
Friday, March 21, 2008


Recurrent 1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or

Recurrent 1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power and Participation in PWDs Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (South Dakota!) Access Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs the largest identifiable bloc of non-voters

Recurrent 1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or

Recurrent 3rd Tues 10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or

Recurrent 3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC,289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) come together and support one another, to share our experience, strengthen, and hope. Light refreshments or

Recurrent 3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000

Recurrent every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) or 212 245 0004

Recurrent last Sat of the month Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off: 1 Prospect Park W.)

Through 04/01, weekly Tues 1-4 PM teleconference calls, Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, Telecommunications, Electronic & Info Tech Advisory Comm : Timothy Creagan, 202-272-0016 / TTY 202-272-0082

*new 03/19 - 3/23, The Poor Itch (Public Theater, 425 Lafayette St) March 19-23 Tue-Fri 8 PM / Sat 2 & 8 PM/Sun 3 & 7 PM / Tickets: $10 212-967-7555

*new 03/24 -5/19 Mon, Thu 6-9:30 PM, Free College Prep & GED Classes For Veterans (LaGuardia Comm College, LIC) Veterans Services Center 718-482-5386 When asking about how you heard about the program, say: JB.

Through 04/01 Mon - Sat, Noon – 6 PM, Outsider Art: Survey 2008.(Gallery at HAI.548 Broadway, 3 Floor) An exhibit of 93 drawings, paintings and sculptures by 24 Outsider artists with mental disabilities,.

Through 04/06 Theater Breaking Through Barriers: ROMEO AND JULIET (The Kirk @ Theatre Row, 410 W 42 St, 9-10 Aves) Tickets $40 212-279-4200 or

03/20 Thu 2-4 PM, Mind Your Health –Double Whammy! It’s Not Just About Mental Health Anymore (125 Worth St -side entrance, Lafayette & Centre Sts) Your physical health is as important as your mental health. Come hear about how to self-advocate for routine medical care. ID Required to enter building Light refreshments Info: 212-219-5393

03/20 Thu 1-4 PM, LICIL Open House (3601 Hempstead Tpke, Suite 500, Levittown) LICIL Players will perform scenes from The Glass Menagerie and Butterflies are Free 516-796-0144/ Fax 516-796-0529 / TTY 516-796-0135 /

*new 03/24 Mon 10 AM & 6 PM City Council Transportation Committee: Oversight Hearing on Congestion Pricing (City Hall, Council Chambers) The morning is likely to be testimony from City agencies & others the evening session is likely to be the general public.

03/24 Mon 1 PM, Live webcast: Psychiatric Advance Directives: What Every Social Worker Needs to Know participate on phone or online

03/25 Tue Noon, Clean Money Clean Election press conf (City Hall steps).

03/26 Wed 2 PM, ADA Transportation: General Rules Applying to All Modes of Transportation - Focus on Stop Announcements and Equipment Maintenance by Marilyn Golden, DREDF & David Knight FTA Office of Civil Rights

*new 3/26 6-8 PM Wed Man BP: Women’s History Month Celebration (Hunter College, West Building, 8th Floor Faculty Dining Room, Lexington & E 68) The Women featured in the BP’s Women’s rights; Historic Sites (and receive a copy) RSVP by 3/21 212- 669-4451 or

03/26 Wed 6-8:30 PM, A Summer in the Cage Screening & Panel Discussion (Kramer Levin, 1177 Ave of the Americas ( 35-36 Sts) documentary chronicles the director’s friend Sam's battle & life with bipolar disorder, following Sam for several yrs documenting his struggle to live with his illness. Panel discussion on issues of recovery & living with a mental illness RSVP required: 212.684.3264

03/27 Thu 2-3 PM, Java & Poetry: The Perfect Blend Coffee House (3601 Hempstead Tpke, Suite 500, Levittown) This Coffee House-style discussion will explore poetic form and its role in our daily lives. A variety of coffees and biscotti will top off the afternoon 516-796-0144/ Fax 516-796-0529 / TTY 516-796-0135 /

03/28-30 Fri-Sun Abilities Expo NY Metro (NJ Convention & Expo Center, Edison, NJ) loaner wheelchairs available / Sat 9 AM, DIA buses leave 332 E 29 St 1-2 Ave, Cost $15./ passenger (PCAs will be charges) 212-684-6287/917-204-8770

04/01 Tue 10-4 PM, BCID: Free Tax Preparation (29 Smith St, B’klyn) offered and performed by professional tax preparers - You MUST file to be eligible for the Tax Stimulus Payment. Appointments are required Mike Godino, Director of Advocacy, at 718-998-3000 - / TTY 718-998-7406

04/02 Wed 8:15-4 PM, Employment & Visual Impairment: Policy & Practice (Baruch College, CUNY, One Bernard Baruch Way, 24th St & Lexington Ave) For policy makers, blind & visually impaired persons, practitioners, and interested faculty and students FREE: includes breakfast, lunch, and reception Register by 3/24 to 646-312-5000 or

04/06 Sun 8-5 PM, 23rd Annual Schizophrenia Conference: Understanding Causes and Promoting Recovery for Professionals, Families and Consumers (Black Building 650 W 168 St , Ft Wash Ave) Designed for mental health professionals involved in the treatment & management of schizophrenia, & for families and consumers interested in furthering their knowledge. Fees & Registration info: / on line registration:

04/07-08 Mon-Tues NYS Disabilities Advocacy Assoc & Network (NYSDAAN) (Albany) Join in the exploration & implementation of asset based community development for you, your organization & community, learn practical skills to use in community organizing for change.. / 585-533-1154 /l

04/08 2 PM Webcast: Supported Employment & Mental Illness: Addressing the Secondary Issues Supported employment assists PWDs interested in working, regardless of substance abuse, treatment non-adherence, symptoms, & homelessness. Addressing secondary issues and giving specific strategies for providers to use for assisting PWDs in finding & keeping employment.

04/09 Wed 8:30-1 PM, Stepping Up: a Community Conference to Prevent Hate Crimes (B’klyn College Student Center, Campus Road & E 27 St, B’klyn) To promote & facilitate understanding, cooperation & mutual appreciation and respect among B’klyn 's richly diverse communities. Register:, Hoi Chan 212-983-4800 x 121 or,

04/09 Wed 1-3 PM, MISC (Empire State Plaza Convention Center, Meeting Room 6, Albany) 518.402.4565

*new 04/10 Thu 8-10 AM, Slinging Mud: How Low Will We Go In 08? (Newman Conference Center, 151 E 25 St, 7th Floor) Negative campaign ads: Do they work? Do they turn off voters? How are we affected by them? Listen to the experts & get your questions answered. RSVP 646-660-6851

04/10 Thu 6:30 PM, Lectures in Disability Studies Rosemarie Garland-Thomson- The Politics of Picturing Disability (CUNY Grad Center, 365 Fifth Ave, Room 3102 (Music Lounge) Accommodations 646.344.7313

04/10-11, Disability Law: From tenBroek to the 21st Century (Jernigan Inst, Baltimore, MD) symposium bringing together the nation's top disability law scholars, practitioners, & advocates to examine the current status of US & international disability law & discuss future change in US disability law Questions - Lou Ann Blake 410-659-9314 ext 2221 Voice & Relay

04/21-24 Mon-Thu, 2008 Mobility Planning Services Inst (Wash DC) teams of leaders from disability & transportation share info & strategies to improve access

04/22-Tue, NYAPRS 4th Annual Executive Seminar Systems Transformation Innovative Strategies in Program, Practice & Funding That Promote Wellness & Recovery (Albany)

04/24 Thu 7-1 PM, Insight For New Housing Inc.(Housing For The Blind &Visually Impaired) Fund Raiser (Maestros, 1704 Bronxdale Ave, Bx) Honoring: Monsignor Donald Secano, founder of Highbridge Community HDFC; Christina Curry, Harlem Independent Living Center and Staff; & Max Knobbe, BronxNet TV/ Tickets $75 (open bar & hot buffet): or Greg Bell 718-293-3100 ext17 or 917-833-3699 (I went last year, it was great!)

04/25 Fri 6-8 PM, Spring Has Sprung For Children & Adults Benefiting Helping Hands Initiative (JW Tumbles, 6264 Amboy Rd, SI) Cost: $10/Children & $15/Adults (Credit Cards Accepted) Pizza; Soda; Juice; Cake; Coffee & Games RSVP: by 03/22 718-356-4737

*new 04/26 Sat Noon, 4th Annual Mental Health Film Festival: Employment (St Francis College, 180 Remsen St, B’klyn) Noon Work Works, 1 PM Working Like Crazy 2:15 pm—4:00 Discussion & Lunch 4:00 pm Film To be announced / Tickets $5.00 in advance , $7.00 at the door Contact Carla at:212-780-1400 Ext 7726

04/26-30 Sat-Wed, ADAPT Community: 25 Years of Activism & Counting. Grassroots Actions (Washington DC) Info 512-442-0252 or 303-733-9324

04/26 Beyond Our Wildest Dreams - 2008 Annual Conference (Holiday Inn, 205 Wolf Road, Albany) 518-438-1113 fax 518- 438-2716

04/27-28 Sun-Mon, Families Together in NYS Annual Conference: Youth Development: Start Early! Start Now! (Albany)

04/30 Wed 2 PM ADA Paratransit by Marilyn Golden, DREDF (Part V of Transportation Series)

05/01 Thu, ADAPT 25th Anniversary: BBQ, Exhibition & Show (Washington DC) Food, music, exhibits, history, multi-media, Faces & Voices from ADAPT’s Past 512-442-0252 or 303-733-9324

05/07 Wed Save the Date Children's Mental Health Plan OMH region (Hudson River)

05/08 Thu, Save the Date Children's Mental Health Plan OMH region (NYC)

05/08-09 Thu-Fri National Symposium on Strengthening the HCBS Direct Service Workforce (Baltimore, MD) addressing workforce issues across age & disability consumer populations. Register:

05/09 Fri, Save the Date Children's Mental Health Plan OMH region (Long Island)

05/10 Sat 9 AM NAMI WALKS NYC (South Street Seaport / Brooklyn Bridge) DIA/504 & 504 North Star are forming a team(s) for info

05/12-14 Mon-Wed, ADA Symposium (America's Center St Louis, MO) brings together key federal agencies involved in implementing the ADA, including the U.S. DOJ, the U.S. Access Board & EEOC to provide comprehensive training and updates.

05/12-14 Mon-Wed, National ADA Symposium & Expo: Conference on the ADA & Disability Law (St. Louis, MO)

05/15 Thu, 10th Annual Gov’s Expo on Assistive Technology - Technology Opens Doors (Empire State Plaza Convention Center Albany, NY) exhibits & workshops on assistive devices & services; tutorials in accessible web development.

05/15-16 Thu-Fri, Pedestrian Safety Informational Summit (Comfort Inn Suites, 99 Miller Rd, Castleton, NY) accessible pedestrian signals, tactile warnings & growing traffic safety concerns regarding hybrid vehicles 516-599-6220 or

05/18 Sun AIDS Walk NY (Central Park) Anthony Trocchia is participating & looking for sponsors

*correction 05/19 Mon, NYS Assembly Disability Awareness Day (Albany)

05/19, Mon 2 PM, Accessible Computer Applications –Accessibility issues with common workplace computer applications and how to make them accessible

05/20 2-2:45 PM :Web cast: Public Policy Strategy in Support of Organizational Change - focuses on realizing a future characterized by state &federal commitment to supported employment: strategies to impact public policy; an understanding of adequate funding & funding mechanisms for employment services & supports.

*new 05/27-29 International Conference on Self-Determination (Detroit MI)panel discussions & roundtables organized by topic with a diversity of moderators & cross-disability panel. For info:810-231-6364,

06/02-03 Mon-Tue, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Wash DC) free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 3/27

06/04 Wed 9-11 AM, Pre-Booking Jail Diversion/Crisis Intervention Teams (Fordham Univ, 140 W 62 St, Columbus) Register / Lisa Ortega or 646-260-6575

06/10 2-2:45 PM: Webcast: Creative Employment Strategies - process of customizing jobs and supports and the outcomes that can be achieved will be highlighted. Practical strategies for establishing individualized employment teams, implementing customized employment, accessing nontraditional resources, and addressing local service delivery issues will be presented.

06/10-14 Tues-Sat, 20th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (Portland, Maine) assist to meet the unique needs of college students WDs. Carrol Waite 860-486-3321, fax:860-486-5799

06/25-26 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Bloomington, IN) A free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 05/01

07/08 2-2:45 PM :Web cast: Autism Spectrum Disorder & Employment - an overview & practical suggestions for supporting learners to be competent, productive, and socially included coworkers and colleagues. Includes issues related to effective communication, understanding social challenges & the hidden curriculum, behavior support, production competence and interdependence.

07/09-10 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Eugene, OR) A free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 05/22

07/13-17, Workforce Innovations 2008: Success Decoded (New Orleans) Promoting collaboration among leaders from workforce development, business, economic development, education, community-based organizations and philanthropy

08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA and Website Accessibility: recent legal developments and their potential implications.

09/09 Sun 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible,& Integrated Housing (Chicago IL) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. For rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324

09/09 2-2:45 PM, Web cast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services. How substance use qualifies as a disability .

09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Nevele Grande, Ellenville NY)

09/29 Mon 2 PM, Learning & Accessibility - As e-Learning expands, the gap will widen between those who can fully benefit & those who will be excluded because of inaccessible design includes strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning.

Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - Gavin Kearney 888-342-3428.or - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA) is a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers with disabilities. Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues. Does anyone know about a good group that helps people with physical disabilities get professional employment? New Internet Video Course (#101882) Ready, Willing, & Able: Assisting People with Disabilities During Disasters A professional, 2-hour, introductory, online training course offered for independent study & for continuing education. It was field tested by PWDs, CIL staff, and others Training covers disability etiquette, terminology, communications and assistance techniques during disasters for assisting people with disabilities. Participants become familiar with various disaster assistance needs of persons with sensory, mobility and cognitive disabilities. One of the video is a PWD. A certificate of completion is offered once the pre & post tests and course evaluation have been completed Inclusive Livable Communities for People with Psychiatric Disabilities - Report from the National Council on Disabilities (NCD) that looks at barriers and solutions relating to people with psychiatric disabilities fully participating in their communities. Blog Logs Crimes against PWDs SECTION 5310 GRANT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM To provide not-for-profit organizations assistance in the purchase of vehicles to meet the transportation needs of elderly & PWDs

Incredible Kids Program- a mentoring program for children with disabilities.- seeking NYC girls (7-17) with disability for mentoring program. Girls must be ADL independent & able to relate & engage sufficiently to benefit from the relationship. Volunteers mentors are matched for a minimum yr commitment to meet in their own communities, for 4-6 hours - every other week for recreational, educational & cultural activities. Social workers provide professional guidance to enhance the quality of the mentoring relationship. Francy Henao Associate Program Manager 212-994-7722

ACTION ALERT[capwiz:queue_id] Tell Congress to Pass Moratorium Bills on Medicaid Changes Ask your representatives in Congress to co-sponsor and support HR 5613, which would postpone implementation of regulations that will hurt PWDs until 2009, giving legislators time to assess the true impact of the new rules and modify them as needed.

JOBS Deputy Director, The Center for PWDs (Boulder, CIO) assists the Executive Director & has departmental responsibility for budget, staffing, program development & implementation, & community involvement. The deputy director must be capable of developing strong community relationships and providing leadership in the IL movement on a local & national level. Cover letter & resume to: Center for People With Disabilities, Attn: Deputy Director, 1675 Range Street, Boulder, CO 80301 or fax to:303-442-0502 or e-mail to

86 NEWLY CONSTRUCTED Affordable APARTMENTS FOR RENT IN CENTRAL HARLEM (MANHATTAN Beacon Mews LLC 34 W 139 St. through the Cornerstone Program of the NYC HPD & NEW HOP

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Through 03/16, Tue - Fri, Noon-6 pm & Sat & Sun 1: -5 PM, RENASCENCE: An International Juried Exhibition of New Media By Artists WD (World Financial Center Courtyard Gallery) This internationally-juried exhibition of new media works showcases installations, net art, video and interactive sculpture.

Through 04/01 Mon - Sat, Noon – 6 PM, Outsider Art: Survey 2008.(Gallery at HAI. 548 Broadway, 3 Floor) An exhibit of 93 drawings, paintings and sculptures by 24 Outsider artists with mental disabilities,.

Through 04/06 Theater Breaking Through Barriers: ROMEO AND JULIET (The Kirk @ Theatre Row
410 W 42 St, 9-10 Aves) Tickets $40 212-279-4200 or

03/13 Thu 6:30 PM, Lectures in Disability Studies: Lennard Davis, Obsession: How Culture Becomes Disability (Graduate Center, CUNY, 365 Fifth Ave, Room 3102 (Music Lounge) For 646.344.7313

03/13 Thu 5-7 PM Bx Families and Advocates (Bx Psych Center, Parker Building Dept of Psychiatry 500 Water Place - First Floor, Bx) Dominick Carter discusses his book, No Mama’s Boy Hear his powerful and triumphant story of his overcoming his mother’s mental illness Register,, Paulina Magnetti or June Rodriques, 718-862-3347 Refreshments will be served, Parking available

03/13 Thu 6:30 PM, Civic Forum: Judicial Reform (Museum of the City of NY, 1220 Fifth Ave, enter on 104 St). RSVP required Michael Oliva 212-564-4441

03/14 Fri 9-Noon, Legislative Summit -Gov’s Budget (Lincoln Medical & Mental Health Center) The proposed 2008-09 Executive State Budget: how will proposed cuts to the NYC HHC affect healthcare to Northern Manhattan & Downtown Bx Communities. RSVP at 718-579-5777

03/14 Fri 1:30-4 PM, Community Meeting for Individuals Who Are Deaf/Deaf-Blind/Hard Of Hearing & Other Interested Community Members (Harlem SOB Art Gallery, 163 W125 St) interagency Council for Individuals who are Deaf/Deaf-Blind/HOH ASL Interpreted & Assistive Listening System Provided Accommodations or 212-222-7122/98 (Voice/TTY) Photo I.D. required to enter building Light Refreshments

03/17 Mon 7 PM, A Conversation with Valerie Plame Wilson (Spy Club, 17 W 19th St, 5-6 Aves) (212) 352-2001 Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House available for purchase & signing on site Free for members; $7/non-members RSVP

03/18 Tue 10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - What Is The Role of the Medicaid Service Coordinator / Coordination Service? (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) Keeva Jackson-Breland, Willowbrook Liaison B’lyn Dev Disabilities Services Office (BDDSO) 718-642-8512 or

03/18 Tues 1-4 PM, Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board – Telecommunications, Electronic & Information Technology Advisory Committee Timothy Creagan, 202-272-0016 / 202-272-0082 (TTY)

03/18 Tue 2 PM, SILC, DSU and CIL Roles in Implementing the SPIL presented by RSA in conjunction with CIL-NET & SILC-NET.

03/18 Tue 2 PM, web cast A Corporate Perspective on Collaborative Partnerships. Gain valuable information on why it is important to build partnerships with businesses in the community. In addition, the presenter will share examples and ideas on how rehab professionals can build partnerships and what businesses expect.

*new 03/18 Tue Learn how the Attorney General’s Office can help the Suffolk Co Community Forum (Brentwood HS, Brentwood) A discussion of issues that affect YOU every day (Health Care, Internet Safety, Consumer Protection, Civil Rights, Environmental Protection, Workers Rights, Public Integrity & critical information for parents & students about college loans. Wheelchair accessible & ASL interpreter 800-788-9898 Food & refreshments Questions 631-231-2424 or

03/19 Wed 10 AM-3 PM, Career Expo for PWDs (New Yorker Hotel, 481 Eighth Ave) Pre-registration is required:

03/19 Wed 10-Noon, B’klyn BP Advisory Committee on Disability Issues (Brooklyn Borough Hall, Community Room-1st Floor) New Alternatives for Children (NAC) Terri Bailer, MSW; My Time, Inc. Lucina Clarke, Ramps/Lifts for Better Living & George Fehling RSVP Ingrid M. Alexander 718- 802-3868 / Fax: 718-802-3920

03/19 Wed 1-3:30 PM, Satellite Broadcast - Supporting Rural Family Caregivers (Institute For Family Health, 16 E 16 St) issues confronting caregivers, &present possible interventions Accommodations: Virna Little 212-633-0800 x1337 Questions: Crystal Barnes 410-786-8475 Register:

03/19 Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group for Men & Women (HILC,289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) Light refreshments or

03/20 Thu 2-4 PM, Mind Your Health - 2008 Workshop Series: Double Whammy! It’s Not Just About Mental Health Anymore (125 Worth St -side entrance, Lafayette & Centre Sts) Your physical health is as important as your mental health. Come hear about how to self-advocate for routine medical care. ID Required toenter building Light refreshments Info: 212-219-5393.

03/20 Thu 1-4 PM, LICIL Open House (3601 Hempstead Tpke, Suite 500, Levittown) LICIL Players will perform scenes from The Glass Menagerie and Butterflies are Free 516-796-0144/ Fax 516-796-0529 / TTY 516-796-0135 /

03/24 Mon 1 PM, Live webcast: Psychiatric Advance Directives: What Every Social Worker Needs to.Know (participate by internet or phone)

*new 03/25 Tue Noon, Clean Money Clean Election press conference (City Hal steps).

03/25 Tues 1-4 PM, Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board – Telecommunications, Electronic & Information Technology Advisory Committee :Timothy Creagan, 202-272-0016 / 202-272-0082 (TTY).

03/26 Wed 2 PM, ADA Transportation: General Rules Applying to All Modes of Transportation - Focus on Stop Announcements and Equipment Maintenance by Marilyn Golden, DREDF & David Knight FTA Office of Civil Rights

*new 03/26 Wed 6-8:30 PM, A Summer in the Cage Screening & Panel Discussion (Kramer Levin, 1177 Ave of the Americas ( 35-36 Sts) documentary by filmmaker Ben Selkow, chronicling his friend Sam's battle & life with bipolar disorder, following Sam for several years documenting his struggle to live with his illness. Panel discussion with director Ben Selkow & other panelists surrounding issues of recovery & living with a major mental illness RSVP required: 212.684.3264

03/27 Thu 2-3 PM, Java & Poetry: The Perfect Blend Coffee House (3601 Hempstead Tpke, Suite 500, Levittown) This Coffee House-style discussion will explore poetic form and its role in our daily lives. A variety of coffees and biscotti will top off the afternoon 516-796-0144/ Fax 516-796-0529 / TTY 516-796-0135 /

*new 03/27 Thu 8:00 pm Women's Issues Committee Meeting: Monthly Issues Chat (Location TBD)

03/28-30 Fri-Sun Abilities Expo NY Metro (NJ Convention & Expo Center, Edison, NJ) loaner Wheelchairs available DIA buses leave Renwick (332 E 29, 1-s Ave_ promptly at 9 AM. Cost $15./passenger (PCAs will be charges) 212-684-6287 / 917-204-8770 acessible shuttle from NJ Transit Metuchin station 800-850-8267

*new 04/01 Tue 10-4 PM, BCID: Free Tax Preparation (27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) offered and performed by professional tax preparers - You MUST file to be eligible for the Tax Stimulus Payment. Appointments are required Mike Godino, Director of Advocacy, at 718-998-3000 - voice or 718-998-7406 - TTY.

04/01 Tues 1-4 PM, Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board – Telecommunications, Electronic & Information Technology Advisory Committee : Timothy Creagan, 202-272-0016 / 202-272-0082 (TTY).

04/02 Wed 8:15-4 PM, Employment & Visual Impairment: Policy & Practice (Baruch College, CUNY, One Bernard Baruch Way, 24th St & Lexington Ave) For policy makers, blind & visually impaired persons, practitioners, and interested faculty and students FREE: includes breakfast, lunch, and reception Register by 3/24 to 646-312-5000 or

04/06 Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) the Sephardic-Jewish Confino family from Kastoria A costumed ASL interpreter dressed as teenager circa 1916 welcomes visitors as though they were greenhorns & teaches them how to adapt to America. A hands-on experience, visitors can touch any item. Suitable for children 5+ Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or

*new Sun 8-5 PM, 23rd Annual Schizophrenia Conference: Understanding Causes & Promoting Recovery for Professionals, Families & Consumers (Black Building 650 W 168 St, B’way & Ft Wash Ave) Designed for mental health professionals involved in the treatment & management of schizophrenia, & for families and consumers interested in furthering their knowledge. Fees & Registration info: / on line registration:

04/07 Mon 3-4 PM. The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power & Participation in PWDs (Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (SD) Code:1025647# ) Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs

04/07 Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or

04/07-08 Mon-Tues NYS Disabilities Advocacy Assoc & Network (Crowne Plaza, Albany) learn practical skills to use in community organizing for change.. / 585-533-1154 /l Accommodations Deadline 03/03

04/08 2 PM Webcast: Supported Employment & Mental Illness: Addressing secondary issues and giving specific strategies for providers to use for assisting PWDs in finding & keeping employment.

*new 04/09 Wed 8:30-1 PM, Stepping Up: a Community Conference to Prevent Hate Crimes (B’klyn College Student Center, Campus Road & E 27 St, B’klyn) To promote & facilitate understanding, cooperation & mutual appreciation & respect among B’klyn 's richly diverse communities. Register:, Hoi Chan 212-983-4800 x 121 or,

04/09 Wed 1-3 PM, MISC (Most Integrated Setting Coordinated Council). (Empire State Plaza Convention Center, Meeting Room 6, Albany) 518.402.4565

04/10 Thu 6:30 PM, Lectures in Disability Studies Rosemarie Garland-Thomson- The Politics of Picturing Disability (CUNT Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave, Room 3102 (Music Lounge) For 646.344.7313

04/10-11 "Disability Law: From tenBroek to the 21st Century," (Jernigan Inst, Baltimore, MD) Nat’l Fed. for the Blind symposium - many of the nation's top disability law scholars, practitioners, & advocates examine the current status of American & international disability law & discuss future change in US disability law Questions - Lou Ann Blake 410-659-9314, ext 2221 Voice/Relay

04/21-24 Mon-Thu, 2008 Mobility Planning Services Institute (Renaissance Wash Hotel, DC) teams of leaders from disability & transportation share info & strategies to improve transportation access

04/22-Tue, NYAPRS 4th Annual Executive Seminar Systems Transformation Innovative Strategies in Program, Practice & Funding That Promote Wellness & Recovery (Crowne Plaza, Albany)

*new 04/24 Thu 7-1 PM, Insight For New Housing Inc.(Housing For The Blind And Visually Impaired) Fund Raiser (Maestros, 1704 Bronxdale Ave, Bx) Honoring: Monsignor Donald Secano, founder of Highbridge Community HDFC; Christina Curry, HILC &Staff; & Max Knobbe, BronxNet TV/ Tickets $75 (open bar & hot buffet): or Greg Bell 718-293-3100 ext17 or 917-833-3699 (I went last year, it was great!)

04/25 Fri 6-8 PM, Spring Has Sprung For Children & Adults Benefiting Helping Hands Initiative (JW Tumbles, 6264 Amboy Rd, SI) Cost: $10/Children & $15/Adults (Credit Cards Accepted) Pizza; Soda; Juice; Cake; Coffee & Games RSVP: by 03/22 718-356-4737

04/26-30 Sat-Wed, ADAPT Community: 25 Years of Activism & Counting. Grassroots Actions (Washington DC) Info 512-442-0252 or 303-733-9324

04/26 Beyond Our Wildest Dreams - 2008 Annual Conference (Holiday Inn, 205 Wolf Road, Albany) 518-438-1113 fax 518- 438-2716

04/27-28 Sun-Mon, Families Together in NYS Annual Conference: Youth Development: Start Early! Start Now! (Marriott Hotel, Albany)

04/30 Wed 2 PM ADA Paratransit by Marilyn Golden, DREDF (Part V of Transportation Series)

05/01 Thu, ADAPT 25th Anniv. BBQ, Exhibition & Show (Washington DC) Food, music, exhibits, history, multi-media, faces & voices from ADAPT’s past , 512-442-0252 or 303-733-9324

05/02 Fri 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St)
Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or

05/07 Wed Save the Date Children's Mental Health Plan OMH region (Hudson River)

05/08 Thu, Save the Date Children's Mental Health Plan OMH region (NYC)

05/08-09 Thu-Fri National Symposium on Strengthening the HCBS Direct Service Workforce (Hyatt Regency, Baltimore, MD) the importance of addressing workforce issues across age & disability consumer populations. Register:

05/09 Fri, Save the Date Children's Mental Health Plan OMH region (Long Island)

05/10 Sat 9 AM, NAMI WALKS NYC (South Street Seaport / Brooklyn Bridge) DIA, 504 & 504 North Star are forming a team(s) for info

05/12-14 Mon-Wed, ADA Symposium (America's Center St Louis, MO) brings together key federal agencies involved in implementing the ADA, including DOJ, Access Board & EEOC to provide comprehensive training & updates.

05/12-14 Mon-Wed, National ADA Symposium & Expo: Conference on the ADA & Disability Law (St. Louis, MO)

05/15 Thu, NYS Assembly Disability Awareness Day (Albany)

05/15 Thu, 10th Annual Gov’s Expo on Assistive Technology - Technology Opens Doors (Empire State Plaza Convention Center Albany, NY) exhibits & workshops on assistive devices & services; tutorials in accessible web development.

05/15-16 Thu-Fri, Pedestrian Safety Informational Summit (Comfort Inn Suites, 99 Miller Rd, Castleton, NY) accessible pedestrian signals, tactile warnings & growing traffic safety concerns regarding hybrid vehicles 516-599-6220 or

*new 05/18 Sun AIDS Walk NY (Central Park) As usual, Anthony Trocchia is looking for sponsors

05/19, Mon 2 PM, Accessible Computer Applications – Since many jobs utilize computer applications their inaccessibility can seriously hinder PWDs’ job performance. Accessibility issues with common workplace computer applications and how to make them accessible is the topic:

05/20 2-2:45 PM :Web cast: Public Policy Strategy in Support of Organizational Change - realizing a future characterized by state and federal commitment to supported employment: strategies to impact public policy; an understanding of adequate funding & funding mechanisms for employment services & supports.

06/02 Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St)
Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or

06/02-03 Mon-Tue, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Wash DC) A train-the-trainer initiative to increase accessible transportation Deadline 3/27

06/04 Wed 9-11 AM, Pre-Booking Jail Diversion/Crisis Intervention Teams (Fordham Univ, 140 W 62 St, Columbus) Register / Lisa Ortega at or 646-260-6575 Petition:

06/10 2-2:45 PM: Webcast: Creative Employment Strategies Practical strategies for establishing individualized employment teams, implementing customized employment, accessing nontraditional resources, & addressing local service delivery issues

06/10-14 Tues-Sat, 20th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (Portland, Maine) assist to meet the unique needs of college students WDs. Carrol Waite 860-486-3321, fax:860-486-5799

06/25-26 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Bloomington, IN) train-the-trainer initiative to increase accessible transportation Deadline 05/01

07/07 Mon 1-3 PM, Most Integrated Setting Coordinated Council (MISC) (Empire State Plaza
Convention Center, Meeting Room 6,Albany) - 518.402.4565

07/08 2-2:45 PM :Web cast: Autism Spectrum Disorder & Employment - an overview & practical suggestions for supporting learners to be competent, productive, and socially included coworkers & colleagues. Includes issues related to effective communication, understanding social challenges & the hidden curriculum, behavior support, production competence and interdependence.

07/09-10 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Eugene, OR) A train-the-trainer initiative to increase accessible transportation Deadline 05/22

07/13-17, Workforce Innovations 2008: Success Decoded (New Orleans) Promoting collaboration among leaders from workforce development, business, economic development, education, community-based organizations & philanthropy

08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA and Website Accessibility: The ADA does not explicitly discuss whether it applies to websites, and thus far, there have been few cases. Website accessibility cases courts have reached different conclusions as to whether websites are covered under the ADA. This session will discuss recent legal developments and their potential implications.

09/09 Sun 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible & Integrated Housing (Crowne Plaza Hotel, Chicago) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. For rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324

09/09 2-2:45 PM, Web cast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services. How substance use qualifies as a disability

09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Nevele Grande, Ellenville NY)

09/29 Mon 2 PM, Learning & Accessibility - As e-Learning expands, the gap will widen between those who can fully benefit & those who will be excluded because of inaccessible design includes strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning.

10/08 Wed 1-3 PM, MISC (Most Integrated Setting Coordinated Council). (Empire State Plaza Convention Center Albany) - 518.402.4565

recurrent 3rd Wed of the month, 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC,289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts). Light refreshments or

recurrent 3rd Wed of the month 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000

recurrent every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) Rubin or 212 245 0004

recurrent last Sat of the month Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, é entry on President - ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off: 1 Prospect Park W.)

Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - Gavin Kearney 888-342-3428.or - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs - NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA) is a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers with disabilities. Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues. NYLPI’s Opportunity & Access Survey to find out what barriers to services & to physical settings are most important to PWDs especially who don't regularly contact them. NYLPI is a public interest law office that serves NYC residents with disabilities regarding disability-based discrimination & access issues. The Center for Disability Rights (CDR) has established an on-line cross-systems discussion forum that contains the final training manual and other resources. TBI Research Review of the New York Traumatic Brain Injury Model System. The focus in this issue is on RETURN TO WORK AFTER TBI. The aim of the TBI Research Review is to summarize current research on specific aspects of traumatic brain injury (TBI), offer suggestions for future research planning, and suggest application of research findings to clinical practice and policy State Announces New Consumer Website to Help New Yorkers Find Least Expensive Prescription Drugs Website Enables Consumers to Search Neighborhood Pharmacies for Best Price ReadThisToMe is a free reading service for blind/low-vision people, powered by volunteers & Internet collaboration. It allows people to have printed documents read to them over the phone. All you need is a phone line & fax machine Fax what you want read to (877) 333-8848 including a coversheet with your name & callback (voice) phone number. Uptowners, this is a survey (in both English & Spanish) from the Manhattan Borough President’s office on parks & such in CB12 M (Washington Heights & Inwood) so if you have occasion to frequent the community, please complete the survey. My answer focused on why I do thing out of the community, gee maybe because it is pretty inaccessible!

1. Grand St Settlement House - Disability Coordinator / Deadline May 9, 2008
2. Health Care & Disability Coalition Coordinator - New Yorkers for Accessible Health Coverage (NYFAHC), a coalition serving New Yorkers with chronic, disabling or life-threatening conditions is an independent program of CIDNY. ing a coordinator to implement & lead advocacy initiatives promoting access to affordable & comprehensive health coverage for all New Yorkers. The Coordinator will be based at CIDNY's Manhattan office, report directly to CIDNY's Executive Director. The position involves occasional travel & frequent interaction with the Steering Committee. Required knowledge & skills: Demonstrable knowledge of public & private health insurance systems; Excellent writing, research & public speaking skills; Experience working directly with individuals with illness or disabilities essential & Knowledge areas also include legislative process, community organizing, & media advocacy. Salary: High 50s to low 60s, depending upon experience & qualifications. CIDNY offers a competitive benefits package & is committed to staff development. To apply:
3. Washington Centers - Public Service Internship Program for College Students WDs. Participants in the summer, spring or fall term are eligible to receive a $2,500 scholarship to help cover the cost of housing fees. Students from all majors are eligible to apply and gain internship experience to help students develop leadership skills and gain valuable work experience by complementing students’ professional experiences with solid academic training for credit from highly qualified instructors.
Students will be exposed to community, national and international leaders through workshops, seminars, lectures, embassy visits and networking Application:
4. Generation Change is a program of the Center for Community Change
Internships - 50 Generation Change interns will gain experience by working with groups working to achieve positive change in low income communities in CO, DC, MD, NY (upstate and NYC), NC, TN, VA & WA. 10 weeks (June-August) $400 weekly stipend, 5 day Introduction to Organizing Training in Nashville, TN. Continuing support & networking through the Generation Change Alumni Program.•. Deadline: 3/15
Fellowships -Have some experience organizing, but want to learn more? Promising leaders will be placed in community organizations conducting non-partisan electoral work and community organizing through the Community Voting Project at the Center for Community Change in AZ, CA, CO, ME, MI, NV, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, OR, TN, VA & WA.27 weeks (June-December), $500 weekly stipend plus health insurance. 7 day Introduction to Community & Electoral Organizing in Nashville, TN. 3 professional development trainings. Deadline: 3/15

`1. ONLINE VIDEO: Look At My Ability - Oregon Business Leadership Network & Oregon Business Plan co-sponsors a new 2 ½ minute video on the largely under-tapped skilled labor pool of Oregonians with disabilities. The video addresses the work ethic and skills represented by this labor pool.
2. \ – Job Accommodation Network newsletter for the first. Include: Telecommuting Options as an Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities; Technology to Improve Writing Skills & TBI Accommodations: Individual Process Essential to Solution To subscribe, e-mail
3. Office of Disability Employment Policy Factshets: Recruitment and Retention; Tax incentives for Employers; Advising Youth with Disabilities on disclosure; Employers and the ADA: Myths and Facts & PWDs – Temporary employment Options
4. Follow up on Walgreen’s distribution center where 40% of the workforce are PWDs of particular which includes info such as that there are bathroom stalls large enough for a PWD & their PCA!
5. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has issued two new question-and-answer (Q&A) guides providing technical assistance for employers and veterans on workplace issues affecting veterans with service-connected disabilities
6. Veterans With Service-Connected Disabilities And The Americans With Disabilities Act (Ada): A Guide For Employers

ACTION ALERT the Medicare Rights Center
Urge Congress To Enact a Medicare Drug Benefit [Urgent!] -Sen Richard Durbin and Reps Marion Berry & Jan Schakowsky have introduced the Medicare Prescription Drug Savings & Choice Act, which would provide an affordable drug benefit directly through Medicare. Urge Congress to take action on this vital legislation, which would lower drug costs, reduce the complexity of current drug coverage options, and ensure Medicare beneficiaries have access to a guaranteed drug benefit operated by the federal government.
End the Two-Year Waiting Period - Though Medicare covers people with serious disabilities, they cannot receive coverage until after they endure a two-year wait. It’s time for change. Tell Congress to support legislation eliminating the two-year waiting period.
A Cure That Works: Medicare For All -Our political leaders can no longer ignore Americans’ call for a health care system that works. Medicare has proven to be a reliable source of quality health care coverage, and should be an option for all Americans. Tell your representative to make Medicare available to all through the AmeriCare Health Care Act.
Tell Congress to Stop Overpayments to Private Plans - Ask your senators and representative to support legislation ending the government's overpayments to private Medicare health plans.
New Yorkers: Ask Governor Spitzer to Expand EPIC to New Yorkers with Severe Disabilities –NYS’s pharmaceutical assistance program, EPIC, is open only to residents over 65+. Ask Governor Eliot Spitzer to expand EPIC to New Yorkers with severe disabilities.
Improve Eligibility for Medicare Savings Programs & Extra Help -Medicare Savings Programs and Extra Help assist low-income Medicare beneficiaries in paying their premiums, deductibles & copayments for medical and prescription drug coverage, but tight limits on income and financial asset prevent many who need this assistance from receiving it. Ask Congress to ease eligibility to allow more people apply and receive federal help with their medical and prescription drug expenses.
Mental Health Parity for Medicare - Medicare beneficiaries pay a higher coinsurance rate for mental health services than other outpatient care. Urge your Senator to support the Medicare Mental Health Copayment Equity Act and implement payment parity for all outpatient services under Medicare.

1. 88 Newly Constructed Affordable Apartments For Rent at 2269-2277 Bathgate Avenue (Belmont Section Of The Bx ) Bathgate Avenue Apartments -421-a Affordable Housing Program
2. 100 Newly Constructed Affordable Studio Apartments For Rent at 160 Schermerhorn Street (Boerum Hill, B’klyn) Schermerhorn House, a joint project of the Actors Fund and Common Ground, being constructed through the Supportive Housing Loan Program

Sit Aerobic Classes: upper body strengthening & cardiovascular workout.
Mon 10-11 AM, Ft Hamilton Sr Ctr, B'klyn & 1-2, PM St. John's Rec Center, B'klyn
Tue 10-11 AM, Red Hook Rec Ctr, B'klyn &1-2, PM Recreation 54, Man
Wed 10-11 AM, Greenbelt Rec Center, SI & 1-2, PM Cromwell Rec Center, SI
Thu 10-11 AM, Fort Hamilton Sr Center, B'klyn & 1-2, PM St. John's Rec Center, B'klyn
Fri 10-11 AM, St. John's Rec. Center, B'klyn & 1-2, PM Brownsville Rec. Center, B'klyn
To register/information: Damon Rozier 212-360-3310, or
20% Off Entire Suite Promo