & software accessibility
9-10 PM,
The Largest Minority Radio Show WBAI 99.5 FM) archived at
3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1,
111 E 210 St, Bx WC acc) 718-231-3400 x 202 or
Every Wed
11-4:30 PM, Drawing & Painting from Life (ICS, 25 Elm
Place, Bklyn) for people w/ a physical disability/chronic illness in Man, B’klyn
or Bx Registration required Latricia 718-907-1622
11-4:30 PM, One Man's Junk
Is Another’s Treasure: Collage with found items (ICS, 25 Elm Place, B’klyn) for
people w/ a physical disability or chronic illness in Man, B’klyn or Bx.
Registration required Latricia 718-907-1622
11:30 – 12:30 PM & 1:30 –
2:30 PM. Gallery tours with FM Assistive Listening Devices (The MOMA, 11 W 53
St,. Marron atrium, 2nd floor) No reservations, free with admission.
Disabilities @ Work radio
PM, New Hearing Voices Support Group (BILS 4419 Third Ave, 2B, 181-182 Sts, Bx)
Marlene 718- 562-6712 Until 6/25
1-4 PM, Deaf Computer Class (BCID, 27 Smith
St #200 Brooklyn) 718-998-3000
7 PM, Mood Disorder Support Grp's Family and
Friends, Newcomers, Unipolar, Bipolar & 20-something group (411 W 114 St,
6th floor, Amsterdam-Morningside Dr)
1st & 3rd
6-8 PM, NAMI E Flatbush (SUNY Downstate Medical Center, 395 Lenox Rd,
Class Rm 1B, New York Ave & E 34 St)Br
6:30-8 PM, NAMI Bipolar Disorder
Support Group (505 Eighth Avenue, #1103, 35 St WC acc) Info:
2nd Thu
9:30-11:30 AM, Man Mental Health Council (Prince
George Hotel, Penthouse 14 E 28 St, 5-Madison Ave)
2 PM, Free Verbal
Description & Touch Tour for visitors who are blind / partially sighted
(Rubin Museum of Art, 150 W 17 St, 6-7 Aves) Incense & traditional music
complete the Himalayan experience. Register: 212-620-5000 x 345 or
Thu, ASL interpreted tours (Jewish Mus 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St WC acc) RSVP 212-423-3225/ TTY
Every Thu
noon-4 PM, NAMI: Financial Coaching - Setting
Financial Goals, Budgeting & Saving, Opening a Bank Account, Reviewing
Credit Reports and Prioritizing Debt (505 Eighth Avenue, #1103, 35 St WC acc)
212-684-3365 ext. 214.
1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (27 Smith St Fl 2,
Fulton-Livingston B’klyn WC acc) 718-998-3000
1:30- 3:30 PM, Music for
Everyone (ICS 25 Elm Pl, 5th floor Brooklyn Fulton–Livingston WC acc) - A
step-by-step adventure in music study, no experience required for people w/ a
physical disability or chronic illness in Man, B’klyn or Bx Latricia
4-6 PM, CIDNY Writer’s Workshop (841 Broadway #301 13-14 Sts)
RSVP & accommodations: Eva Eason 646-442-4156 or
4-6 PM. NAMI Japanese
Helpline 212-684-3365 and ask for the Japanese Helpline. Or leave a message at
ext. 215 at any time or
PM, Movies at ICS (25 Elm Place, 5th Floor, B’klyn) for people w/ physical
disability or chronic illness in Man, B’klyn or Bx w/ a physical disability or
chronic illness Latricia 718-907-1622
6:30-8 PM, Women Vets Art Program (SVA,
32 W 21 St, 3rd Floor, 6-7 Ave) Val Sereno 212-592-2419 or
1ST Fri 7-8 PM, NAMI OCD Consumer Support Group (Mt. Sinai, Madison Ave,
100 St) 212-684-3264
3rd Fri
11am-1:30 PM, The R-tist & Ideas U
Know: Conceptual & Abstract Art (ICS, 25 Elm Place, B’klyn) for people with
a physical disability or chronic illness living Man, B’klyn or Bx Registration
required Latricia 718-907-1622
2 PM, Conversations w/ Curators/Conservators
(FM Assist Listening) (MMA, 1000 Fifth Ave, 81 St WC acc, Vélez Blanco Patio) No
groups No reservation Free with admission 212.650.2010
PM, Mindful Connections for people with dementia and their caregivers (Rubin
Museum of Art, 150 W 17 St, 6-7 Aves) Trained museum guides facilitate a gallery
experience designed to promote conversation & engagement with works of art
& each other. Preregistration required:
2 PM, ASL Tours for individuals who are deaf / HOH (Rubin Museum of Art, 150
W 17 St, 6-7 Aves) Tours afford all of our visitors a chance to learn about the
cultures, history, religions, and sacred art of the Himalayan region.
212.620.5000 x354
2- 4:30 PM, Crafts with Liz (ICS, 25 Elm Place, B’klyn) for
people living in Man, B’klyn or Bx w/ a physical disability or chronic illness.
Registration required Latricia 718-907-1622
5-8:30 PM, Friday Night Hangout -
(ICS, 25 Elm Place, 5th Floor, B’klyn) cards, games, music & conversation
Karaoke nights & parties for people w/ a physical disability or chronic
illness in Man, B’klyn or Bx Latricia 718-907-1622.
7 PM, Mood Disorder
Support Grps: Family, Friends; Newcomers, Unipolar, Bipolar; & 20-something
group (BIMC, Bernstein Pavilion, 15t-16 St, 1-2 Ave, Nathan Perlman Place, 2 fl)
Every Fri & Sat 1
PM, Tenement Museum, Foods of the Lower East Side: Tour & Discussion (103
Orchard St, Delancey WC acc) explore the immigrant food experience & how
their foods have shaped American food. 8+. Tickets: $45 / Students – Srs $40 /
Members $22 866-606-7232 or
10-noon, Writing Workshop (B’klyn Vet Center) creative ways to mitigate
PTSD symptoms Tim Brennan 718-624-2765
2-4 PM, Free Creative Writing
Program/Writing Workshop for Gulf, Afghanistan & Iraq Vets (NYU WC acc)
Zachary Sussman, 212-992-9809 or
Until 7/11 Time: Tu-Sa 11-7 PM &
Sun 1-5 PM, Exhibit at Fountain Gallery (702 Ninth Ave, 48 St) the premier NYC
venue representing artists with mental illness, presents Osvaldo Cruz/Keith
Until 08/22, Get to the Core of It: Best Practices in the Four
Core Services $75/single session or $150 for all
Writing Intervention Workshop: evidence-validated writing model (Everyone
Reading, 71 W 23 St., 6 Ave)
3rd Annual Summer Institute: Beyond Inclusion Improving Outcomes for Students
WDs Tools & Strategies for Including Diverse Learners (Temple Univ, Main
Campus Philadelphia, PA) Limited scholarships for PWDs & parents For parents
who are not education professionals may be available upon request. Registration
Fee: $395 or $195 1 day Register
Deadline: accommodations 06/18, 06/22 Julie Kessler, PhD 215-204-1977 or
07/05 2:30-4 PM, Accessible Kitchens & Kitchenettes
or 877-232-1990 (v/TTY)
07/10 10 AM, NYMTC Council Meeting & Public
Workshop on the New Regional Transportation Plan (CUNY Grad, 365 Fifth Ave, 34
St) Photo id required. R.S.V.P. 212-383-7200 or
07/10 10-4 PM, Building Community of Practice:
Child Welfare and Domestic Violence Forum (Sarah Lawrence,
*NEW 07/10 2-3:15 PM, NSCIA: The Ins and Outs of Manual
Wheelchairs, manual wheelchair: different types, sizes, weights, wheel sizes,
backs, seats, wheel position, the best way to push a wheelchair, and how to
match the wheelchair to your life.
3:30-4:30 PM, Supporting Adults with ASD in the Workplace using Behavior
07/10 7 PM, C.M. Bob Jackson Town Hall on the City Budget (Northeastern Academy,
532 W 215 St, Park Terrace East - Park Terrace West) 212) 788-7007 for further
information & accommodations
*NEW 07/11 7:30-11:30 AM, City &
State Workshop Forum: The Art of Advocacy (Hunter College, 68th Street Campus-
Room 714W Lecture Hall) Tickets:
6-7 PM Brooklyn Boulders: Adaptive Climbing: Information Session (Adaptive
Climbing Event, 575 Degraw St, Brooklyn) $11 It is the prerequisite for 7/26
6:30-9 PM, Registration & accommodations Eva Eason 646-442-4156 or
*NEW 07/12 7 PM,
C.M. Bob Jackson Town Hall on the City Budget (Moriah, 90 Bennett Ave, 184-186
Sts) 212) 788-7007 for further information & accommodations
07/13 4-6
PM, CIDNY Close Captioned Movie: Midnight in Pairs (CIDNY, 841 Broadway #301,
13-14 Sts) Popcorn & soda Registration & accommodations Eva Eason
646-442-4156 or In this adaptation of
Benjamin Mee's memoir about buying and saving a run-down zoo, the locale shifts
from Britain to southern California. However, the wacky spirit of the original
is retained, complete with escaped tigers and a zoo crew of
07/15 10:30-Noon: Ages 5-17 & 2-3:30 PM 18+: Access Family
Workshop for individuals with DD & LD: Edouard Vuillard: A Painter and His
Muses (The Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave) RSVP: or
07/15 2:30 PM, Science Sense Tours for Visitors who are blind or
partially sighted: Minerals and Gems (Amer Museum of Natural History, 79 St
& Central Park W) Discover the exquisite collection of minerals and gems of
all shapes, sizes & colors, learn about how they are systematically
arranged. free with admission Registration is required: 212-313-7565 or
2-4 PM, Barrier Busters Workshop #2: Community Organizing (ICS, 25 Elm Place
Fulton-Livingston) Rachel Ibrahim, Hunter College Community Organizer RSVP 718-
998-300 or,
*NEW 07/17 7 PM,
C.M. Bob Jackson Town Hall on the City Budget (Convent Avenue Baptist Church Sr
Ctr, 420 W 145 St, Convent-St. Nicholas Aves) 212) 788-7007 for further
information & accommodations
07/18 noon, NYMTC Brown Bag Lunch:
Planning Traffic Changes to Benefit Pedestrians. Pedestrian planners have tamed
traffic at some of the city’s most vehicle-dominated locations (199 Water St,
22nd floor) RSVP to attend: Lisa Dean 212-383-7200 or Webinar
BB notice and webinar form.pdf
*NEW 07/18 noon-1:30 PM, ADA Legal Issues
Webinar: Pregnancy Discrimination, Disability and the ADA CART: via the
elluminate Live! platform. Please visit the registration site for details.
07/18 noon-4 PM, Consumer Action Network (CAN) Meeting (CIDNY, 841
Broadway #301, 13-14 Sts) meet a City Council staff member to learn how your
voice can be heard and how elected officials address issues affecting people
with disabilities. Registration & accommodations Eva Eason 646-442-4156 or
07/18 3-4:30 PM,
Get to the Core of It: Best Practices in the Four Core Services #4: IL Skills
07/19 8:30-4:30 PM, 6th Annual NYC Peer Specialist Conference: Redesign by
Design: Healthcare Reform and the Role of Peer Specialists (NYU Kimmel Ctr, 60
Washington Sq South) register:
*NEW 07/19 7 PM,
C.M. Bob Jackson Town Hall on the City Budget (Manhattan Pentecostal Church, 547
W 125 St, Amsterdam-Broadway) 212-788-7007 for further information &
07/22 11 AM 6–17 / 2-3:30 PM. 18+, Summer Fun @ Met:
Workshops for Visitors with DD & LD (1000 5th Ave) includes a gallery tour
& a related art activity registration required & accommodation:
212-650-2010, or
07/24 2-4
PM, Barrier Busters Workshop #3: Accessibility Issues with ADA Counselor (ICS,
25 Elm Place Fulton-Livingston) Adam Hanski RSVP 718- 998-300 or,
07/24 3-4 PM, NYC
Accessible Taxicabs/Advocacy & the ADA Presenter: Jim Weisman
07/25 9:30-12:30, Managed Long-Term Care (CSS, 105 E 22 St, Conf Rm 4A) David
Silva, Esq., Selfhelp Learn about the NYS’ Medicaid Redesign initiative changes
to Medicaid’s mandatory Managed Long-Term Care (MLTC). The differences between
the various types of Medicaid and Medicare Managed Care plans, what is covered
by MLTC, how it interacts with other coverage, enrollment/disenrollment
procedures, and due process rights & counseling about plan choice. Fee: $50
3-4:30 PM, Teaching the Importance of Exploring All Options Toward Further
Education registration:
effective strategies for assisting youth WDs to post-secondary
07/25 3:30-7 PM, Access Project: Upper West Side Survey &
Mingle (CB 7, 250 W 87 St) The Access Project collects and maps information on
accessible establishments throughout NYC. Join us for an afternoon of
information collecting and socializing.
07/25 4-8 PM, ICS annual member
art show & reception (ICS's Brooklyn, 25 Elm Place) 718-907-1622 Members:
Transportation will NOT be provided. Mass transit use will be reimbursed, speak
to your Care Manager for information.
7/26 9-noon, Fire Prevention &
Safety for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (FDNY Hq, 9 MetroTech)
4-6 PM, CIDNY Close Captioned Movie: (CIDNY, 841 Broadway #301, 13-14 Sts)
Popcorn & soda Registration & accommodations Eva Eason 646-442-4156 or
07/31 2-4 PM,
Barrier Busters Workshop #4: Action Planning with ADA Counselor (ICS, 25 Elm
Place Fulton-Livingston) Adam Hanski RSVP 718- 998-300 or,
The Affordable Care Act & PWDs
Experts estimate that nearly 16 million Americans could be added to the M/caid
rolls by ‘19 under an expansion in the ACA,the Supreme Court ruled that states
can opt out without risk of losing federal support for M/caid, raising the
stakes that some may do so. Forecasted growth in state M/caid rolls under the
The Mayor's New Housing Marketplace Plan: Recession, Funding Shifts, and
Changing Goals Mean Fewer New Apartments Likely to Be Built
NYSILC 2012 public policy agenda
The website was developed in an effort to connect and integrate college students
with disabilities as a virtual community with a voice on important issues. The
We Connect Now website has been up and serving college students with
disabilities since April of 2008. The New
American Movement for People with Disabilities web
Scholarship Fund for Students with Disb @ CUNY Baruch SWDs
NYC Civic Corps
Labor Department Announces Disability Employment App Challenge - Deadline
monthly list of scholarships & internships
Income-Based Repayment is an existing payment option for Federal student loans.
It supports young college grads, including those looking to start a business,
join a startup, or work in a public service job by making Federal student loan
repayment manageable. It can help you keep your loan payments affordable by
using a sliding scale to determine how much you can afford to pay on your
Federal loans—empowering you to take risks with new opportunities.
Advocate for passage of the Workforce Investment Act of 2012 by
supporting HR 4227 with updated language in the Rehabilitation Act (Title IV of
the WIA; Oppose H.R. 4297) Urge your Congressional leaders to support passage of
the Workforce Investment Act of 2012 by supporting HR 4227 with updated language
in the Rehabilitation Act (Title IV of the WIA).
Phone calls to oppose
the expansion of Kendra’s law. Gov Cuomo 518-474-8390, Assembly Speaker Silver
518-455-3791 & Senate Majority Leader Skelos 518-455-3171; leave the
following message: “I’m a registered voter calling from (your locality) urging
you to oppose proposals to expand Kendra’s Law or make it permanent and to
instead support true service improvements”
A. 9880, Support Mental Health
Education in Schools Legislation Call: Assembly Speaker Silver 518-455-3791
City Council voter bills: 1. Email Speaker Quinn (
asking her to move the following bills to a hearing and a vote.2. 2. Call, write
or email your Council member and ask him or her to co-sponsor the bills (call
311 to identify your CM. Intro 728 give voter registration when registering
children for school; Intro 613 email information about election information;
Intro 721 poll worker program to give city employees incentives to work on
Election Day; Intro 760 requires the Board of Elections (BoE) to report the
number of NYers who register to vote while at other city agencies; Intro 769
include state and federal election info in NYC Voters’ Guides; & Intro 778
requires BoE to report data required by the Mayor's Management Report to the
City Council to better measure its performance.
Support the Dyslexia Bill (A09940) to amend the education law relating
to the certification or training of teachers, administrators and instructors in
the area of dyslexia and related learning disabilities. The bill would require
school districts to diagnose students with dyslexia and related learning
disabilities and provide such students with teachers trained to instruct
students with dyslexia. Find your Assembly member
Deaf people already face many barriers in getting commercial driver’s licenses
even if they meet the requirements with their hearing aids. But we have an
opportunity to correct this. the Work Incentives
Planning and Assistance Project helps individuals with disabilities maximize
their employment potential through benefits planning and assistance allowing
PWDs to return to work or maintain employment, thereby decreasing their
dependence on Social Security benefits and improving the quality of their lives.
This assistance will discontinue by 6/30, unless the SSA reverses their decision
not to extend the program & Congress fully reauthorizes it.
Drop the Medicare In Home Rule Now[capwiz:queue_id]
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