
Saturday, April 26, 2008



1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or

1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power and Participation in PWDs Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (South Dakota!) Access Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs the largest identifiable bloc of non-voters

1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or

2nd Mon, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)

3rd Tues10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or

4th Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south) Clarice Brown 212-669-8300

Every Tues, Housing Advocates Training (Legal Aid Society 111 Livingston St, 7th floor, B’klyn_
1st Wed 6:30 PM, disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) $5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description available upon request. Space is WC accessible. Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212-284-4160

2nd Wed, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000

3rd Wed 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx) info 718-231-3400 x 202 or

3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) come together and support one another, to share our experience, strengthen, and hope. Light refreshments or

3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000

3rd Thu, ASL interpreted tours (The Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St) pre-registration required or 212.423.3225 (TTY 212.660.1515)

every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000

every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) or 212 245 0004

3rd Fri 7-10 PM, Fri ASL Tour (Rubin Museum of Art,150 W 17 St, meet at the bottom of the Spiral Staircase) learn about the culture, history, religions and sacred art of the Himalayan region. or Louise Brooks 212 620 5000 x328

last Fri 3-5 PM, NYC Peer Network Group: Hearing Voices Group: (Community Access, 666 Broadway, 4FL Conf Rm, Bleecker-Bond Sts) Share your beliefs on what “the voices” are & learn how others experience their “auditory hallucinations.212-780-1400 Ext 7728

last Sat Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off: 1 Prospect Park W.)
*new 05/05-23 CIL NET Introduction to Olmstead / Registration Deadline: 04/21 Teleconference Orientation 05/01 Fee: $100 /participant Register:

Through 5/19 Mon, Thu 6-9:30 PM, Free College Prep & GED Classes For Veterans (LaGuardia Comm College, LIC) Veterans Services Center 718-482-5386 When asking about how you heard about the program, say: JB.

*new 6/9-27 Olmstead and Community Registration Deadline: 7/21 Teleconference Orientation 6/5 Fee: $100 /participant Register:

*new 08/04-11 Emergency Preparedness / Registration Deadline: 5/26 Teleconference Orientation 7/31 Fee: $100 /participant Register:
04/24 Thu 2 PM, Universal Health Care for NY: Prospects for 2008 & Beyond (CUNY, 25 W. 43 St., 18th fl) Richard Gottfired (NYS Assembly), Panel: Moira Dolan Susan Dooha Ronda Kotelchuck & Denise Soffel;, or 212-580-3890.

04/24 Thu 4-6 PM, Health Care for All NY- NYC Regional Meeting (CUNY, 25 W. 43 St., 18th fl) statewide campaign for universal health care; 212-925-1829 or

04/24 Thu 6 PM Housing Here & Now (Diversity Center 7611 37th Ave Jackson Heights) Chloe: 212 643-3464 x103

04/24 Thu 7PM: Housing Here & Now (1 Centre Street, 19 floor South) Maggie: 212 608-4320/

*NEW 04/24 Thu 5-7 PM DL21C's Political Author Series:Gary Hart Rosie O'Grady's Pub (lower level, 800 7th Ave, 52 St) Former U.S. Senator (D-CO) and Democratic Presidential Candidate (1984, 1988) “Under the Eagle's Wing: A National Security Strategy for 2009”

04/24 Thu 7-1 PM, Insight For New Housing Inc.(Housing For The Blind &Visually Impaired) Fund Raiser (Maestros, 1704 Bronxdale Ave, Bx) Honoring: Monsignor Donald Secano, founder of Highbridge Community HDFC; Christina Curry, Harlem Independent Living Center & Staff; & Max Knobbe, BronxNet TV/ Tickets $75 (open bar & hot buffet): or Greg Bell 718-293-3100 ext17 or 917-833-3699 (I went last year, it was great!)

*POSTPONED TO NEW DATE TBA 04/25, Assembly Standing Comm On Mental Health, MR&DD & Assembly Standing Comm On Aging Public Hearing: Assessing the Comprehensive Geriatric Mental Health Act To ascertain the status of work done by groups that were funded under the program, and by relevant state agencies. Oral testimony by invitation only

04/25 Fri 6-8 PM, Spring Has Sprung For Children & Adults Benefiting Helping Hands Initiative (JW Tumbles, 6264 Amboy Rd, SI) Cost: $10/Children & $15/Adults (Credit Cards Accepted) Pizza; Soda; Juice; Cake; Coffee & Games RSVP: by 03/22 718-356-4737

*NEW 4/26 Sat 10-Noon, The Mortgage Crisis Effects of Sub-Prime Lending WorkshopHow to avoid foreclosure (Empire State Plaza, Meeting Room 6 – LOB, Albany) with NYS Senator Martin MalavĂ© Dilan (17th District) Assemblyman JosĂ© R. Peralta (39th District), & Attorneys from the Attorney General’s Office : 518-474-7330 or Visit Office of the Attorney General Information and Complaint Helpline: 1-800-771-7755

*NEW 04/26 Sat 11 -6 PM, Brooklyn Peace Fair 20078 (LIU, 1 University Place, Fatbush-DeKalb Ave, B’klyn) Ellen Nuzzi *& Eric Levine are doing a table Free admission Photo id required

04/26 Sat Noon, 4th Annual Mental Health Film Festival: Employment (St Francis College, 180 Remsen St, B’klyn) Noon Work Works, 1 PM Working Like Crazy 2:15 pm—4:00 Discussion & Lunch 4:00 pm Film To be announced / Tickets $5.00 in advance , $7.00 at the door Contact Carla at:212-780-1400 Ext 7726

04/26-30 Sat-Wed, ADAPT Community: 25 Years of Activism & Counting. Grassroots Actions (Washington DC) Info 512-442-0252 or 303-733-9324

04/26 Beyond Our Wildest Dreams - 2008 Annual Conference (Holiday Inn, 205 Wolf Road, Albany) 518-438-1113 fax 518- 438-2716

04/27-28 Sun-Mon, Families Together in NYS Annual Conference: Youth Development: Start Early! Start Now! (Albany)

*NEW 4/29, Tue 10-Noon, CU Seminar on Disability Studies: Legacies of Intimidation and Violence: Hate Crimes Against PWDs (Lerner Hall Satow Room, 116 & Broadway) Seminar is free and open to the public. Wheelchair accessible venue. ASLnterpreters RSVP: Parking or accommodations: Colleen Lewis at 212-854-2388

04/29 Tue 9-noon, NYC Rent Guidelines Board, Public Hearing (City Planning, Spector Hall 22 Reade St) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;

*NEW 04/29 Tue 6 PM, DL21C's Political Author Series: Arianna Huffington (All Less Safe, 723 Washington St, Christopher St/Sheridan Sq) Editor-in-Chief, the Huffington Post “Right Is Wrong: How the Lunatic Fringe Hijacked America, Shredded the Constitution, and Made Us Free” for members; $7/non-members

*NEW 04/29 Tue 6:30 PM, What's New in NYC Transportation? A Panel Discussion (Museum of the City of New York, 1220 Fifth Avenue entry on 103 St) Roberta Gratz, moderator; Panel: Jon Orcutt, DOT; Samuel I. Schwartz, Sam Schwartz Engineering PLLC; Paul Steely White, Transportation Alternatives; and Robert Yaro, Regional Plan Association. Tickets $5-9 212-534-1672, ext. 3395

4/30 Wed 2 PM, NYCT-ADA Compliance Coordination Committee Meeting (NYCT, 2 Broadway, 20th Floor Conference Room) Key Station Plan Update & Induction Loop Presentation / Accommodations: sign language interpreter, assistive listening device or other type of assistance, 646-252-3053. RSVP & photo id required to enter building RSVP by 5 PM Mon 4/28

04/30 Wed 2 PM ADA Paratransit by Marilyn Golden, DREDF (Part V of Transportation Series)

04/30 Wed 3 4:30 PM, Webinar Shared Decision Making and the Use of Psychiatric Rxs in the Recovery Process US Psychiatric Rehab Assoc, $129 for USPRA organizational members $189 regular price

05/01 Thu, ADAPT 25th Anniversary: BBQ, Exhibition & Show (Washington DC) Food, music, exhibits, history, multi-media, Faces & Voices from ADAPT’s Past 512-442-0252 or 303-733-9324

*NEW 05/01 Thu 6:15-8:30 PM, Pedestrian Safety Town Hall (Hudson Guild, 441 W 26 St, 9-10 Ave) A chance to address ongoing traffic problems in Chelsea & Hell’s Kitchen Speaker Janette Sadik-Kahn (DOT) invited: Port Authority NY/NJ; NYPD, Man. Traffic Task Force, CB4 & Transportation Alternatives / RSVP: Melanie LaRocca 212-564-7757or Melanie

*RESCHEDULED 05/01 Thu 1 PM, NYC Council Transportation Comm Oversight Hearing :Credit Cards in Taxis (City Hall, Committee Room) RSVP to testify: Gary Altman 212-788-7210 or Phil Hom 212-788-5172

05/01 Thu.7:30 PM, Health Care Reform in NY: What are the Options? ” (Phillips Ambulatory Care Center, 10 Union Sq. East, 2nd fl) a forum featuring Richard Gottfried (NYS Assembly) & Elisabeth Benjamin (CSS); 718-222-9266 or

*new 05/01 Thu 7 PM: Housing Here & Now (Flatbush) Julie: 212 608-5122

05/02 Fri Tue 9-noon, NYC Rent Guidelines Board, Public Hearing (City Planning, Spector Hall 22 Reade St) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;

05/03 Sat 10–4 PM, Bx Borough-wide Clean Up / 851 Grand Concourse, Bx) Team Registration Deadline: 04/24 718- 590-3914/ Fax 718-537-3583 05/04 Sun, clean-up date for Sabbath observers.

05/03 Sat 7:30 A.M-Fulton & South St; 9:45-Circle Line 42. & 12; 11:00-Riverbank State Park: 145 & the river); 1 PM. lunch Inwood Park: 4-Carl Schurz Park: 86 St flag pole, 7-Heartland Brewery Fulton & South St; 23rd Annual Great Saunter— Rain or Shine 32-mile walk around Manhattan waterside. Most of the route is fairly flat, but not fully WC accessible. Call to ask if your piece of NYC waterfront is accessible. I know I can wheel up the WS from lower Man to 181 St Annual membership $20 & walk is free / non-members pre register $15 or $20 at event Register: 212-330-7686

*NEW 05/06 8:30-2:30 PM, FPWA Conf: Putting Your Best Foot Forward w/ Clients, Community & Funders (NYU 60 Wash Sq S)

*NEW 05/06 10 A.M.-Noon, Aladdin Monthly Meeting (25 Flatbush Ave, 2nd Floor, Livingston & Nevins St) are an aging parent of a child or an adult with a developmental disability that receives Medicaid benefits and Social Security benefits. Hear how this might affect your son or daughter. MSC Credits RSVP:Lynette Loadholt 718-222-8632,Maliyka A. Muhammad 718-642-6207 or Norma Mercado 718-222-8632

*NEW 05/06 Tues 11 AM opening , Noon-4 PM Open House, ICS B’klyn Ctr Opening Event (25 Elm Place, B’klyn) RSVP by 5/1 to 212-614-1959 or

05/07 disThis Film Series - 2nd Anniversary (DCTV, Firehouse, 3rd fl, 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) Play "Vegetable, Vegetable or Vegetable" with BBC Ouch’s Mat Fraser & Liz Carr Films: The Art Of Negative Thinking, Stubborn And Spite, Celebrity Shotgun; & The Trouble With Syndromes $5 donation. ASL interpretation & audio description upon request & WC accessible. Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212.284.4160 or for info about films:

05/07 Wed, Raising Friends…Raising Funds: An All-Day Introduction to Raising Money from Individuals (Lower Manhattan) Info Walt Wells 212-643-7093 or RSVP by: Fri 4/25 Or 212-643-7093

05/08 Thu 10-3:30 PM, ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Fordham Univ, Pope Auditorium 155 W 60 St) improving the mental health and well-being of NYS children, youth & families Accommodations Curletta McClanhan-Michael 212-330-1651

05/08 Thu 8:30 - 4 PM Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Association of NYS 6th Annual Conference (Crowne Plaza Albany State & Lodge St, Albany) Joe Baker - the need to restructure NYS’s Long Term Care System and the importance of CDPAS / Nursing Home Transition Waiver, Workforce Development, NY Connects, Corporate Compliance-False Claims Act Workshop, & Consumer Panel / Constance Laymon 518-464-0810

05/08 Thu 5-7 PM, NAMI Bx Families & Advocates Bx Psych, Parker Building -, 1500 Water Place, Fl 1) Mary Beth Pfeiffer discusses her book Crazy in America: The Hidden Tragedy of our Criminalized Mentally Ill ( Paulina Magnetti 718-862-3347

05/08 Thu 7 PM, Housing Here & Now event - St. Mary’s Star of the Sea, 1920 New Haven Ave n Far Rockaway) 917 734-8050

05/08 Thu 7 PM,: Housing Here & Now (North Presbyterian Church, 529 W 155 St & B’way) Chloe: 212 643-3464 x103 /

05/08-09 Thu-Fri National Symposium on Strengthening the HCBS Direct Service Workforce (Baltimore, MD) workforce issues across age & disability consumer populations.

05/09 Fri 8-5 PM, Fighter Mom™ (NY Palace Hotel, 455 Madison Ave) a day-long workshop for Fighter Moms (whose children face any kind of disease, challenge or disability., featuring expert panelists and celebrity guest speaker Catherine Crier. Register: or 804-515-0080 Caroline Gibson or Nicola Hart

05/09 Fri 10-Noon, Aging and Vision Policy and Practice in NYC & NYS A Panel Presentation (Selis Manor,135 W 23 St, 6-7 Ave)

05/09 Fri 10-3 PM, ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Sagamore, 197 Half Hollow Rd, Dix Hills) improving the mental health and well-being of NYS’s children, youth & families Accommodations Lisa Legendre 631-761-2820

05/09 Fri 2 PM Sprout Film Festival: Including Samuel (Metropolitan Museum of Art 5th Ave & 80 St) , Dan Habib will present the film and hold a Q&A after each screening.

05/10 Sat 9 AM NAMI WALKS NYC (South Street Seaport / Brooklyn Bridge) Join the DIA, 504 Dems & 504 North Star team Carr Massi 212-255-6619 / Chris Noel 212-865-4802

05/12 Mon, NYS Assembly Disability Awareness Day (Albany)

05/12-14 Mon-Wed, ADA Symposium (America's Center St Louis, MO) comprehensive training & updates from key federal agencies (DOJ, Access Board & EEOC) in ADA implementation

05/12-14 Mon-Wed, National ADA Symposium & Expo: Conference on the ADA & Disability Law (St. Louis, MO)

05/14 Wed 8-10 AM, Declining NY Revenues: What To Do? (Newman Conference Center, 151 E 25 St, 7th Floor / RSVP 646.660.6851 or

05/14 Wed, Developing the Framework for Healthy People 2020: Public Comment Meeting (US Customs House, 1 Bowling Green) A comprehensive, nationwide health promotion & disease prevention agenda Register: Questions:

05/15 Thu, 10th Annual Gov’s Expo on Assistive Technology - Technology Opens Doors (Empire State Plaza Convention Center Albany, NY) exhibits & workshops on assistive devices & services; tutorials in accessible web development.

05/15 Thu 7 PM,: Housing Here & Now (St. Jerome’s, 230 Alexander Ave, 138 St, Bx) Joya: 917 734-8050/

05/15 Thu 7 PM, Housing Here & Now (Bushwick) Irene 718 418-7690 x231

05/15-16 Thu-Fri, Pedestrian Safety Informational Summit (Castleton, NY) accessible pedestrian signals, tactile warnings & growing traffic safety concerns regarding hybrid vehicles 516-599-6220 or

05/18 Sun AIDS Walk NY (Central Park) Anthony Trocchia is participating & looking for sponsors

05/19, Mon 2 PM, Accessible Computer Applications –Accessibility issues with common workplace computer applications and how to make them accessible

05/20 Tue 2-2:45 PM,:Web cast: Public Policy Strategy in Support of Organizational Change - strategies to impact public policy; an understanding of adequate funding & funding mechanisms for employment services & supports.

05/20 Tue 5–7:45 PM Your Child & the Community: Developing Skills Needed for a Lifetime of Inclusion: Child’s Place for Children with Special Needs (B’klyn Heights Library, 280 Cadman Plaza West) ASL interpretation provided with advance request. Info: 718.253.4948 (voice) or 718.253.5034 (TTY).

05/20 Tue 6 PM, Thank You For Serving (HBO Theater, 1100 6th Ave, 42 St) Keynote speakers, celebrities from Broadway, film & TV giving say ‘thank you for serving’. Be videotaped writing your thank you to be shown on military bases, USO Units & VA Centers. RSVP required by 5/09 to 212-693-1001 or

05/21 Wed 2 PM, ASL Interperated Tour & Reception: Tour L Action/Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning & American Art (Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St). Advance registration is required: 212.423.3225 or Space is limited.

05/21 5:30 & 8:00 PM, Including Samuel (Jewish Community Center) Dan Habib will present the film and hold a Q&A after each screening.

05/27 Tue 10-3 PM ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Bohn's Restaurant, 5256 Clinton St, Batavia) improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in NYS accommodations Patti Sugg 716-885-4219 Ext. 221

05/28 Wed 10-3 PM ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Renaissance Syracuse Hotel, 701 E Genesee St, Syracuse) improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in NYS accommodations Mary Rathbun 315-426-3930

05/27-29 International Conference on Self-Determination (Detroit MI) panel discussions & roundtables organized by topic with a diversity of moderators & cross-disability panels. 810-231-6364,

*NEW 05/30 Fri 10 AM, NY Network for Action on Medicare and Social Security (NYNAMSS) (JASA Cooper Sq Housing ) Meetings for the rest of the year are: 9/26 & 11/21 Mark 212-925-1829 / Molly 212-273-5260 mkrakowski@JASA.ORG / Maria 212-204-6235 / Larry 212-873-6600 X304

*NEW 05/31 UWS Sts Renaissance Campaign (Location TBA) help bring Broadway & Amsterdam Ave up to date with a 21st Century design for a complete street.. This is your chance to reclaim the sts of the UWSRSVP is required:

06/02-03 Mon-Tue, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Wash DC) to increase accessible transportation in your community

06/04 Wed 9-11 AM, Pre-Booking Jail Diversion/Crisis Intervention Teams (Fordham Univ, 140 W 62 St, Columbus) Register / Lisa Ortega or 646-260-6575

06/10 2-2:45 PM: Webcast: Creative Employment Strategies - customizing jobs & supports & the outcomes that can be achieved. Practical strategies, accessing nontraditional resources, & addressing local service delivery issues

06/10-14 Tues-Sat, 20th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (Portland, Maine) meet the unique needs of college students WDs. Carrol Waite 860-486-3321, fax:860-486-5799

06/11 Wed 4pm to 10pm Rent Guidelines Board, Final Vote Public Hearing, (NYC College of Tech, 285 Jay St, B’klyn Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;

06/13-17, League Of Women Voters 48th National Convention: Reaching New Heights Together (Portland, OR) Daily workshops, briefings, caucuses, plenary sessions, exhibits, receptions, elections of national officers, etc. Delegate spots are available and there is budget to assist members financially.

06/18 07 disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) Heavy Load! Band & the critically acclaimed documentary /$5 donation / ASL interpretation & audio description upon request. WC accessible. Snacks are provided & cash bar RSVP: 212.284.4160 /

06/16 Mon 10-6 PM, REnt Guidelines Board, Final Vote Public Hearing (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;

*NEW 06/18-21 Wed-Sat Society for Disability Studies, 2008 Conferernce (Baruch, 55 Lexington Ave, 24 St) info: /

*NEW 06/19 Thu 10-3 PM JASA Volunteer Expo (UJA, 130 E 59 St,,Park-Lex) 212-273-5291

06/19 Thu 5:30-9:30 PM Rent Guideline Board, Final Vote (Cooper Union, 7 E 7th St, ) Met Council on Housing, 212-979-6238 x204;;

06/24 Tue 8:30-2:30 PM, B’klyn Dev Disabilities Council’s 19th Annual Family Support Fair: A Vision for New Possibilities (B’klyn College, Student Union, Campus Rd. & E 27 St) Resource Fair & Workshops: Managing Medicaid & Medicaid Managed Care, Sleep Problems & Children with Autism & Autism Spectrum Disorders, Obesity & Nutrition, Transition to Adult Services & Entitlements 718- 642-8512, NY Families for Autistic Children-Joseph Baird 718 422-3227 Free to Consumers & Family / Breakfast Provided

06/25-26 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Bloomington, IN) increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 05/01

07/08 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Autism Spectrum Disorder & Employment - effective communication, understanding social challenges & the hidden curriculum, behavior support, production competence & interdependence.

07/09-10 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Eugene, OR) A free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 05/22

07/13-17, Workforce Innovations 2008: Success Decoded (New Orleans) workforce development, business, economic development, education, community-based organizations & philanthropy

08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA and Website Accessibility: recent legal developments and their potential implications.

09/8-10, NYAIL: Taking Action for Independence: Confrontation and Controversy (Desmond, Albany)

09/09 Sun 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible,& Integrated Housing (Chicago IL) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. Hotel rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324

09/09 2-2:45 PM, Webcast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services & how substance use qualifies as a disability.

09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Nevele Grande, Ellenville NY)

09/29 Mon 2 PM, E-Learning & Accessibility - strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning.

11/07-09 Fri-Sun, ACDNY Convention () MacArthur Holiday Inn, Ronkonkoma, LI) Lori Scharff 516-887-1336

Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - 888-342-3428.or - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA)a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers WDs . Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues. - The National Bar Association (Crump Law Camp) 07/06 -19/08 is currently accepting applications from HS students (14 – 17) interested in learning about the American Judicial System . Deadline: 4/30The deadline for submitting an application is April 30, 2008. The Summer Law Camp will run from. Tuition assistance for the cost of the two week camping experience will vary depending on family income and number of dependents in the family. 4 Wheel City on this month's BBC Ouch radio podcast with host Mat Fraser and special guest co-host Kiruna Stamell. Check us out as we kick it with UK rapper mc wheels and represent for hip hop and the disability movement here in NYC Check you state’s training requirements for nursing assistants,

Paid Family Leave - Each year, millions of American workers want to take family leave to take care of children, sick or disabled family members, or take care of their own health -- but they simply can’t afford to take the time off. Only about 10% of workers have access to paid family leave. But two states – CA & NJ -- have recently established paid family leave programs, showing that action at the state level can help propel this issue forward. With your help, we have a very good chance of getting the proposed New York paid family leave program through the Senate this year or nextIf you would like to endorse the campaign, please issue a letter of support and/or send an email with the name of your organization, phone and email to Kalyani Thampi, - Newly Constructed 13 affordable rental Apartments at 1330 First Ave UES Inclusionary Apartments These units are being constructed through the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program of the City of New York's Department of Housing Preservation and Development. CMS has available approximately $13M in available funding to continue to support States' efforts to address complex issues in long-term care reform. In addition to approximately $8M in Real Choice Systems Change Grant funding, CMS was also awarded $5M for Aging & Disability Resource Center/Area Agencies on Aging grants.

Friday, April 11, 2008


The party to celebrate
Disability Awareness Month:

Thursday, April 17
Queens College
Student Union Bld. 4th Floor
65-30 Kissena Blvd.,
Flushing NY 11367
(Corner of Kissena Blvd. & Melbourne Ave.)

7pm - Midnight
Free Admission
Free Food

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Recurrent 1st Sun 1-2 PM, ASL Interpreted Living History tour (Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard St) Tickets: $17/adults, $13/students & seniors: ASL by reservation. Danielle Linzer, 212-431-0233 ext. 240/ TTY 212-431-0714 or

Recurrent 1st Mon 3-4 PM The Forgotten Constituency: How Voter Engagement Builds Power and Participation in PWDs Conference Dial-in Number: 605-990-0700 (South Dakota!) Access Code: 1025647# Learn about the ways in which non-partisan state-wide disability vote coalitions have succeeded in significantly increasing voter turnout of PWDs the largest identifiable bloc of non-voters

Recurrent 1st Mon 5:55 PM, CHADD - Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (65 E 89 St) Harold Meyer, 212-724-9699 or

Recurrent 2nd Mon 6 PM 504 Dems (332 E 29th St)

Recurrent 3rd Tues10 AM, B’klyn Consumer Council - (25 Flatbush Ave 2 Fl) 718-642-8512 or

Recurrent 4th Tues 2-3:30 PM, Man BP Disability Task Force (1 Centre St 19 floor south) Clarice Brown 212-669-8300

Recurrent 2nd Wed of the month, 2-3 PM, Women's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000

Recurrent 3rd Wed of the month 3-5 PM Bx Mental Health Council (Montefiore, Klau Pav Conf Rm 1, 111 E 210 St, Bx) info 718-231-3400 x 202 or

Recurrent 3rd Wed 6:30-7:45 PM, Late Deaf Support Group (HILC, 289 St. Nicholas Ave #21 Lower Level, 124-125 Sts) come together and support one another, to share our experience, strengthen, and hope. Light refreshments or

Recurrent 3rd Wed 2-3 PM, Men's Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) 718-998-3000

Recurrent every Thu 1-3 PM, BCID Peer Support Group (BCID, 27 Smith St Fl 2, B’Klyn) Call for information 718-998-3000

Recurrent every Fri 6:30-8:30 PM Wheelchair Dancing (Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St, 6th fl. (6th – 7th Ave) or 212 245 0004

Recurrent 3rd 7-10 PM, Fri ASL Tour (Rubin Museum of Art,150 W 17 St, meet at the bottom of the Spiral Staircase) learn about the culture, history, religions and sacred art of the Himalayan region. or Louise Brooks 212 620 5000 x328

Recurrent last Fri of the month 3-5 PM, NYC Peer Network Group: Hearing Voices Group: (Community Access, 666 Broadway, 4FL Conf Rm, Bleecker-Bond Sts) Share your beliefs on what “the voices” are & learn how others experience their “auditory hallucinations.” Your experience may be unique, but you are not alone..212-780-1400 Ext 7728

Recurrent last Sat of the month Free Legal Clinic: 2-2:30 for appts -5 PM, Free Legal Clinic (PSGDC, 1 Prospect Park W & President, enter on President ramp at green awning) Riley MacLeod 718-499-7701 x137 / AAR: drop off: 1 Prospect Park W.)

Through 5/19 Mon, Thu 6-9:30 PM, Free College Prep & GED Classes For Veterans (LaGuardia Comm College, LIC) Veterans Services Center 718-482-5386 When asking about how you heard about the program, say: JB.

04/10 Thu 10-Noon, Brooklyn Systems Change Network (BCID, 27 Smith St, Suite 200) Goals: Accessible pedestrian intersections, Access to health care facilities & the list goes on. Together we can change Brooklyn through education & empowerment. RSVP & accommodation request by 04/07 Voice 718-998-3000, TTY 718-998-7406 Light refreshments

*new 04/10 Thu12:15-1:45 PM, Where Does the Money Go? Your Guided Tour to the Federal Budget Crisis (220 Fifth Ave. 5th fl, 27 St) a discussion with authors Scott Bittie & Jean Johnson,; RSVPs and info 212-389-1417

04/10 Thu 6:30 PM, Lectures in Disability Studies Rosemarie Garland-Thomson- The Politics of Picturing Disability (CUNY Grad Center, 365 Fifth Ave, Room 3102 (Music Lounge) Accommodations 646.344.7313

04/10 Thu 7 PM, Learn how the Att Gen’s Office can help the Oneida County Community (Mohawk Valley Comm College Theatre 1101 Sherman Dr, Utica) Info & Complaint 800-771-7755/ TTY 800-788-9898 Refreshments will be served. WC accessible & ASL interpolators 631-231-2424 or

04/10-11 Thu-Fri, Disability Law: From tenBroek to the 21st Century (Jernigan Inst, Baltimore, MD) symposium bringing together the nation's top disability law scholars, practitioners, & advocates to examine the current status of US & international disability law & discuss future change in US disability law Questions - Lou Ann Blake 410-659-9314 ext 2221 Voice & Relay

04/11 Fri 10-4 PM, Job Developer & Employment Specialist Training (Bergen Co Comm College, 400 Paramus Rd, Paramus) Training Professionals to Develop Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities Let Hire Disability Solutions Share Their Proven Successful Placement Techniques Call 718-663-6720 to register. Limited Seating Available

04/13 Sun Noon-Board, 1:30 PM meeting (Selis Manor 135 W 23 St, 6- 7 Ave) Agenda: ADA & Mental Health Issues & Important food stamp changes for seniors & disabled!

04/14 Mon 8:30-11 AM, 4th Annual Tony Coelho Lecture -Disability Employment Law & Policy, Senator Richard J. Durbin (New York Law School, 47 Worth St) Sen. Durbin (IL) has a distinguished record of working to break down the barriers that exclude PWDs; 212-431-2314.
Register to attend:
Simulcast registration:

04/14 Mon 6 PM, 504 Dems Meeting (332 E 29th St) 917-733-3794

*new 04/15 Tues 8:30-11 AM, Senior Umbrella Network of B’klyn (SUN-B) "Medication Safety - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!" (New York Aquarium - Oceanic Deck) focus on medication safety focused at older Americans, how to ensure seniors take their medications safely and promptly, statistical data about medication errors and how technology can assist in ensuring safety., free of charge.

04/15 Tue 8 PM, National Youth Leadership Network (NYLN) teleconference & webcast Are you ready to vote in the 08 election? Are you ready to show Washington & the nation, the power of the disability vote? If so, this is the event for you: The process of voting; Ways to register to vote; Voter registration tips; Accessibility at the voting booth; How to become an informed voter; the history of PWDs & the right to vote; Statistics on voting & PWDs; Voting legislation (laws that affect PWDs), The importance of PWDs using the right to vote & Help youth WDs catch the power of the disability vote! Questions: 866.480.6565.

*new 04/16 Wed 7 PM, Elijah Wapner (Mr. Inevitable) of of MTV True Life: I’m Autistic & screening of Autism: The Musical (JCC-Manhattan 334 Amsterdam Avenue, 76 St) Followed by a Director Tricia Regan will be on hand for a Q&A A limited number of FREE tickets are available. Pre-registration is required. Please call 646-505-4460 to reserve your tickets.

04/16 Wed 8:45-11 AM, A Breakfast Symposium: Chemical Dependency Councils (125 Barclay St, 140 Park Place (DC37) Conf Rms 1-2) Help Shape the Future of Alcohol & Other Drug Use Services Find Out How You Can Get Involved :Metrocards for consumers / participants. RSVP registration preferred. Contact 212-219-5524 or

*new 04/16 Raising Friends, Raising Funds: An Introduction to Raising Money from Individuals (Lower Manhattan) RSVP by: Mon 4/07 Info: Walt Wells at Cause Effective 212-643-7093 or Register: Or 212-643-7093

*new 04/17 Thu 9:30AM, NYC TLC Public Hearing (40 Rector St) proposes adoption of MPG (green) rules for black cars Request for a sign language interpreter or other reasonable accommodation for a disability:,b7y 4/11 212-676-1117 / Fax: 212-676-1102 / TTY/TDD: 212-341-9569 Let the Mayor & TLC know we want accessible vehicles not just green ones!

04/17 Thu 8:30-4 PM, 2nd Annual Brain Injury in the Community Conference: Brain Injury: In the Community: Giving Voice to the Silent Epidemic (75 Morton St) Limited scholarships for individuals with brain injury. 518 459-7911

*new 04/18 Fri 9 AM_1 PM The Latino Community: Up in Smoke (Hostos Comm College, 120 Et 149 St, Walton Ave 2nd Multi-Purpose Room) Wynnie Lamour at WLAMOUR@NLCATP.ORG or 212.334.5738

*new 04/19 Sat, Sandra Schnur Memorial Seder (At a location in Manhattan) Sandra Schnur was a founder of Concepts of Independence & was instrumental in the introduction of wheelchair lifts in buses & pedestrian ramps & the author of what was perhaps the first wheelchair access guide (to NYC).This event is held annually in her memory for PWDs, their families & friends. She believed all PWDs should be able to celebrate holidays, particularly when those without families.RSVP Marvin at 212-254-9254 or Marty at 212-684-6287 or

04/21-24 Mon-Thu, 2008 Mobility Planning Services Inst (Wash DC) teams of leaders from disability & transportation share info & strategies to improve access

04/22-Tue, NYAPRS 4th Annual Executive Seminar Systems Transformation Innovative Strategies in Program, Practice & Funding That Promote Wellness & Recovery (Albany)

*new 04/22 Tue, Public Hearing on Campaign Finance Board (the CFB) adopted proposed amendments to the Cob's Rules.(CFB, 40 Rector St, 7th Floor) These proposed amendments are now available for public comment 212-306-7100.

*new 04/23 Wed performance Noon-1 PM & Workshop 6-7:30 PM, National Theatre of the Deaf, The Little Theatre of the Deaf (Columbia Univ) “Beware the Brindlebeast". lecture & demonstration of performance techniques. Performed in voice & ASL, Free & open to the public Children are encouraged to attend the performance. RSVP if 10+ 212.854.2388.

*new 04/24 Thu 6 PM Housing Here & Now (Diversity Center 7611 37th Ave Jackson Heights) Chloe: 212 643-3464 x103

*new 04/24 Thursday April 24 at 7PM: Housing Here & Now (1 Centre Street, 19 floor South) Maggie: 212 608-4320/

04/24 Thu 7-1 PM, Insight For New Housing Inc.(Housing For The Blind &Visually Impaired) Fund Raiser (Maestros, 1704 Bronxdale Ave, Bx) Honoring: Monsignor Donald Secano, founder of Highbridge Community HDFC; Christina Curry, Harlem Independent Living Center & Staff; & Max Knobbe, BronxNet TV/ Tickets $75 (open bar & hot buffet): or Greg Bell 718-293-3100 ext17 or 917-833-3699 (I went last year, it was great!)

04/25 Fri 6-8 PM, Spring Has Sprung For Children & Adults Benefiting Helping Hands Initiative (JW Tumbles, 6264 Amboy Rd, SI) Cost: $10/Children & $15/Adults (Credit Cards Accepted) Pizza; Soda; Juice; Cake; Coffee & Games RSVP: by 03/22 718-356-4737

04/26 Sat Noon, 4th Annual Mental Health Film Festival: Employment (St Francis College, 180 Remsen St, B’klyn) Noon Work Works, 1 PM Working Like Crazy 2:15 pm—4:00 Discussion & Lunch 4:00 pm Film To be announced / Tickets $5.00 in advance , $7.00 at the door Contact Carla at:212-780-1400 Ext 7726

04/26-30 Sat-Wed, ADAPT Community: 25 Years of Activism & Counting. Grassroots Actions (Washington DC) Info 512-442-0252 or 303-733-9324

04/26 Beyond Our Wildest Dreams - 2008 Annual Conference (Holiday Inn, 205 Wolf Road, Albany) 518-438-1113 fax 518- 438-2716

04/27-28 Sun-Mon, Families Together in NYS Annual Conference: Youth Development: Start Early! Start Now! (Albany)

*new 04/30-05/01 Wed – Thu NYS Dem Spring Meetings (Saatoga Hilton)

*new 4/30 Wed 2 PM, NYCT-ADA Compliance Coordination Committee Meeting (NYCT, 2 Broadway, 20th Floor Conference Room) Key Station Plan Update & Induction Loop Presentation, Q&A Accomodations: sign language interpreter, assistive listening device or any other type of assistance, 646-252-3053. RSVP & photo id required to enter building RSVP by 5 PM Mon 4/28

04/30 Wed 2 PM ADA Paratransit by Marilyn Golden, DREDF (Part V of Transportation Series)

05/01 Thu, ADAPT 25th Anniversary: BBQ, Exhibition & Show (Washington DC) Food, music, exhibits, history, multi-media, Faces & Voices from ADAPT’s Past 512-442-0252 or 303-733-9324

*new 05/01 Thu 7PM: Housing Here & Now (Flatbush Location TBA) Julie: 212 608-5122

*new 05/05 Wed 6:30-9 PM, Cinco de Mayo cocktail reception for re-election of FL Cong Robert Wexler (Azza Restaurant & Lounge, 137 E 55 St, 3 –Lex) Contribution level: $100-2,300) RSVP

*updated 05/07 Tue 10-3 PM ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Holiday Inn, 503 Washington Ave, Kingston) improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in NYS accommodations Laurie Tirpak 845-454-8229

*new 05/07 disThis Film Series 2nd anniversary celebration (DCTV @ The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) Play "Vegetable, Vegetable or Vegetable" LIVE & IN PERSON with Mat Fraser & Liz Carr from BBC's OUCH podcast $5 donation. ASL interpretation & audio description available upon request. Space is wheelchair accessible. Snacks are provided & there is a cash bar for drinks, RSVP: 212.284.4160 or

*new 05/07 Wed, Raising Friends…Raising Funds: An All-Day Introduction to Raising Money from Individuals (Lower Manhattan) Info Walt Wells at Cause Effective 212-643-7093 or RSVP by: Fri 4/25 Or 212-643-7093

*updated 05/08 Thu 10-3:30 PM, ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Fordham Univ, Pope Auditorium 155 W 60 St) improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in NYS accommodations Curletta McClanhan-Michael 212-330-1651

*new 05/08 Thu 8:30 - 4 PM Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Association of NYS 6th Annual Conference (Crowne Plaza Albany State & Lodge St, Albany) Joe Baker - the need to restructure NYS’s Long Term Care System and the importance of CDPAS in these efforts & People First Listening Forums and their implications NYS health policy Workshops Nursing Home Transition Waiver, Workforce Development, NY Connects, Corporate Compliance-False Claims Act Workshop, & Consumer Panel.

*new 05/08 Thu 5-7 PM, NAMI Bronx Families and Advocates Mary Beth Pfeiffer discusses her book Crazy in America: The Hidden Tragedy of our Criminalized Mentally Ill (Bx Psychiatric, Parker Building - Dept. of Psychiatry, 1500 Water Place - First Floor) Examines the fate of people with mental illness who tangle with treacherous and unforgiving criminal justice system. People suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and other mental illnesses are incarcerate because there is no viable alternative and are punished for behavior that is psychotic rather than criminal Paulina Magnetti 718-862-3347

*new 05/08 Thu 7 PM, Housing Here & Now Far Rockaway event - St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Church at 1920 New Haven Avenue (Joya: 917 734-8050/

*new 05/08 Thu 7 PM,: Housing Here & Now (North Presbyterian Church, 529 W 155 St & B’way) Chloe: 212 643-3464 x103 /

05/08-09 Thu-Fri National Symposium on Strengthening the HCBS Direct Service Workforce (Baltimore, MD) addressing workforce issues across age & disability consumer populations. Register:

*updated 05/09 Fri 10-3 PM, ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Childrew4n’s Mental Health Plan (Sagamore Children's Psychiatric Center, 197 Half Hollow Rd, Dix Hills) improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in NYS accommodations Lisa Legendre 631-761-2820

05/10 Sat 9 AM NAMI WALKS NYC (South Street Seaport / Brooklyn Bridge) DIA/504 & 504 North Star are forming a team(s) for info

*rescheduled 05/12 Mon, NYS Assembly Disability Awareness Day (Albany)

05/12-14 Mon-Wed, ADA Symposium (America's Center St Louis, MO) brings together key federal agencies involved in implementing the ADA, including the U.S. DOJ, the U.S. Access Board & EEOC to provide comprehensive training and updates.

05/12-14 Mon-Wed, National ADA Symposium & Expo: Conference on the ADA & Disability Law (St. Louis, MO)

*new 05/14 Wed, Developing the Framework for Healthy People 2020: Public Comment Meeting (US Customs House, 1 Bowling Green) A comprehensive, nationwide health promotion & disease prevention agenda designed to serve as a roadmap for improving the health of all people in the US REGISTRATION:

05/15 Thu, 10th Annual Gov’s Expo on Assistive Technology - Technology Opens Doors (Empire State Plaza Convention Center Albany, NY) exhibits & workshops on assistive devices & services; tutorials in accessible web development.

*new 05/15 Thu 7 PM,: Housing Here & Now (St. Jerome’s Church, 230 Alexander Ave, 138 St, Soh Bx) Joya: 917 734-8050/

*new 05/15 Thu 7 PM, Housing Here & Now (Bushwick location TBA) Irene 718 418-7690 x231

05/15-16 Thu-Fri, Pedestrian Safety Informational Summit (Comfort Inn Suites, 99 Miller Rd, Castleton, NY) accessible pedestrian signals, tactile warnings & growing traffic safety concerns regarding hybrid vehicles 516-599-6220 or

05/18 Sun AIDS Walk NY (Central Park) Anthony Trocchia is participating & looking for sponsors

05/19, Mon 2 PM, Accessible Computer Applications –Accessibility issues with common workplace computer applications and how to make them accessible

05/20 Tue 2-2:45 PM :Web cast: Public Policy Strategy in Support of Organizational Change - focuses on realizing a future characterized by state &federal commitment to supported employment: strategies to impact public policy; an understanding of adequate funding & funding mechanisms for employment services & supports.

05/20 Tue 6 PM Video messages of support to our troops! (HBO Theater – 1100 6th Ave at 42 St) WHAT: “THANK YOU FOR SERVING” gala preview “Thank You For Serving” video, Keynote speakers, celebrities from Broadway, film and television giving their ‘thank you for serving’. On giant boards, write you thank you it is bering video taped to be shown to troops on military bases & USO Units & VA Centers. RSVP required by 5/09 to 212-693-1001 or

*new 05/21 Wed 2 PM, Tea Time Tour L Action/Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning, and American Art, ASL Interperated Tour and Reception (Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave, 92 St). A light reception will follow the tour. Register: 212.423.3225 or This program is free. Advance registration is required. Space is limited.

*updated 05/27 Tue 10-3 PM ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Bohn's Restaurant, 5256 Clinton St, Batavia) improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in NYS accommodations Patti Sugg 716-885-4219 Ext. 221

*updated 05/28 Wed 10-3 PM ‘08 Forums & Dialogues Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Children’s Mental Health Plan (Renaissance Syracuse Hotel, 701 E Genesee St, Syracuse) improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in NYS accommodations Mary Rathbun 315-426-3930

05/27-29 International Conference on Self-Determination (Detroit MI) panel discussions & roundtables organized by topic with a diversity of moderators & cross-disability panels. 810-231-6364,

06/02-03 Mon-Tue, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Wash DC) free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 3/27

06/04 Wed 9-11 AM, Pre-Booking Jail Diversion/Crisis Intervention Teams (Fordham Univ, 140 W 62 St, Columbus) Register / Lisa Ortega or 646-260-6575

06/10 2-2:45 PM: Webcast: Creative Employment Strategies - process of customizing jobs and supports and the outcomes that can be achieved will be highlighted. Practical strategies for establishing individualized employment teams, implementing customized employment, accessing nontraditional resources, and addressing local service delivery issues will be presented.

06/10-14 Tues-Sat, 20th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (Portland, Maine) assist to meet the unique needs of college students WDs. Carrol Waite 860-486-3321, fax:860-486-5799

*new 06/13-17, League Of Women Voters 48th National Convention: "Reaching New Heights Together" (Portland, OR) There will be workshops every day, briefings, caucuses, plenary sessions, exhibits, receptions, elections of national officers, and entertainment. Delegate spots are available and there is budget to assist members financially.

*new 06/18 07 disThis Film Series (DCTV, The Firehouse, 3rd Floor Screening Room 87 Lafayette St, Walker-White) fresh from their bombastic premiere at the SXSW Festival, disTHIS! is pleased to present the band "too hardcore for Radio 4" & the critically acclaimed documentary of the same name, Heavy Load! Did we mention they might gig, as well? $5 donation. ASL interpretation and audio description available upon request. Space is wheelchair accessible. Snacks are provided and there is a cash bar for drinks, RSVP: 212.284.4160 to reserve YOUR seat or

*new 06/24 Tue 8:30-2:30 PM, B’klyn Dev Disabilities Council’s 19th Annual…Family Support Fair: A Vision for New Possibilities (B’klyn College, Student Union, Campus Rd. & E 27 St) Free to Consumers & Family Breakfast Provided Resource Fair (70+ Agencies) Workshops: Managing Medicaid & Medicaid Managed Care, Sleep Problems & Children with Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Obesity &Nutrition, Transition to Adult Services & Entitlements 718- 642-8512, NY Families for Autistic Children Joseph Baird 718 422-3227

06/25-26 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Bloomington, IN) A free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 05/01

07/08 2-2:45 PM,Web cast: Autism Spectrum Disorder & Employment - an overview & practical suggestions for supporting learners to be competent, productive, and socially included coworkers and colleagues. Includes issues related to effective communication, understanding social challenges & the hidden curriculum, behavior support, production competence and interdependence.

07/09-10 Wed –Thu, Using All Transportation Options: ADA & Beyond (Eugene, OR) A free “train-the-trainer” initiative to increase accessible transportation in your community Deadline 05/22

07/13-17, Workforce Innovations 2008: Success Decoded (New Orleans) Promoting collaboration among leaders from workforce development, business, economic development, education, community-based organizations and philanthropy

08/11 Mon 2 PM, ADA and Website Accessibility: recent legal developments and their potential implications.

*new 09/8-10, NYAIL - Taking Action for Independence: Confrontation and Controversy (Desmond, Albany)

09/09 Sun 10-4 PM Adapt Forum: Disability Rights in Housing: Affordable, Accessible,& Integrated Housing (Chicago IL) National Advocacy Commitment For Systems Change In Housing. For rooms: Tisha 303/733-9324

09/09 2-2:45 PM, Web cast: Substance Abuse & Employment - substance abuse & employment with a focus on how it impacts disability services & how substance use qualifies as a disability.

09/24-25 Wed –Thu, NYAPRS 26th Annual Conference (Nevele Grande, Ellenville NY)

09/29 Mon 2 PM, Learning & Accessibility - As e-Learning expands, the gap will widen between those who can fully benefit & those who will be excluded because of inaccessible design includes strategies for businesses to improve their knowledge & implementation of accessible e-Learning.

*new 11/07-09 Fri-Sun, ACDNY Convention () MacArthur Holiday Inn, Islip-, LI) Lori Scharff 516-887-1336

Duane Reade Accessibility Problems - Gavin Kearney 888-342-3428.or - Empire State Voting Watch Dogs – NY Disabled Getting Equal Voting Access (NYDGEVA)a coalition seeking to resolve barriers impeding equal voting access for NYers WDs . Our goal is to bring all aspects of the disability community together to become educated and mobilized to work on voting access issues. If you were wondering how NYS is getting it's budget done, check out this YouTube video - NCIL Voting Rights Position Paper
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