
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Guide dog in a kill-shelter in Louisiana, updated!

In case you heard of the plight of the guide dog in a kill-shelter in Louisiana, she has been rescued. I just got off the phone with Robert Wilson the coordinator of the LA State Independent Living Council Susie will continue her service with a young girl with vision loss in Mississippi.

Susie was not a formally trained guide dog, which is why she was not returned to her training school. When Susie's person went into a nursing home, the family didn't know what to do with her, so they took Susie to the animal shelter.

After Katrina & Rita. the shelter staff and volunteers got very good at utilizing the web to place animals. So they posted Susie's story on the web. Numerous animal lovers and service animal users have called the shelter from as far as Colorado.

The director of the CIL in Lafayette was ready to go adopt Susie but instead she will continue her work in Mississippi.

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