
Friday, August 27, 2010

ACTION ALERT: Veterans' Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Act

ACTION ALERT: Urge Gov. Paterson to Sign the Veterans' Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Act

Take Action!

Action: The Veterans Mental Health Act and Chemical Dependency Act (A11098/S7961) has been sent to the Governor for his signature. This legislation, which passed the Assembly and Senate with overwhelming majorities earlier this year, calls on the New York state government to create a comprehensive, long-term plan for addressing the mental health and substance abuse needs of veterans, current service members, and their families. Governor Paterson has 10 days to act. The Governor's office needs to hear from us NOW!

Call and E-mail the Governor’s Office Urging Him to Sign the Legislation!

To call the Governor, dial 518-474-8390 and leave the following message:

"I'm calling to urge Governor Paterson to sign A11098/S7961 into law immediately. These bills recognize the debt that New York State owes the men and women who have risked their lives in service to our nation by calling for the development of a veterans’ mental health and chemical dependency plan in New York State.”

To E-mail the Governor, click the Take Action button above.


A.11098/S.7961 calls for the development of a long-range and comprehensive plan to address the mental health and chemical dependency needs of veterans and their families. This plan would address many of the biggest threats to veterans who suffer from physical and mental disabilities—the lack of available services, the lack of accessible housing, the risk of suicide, unemployment and more.

This legislation will lay the groundwork for making it easier to get help for the millions of men and women who risked their physical and mental health in defense of our country.

MHANYS Mental Health Update--Veterans Mental Healthand Link to DRAFT 5.07 Plan

At the Mental Health Association of New York State, we are very proud to work with an affiliate network of 31 MHA’s across New York State in 54 counties. Our affiliates are always working on innovative community programs, trainings and advocacy. Whether the issue has been Timothy’s Law, veterans’ mental health, medication accessibility, workforce issues, geriatric mental health, parents with psychiatric disabilities, employment, juvenile justice, suicide prevention, housing, youth in transition or many other issues, the MHA network has been among the leaders in the field. If you would like more information about the state MHA and our affiliates, you can go to

Two prime examples from just the last few days

The MHA in Westchester County has been identified as one of the state’s leaders in the transformation of the mental health system. In page 103 of this year’s Draft 5.07 plan, the work of Westchester MHA and the entire county is highlighted. Congratulations to the MHA in Westchester County for their innovative work. The link to the 5.07 plan is listed above.

The MHA in NYC and the MHA in Nassau County have been among the leaders in the fight for the Veterans Mental Health Act. Below is a Gannett article highlighting the need for the Veterans Mental Health Act. Hopefully through their persistence and tireless advocacy and that of the entire community, Governor Paterson will sign this bill into law.

Advocates Urge Governor To Sign Bill To Help Veterans
Albany Watch Gannett News August 23, 2010
Mental-health and veterans advocates said they are calling and e-mailing Gov. David Paterson’s office to urge him to sign the Veterans Mental Health Act and Chemical Dependency Act. The legislation, which passed the Assembly and Senate with large majorities, would require that the state create a long-term plan to address the mental-health and substance-abuse needs of veterans, active service members and their families.

The Mental Health Association of New York State said the legislation would address a number of the biggest threats to veterans with physical and mental disabilities—lack of available services, lack of affordable and accessible housing, the risk of suicide, unemployment, the special needs of female veterans and other issues.

The bill was sent to the governor last Wednesday, and the governor has 10 days, not including Sundays, to act on it.

“This Act would provide crucial support for the one million veterans in New York State and many millions more family members of veterans,” Giselle Stolper, head of the Mental Health Association of New York City, said in a statement. “We urge Governor Paterson to sign it quickly. Our veterans deserve it.”
Veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have high rates of mental-health and substance-abuse disorders, according to advocates. They are twice as likely as the general population to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression or substance abuse; have twice the risk of suicide; are more than twice as likely to be homeless; and are 20 percent more likely to be unemployed. The impact on their families can include divorce, and children at a higher risk of emotional difficulties and struggles in school.


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